I'm so excited to share a fun and easy method to create fonts with my own handwriting! I used an app called iFontMaker on the iPad and made my first font in about 30 minutes.
It was super fun and self-explanatory. Here's how it works:
There are some standard fonts to choose from. You choose a font and then the app guides you through the entire alphabet (uppercase, lowercase, symbols), you draw each letter using the font as a guide for size and shape. It's so fun, Jeremy even made one!
The stylus I used was the Bamboo Stylus for iPad. I hope some of you get a chance to try it (and the app too). I highly recommed them.
Here are a few (silly) examples of the fonts that I made in one sitting… If you would like the download these two fonts, just for fun, here they are: Download LoveLove + Download Tall 'n Skinny. ♥ if clicking links doesn't start download, right click (control + click on Mac), choose "Save file/link as…"// Mac * PC
If you've used a different method to make your own font, please share. Hope you have a great day! Elsie
lovely!!! reminds me of the love, elsie stamps you did some time ago. thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for sharing this!! Love your fonts and can’t wait to make my own!
This is incredible! Thanks for sharing, Elsie.
love these fonts!
This looks super easy and wonderful.
I can remember designing my own fonts using old windows based software, and giving up really quickly.
What an awesome idea. Does is save them to your ipad so you can use them in phonto?
*wishful thinking*
This is soooooo cool! If only I had an ipad. Will have to do some research to make one using my bamboo tablet instead. Thanks for sharing Elsie!
OH MY WORD ELSIE. These are so stinkin’ cute. I’m sure all my fontographer friends would cringe at calling making fonts easy, but I think for your purposes it’s awesome! I definitely want to download them. Thanks Elsie. xo. Deanna
My dream in life is to make my own fonts! Cool app.
Wow….this is awesome! I can’t wait to make some of my own too. I love this idea!
I absolutely love this and can’t wait to make some of my own!
I just downloaded both! Now I’m wishing I had an ipad to make fonts with. wondering if there’s an app for the iphone?
Going to have to borrow my boyfriend’s ipad for this! So awesome!
so cool..
This is really cool! But I can’t download the fonts, there seems to be a problem with the links
This is so cool. I can see many a handmade font in my future!! Also, I’m downloading yours RIGHT AWAY!
Talia Christine
this is wonderful! thank you! also, I love your nail color
what polish are you wearing?
Awesome! These are very cute, Elsie! I downloaded and installed both of them! Can’t wait to use them!
this is wonderful! I remember trying to make a font our of my handwriting in middle school with a cheapo PC program–you had to print out a template, fill out squares, scan it, and adjust the threshold. oh, how times have changed!
I am not sure what the issue is. I just tried to download one and it worked for me.
Is anyone else having issues?
XOXO. elsie
Very cool! I’ve had an iPad before and loved it,but we don’t have one anymore. Thank you for the fonts – I love handwritten ones!
My nail polish is Essie’s “Orange, It’s Obvious”
I couldn’t download them
something is wrong with the links..
I ‘love love’ these fonts! I think I see a bamboo stylus in my future
thanks for sharing your fonts! You should do a tutorial on how to save fonts and allow people to download them off our blogs like you did!
What fun!
I LOVE this! Super cute! I love individual handwritings! I must tryyyy!
Hi guys! I am not sure why some readers are able to download and some aren’t. If you can’t download, are you using a mac or pc?
thanks so much and i’m sorry the links aren’t working for everyone. XO!
Cute fonts! This looks like such a fun thing to do and very creative. I really want to try it! I just only need an Ipad…hmmm…haha. Thanks for sharing!
Love it and want to make my own!
I’m using a PC.
cool… though i got no i pad… an
would you happen to know if they have this on Android?
I am also having issues downloading the fonts.
Also, I am using a Mac.
This is so cute! Thanks for sharing!!! xo
Sorry, Jamie.
Jeremy and I both tried and it worked for us. I’m not sure why it’s not working. So sorry!
