Happy Mail & Messy Box Reveal: September

Coffee card collageHey, everyone–it's time for one of our favorite posts of the month! Time to reveal this month's Happy Mail and Messy Box kits. Wahoo!

In the past we've shared a video that shows you each item in this month's kit, but due to what we're calling "the big move" and just some technical issues, we don't have a video this month. (Insert sad face.) BUT, we're still excited to show you every single piece that all you subscribers out there can expect in your mailbox soon. And, for those of you who have never checked out our kits before…well…where have you been!? Check out what you are missing out on this month:

September Happy Mail(Click to enlarge)

Above you can see all the items in this month's Happy Mail kit. We've got a little bit of a red, orange and yellow color scheme going on. You know, autumn and all. And there's a little bit of a coffee/tea theme throughout many of the items because we are keeping it cozy, and also it's our unofficial celebration of PSL day this month. 🙂 You'll also see that there is a pretty gold-toned foil throughout many of the cards. And the last thing I want to draw your attention to is that instead of an art print this month, we've included two To-Do List coffee cozies that you can cut out and use at the office or school. You can use both or share one with a friend—you decide. 

Emoji cardVenti sized birthdaySticker tabsSticker tabs in useTypewriter cardPumpkin spice cardIt's a good month, right?! Next up let's talk about Messy Box:

September Messy Box(Click to enlarge.)

Above are all the items you will find in this month's Messy Box kit. So many cute things to spice up your albums with. I can't choose a favorite item this month, but if I could, it *might* be that tiny washi tape and dispenser. Too cute!

Button stickersLittle tapeLets fix this day withWine oclockMessy box in useWe'd love to hear what your favorite items are this month once you get your kit in the mail. And don't forget you can tag us on IG with #ABMhappymail or #messybox 

Feeling like you're missing out? Yeah, you are! Subscribe here: Happy Mail / Messy Box

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman, Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

  • Oh my goodness I’m so excited for this months happy mail to arrive! I love love love the tape from June so I’m especially looking forward to some more of that.

  • This is seriously the highlight of my day. Can’t wait to get my happy mail and messy box!

  • Gah, these are always so cute! 🙂 You guys should partner with http://www.moreloveletters.com/, I just found their site yesterday and I love their idea of spreading encouraging letters around the world. Not affiliated with them at all, just thought it’d be something up your alley!

  • Best collection yet! The colors are great and your messages are sooooo charming and sweet! Great job, guys! (LOOOOVE the coffee and school references)

  • I’m still somewhat new to the page, but are any of these items, particularly the cards, sold individually?

    Thanks in Advance

  • Hey Shana!
    Both kite are completely exclusive, so nothing is sold individually and you can only get them this month. It’s kind of what makes them special! 🙂

    Thanks for reading!
    xx- Elsie

  • Ah I love both of these! I subscribe to Messy Box but I have never done the Happy Mail yet but it’s just adorable!
    I am feeling so overwhelmed with starting my scrapbook, I don’t even know where to start! Looking at all my pictures….ahhhhh :/

  • Love all of this! But do we know when the page protectors will be back in stock?! I’ve had to purchase other brands and either cut them down and hole punch the sides because it’s not a perfect fit with my messy book. Also having trouble finding 3×3 size pockets so most of my cards from my messy box and going unused. Major sad face.

    Love my kits though!!

  • This is a great month! Can’t wait to receive my Happy Mail kit. I would love to see more baby-related cards. I guess I’m leaving the all-my-friends-are-getting-married phase of life and entering the all-my-friends-are-pregnant phase. I’m making baby gifts like crazy and would love some cute, creative cards to send with them!

  • SO excited for Happy Mail this month, might be my favorite one yet!!! LOVE the coffee, love the colors, plus typewriters and emojis! It’s like all my favorite things in one place. ? Can’t wait for it to arrive!

  • Bravo. Your creativity is awe inspiring! Every month I think this is the cutest month, but then the next month arrives and I think, no, THIS is the cutest month.


  • I am obsessed with this month’s Messy Box! Great job, it’s my favorite yet! Can’t wait to get the new page protectors in stock, because I am getting the creative vibes big time.

  • I love your happy mail I boxing, please carry on with the videos though I love them so much !!

  • I wish you would have less of the “I am falling for you” and “You’re my best friend” and “You make me feel like [emoticon]” type cards, and more congrats, happy birthday, wedding, you’re engaged!, merry xmas, goodbye, good luck etc type cards. I pretty much exclusively give cards on actual occasions, and would love to be able to subscribe to Happy Mail and have those kinds of cards included! as is, if I subscribed I would still have to buy additional cards.

  • I’m a big Happy Mail fan -it really is the highlight of my month- but there are only so many spouse/lovey cards I can give my wife in one month. I’d love to see more equally adorable birthday and multi-occassion cards so I’ve got the annual stuff covered.

    I do love that I send more mail, and people really love getting the cards. Thanks!

  • I always looking forward for the video~! they always so cute and I love them so much!

    Pity for the no-video, but both Happy Mail and Messy Box is so worth it I can forget about the video. Haha.

    Have a smooth moving dear ABM gang. 😉

  • It’s all awesome, how do you choose?! 🙂 Wondering how in the world you guys come up with all the ideas, design, package, etc. Whew, that must be difficult each month? Great job

  • I love a good box subscription. Happy Mail is SUCH a good idea. Any way to buy some of these great cards without the subscription?

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