I love homemade veggie chips. This is a super great way to introduce yourself to a few new veggies if you find (like me) that you don’t branch out as often as you probably should. Just go to your local grocery store or farmers market and pick out a few root vegetables (anything that grows underground tends to work well). You can also quickly fry leafy greens, like kale or brussels sprout leaves (baking works well for leafy greens, too—see here).
Have you ever dipped potato chips in ranch dressing? If so, you’re gonna love this! I’ll show you how I like to make homemade ranch dressing. Spoiler: it’s super easy, and really yummy paired with veggie chips. We’re gonna make a decent amount, so get ready to get your salad on this week, too. 😉
My favorite vegetables turned into chips: sweet potatoes and beets. Both of these are extremely colorful and flavorful. Yum!
Homemade Ranch Dressing, makes about three cups.
1 cup mayo (reduced fat is good here; you won’t taste the difference)
1/2 cup greek yogurt
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 cup buttermilk
2-3 tablespoons chopped chives
2 cloves garlic, minced
salt + pepper to taste
Once you have the chives and garlic prepped, in a bowl stir together all the ingredients. Taste, and add salt and pepper to your liking. You’re done! Store in an airtight container and use within a week. The flavor gets better over the first few days as the ingredients blend together. Now let’s fry some vegetables. I tried out a bunch of different kinds, and I’d love to share with you what I thought of each.
Once I peeled the vegetables, I used a mandoline to slice the veggies super thin. This helps them to get crispy when you fry them. Heat oil (vegetable or canola work well) to around 350°F. I use kitchen tongs to gently place veggies in the hot oil. You don’t want to splash the oil onto your hands or arms as you work. Cook the veggies for about 1 minute before removing to a bed of paper towels, to soak up extra oil. Dust with sea salt and fresh herbs (I used thyme) before serving.
Here are all the veggies I fried and what I thought of each:
Sweet Potatoes—These are probably my most favorite. Love the flavor and the texture is perfect, like a store-bought potato chip.
Russet Potatoes—The texture is very similar to sweet potatoes but with a more mild flavor. Super yummy.
Beets—I wear gloves when I work with beets as they can really stain your hands or work surface. But I thought these made truly awesome veggie chips! Such an interesting and great flavor.
Carrots—Loved the flavor of these, but the texture wasn’t quite as crispy. Still worth trying but not my personal favorite.
Daikons—These are those big, white, carrot-looking veggies in the photos above. I felt similar about these as I did the carrots. Still tasty, but they didn’t get very crispy when fried.
Jicamas—These are those brown, circular veggies in the photo above. These got almost burnt on the edges while the centers still remained very chewy. I liked eating these raw, dipped in ranch, more than fried. Next time you have friends over for a game night, you should totally make some veggie chips with homemade ranch dressing. Enjoy! xo. Emma
Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with Color Pop and Lux of the Signature Collection.
These look delicious! I’d love to know if there’s a way to roast them? I’m a bit scared of deep frying.
I will definitely be doing this tonight!
Thanks for the tips!! 🙂
This looks delicious, Emma 🙂 I love all of the veggies here and I think I have everything needed to make this recipe tonight. Yay!
Love and Luck,
Laurali Star
looks really good! definitely going to try it at some point x
Great idea…and so stinking pretty! I wonder how parsnips would be.
of course you can roast – toss in oil, spread on cookie sheet and put in oven at 350-400 degrees – – – the thinner the slices, the less time it takes
I’m a HUGE fan of vegetable chips, but never thought of making my own. I’ll have to try this… and I pretty much dip everything in ranch dressing… including French fries, pizza and I often put it on sandwiches.. yummy.
This looks so delicious; great idea to combine it with ranch dressing. What a great idea. Thanks you so much for sharing.
Yum! I love veggie chips!
xo, rn
Healthy snacking…..I love..
Looks so good! 😀
These look so delicous!
I might have to try this! http://sadityinthecity.com
Jenn, I was thinking parsnips would work better than daikon because they’re more potato-like in consistency? I’ve had some commercial veggie chips that included taro, which is really good, too, if I could find it in the store…
yummi, this looks great !!! <3
I second the roasting question. I am terrified of frying things?? I have no idea why! Could I fry in a different oil? I wonder what coconut oil would do!
Yum. I have to try this. I wonder if there’s a healthier baked version of this idea I could try.
#omnomnom Thanks for sharing
these are so pretty!
Always love when snacking becomes sort of healthy. I especially love the parsnip chips!
These look delicious! And I love homemade ranch!!!
Hey Emily!
Perhaps you could enjoy them dipped in salsa or guacamole for even more veggie goodness? Hope you enjoy it if you try it!
definitely making these. they are so pretty too!
You cal also eat jicama raw, with a dash of lemon juice and a sprinkle of chili powder 🙂 it’s a very common snack in my home country, México!
I love veggie chips, but they’re so addicting. If I buy a bag I’m just going to end up eating them all!
FYI – Taro can often be found in Spanish/Latino produce markets and it goes by the name of malanga. It does taste great as a chip 😉
Hey, did you guys recently start posting in a different way? I use The Old Reader to view blogs and the pictures for your blog no longer show up as of this weekend.
I love a good ranch dressing recipe. I will have to give this one a try. Pinned 🙂
Hey Emma, thank you for sharing this recipe! The veggie chips look delicious!Did you also tried to bake them in the oven?
I usually marinade potatoes with a delicious marinade and I am wondering if this would work with sliced veggies, too. (Marinaded potatoes: http://glueckskindsucht.blogspot.de/2014/03/selfmade-vegan-fast-food.html)
Best Luu
ohh i love veggie chips! what a great idea, definitely going to try this for the next movie night 🙂
xo, cheyenne
I love veggie chips but have never even thought to make them myself, these look delicious!
Looks fantastisk:-)
Love food like this.
My girlfriend made easter cupcakes:
Heidi from little Denmark
Have you ever tried to make those with microwave? It super tasty and won’t use any fat.
Place your veggie in a silicon plate and hit up for 30s or a minute if necessary.
Veggies will use their water and dry up!
Add salt & pepper when ready
I’ve only tried with pototaes so far, but I’m sure this will work with many other vegetables
Have fun 🙂
i love veggie chips, never tried to amke them though
These are so colorful and look so yummy, too!
wow! great idea. homemade ranch sounds incredible!
This is great!! Roasting sweet potatoes into chips is my favorite- if you take them our of the oven before they get too crisp they are delicious in wraps/salads/etc! YUM!
xo, Kinsey
It looks very good, I’m going to try this for sure!
Looks very nice
These look beyond delicious! I might have to make them this weekend!
Now these chips are something I can definitely get in to! I love to make homemade ranch, and I add nutritional yeast to it. Gives it almost a cheesy flavor, but keeps it healthy!
I’ve made veggie chips with a dehydrator, and the only ones I wouldn’t do would be regular potatoes (those were kind of gross). The dehydrator makes fantastic beet and sweet potato chips. I just drizzle with coconut oil and sprinkle with sea salt. The trade off is that it takes 8-12 hours to dehydrate to the desired crispness for a chip like this.