OOH! Thanks for sharing this! It looks super fun!!
THanks, Elsie! Love them and already downloaded them!
Hi guys! I am sorry some of you have had issues downloading the fonts. I updated my post with a note about it! Hope that helps.
So, I just bought it!! I can’t wait :). Thank you SO MUCH for this tip
LOVE this! Thanks for sharing
Wow awesome!!!
If you don’t have a stylus, you can use your finger.
soo cool! I just need an ipad now, ja!
I don’t have an iPad, but every time I see something cool like this, I totally want one!
To download the fonts, I clicked on the link, which opened a bunch of gobbledy-gook in a new tab. Then, I clicked “File” and “Save Page As” and then made sure “All Files” was selected for the file type. I saved them to my desktop and then installed them. I just checked and they both look awesome!
Thanks so much for sharing your fonts and how you made them. Now, I’ll have to see if I can get my hands on an iPad and a stylus. Someone I know must have one I can play with
Those are great – thank you so much for sharing them with us!
I’m wondering if I can get my grandmother to sit down with something like this. I’d love to have her handwriting as a font so I can use it forever!
Alright. I was able to download them the second time. It also helped that I closed my Photoshop CS5 then re-opened. Thank you so much, Elsie!! Also, I use a PC.
Wow so cool! I always wondered how people made fonts and now I can make my own. So cool.
This is really cool! I downloaded both. I wish I had an iPad to give it a try also. (sadface)
xo, Adriana.
so so great!
Those are adorable! I love it!
wow! I wish I had an ipad!! When I’ve made my own fonts it’s taken me HOURS… scanning, cleaning the letters up in photoshop, importing them into illustrator, then importing them into a font program and editing them even more there. It might be worth buying an ipad just to avoid all that in the future lol
for those having trouble: try right clicking on the link and selecting “save link as”. once it’s on your desktop [or wherever] you should be able to double click and then install.
I also just downloaded the app and can’t wait to start making fonts! thanks so much for sharing
These are darling! I wonder if there is a computer based program like that to use with a drawing tablet…
I remember way back in the day (think 1999), I once got to make my own font. My brothers friend gave us this template that you printed out, filled in each character box with the corresponding letter by hand, found someone with a scanner, scanned it in, emailed it back to his friend to run in his program and boom he sent you your new font file. So easy! ha.
i need to learn that!
This is so cool!! I definitely have to try this out
This is SO cool! I’ve always loved your handwriting – I wish I wish that it was mine;)
Stephanie May*
Wow! You have beautiful handwriting!
ditto the nail polish inquiry!
This is awesome! I downloaded the app right away and already I’ve made 2 fonts. I’m hooked!
SO fun! Just downloaded, can’t wait to try them out! Thanks for sharing!!
Love them!! So cute! That sounds so easy that I want to try my own
I’m excited to try this, thanks for sharing about the app and your first fonts Els
Thanks for the free font.
thanks for this, Elsie! I just got my Bamboo stylus too over the weekend. Now I’m hooked! Gotta download this app
xo Rima
this is one of the coolest things i’ve seen on your blog!! i’d love to do this, but i don’t have an ipad… a good thing to keep in mind if i ever get one though
So neat! I’ve always wanted to make a font out of my handwriting… I’ll have to try this. Thanks for sharing!
What an amazing idea!! I can’t wait to get an iPad! It’s on my Christmas list this year!
Oh my goodness, I need to get on this! thanks so much for sharing ladies.
Thank you for the fonts! I wish I had an iPad so I could use that app! haha
This is wonderful…..but i must say i also love your pillow!
Very neat! As a bit of a word nerd myself, I loooved that I could download your fonts, so thanks
I’ve just started scanning my doodles into photoshop and playing around in there but this looks way more fun!
love this!! will get the app!
This is great – will definitely give it a try!
