People often ask how I add handwriting to my photos here on the blog. Some people even assume that this is a handwriting font! Nope… this is my real handwriting drawn with a digital tablet. I love using a tablet because it’s super quick and convenient and I get to practice handwriting in a brand new way. Here’s a little bit about what I use and why…
I use the Wacom Bamboo Connect Pen Tablet (CTL470)
with Photoshop CS5 to add handwriting to my photos. There are tons of different versions of both Wacom tablets and photoshop out there to fit different budgets. Mine is smaller because I carry it with me in my computer bag most days.
Well, I hope that helps! I also use the Mobile Sketchbook App for the iPad + iPhone to draw on my photos when I’m traveling. Have a lovely weekend! Elsie
Interested in learning more Photoshop tricks? Check out our e-course!
PS… here’s something I made the other night while missing my sweetie!
I have one of those tablets! Yup, thought you were using a font. Had no idea it was handwritten. You’ve got gorgeous/consistent handwriting!
This is too funny! I asked myself that question this morning! I’ve been wanting to purchase a wacom tablet for awile now and that’s enough to seal the deal!
I have a Wacom tablet as well that I use for things like this, although even after using for a couple years it’s not very natural feeling to me. It’s amazing that your handwriting is so beautiful handwriting even with a tablet! I’m impressed. 😉
Your handwriting is gorgeous Elsie!
Such a brilliant post, I’ve always wondered how you do it! You have such lovely handwriting, just from it you can tell you’re a creative person! I love the squiggles and swirls!
Thank you so much for your help! I use a lot of writing in my photos on my blog and this will not only look better, but save time with sizes and fonts. I think it also adds more personality if it’s your own writing instead of a pre-designed font.
Thanks again!
Aoife x
Awesome!!!! Soo good to know. Thanks!
– Sarah
Terrific inside info about one little detail that helps make your blog so great! Nice share.
Wauw! Love to read this, I always wondered how you do that! Love this post.
I was given one of those tablets for my birthday yeeeears ago and I’ve only tried using it once, everything came out so wobbly… then I put it away and kinda forgot about it. I definitely need to give it another try and practice with it! I love how you write on your photos! Plus I’d like to get into digital drawing.
Both sweet & really useful idea… I love drawing with a graphics tablet too! Some of your photoshop (or editing program) techniques & photo balancing tips would be great too if ever you had time 🙂
ah, I’m planning on getting one of those soon! Perfect for graphic design.
You can also write on your photos in Microsoft paint. 🙂
Love this tip, Elsie! Can you say the exact app you use on your ipad? I’m stumped…there are soooo mannnyyyyy!!!
I’ve been thinking about a tablet for a while now, but your post just SOLD me on it! Awesome!
I didn’t know it was your own! You have such a lovely handwriting!
Q: Can you say the exact app you use on your ipad?
A: It’s called “Mobile Sketchbook” I use it on the iPhone & iPad
Thank you so much for sharing this! I must say, i was one of those people pondering how you got such awesome handwriting font on your website! lol! Well, thanks again!
Thanks!!! And congrats on the DIY Besties! You so deserve it! 🙂
Oh yes, SketchBook Mobile is awesome! I’ve been using it like crazy. I was thinking I’d save up for the Bamboo Tablet, but for $2, this does what I want!
That was really helpful to know, thanks!
You have really nice handwriting! Mine’s awful even on normal paper, though I’ve been using my tablet a lot lately. For those of you who can’t afford a wacom, has tablets for a fraction of the price (I’m not being paid at all to say that) and is a great free image editing program (again, not being paid!). =]
I bought this beauty as a present to my dad for his birthday! He is an amazing painter and with this gadget i am sure he will rock!
(New blog needing some love and support:
Awww! I wish i had that!!!!
i am in love with my tablet! as a design student it helps me sooo much!
love your photos and great handwriting!!!
the last picture is just adorable
You are always giving the best suggestions! I’m definitely going to be looking into this – thank you!
