I must confess, I've often passed by the fabric markers in the craft store thinking they were for kiddos. But one day I decided to give them a chance and picked up a pack. I'm so glad I did! These markers are really fun to work with and the best part is, after 24 hours of dry time they are permanent and machine washable!
1. Supplies Needed: Fabric Markers (I used a medium tip), Tape and a cloth surface (I used a fabric covered journal) 2. Tape a geometric shape on your surface. You can do sometime simple, like I did, or something more personal like a monogram. 3. Fill the inside of your shape with lines. I used a cross hatching technique and kept my spacing pretty consistent, but not perfect. 4. Remove tape to reveal beautiful clean lines!
I love how to clean lines contrast with the imperfect hand drawings! Now, I can't wait to use this technique on a larger surface! xoxo. Elsie
Love this idea! Awesome for dinner napkins!
Such a cute idea!
Love the hand-drawn aspect mixed with clean, crisp lines. Oh the projects that this could be used on 🙂
This is a great idea with endless possibilties, particularly if you cut your own stencils.
So, is this the type of markers that can write on white shoes, because I’ve been wanting to do that.
I will definitely be trying this! Such a nice way to personalise books and stationary!
Kendall xox
This is such a rad idea; my daughter just got a ton of fabric markers for her birthday, so I think we’ll have to incorporate this idea into our clothing art!
great idea!
I never used fabric pens, They look so fun! Thanks for the inspiration, Elsie! 🙂
And… One more vote for you!
good idea!! i’m going to try it!!
You come up with so many incredible ideas! Such an inspiration!
Love it! I always pass up the fabric markers too but I might have to pick up a pack after seeing this cute project! 🙂
I love this idea. It’s so cute!
you have the neatest (pun not intended) DIY ideas!
I’m so in love with your blog girls, all your projects are great, but your pictures… simply awesome. I just started my DIY blog a few weeks ago, and all your posts about photography tips are being so useful for me. You guys are artists!!
love this idea! would be fun to cover books in fabric and draw on them!
Neat idea Elsie! Thanks for sharing!
I’ll definitely give this a try next time I need a fresh notebook! Thanks for the idea.
loooove it! why didn’t i think of that first? haha 🙂
This looks so fun and pretty, I like the way you did that 🙂
i love how this fun idea can be transformed into so many different projects! great idea
Awesome idea! I love the simple look of that:) Also, I voted for you!
Stephanie May*
What a great idea, thank you so much for sharing.xx
I LOVE fabric pens! I use them a lot:)
You are giving me so many ideas for gifts! Love this!
that’s really fun! 🙂
I think you’re SO totally deserving of that award. Especially over the past few months you are constantly posting DIY projects that are original, inspiring and beautifully photographed. That’s a really rare thing here in Blog Land. It makes me wish I had more hours in the day. : ) Good luck! I’m rooting for A Beautiful Mess!
I LOVE THIS. completely understated and beautiful.
Top idea. Funky design!
My brains just exploded! I always thought they were for kids, too! Imma have to get a lil more open minded in the craft store!
Ah so cute! I want some of these now 🙂
this idea is so great! I’ll try this out too.
That turned out awesome!
♥ sécia
Great idea!!
Great idea, I’ll add this to my list of projects to try.
Such a cool idea ! I’ll definitely give it a try !
Simple yet so effective !!
Love this! Such a simple and fun idea 🙂 Just need a rainy day now to try it out!
Love this! I can’t wait to get some fabric markers!
I LOVE fabric markers! This is a great idea for a gift/personalization when you can’t find that perfect looking book!
looks fun
text for free at
Looks so fun and easy!
Congratulations for the project and for being a finalist there!
I got here by Pinterest and I thought: “this same blog again! amazing how many cool things they have… ”
You ve got my vote!
As soon as I try your technique I ll post it on my blog and paste a link here!
Love kids craft items being used for grown up things!
Such a great idea!
This is such a great idea! I have plenty of fabric markers (in particular a set of sharpie-fabric markers) but am often at a loss as to how to make them work for more ‘grown-up’ projects. This is perfect! I’m curious as to how this would work on a plain jersey knit…if it would come out as crisp and clean around the edges? Maybe with the help of some ironed-on freezer paper. MUST try! Thank you!
Wow I love this look.
I have heaps of boring journals as well, so this is bound to pretty them up!
Love it!
I heard you have interns who make all the projects for you. You should give them credit for their work!
I’m so going to try this. It’s too incredibly cute! I love all you DIY projects so much! http://totallycreativeness.blogger.com
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im gonna try this!!! thxxx x 1,000,000
Regards from Italy ♥
Where did you find your cloth journal?
Love this idea! We posted it on craftgawker!
Maria at gawkerverse
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I love your blog!
It looks awesome! I definitely want to try this, but I was wondering where you got the journal that was shown in this post? Thanks! 😀
This is an excellent idea! I would like to try myself.