OMG that’s easy?!!!! I always thought it’s terribly difficult =))) I want to make one =))))
Thank you for sharing these
xo JANE xo
So fun story, the girl who sits next to me in class was admiring my notes and said that I should turn my handwriting into a font. Glad to know how I can make that happen now!
awesome! thanks for sharing this + those fun fonts!
love, lindsa
awesome!!!!!!! thank you so much for this. this is a game changer!
This is so cool!
xoxo missdottidee.blogspot.com
Awesome!! Thanks! I love new fonts
Both of these are pretty.
Seriously loving these! That could be addictive!
LOVE the fonts Elsie! So much fun! can’t wait to try out the program for myself!
I can’t wait to give this a try! I’m in love with the fonts you created. Thanks for the inspiration!
Time to go steal my boyfriend’s iPad, hehe!
Thank you, Cindy G! I was able to download them that way
thank you, Elsie..these are the cutest!
Your highlights are so brilliant! As well as the outfit and polish!
Yet another reason why I NEED an iPad. How awesome is it that you can create your own font. I’d really like to digitize my own drawings and utilize them for sewing patterns and fabric prints, some day. You’ve convinced me yet again how cool technology is.
SO nice! thank you for sharing, I dont have an ipad but it’s still good to know about it!
Love this so much! You are always so inspiring with new things!
Hi! Veroy nice. What kind of pen are you using?
very interesting!
Love them! Definitely saving this post for a later date, and downloading your fonts asap!
This is amazing. Your type face is delightful and I can’t wait to try my hand at my own!
Thanks for sharing!
Dani // Andbubblegum.com
This is so cool! Thanks for sharing. Love the font too.
totally awesome
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i am SOOOOO incredibly thrilled about this post, thank you for sharing this app! i can’t wait to make my own!!!!!
That’s awesome but goes way beyond my skills, unfortunately…
Thanks Elsie, I love handwriting fonts!
Love your fonts! Wish I had an Ipad right now haha!
The second one is really fun! Wehn you have a great hand-writing, it’s such a good idea!
This is so cool! Would love to create my own font.
This is so cool, too bad I don’t have an iPad. I’ll definitely download your fonts.
Wow!!! This post is so cool! And so useful!! I want to try!!:D
How fun! I’ve always wanted to make my own font. I don’t have an iPad though booo. I love the two you made
did Jeremy complete his? And you look so much like Emma in the first picture! x
I didn’t even know this whas possible, but I like it a lot.
Thanks, I’ll defenitly use these two!
Thank you for sharing! I’ve been dreaming of making my own fonts for a lonnnggg time. Now it’s actually possible. Just have to buy the stylus first!
Very nice! Thanks for sharing, I just downloaded them.
Thank you so much for sharing your fonts, and the app too
so cool! love that!
I always thought making your own font would be really difficult, something only for the real pro’s. This looks easy and the result is great! I’m trying this
Thank you SO much! I’m always looking for funky and unique fonts. You’re so sweet for making them available to us.
Maria xx
So cool if only i had a ipad;) you should try http://fontstruct.com/
Love this! Yet another reason to get an ipad…
Love this so much!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful freebie x
Passei, vi. li e gostei muito do seu blog. Parabéns pelo conteúdo do seu blog… Aguardo a sua visita em meu blog e se possível siga-o e vote em meu blog para o PRÊMIO TOP BLOG 2012. http://inkdesignerstampas.blogspot.com
Awwww the fonts are so nice – clean lines and fun. I want to make some, but no i Pad. Never thought I would say that
Great!!!! I already downloaded.
People who is trying download and have a pc, you have to save da page, all of that and when ask a name to save you have to put LoveLove.ttf (for example)
– sorry for the english
Such cute fonts! I love them!!
Wow, thanks Elsie. Exactly what I searched for. And so easy, that’s amazing!
Wish I had an Ipad..
Really perfect post. I like it. Great and nice pics.
I loved :DD
(at the end of the page has a traductor)
these look great and I had to download them. will have to see if something like this also exists for the iphone, as I dont have an ipad. would love to make my own fonts <3
Thank you so much!