Did not know it existed digital drawboards, but they do seem handy.
oh… my… gosh!!! I totally have a big wishful crush on this!! I want one so badly lol I think I need to splurge soon to get it!! Thnx for the tips!
I have been wondering how exactly to label my photos with my own hand writing and this perfectly explains it! Thank you! I have a feeling my wallet is going to be taking a few hits in the upcoming weeks…
I’ve tried SketchBook Mobile for iPhone briefly, not yet with iPad, but my drawings look like they’re made by a five-year-old. Do you use digital pen with SketchBook aswell? Is it even possible to use digital pen on iPad/iPhone? I’m green…. 🙂
Wacom also has a pen for iPads in case people need to know. It’s a Bamboo Stylus. You can use it to handwrite or draw on iPads.
How cute! I definitely need to get a tablet!
xo Heather
I love this, I never knew how you and other bloggers did that. I’m going to pin this post!
The Tablet is on my wishlist. I need one because my arms are starting to hurt from using my computer too much! But, knowing you can use it for writing on photos makes it all the more justifiable!
I’ve been hesitating on buying a tablet but thanks to your post i’ve decided it. Congratulations on your award! Your Diy’s are great!
Thanks for the info, and that last photo… super sweet.
♥ sécia
did you make a brush? it looks like a calligraphy pen, I did that & it works well!
Your handwriting is lovely! I find it so difficult to use a tab, i never did get used to it!
I adore my bamboo tablet. I use it for writing on my photographs. xo, rv
I was 100% sure that you used a font, now I really want a tablet! They look incredible and a lot of fun! Thanks! 🙂 x x x
Q: did you make a brush?
A: I just use default brushes that came with photoshop. there are 3 that I rotate. XO!
Love my bamboo.
Was the best investment ever.
I find , tho, that is amazing to draw… but I believe my settings don’t quite allow me to do decent hand writting (don’t find it as smooth going).
This is so cute! I use photoshop to add words to my photos, although I love how its your own handwriting! 🙂
I’e always wondered how that was done– though my handwriting is abysmal, so it wouldn’t do me much good lol!
I had no idea this was your writing. What a great idea to use a tablet! Love this so so much. Thank you for sharing.
I love working with tablet, it gives some pretty fun and amazing results, and it looks just right.
That is so cool! Oh, another gadget I just have to have now, ha!
I love these tutorials you guys have been posting lately!! <3
xoxo -
still need one of these babies. so cool!
well this is smart.. and I have a tablet! i spend an hour pouring through 5000 fonts last night trying to add a font to a photo that looked like handwriting. anybody’s handwriting! i should have realized…. but thank you for sharing this!
this looks awesome, i love your printing!
that’s really neat!
Well, you just have fabulous handwriting! 🙂
aaaww i wish i had tablet! but what a nice handwriting you got there! 😀
marsha from
I’m looking to buy one. Right now, I’m practicing my handwriting so it will look good when I buy one! 🙂
I’ve been wanting a tablet for a while now!
SO STINKIN’ COOL! You have fabulous handwriting, mine doesn’t look near that good regularly! But this is really neat!
Hey, thanks for the tips! I’d never thought to do that before but it definitely adds an even more personal touch! The gumboots message is gorgeous 😉
I wish my handwriting was as adorable as yours! Great job!
Awesome! Definitely giving this a go
That’s really smart!
I have a tablet, I got just for fun and hardly ever use it.
But I like to draw something new into a picture, like in this entry on my blog:
I also like to write statements (or what you´d call it) and post them, like here:
Please please please do a video of how you use this magical board! <3
I got the same one for Christmas 🙂 SO much fun!
Wow Elsie, thank you! I just got an amazon gift card and was wondering what to spend it on! And now I know! Can’t wait to get my tablet!! xxx
Ooh, I’ll have to check out the Mobile Sketchbook app for my iPad. It would be very helpful for my blog. I’ve always wondered about the writing on photos! Thanks for sharing!
This is so cool!
