It had to happen sooner or later. Jeremy and I love to travel, and when we do, we have a few things that we do a lot of—shopping and photo taking (for me), and trying as many Bloody Marys as possible (for him). It’s tradition.
I would venture to say that the Bloody Mary is the most versatile cocktail. Kinda weird to say that since it’s all mostly just tomato juice, but there are just so many savory combinations you can try that it never ends. One of our favorite local bars (Scotch & Soda) makes a pretty mean Guinness Bloody Mary as well. Anyway, all of that is to say it had to happen, and here it is… Drum roll, please…
Guinness Bloody Mary, serves one
2 cups Bloody Mary mix
1 pinch garlic powder
1 pinch black pepper
1 pinch cayenne pepper
juice of half a lime
1 ounce vodka
1 drop liquid smoke
1 bottle Guinness Extra Stout (you’ll use 3 ounces of it)
(for garnish)
celery salt
dill pickle
pepper jack cheese
To prepare your glass, just use lime juice on the outside of your rim and roll it in celery salt. Prepare a cocktail stick with a pickle, olive, and square of pepper jack cheese. Set aside.
In a shaker combine the Bloody Mary mix, garlic powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, lime juice, vodka, and liquid smoke. Add ice and shake it.
Pour the mixture into your prepared glass, and add ice. Pour 3 ounces of Guinness onto the top of your drink. Add your garnish. Done and done!
Sigh. It’s a thing of beauty, no?
If you haven’t tried this recipe yet, you’ve gotta. I’ve also seen recipes where there is no vodka, only Guinness, but I love it most when they’re both in there. It’s a perfect back porch drink. It’s warming up here in Missouri, so I’m seeing a lot of Bloody Marys on the porch in our immediate future. Yum! xx. Elsie

Guinness Bloody Mary
- 2 cups Bloody Mary mix
- 1 pinch garlic powder
- 1 pinch black pepper
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- juice of half a lime
- 1 ounce vodka
- 1 drop liquid smoke
- 1 bottle Guinness Extra Stout you'll use 3 ounces of it
(for garnish)
- celery salt
- dill pickle
- pepper jack cheese
- olive
To prepare your glass, just use lime juice on the outside of your rim and roll it in celery salt. Prepare a cocktail stick with a pickle, olive, and square of pepper jack cheese. Set aside.
In a shaker combine the Bloody Mary mix, garlic powder, black pepper, cayenne pepper, lime juice, vodka, and liquid smoke. Add ice and shake it.
Pour the mixture into your prepared glass, and add ice. Pour 3 ounces of Guinness onto the top of your drink. Add your garnish.
Credits// Author: Elsie Larson, Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with Piper from The Signature Collection.
That sounds crazy!!! I must try…
Myyyyyy gosh this looks amazing. I want one right now. Bloody mary’s are the most delicious drink ever.
The glass of wine I just poured is looking pretty lackluster next to this! It sounds and looks amazing! The dill pickle on top is definitely a bonus in my books. I tend to stick with wine in the winter months, but once patio season begins I always want to spice it up with fun drinks.
We used to drink “bloody beers” all the time – a mix of tomato juice, tobasco, and beer. This sounds like a bloody beer taken to the next level. I’ll definitely be making some of these for brunch on the deck this summer!! Thanks for the recipe.
He’ll. Bloody beer. I got hooked on that when I was at Ft.Hood and my neighbors in both sides were also soldiers, their wives were German. V8 and beer. Currently while at a bar I watched a bloody Mary bein made. I had to try it. Yes. I never had a bloody Mary. I drink Guinness. If I mix, I drink whiskey and mango juice. So anyhow….here I am at the bar with a bloody Mary and a Guinness. After the 3rd set (I had to have both!) I decided to dump some Guinness into my BM. Ohhh what a treat I found!
Sounds weird but I’ll have to give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
YUM! Definitely trying this one :).
I’d love to try your bloody mary recipes as Canadian caesar drinks. Love this idea!
This sounds delicious!
I am a big fan of Bloody Mary’s & their Canadian cousin- the Caesar 🙂 Unless I’m entertaining I tend to leave the work to bartenders.
One of my favorite things to do is grill a bit of bacon (or tofu bacon) on the spear first when I do make them- heaven!
Omnomnom! Where’d you get that shaker?
Thanks for the idea! Looks delicious.
I love Zing Zang! Seriously my favorite mix. My husband is a huge fan of Guinness so this could be a great drink for us!
i cant wait to try it!!!
looks yummmmm
I love Bloody Mary’s, so I may have to try this!
A local bagel shop out here in Oregon just started making Bloody Mary Cheddar bagels.. THEY ARE AMAZING. The perfect amount of savory & spicy to get the day going. Can’t wait to try out this recipe along side it! 🙂
Thanks for this! It’s a great recipe.
This needs to happen at my house STAT! Yum!