I used http://www.myscriptfont.com/ – it’s free and easy; the only downside is that the fonts are tiny so can’t be used for posters and what-not. I *love* having a font of my handwriting, though!
That`s a great application!!
<3 Val
I do the same thing with my Samsung Note tablet! Additionally, for those without iPads or Notes, there’s a website that will make your font for 10 bucks. Here’s the link: http://www.yourfonts.com/fontgenerator/860556.html. There’s also a blogger named Amanda of kevinandamanda.com that will make your font for free if you submit it to her, but it isn’t a guarantee. She also has A LOT of handwritten fonts free for download.
love, love, love this post!!! thank you so much!!!!
That’s so cool! Does it just make Mac fonts, or can the fonts you create be used on PC’s also?
That’s really cool! Such an easy way, much quicker than the old way (scanning in, tracing, putting in fontlab, editing…)
The only problem I see is that there isn’t kerning added. Does the app allow you to edit the letter spacing and kerning? It’s super easy to manually do it in programs like Photoshop, but you would have to do it every time you use it…
Overall, it’s great, and I love handwritten fonts!
I just downloades both!! This is so fun!!
So cool!!!
Love your font! Will be using it for a blog post on Friday
I hope that’s okay
Wahh now I really wish I had an iPad! Maybe my boyfriend will let me borrow his…?
Alli xx
That looks cool! I wish i had an ipad!
WOW. I am getting both this app and the stylus pen. Thanks for the recommendations :))
Your fonts remind me of Clarissa Explains It All! Ah, memories!
What great fun! Thanks so much for sharing this. Don’t you love modern technology?! I love my iPad. So creative and fun!
That’s so cool!
Does it just make Mac fonts, or can the fonts you create with it be used on PC’s as well?
This is so cooL! I wish I had an iPad just for this now!!!
Thanks so much for sharing the wonderful font love
& I was wondering what stylus could be used on the ipad, thanks for sharing!! Def. will try it out.
now i NEED an ipad! so cool! thanks for sharing! xx
I can’t wait to try this! I just need to get a stylus! After you save the fonts you make can you use them in other apps like phonto, etc?
Thanks so much for sharing this, Elsie!! I love your handwriting, and a font is just perfect!
I LOVE these, but I am also having issues downloading … it just opens a separate page in code instead of prompting a download. Is there something different I could try?
i love love love this. thanks for sharing it with us
greetings from germany
I use a linux based app that helps me with creating fonts. I’m still working the kinks out of the fonts, but I’ll email you some copies when I get all my kinks out of the way.
These are great! So lovely!
Oh, those are awesome! Somehow, I’m going to have to get my dad to lend me his iPad for this. I think I died when I saw that we could download those. There is like nothing better than a font by Elsie Larson. Ahhhhh! That curly “e” one looks pretty! Thanks!
xo, Ella
Thanks! I’m always looking for cool handwriting fonts. These are both unique and fun!
That is really neat! I don’t have an iPad, so for now, I’ll stick with photoshop to satisfy my font-making needs.
Well, I’m going for the ipad mini that was just announced, so hopefully it works with that. I’ve always wanted to make a custom font for lune use. Thanks for the intro (ps.cute fonts!)
This is great! Would love to make my own font for my blog, it just adds a bit more of a personal touch
And it could be a nice present for geek friends, haha.
I love this app on my ipad, but need to try to use it more. I typically have to try a font several times before I get one that I really would want to use. I love yours! Thanks!
Oh thanks a lot for sharing the fonts. I searched a lot for exactly such fonts but can’t find anything. Hope you’ll make some more
Greetings from Germany.
I’m totally in love with the yellow cushion on your side. Can you please tell where to buy it?
thank you. -Sahra
Great idea! I think your fonts came out quite nicely!
thanks so much for sharing, i LOVE this! and downloaded both your beautiful fonts
rachel x
Soooo cool, I want to have a go!!!