I think i need a tablet ^^
I love handwriting on photos and this has made me think that maybe I need a similar tablet.
And that last photo is darling.
Wow! that is crazy how good you
*your hand writing is!
Thanks for this! I’ve been using Picnik fonts but I would rather use my own handwriting.
Thanks for the inspriration. I’ve had my tablet since last October but haven’t really played with it. I will now add it to my spring break ‘to do’ list.
Your handwriting is gorgeous..I really thought that is was just a certain font you used. Thanks for sharing your tools!
Thanks for the tip about the mobile sketchbook app. Would you ever consider doing a post about your favorite iPhone apps? It would be great to see all your recommendations, especially those related to blogging, photography, and art.
Wow, you have wonderful handwriting. Thanks for sharing this ☺
This is such a fabulous post! As an educated graphic designer, this is something I have taken for granted for such a long time. Handwriting (and I’m talking real handwriting) creates a real personal touch and quality to photographs and blogs.
I currently use the Wacom Cintiq, worth about $1500.00, as I do a lot of sketching and rendering, however you can get some fabulous tablets for great prices (heck, try ebay!).
Another fabulous post!
Will you share the pen you use? I’ve only been able to find the one with the fat tip and I’d really like something smaller. Thanks!
I use a Wacom and PS CS5 as well. My Wacom is several years old though (I think I bought it in ’05?) and is the Intuos3 6×8 model. Not the most portable! Do you find that the Bamboo had enough drawing room? I’d love to have something I could take with me!
I’ve just digged out my boyfriend’s tablet 🙂 could you maybe reccomend any good brushes to use with it??
This is an amazing idea – I’m serisouly tempted to run out and get one of those!
this doesn’t really help because it doesn’t say how you actually do it. just that you do it.
ethel, it’s really as simple as plugging it in and drawing. it’s super easy 🙂
I just love love love this idea. Thanks for sharing! I would like to use it on my Mac with iPhoto. Is that possible? Or would I need Photoshop?
Cheers !!
Lynne xx
Oh, I had no idea that was how it’s done! I think my husband has all the elements for me to do this! Thanks a lot for sharing! ;D
Hope you’ve started the week off with a huge smile!
I love the personalized effect of the hand-writing!! I never thought to do it on the computer… I’m feeling a shopping spree coming on.
The His and Hers wellingtons are so cute. Hunters are the ones worn by the Queen of England dontcha know.
Love this! I was wondering how you did that..thanks for the explanation 😉
I have exactly the same ! But I can’t quite get used to it yet… I must practice !
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L O V E your handwriting! Didn’t you can post your handwriting alphabet to practise? 😉 Want to write like you!!
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I’ve used a Wacom tablet at work for several years. I got my Bambo, for home use, like a month ago & I LOVE IT!
Very cool! I have played around with one of these a few times at school (I’m taking graphic design courses), but never with any consistency. I’ve love to own my own tablet and get really comfortable with it. You make it look so easy!
thank you so much. this post convinced me to buy the bamboo capture and i love it. i mentioned you in my post/review for it
Wow I totally thought that was a font! You have amazing handwriting!
You are my inspiration, Elsie! 🙂
Love your handwriting! And thanks for sharing. I will be purchasing my tablet soon, but for now i have the app on my ipad! I look forward to more posts like this.
Hello, hello! I used to actively follow your blog a long time ago and it was this post that educated me some more about graphic tablets… Thanks to you, I did finally buy one in 2015 – the same one, I believe (after having started saving for it in 2013 + having read your post somewhere in 2011/12) and I could not have made a better decision… I am an illustrator based in Bombay (Mumbai) and yeah! I was going through my bookmarks on this computer and stumbled upon this. I removed the bookmark and it did not feel right to do so without saying something to you guys. I hope you are both well! I should read some of your posts, it has been so long, Elsie and Emma! 🙂
P.S. I realise this may have not been as nostalgic for you as it has been for me. But yes, thank you. Thank you!