Hi friends! While Kelli was staying at my house last month she taught me to take photos with one of my vintage cameras. I loved what she shared so much that I immediately grabbed my camera and photographed a quick impromptu how-to to share with you! Here is Kelli's easy method for faking photos that look authentically vintage… Enjoy!
You will need two cameras to make this happen. A vintage camera with a waist level viewfinder (meaning, you have to hold the camera far from your eye- down by your waist- to see your subject clearly). In order to take a steady photo, I stacked a few books on top of a large moving box so I could place the vintage camera down so I could get a steady focus with my digital camera. I focused on Elsie through the viewfinder of the vintage camera. (see above) Depending on which lens you are using, you may need to manually focus in order to get the clearest image. These old cameras have a tendency to have dirty lenses, which I love… it adds to the character….so you'll need to really focus on your subject, making sure your camera isn't focusing on something else. At the same time- imperfections are perfect when it comes to this type of photography. There really aren't any rules and soft images can be really beautiful too!You can take this a step further and crop out everything but the black border in photoshop (or whatever editing program you use) to get a a real TTV look out of your photo. Dust off your vintage cameras and play around with the possibilities they have! Experiment and have fun!
Thanks so much, Kelli! If you're curious about where to find a camera like this try your local flea markets (where I got mine), etsy vintage or eBay (try searching "rediflex"). I love this easy method to create vintage style photos without film. xoxo. elsie
i’ve been wondering about how to do this! i have a few brownies i can’t wait to play with!
Ooh, this is so cool!
That is so neat! I need to see if my Dad still has one of these.
So fun!! I’ve seen this technique and been wanting to try it out, but now that I have seen your instructions and cute results, I’m going to make it happen this weekend. Thanks!
How fantastic! The effect created is so pretty and unique, a very inspired idea!
This is so awesome! I have an awesome vintage camera at home similar to your Rediflex, but I have no idea where to get the film or where to get it developed. I am so trying this when I go home during spring break!
that is so awesome.
i totally have that camera and am so reluctant to buy the super expensive film. thanks for posting – you are saving me frustration & $$
<3 Jenn, jewelry blogger
Super smart!
What a fantastic idea! I’m totally trying this tomorrow. Thanks!
♥ sécia
So so so cute! I love looking through my ‘lookdown’ camera; everything looks so beautiful! I took mine out last month to take some film shots (http://www.lostinthehaze.com/?p=3801) I think it’s time for another photo-taking adventure! x
I love doing this! It that pretty vintagey look without all the photoshop. love it.
Neat! I’d love to start experimenting with different cameras, especially vintage…I voted for you btw. Good luck
As soon as I got my vintage camera last Christmas I took photos like this! I love how unique it looks! Thanks for sharing! I love your blog. Inspires me everyday.
What a wonderful idea! I really really love this. Thanks for sharing!
so awesome!!!
But….surely what you did there wasn’t a fake TTV. You really did take a photo through the viewfinder of another camera!!
Love the photos
We found my dad’s old lubitel 2 and last summer took it on holiday with us. We tried this technique but also ran a few films through – the results are like stepping back in time. You can see them here… http://hearthwitch-cottage.blogspot.com/2011/11/hearth-and-home-links-to-past.html?m=0
If anyone has one of these vintage cameras I would definitely recommend at least trying to run a film through – you may be amazed!
Great post, as always, Elsie. Xx
cool love it..
how simple & beautiful.
AH, i like that
I’ve always wanted a TLR. I have a few old folding and rangefinder cameras but rarely use them due to the expense of film and processing. This is a great cute way to use an old camera. And TLR’s just look cool.
I own a vintage camera like that! What a great idea!
xoxo Esther
That’s such a clever idea! I will suggest this to my brother with his growing vintage camera collection…
Oh my gosh! Totally! I have an Ansco Anscoflex 1950 camera and have done this exact little project! Fabulous!!
AWWW i love it & i love your doxie too
such a great idea!
peace & love
Fun idea!
Ooo I love this…I always want to buy old cameras but never do because they don’t work…now I have a reason to buy them! Thanks for sharing!
What a fun idea… might have to start looking for a vintage camera in our area to play around with!
So cool! We have a Brownie – I wonder if it would work? I’ll have to try. Or maybe I just might have to buy another vintage camera. Luckily there’s a shop nearby that often has vintage cameras for sale. Love the that dachshund puppy made the picture! We have a Dorkie puppy – a Dachshund/Yorkie cross.
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kisses from your follower! I
love this post! thanks for sharing such a great idea (; hope you have a wonderful weekend… xo, tiffany
It also helps to have a light tube (one to block out the surrounding light). I have a post about mine that you can see here… http://seriousplay.typepad.com/cinback/2011/03/february-ttv.html
omgoodness! I cant wait to try this!!
Really cute
I did this with my iphone + my brownie. It worked pretty good. I posted some photos of me + my brownie on the blog yesterday! Coincidence ♥
oo I’ve been doing this for years – I love it!! so cute!
what an amazing idea – and congrats on the best diy blog, totally deserved!
Laura x
wow this is such a great idea!! I have so many vintage camera’s that don’t work anymore and this will be such a fun way of using them again. Thanks Elsie! Good luck with the best DIY blog contest!
What a fun idea. I have a old working camera but the film for it is so expensive. Thanks for this
wait, but you didn’t “fake” the TTV…you made a TTV photo
TTV is “through the viewfinder”. You take a picture with one camera by using the viewfinder of another.
You faked a vintage camera photo, but you made a real TTV!
This is a great idea! Finally I have a use for my dad’s really old camera. That puppy had a broken focus and the price to fix it was astronomical.
Thanks for sharing so quickly!
I have a feeling my spring break photos are going to be vintage themed…
amazing blog, I’m a new follower
I love this idea! The result is gorgeous!
i don’t get it, why don’t you just put some film in it and take the photos the way they were intended to be used?
How cool is that? Have to admit I’m a sucker for any post that involves Dolly, but this is truly a great idea. Thanks for sharing:)
Why do you call this faking a TTV photo? You’re actually creating ttv photos; this is how it’s done… :-S
Actually this IS a ttv photo! Nice job!
Wow! Love the tip!!! Such a great idea!
This is such a good idea, although now I may have to buy another camera…o well! x
Any ideas how to do something similar with a Keystone 8mm video camera?
Good tutorial, except it really IS a TTV (through the viewfinder) photo. You’re not faking anything.
this is an incredibly smart idea! The photo looks lovely!
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Jez: yes but no. 1) I’m after a particular aeihtetsc that a video camera wouldn’t let me achieve. 2) The first one was actually pretty quick once I’d figured out the workflow. It’s basically just a slideshow. 3) The diptych couldn’t be easily replicated without something like Final Cut Pro (expensive).4) It would probably take longer to line up the second using video than it did with stills. I’d not adverse to using video but not for this project.
I think it looks great with the surround alomst like an old fashioned Cinema (all be it with a square image )I understand the dilemma re: faking it, but as neither the TTV image or the High Res surround pic would be faked then perhaps thinking along the lines of it as a composite may be better than a fake’ Plus you’d offer it as a choice? Let the customers decide apparently they’re always right?!!Great stuff whatever you decide
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