This is so awesome! I always love the fonts you use on your pictures. I wish I had an ipad
oh if i could afford to buy an ipad *sighs*… looks so cool… great
WHAT. This is amazing. And totally makes me want an iPad.
why can’t I find the app? There is no app called iFontMaker…
Can you post a link to it?
beautiful handwriting again<3 i love it that is a must-try app!
Thanks for sharing these! I love them!
Grat idea!! Thank you so much for sharing this!!! Now I must go to the App Store…
They’re both brilliant! I love the 2nd one.
Oh I really like the LoveLove font! Great job!
Bisous, Luu
Love these fonts! so cool.
Claire, I added the link to the post. Here it is- http://2ttf.com/
Thank you so much Elsie for sharing these beautiful fonts you’ve made! I love your writing!
Another easy way, I made my own font by using this site: http://www.myscriptfont.com/. Follow the instructions and in no time you have your own handwriting-font!
Super cute! Wish there was a font-making app for an android tablet!
So fun!! I downloaded both fonts, thank you so much! I typically do the same thing in PSE, then upload via an online font converter and then post to dafont.com. But I really love yours!!
Where can I get that pillow!!??
Totally had to download and try it, thanks to you. Loved it. Thanks for sharing!
That may be the coolest app ever. I mean…EVER!
Thanks for sharing.
Nice post and pictures too! Thanks for sharing with us!
Hello! Thank you so much for sharing!!
I have made a ton of .ttf fonts with http://www.yourfonts.com.
Some I have paid for and sometimes they have discounts & freebies if you subscribe to their email list. Have fun!! Katie
Elsie, I love your blog! Thank you for the free fonts…love them!
So awesome! I was always wondering how you make those beautiful fonts! <3 (:
Do you need Photoshop to use these? This may be a dumb question but how do I use them once they are downloaded?
I use myscriptfont.comyou print the sheet out, write your font using the guides, then scan it and upload it tote sign, and POOF! You have a font ( plus a little waiting)
i am so excited! i just downloaded the app! thank you!!
This looks like so much fun!!
I am having a debate in my head on what to purchase and it’s going between Ipad and Iphone. Now I was leaning towards an Iphone more but seeing posts like this make me doubt my choice one again… Haha! One day I’ll have them both!
love, Saar
I did make my own font once! But I used Internet (http://www.yourfonts.com/). I printed a page with squares where I had to write my own signs. Then I scanned it and uploaded on this site and ta daa, it worked;)
Thanks Elsie!
I just downloaded both fonts, I don’t know what happened yesterday.
I’d love to have all of my own fonts to work with but only knew how someone could scan writing to use a font. Seeing my own handwriting on my blog header was one of my proudest moments and I thought of that when I saw yours. Font making is such a great hobby. Thanks for the inspiration!
This is really cool! Tanks for the fonts as well. I really love the LoveLove font!
Your blog is so inspiring! I’ve been a long time follower, yet have never commented. I just wanted to say that your blog inspires me to create, everyday!
Keep up the inspiration!
thank you!!
These fonts are lovely! I can’t wait to try them out. Thank you so much for sharing them with all of us!
Thanks! These are awesome!
I love this! What kind of “pen” are you using to write the fonts with on the ipad?
Christina- it’s a Bamboo stylus. It’s linked in the post! XOXO.
That’s kind of AWESOME!!!!! makes me want to buy an ipad…
Holy cow, this app was MADE for me!! I love fonts and calligraphy. Thanks for sharing!! Now I just need a stylus!
Thank you for the info on the app. Can I also ask where you got that amazing throw pillow?
How fun is that?! Hand written fonts are my absolute favorite & I’ve always wanted to create my own to make my blog feel even more me.
Thank you for a brilliant post and for the cool fonts. Not content with downloading your fonts, I bought the app and created two of my own using my finger! (It’s now 2 in the morning – oops!) Very addictive – thanks again Elsie
p.s. tomorrow Im getting a stylus!
SoKnitpicky, the pillow is from Urban Outfitters. XO!
