We love a good dollhouse in our family. When thrifting, if we come upon an old homemade dollhouse, I have a hard time not giving it home. I love all the little handmade appointments and love that has gone into building such a wonderful toy. My husband, Johnny, and I decided we’d like to give that same special gift to our little gal this year. It took quite a bit of planning (and maybe a little fumbling), but I’m so happy with the end result!
Step 1: Start with a 4’x4′ sheet of 1/2″ plywood. Measure to the center and cut in half. You should now have two pieces of wood that measure 2’x4′. Step 2: Measure and cut one of the sheets down to 2’x2′. You now have the beginning of the back. Step 3-4: To find the peak, measure to the center of one of your 2’x2′ pieces and mark. Set your square at the center point and mark your sheet at 40 degrees on both sides. Step 5-6: Cut your peak and sand your edges. Step 7: To build your box, take your other 2’x4′ sheet of plywood and cut into four 6″x24″ strips. Cut two of those pieces down to 6″x13 1/8″. Step 8: Screw your box together, with the short pieces (sides) on the insides of the longer pieces (top & bottom). Step 9: Measure up from the bottom of the box to 6 3/8″. Mark on front and back. This will be where your shelf will sit. Repeat on the other side. Step 10-11: Cut an additional piece of wood to 6″x23″ and screw in where you just marked. You should now have your box with the shelf and your back piece both finished. Step 12: For the roof, using your last 2’x4′ piece of wood, cut two 8″x24″ wide strips. Mark each piece at 19″ and tilt your saw at just under a 45 degree angle and cut to get the peaks to meet. Screw the peak pieces into the top of the back piece. Step 13: Paint or stain both pieces of the dollhouse. Once dry, screw the back piece to the box piece and decorate.
To make the dollhouse even sweeter, I added as many personal touches as possible. I marked off windows with washi tape, made some of the furniture from balsa wood and hot glue, and handpainted the wooden people. There are endless possibilities when decorating a dollhouse yourself, so use whatever fabric and supplies you have on hand to make it really special.
Although I was planning to give this as a Christmas gift, I was discovered by a certain two year old as I was photographing the end product. Poesy took it for a test run and I could tell by her gasps and giggles that we hit a homerun. I hope it’s something she keeps for years to come. xo. Katie
Credits// Author and Photography: Katie Shelton
Oh man, this is the CUTEST DIY! Only made cuter by Poe 🙂
xx Allison
LOVE. I loved my dollhouse as a kid and wish I still had it. I can’t wait to make one when I have kids 🙂
Super cute. And very clever! Looks so easy to make 🙂
Sooo cute!
Love the handmade simplicity.
Would have loved to have this as a kid 🙂
x http://www.atelierzozo.com
That is darling! My grandfather made me a dollhouse when I was little. I still have it at my mother’s house.
Tracy @ Its Mostly About Fashion
This is so adorable! And glad she gets to enjoy her present, even if it is a little earlier than planned 🙂
This is darling! I can’t wait until my niece is old enough to appreciate a dollhouse. I’m making her a learning tower this year for Christmas, but a dollhouse will be more fun 😀
So magical!! My sister and I would have loved this when we were little. I can’t wait until Poppy is old enough to play dollhouse with me;)
This is so sweet! I love the fabrics you used. I would have been obsessed with this dollhouse when I was little!
xo, Michelle
The wooden people are so cute!
I agree: nothing takes you back like a dollhouse. The one my sister and I played with is still at my parents’ house so I get to take nostalgic walks down memory lane whenever I visit. That house held my childhood. It was a place to dream, to escape, to be in my own little world. It’s especially meaningful that you and your hubby made it for your darling girl. Great job!
This is amazing!! Pinning to have my husband do when my baby girl is a bit older.
WHOA. That is the most darling thing ever!
WOW, so simple and nice!!!
Super cute!!
So enchanting.
Wow, i had love it when i was a child…
This is absolutely gorgeous !
I love dollhouses and this one is so pretty… just waiting to built one myself someday !!
I had a dollhouse as a child that my mom let me paint/wallpaper to my heart’s content. It was wonderful. This one is beautiful and makes me feel sentimental.
Very nice inspiration.
Obsessed with doll houses. This is adorable.
Great DIY gift 😉 if I had a girl I definitively do it
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I can only imagine how much work was put into this dollhouse. But the result is definitely worth it. What can be better than toys made with parents’ hands?
So cute
It’s so cute! Love it!
so cute and simple!! and something the kids can help with too i think i will try this in the new year for my daughter <3
So precious – My favorites are the Washi tape accents and the doll’s hair. NICE going!
Beautiful! And she looks enchanted by it. That’s what Christmas presents should be about, 🙂 Happy holidays!!!
Wow – this is really impressive. And it will mean even more to your kids someday knowing that you made it for them. This is a very special DIY.
I wish I still had my dollhouse! It got broken in a move… I still have some of the furniture, though.
If I have a granddaughter someday, I’ll be making her one like this. Wishful thinking!
how creative! i love this idea. katie is so amazing.
My Mom and Dad made a house for me to use with these tiny mice I had as a child. They put special touches like yours in it, and I still treasure it (even though my girls are grown). It is sitting in my attic for the grandchildren — what a gift of love this is!!!
This is so adorable! I’d love to make it for my little sister or my own kids one day!
I love everything about that first pic!
It’s so cute!
Awesome! I have to ask though, what is it that makes your tree look gold? Its gorgeous! So is the house, of course!
Oh I love this so much! Reminds me of the dolls house I had growing up!
Lulu xx
Love the details about this doll house! I love that you can personalize it, since it is hand made. Someone made me a doll crib when I was younger, and it was one of my favorite things. This would have been icing on the cake!
Ahhhh I love this! I’m attempting a DIY Kitchen soon for my daughters birthday, I may have to do this the following year!
Very sweet! I love how simple everything is. Just my kind of dollhouse. ^-^
this is the cutest thing ever!
So cute, did you decorate the exterior as well?
That is the sweetest possible gift ever for a little girl! And definitely nailed it Katie, it’s so pretty I want the same!! Yes, I’m 27, so?! Haha!!
Many kisses