OK, wait – 2 CUPS of bloody mary mix, as in 16 oz? So it’s a 20 oz drink for one? Hmmm… I do not have glasses that large.
mmmmm sounds so good. where’s the video?! 🙂
Ooh… this looks rather more-ish. We’ve been enjoying a variation of sorts on this, which we’ve dubbed the Victor Charlie (derived from my better half’s name for it — the Vile Concoction), which is similar, but is rather part Bloody Caesar (the spicy Canadian cousin to the Bloody Mary)and half Corona (rather than Guiness), garnished with celery, a cherry tomato, and a celery salt rim. You try mine and I’ll try yours! Thanks for the post!
I absolutely adore a good Bloody Mary and Guinness. Sounds like a match made in heaven must try this. Especially love mine extra extra hot! Xx
This looks great !!
I love the little cocktail stick garnish on the top too, I always love when my drink comes with food !!!
Wonderful I will have to try this out !
I really want to try this…..mmmmm!
Love your shaker! Where is it from? And your house is so dreamy! Love having your blog back, I think mine is currently still down due to the typepad attack!
Why have you changed your domain name? It was hard to find you and I was really worried tbh!
yummmmy food
Even though I don’t like bloody mary’s or Guinness.. These photo’s are great and it makes me want to try it anyway!
My hub drinks his guinness with some black currant. (=
[a -southern france- lifestyle blog]
This cocktail looks great!
This looks awesome!! Perfection really. You’ve combined two of my favorite things!!
I didn’t know there was such a thing as bloody mary mix though. In Canada we just use tomato or clamato juice (I always get confused about Mary vs Ceaser…) and in Paris where I live now, it’s pretty hard to find a decent glass of either.
Very tasty, we’ll try it because we don’t like so much the beer…
Hallelujah. I’m about to head home from a semester in Ireland and I see a Guinness Bloody Mary + Irish Breakfast Return Brunch in my future…
Really interesting combo I’d have never thought to put Guinness in a Bloody Mary
I love the idea of this though my favorite bloody marry is still a using DIYed flavored Vodka (where you infuse store bought Vodka using chilli). Delish!
I want to be your friends so badly :)!! love all the food, the drinks, the decor and the parties.
Bloody Mary’s are quite possibly one of my favorite beverages EVER. But, with a Guinness?! THIS IS AMAZING!! I MUST TRY IT! There is a local brunch place here in Boston that has a “make your own” Bloody Mary bar. I fill mine with lots of garlic.. to garnish, I use asparagus and blue cheese filled olives… swoon.
I understand change, and change is good but I am saddened to see that my beloved go-to blog has become an on going advertisement for all things alcohol. I check this website every day for new inspirations, crafts & lifestyle tips but now, with all of the new contributors and the may hands in the pot I feel like I’m supposed to be a lover of alcoholic drinks to participate. What happened? Do you girls really drink this much? Is anyone monitoring the amount of cocktail posts are published or is this by design? It seems as though you’re being sponsored by alcohol companies to push their product. I’m glad you got big and are very successful with your books and your apps and your store & such. I’m happy for your blog becoming the success we loyal readers already knew it was & that you’ve had to hire more people to run it. Is it possible you girls might have gotten so busy that this blog has been left behind? I know this isn’t a positive note but this is a loyal (and sober) reader’s opinion. More lifestyle, more crafts, more style, more of everything that MADE abeautifulmess the success it is and less beer & liquor ads PLEASE.
Mmmm…sounds like a Michelada! That’s what we drink down here in Texas…well most of the Texans who are also Mexican (Tex-Mex? HA!). It’s the same thing except with a Coronoa Chile Powder MEXICAN tabasco sauce (as in no vinegar) lemon lime and salt. It’s so yummy!
This is a really random question, but what type of olives are you using? They are so green! I haven’t seen olives that green since I was in Australia.
They are Mezzetta brand Italian castelevetrano olives 🙂
Seriously! This is exciting. I am a big Guinness fan. In fact if I don’t order a pint of the stuff, I usually order a bloody beer (Pabst and a peppery tomato mix) at my local restaurant. Excited to try this combo.
Where did you find that cute glass shaker?
It’s vintage!
oh my goodness….. YUM!!!!
love, polly
I love Bloody Mary’s and now I can finally do something with that lonely Guinness in the fridge! Thanks!
This looks absolutely TANTALIZING, and I am just going to have to make it. I love the saltiness of any bloody mary, along with that of Caesars, you cannot go wrong!
I have never in my life, but seeing this beautiful photography and the wonderful ingredients I think I have to! Beautiful, post as always!
This looks delicious! I would never think to add Guinness to a bloody mary! It’s interesting and adds a fun twist.
Thank you!!
Hi from Norway and thanks a lot for a beautiful blog!
I’m reading all of these cocktail posts and recipes, and as a non-drinker I would love a alcohol-free alternative! Do you think you could look into that? They all look so delicious – especially the iced fruit lemonades – I imagine drinking those on the hot summer afternoons on my balcony! Your take on alcohol-free drinks would be much appreciated! 🙂
-Silje Kathrin