Amazing! Those fonts look so fun and incredible! I am for sure downloading them. =D I think I’m going to have to try making my own fonts now. It looks like a blast!
This is amazing, I will have to try this out!
Sparkles and Shoes
This is awesome! Thanks for you sharing…now if I could just get my boyfriend to release the Ipad long enough for me to try it lol
Very cool! Now I REALLY want to get an ipad for Christmas!
Wow, I’m so inspired by this. I just love handwriting and would die to get to practice on an Ipad! Thanks for sharing, I didnt knew it existed! I really like your fonts (says the font addict).
OMG – this app is amazing! I’ve always wanted to make my own font! And I am totally going to buy that Bamboo Stylus.
Oh yeah, and I downloaded your fonts.
SOOOO fun! I need to do this! I take it you have to buy a stylus?
I’m so excited that you posted this! I’ve loved all your posts about how you added handwriting to your photos but now I can do it to! Thanks so much!
Am I allowed to use these fonts on my photos for the blog? It would be so amazing!
Best wishes Sarah
Seriously, the best app ever!
Thanks so much for sharing this as it was really easy and fun to do.
I wish I had an Ipad !!
How sad is it that all I care about is if that’s your dog and what its name is?
This is so cool! Thanks so much for sharing, I’ll be on it!
Elsie: It all works now! Woot. My mac is older and sometimes it has sick days ;]
Thank you so much! The fonts are great!
I love hand written fonts…wish I had an ioad.
This is so awesome!! thanks for sharing. I always love following your blog
I just made my first font! I loved this tutorial so ordered a Bamboo Stylus, borrowed my husband’s iPad and away I went! Perfect timing as I’m experimenting with typography and hand lettering so thank you so, so much for this post. Will be making many more… xx
is this real life? hahah! i downloaded the app and began creating stat! one thing though, how to you import it from your ipad to a download-able font so i can use it in photoshop on my own computer?
So cool! I definitely will have to try this!
xo Heather
So cool! What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!!
xox Liz and Lo {celesteandpearl.blogspot.com}
What a great idea! I will definitely be trying this.
Great fonts Elsie! You have always had such fun handwriting. Thanks for sharing with us
Thank you for these, they’re terrific!
Thanks for the fonts!
I love your blog so much, so inspiring!
Loves from INDONESIA <3<3
This is so awesome! I downloaded both of them to use for my resume. I’m making it a little playful! Thank you!
This is so super cute! I’ve downloaded the first one and am using it to type letters to my friends in Word
I am so ridiculously excited to try this! Placing my order for the stylus right now!
LOVE these elsie! I think I used the love love on this flyer I made for the new shop Im working on… http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/270404_510846828927053_904341450_n.jpg
So cute! I make and sell my own fonts by writing them out and scanning them into software I bought, but I had no idea there was an iPad app! I will have to try it out
WOW! Technology amazes me. I remember making my handwriting into a font about 7 years ago when I was 13 and it took DAYS. I had to scan and individually edit every letter and symbol that I wanted to use in paintshop. I don’t remember the program I used to make the font but I won’t even bother recommending it because it was so very time consuming. I am starting to see the point of having an iPad now…
xx Annika
The Pineneedle Collective
SO AMAZING. Can’t wait to give this a whirl.
What a great post, thanks for sharing Elsie. I’m definitely going to make my own!
Yay! I downloaded the fonts and use the font Tall and Skinny for my business cards, adds a lovely, one of a kind touch to my cards!
I was wondering if you could list your favorite iPad apps as I have just bought one! I will definitely be trying this font app. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, joy! Yet another reason that I need to get an iPad. They have so many cool apps for them. I downloaded both fonts, because they are very cute and I am kind of addicted to fonts.
That is adooooorable!
I bought the app because of you recommendation, and I love it! I would really like to hear about some of the other apps you use.
My Bamboo stylus is my absolutely favorite thing and I’ve actually been debating this app download for some time. You’ve just convinced me. Thanks!
