Hand Lettering Tips with Elsie

Hand Lettering Tips with Elsie from www.abeautifulmess.comHi, friends! I have been looking forward to this post! Today I’m here collaborating with our friends at Pentel to share my tips for practicing hand lettering. With Valentine’s Day coming up this Saturday, it feels like the perfect time for cute, hand-written notes. But regardless of the time of year, I use hand lettering daily to design for this blog and our stationery products. I LOVE practicing and trying new styles. I hope this post inspires you to get out your pens and write because the best way to improve really is repetition! 

Hand Lettering Tips with Elsie from www.abeautifulmess.com Most people don’t love their own handwriting. I feel that way sometimes too. Through the years I’ve designed a lot of fonts, and I’ve learned how much repetition it really takes to get lettering I am happy with. Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t pleased with your first attempts. I promise you, no one is.

Watch my video to hear more of my tips for hand lettering: 

Hand Lettering Tips with Elsie from www.abeautifulmess.com Tools Used:
• Pentel Color Brush
• Pentel Sign Pen
• Pentel Aquash Pen

Well, what do you think? Is hand lettering something you’re interested in? If you try it out, please post your results and share them with us on Instagram with #mybeautifulmess Have a great day, you guys! xx. Elsie 

Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson, Videography and Music:  Jeremy Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions



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