Handpainting something is a fun and easy way to turn a store-bought gift into a personalized gift. With a little bit of masking tape and acrylic paint, I turned this ukelele into a special gift that reflects my little one's personality.
I removed the strings and sanded the ukelele before I started my painting process. I applied several coats of paint and then masked off the sides with masking tape to create the stripes.
Happy painting! xo. Katie
Now I want one!!!
this is so adorable!!!
This is cute! I’d love to try something similar but using henna.
Thanks for the inspiration Katie am loving your contributions!
Becky xo
Where did you get the ukelele and was it hard to restring it?
that is ridicuously cute! i used to own a ukelele as a kid and i believe it’s time to bring another one in to my life…
So sweet! This would make great decor for a little girls room – maybe on a book shelf? I’ll be pinning this to reference later π
xx Ashleigh
such a cute idea!
Taht is great idea. My small cousin love to play. That would be a greta present for him. Have a nice day.
Beautiful work! I love the quirky design and personal touch. And the ukulele is always fun to play and make great gifts. π
Need one!
MY DAILY OUTFITS IN http://cravigforbarneys.com
How sweet! Next stop – painted accordion?
Your daughter’s outfit is sooo cute, and so’s the uke :3 Where’d you get it?
This is such a fun idea! And musical gifts are the best. π
Hope is gorgeous!! She is growing up to be such a beautiful young lady! And that hand painted uke suits her well! What an amazing gift idea!! I gave one to my boyfriend last year for christmas and never thought to paint it! You guys are so so good!
i do this to all my ukeleles, too! it’s so much fun and a great way to stand out in the ukelele crowd π
So cute!
polka dots and stripes and a cute girl? this is really sweet katie. such a great idea!
Zephyr- the ukelele was from Amazon and it really wasn’t hard to restring at all. If you have any trouble there are online tutorials to help.
awww this is adorable! and so is your daughter! (:
xo, Clare
k … if my mom had given me a polka dotted instrument as a child I would totally have been more willing to learn. Such a cute tutorial!
Gosh, this post it so stinkin cute!
What a great idea, Katie! I love this, being a ukulele player myself.
What a cute idea.
Love the amazing new look you gave to the ukelele!
Fang Ting
I love this! My four year old son loves guitars {my hubby plays}, and we gave him a cheapo “student” one that I had when I wanted to learn. He’s been heck on it, though. I think a hand painted ukelele might be just the thing he needs… And if he destroys it, well… It’s okay.
I am a ukulele player and I have always wanted to paint my first ukulele, which was a beginner(cheap) one very similar to the one you bought. I work at a museum where I write/give history based field trip tours and the kids often have to wait for the rest of their group to arrive, rather restlessly. I decided to learn to play ukulele specifically because it’s great for kid’s music and kid’s love it (c’mon, it’s their size!), to play them music while they wait. As a player I should let you know that if you have a ukulele around a child they WILL want to play it. It’s like a magnet for them. They can’t resist! And, of course, that means they drop it and pluck strings sometimes too. So if you’re going to play, having one like this that’s FOR them and it’s ok for them to touch (as opposed to a more expensive one) is great and I can’t wait to make my kid ukulele even more kid friendly! So cute!
PS I would encourage everyone to learn to play! I’m not very musical and am one of those girls that had tried to learn guitar at least 5 times in my life and learned NOTHING. But this little baby is easy to play, easy on the fingers, and if you learn 3 chords and how to strum you’re a ukulele player. And people LOVE it. Easy, cute, sweet sounding, and there’s a million free ways online to learn.
cute, but this is only a good idea for cheapo instrument toys. otherwise sanding and painting can ruin instruments!!! Don’t do this for anything valuable!!!
Great Idea!!! Love this!
Too cute! I’d be afraid I wouldn’t be able to put the strings back together!!
So cute, it gives it just that little bit more personality π xx
Cute π
I got my little cousin a ukelele too… !
Wow! What a great idea! My kids have been asking for instruments so I’m absolutely going to try this out!
Ukulele my favorite..amazing.
So beautiful! Something perfect for someone crafty to give to someone musically inclined!
That is cute! I want to learn how to play the ukelele.
super cute, but i would be careful to use discretion. painting a wooden instrument (especially a small strung instrument) will change the sound. so a cheap gift for a child is great! but i would pass on painting great grand dad’s heirloom! π
it’s EXACTLY your style!
What a great gift for the little one! I’m sure she loved it; she looks very happy. I really like the idea, it’s so cute and it’s a gift you can personalize for practically for everyone. Love it!
Happy holidays β₯
So sweet! X
Just wanted to say I’ve really enjoyed seeing Katie’s projects here on A Beautiful Mess, I can always tell when it’s one of her projects cause I always want to go make it right away! Loving the new content.
Colorful ukeleles. What a wonderful idea. π
This is super cute. Hope looks adorable too.
Very nice and unique idea!
Too cute!
so adorable!
don’t have a ukelele to paint, but this gives me a great idea to pain my son’s twin bed with polka dots! LOVE.
http://www.momcounsel.com (design and law blog)
so stinkin cute!
So cute! I need to try this!
What a great idea!!! I have two ukes, a “nice” one and my first one, a cheapie. Really tempted to paint my cheapie uke now. π
Love the colors you have chosen
I’m not sure what to do with a ukelele but it’s a super cute idea!
Amazingly ukelele!! x
What a great idea! A ukelele is such a cheerful sounding instrument and now you’ve added a look to go with that. Can’t help but smile looking at it.
This is beautiful! Learning the ukelele is something I have wanted to do for a while, and to have one this cute? now im twice and eager π
What a great and wonderful idea! I loved the colors that were used for this, and the overall sweetness of the design. Great job!
Ha, I have a friend who plays the ukulele and who would love something like this! Great gift idea, thanks!
i’d love to have one π
I looove the stripes on the side! Great, easy idea to use tape. I just posted about a ukulele I painted for my friend awhile ago. Check it out on my blog if you like!
Cute! I want to make one for myself! I would need help restringing it, but it would be pretty cool, even if it is just for display.