This is great!!!!!! I’ve been trying to make my own font for a long time using Illustrator but it was to complicated for me- so this is really helpful. Thank you for sharing :)!!!!
Love your handwriting!
I have recently bought myself the Bamboo stylus to make my own handwritten fonts, it seems really cool 
I downloaded as well your fonts and can’t stop using them, especially the lovelove for my photos
This is so helpful! I just got my stylus, and I’m so excited to try this out
Downloading this now! This is too cool
I’m obsessed. Just another reason why I need an iPad in my life!! Thank you SO MUCH for showing us this incredible app!
I happen to be on my iPad right now, gonna try it right away!
Sounds like fun!
I’m with Britta – loving the nail polish and would love to know what color/brand that is!
AHH!! THis is awesome! As a designer I’m obsessed with fonts! Downloading NOW!!
This is such a fun idea! I cannot wait to try!
Renee <3
so wonderful! thanks for sharing your fonts!!
Hi! This is great!!! The quality of your pictures is great as well!
Which ipad do you have? Do you have the retina screen? I wonder which ipad I should get…
Thank you for sharing!
So exciting! I’m just getting into graphic design and typography and so of course I’m ridiculously over-excited about it all, but this app just made my day! Downloading right now. Thanks for the recommendation!
Wow! You guys are so talented and creative at EVERYTHING! Thanks so much!
makes me wish I had an ipad!
Does somebody know if there is version for Samsung tablet?:)
Awesome idea!
I was wondering what do you use to aplly text to your pics?
Hi Yummy,
I use photoshop CS to add text to my photos!
I was wondering–I know that you use your bamboo tablet to add font to photographs. Is there a way to do this using an app on an ipad (with this stylus for example) without having to buy a bamboo tablet as well???
So cute!!! This is so creative an awesome idea!
That’s soo awesome! Thank you!
Lovely idea! Does anyone know of any Android apps that can do the same thing?
Very cool! Thanks for sharing Elsie. I just got an iPad mini and am so excited to get started with all the things it can do. Maybe you’ve already done this, but I’d love to hear about what other cool things you do with your iPad, what apps you like, etc. Thanks!!
That space on the T. I wonder if this app supports kerning.
adore these! thanks for sharing!!
Just amazing how creative you are!!! Love the fonts – thanks a lot!!!
So awesome. I’m gonna have to steal my mom’s iPad for that. Too bad I can’t do that on a Macbook or iPhone; then I wouldn’t have to wait to use hers!
Thanks for the links!
Love your font so much!! Appreciate if you could share how the font merge with photos,thanks!!
This is cool. Definitely, I will try this and I will create my own Font.
And how about kerning and spacing?
This is so so fun! Just bought the app and a bamboo stylus and I’m having a blast. Thanks Elsie!
LOVE this! finally downloaded and made my own font here: http://2ttf.com/NhL5JcHy
So fun. Thanks so much!
I love it! I’ve downloaded it immediately!
I’ve always wondered how to make fonts! this app makes it look super duper easy. I don’t have an ipad, but there is one in the classroom where I work. this would be super fun to do with some of my students.
These are AWESOME. Thanks so much.
But here is the big question- can you actually USE them on your iPad?! And if so, how?
How fun! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for the fonts–this looks like a cool app!
When I first tried to download the fonts it didn’t work (using Windows 7 & Firefox). Then I realized it was automatically saving them as a text doc.
So in the pop-up save menu, I changed the drop-down “save as type” from “text file” to “all files,” then it saved correctly as a .ttf file.
Hope this helps if anyone else is having the same trouble!
Fab link! Many Thanks
Such a lovely font!
Oh BTW, I love your blog! Would you mind if I marry it? ^^
NICE BLOG My brother recommended I may like this blog. He was totally
right. This put up truly made my day. You can not believe simply how much
time I had spent for this info! Thanks!
wow nice blog thanks for sharing
I ALWAYS use this fonts… can you PLEASE create more! I love how original they are.