Last week Josh and Sarah came to town. It was awesome. Sarah managed to squeeze in a bunch of photos of me and Trey. For our fire pit idea we realized we didn't have any pretty chairs for the shoot—mostly just our camping chairs that we accidently left out in the snow. Josh was kind enough to whip up this adorable bench for our shoot. It's such a cute bench it has already made it's way into Elsie's living room.
Josh said he'd be happy to share how he made this bench (in one afternoon!). Here's what you need:
2 pine planks 3/4 " thick 10' long at least 12" wide
Screws (Tip: get Kreg wood screws! They are usually found in the tool section of your home store. They make it possible to screw in without pre driling and they won't split the wood.)
Wood glue
Sand paper (50 and 220 grit)
Optional: paint, stain, polyurethaneStep 1. Cut your pieces:
a. one 5' long (seat part)
b. two 2' long (legs) (cutting in triangle notches is not necessary, but its a simple way to give the bench a bit of character.)
c. one 4' 10.5" long (support piece)Step 2. Glue and screw in leg one either end of support piece (hint: mark the center of both sides of the boards with a pencil making it easier to line of pieces and then screwing them together.)
Step 3. Flip over and glue and screw seat piece across the middle.
Step 4. Allow glue to dry.Step 5. Sand really rough spot with 50 grit then switch to 220 grit for a smooth finish.
Step 6. Apply Stain it you prefer, let dry over night.
Step 7. apply a couple of coats of glossy, semi glossy, or satin polyurethane depending on your preference. Sand with 220 grit between coats.Step 8. Have a seat. 🙂
Thank you so much Josh for whipping up this bench for us! You guys rock. xo. Emma
*Photos by Arrow and Apple
Great tutorial and I love the way you added more personality to this project. You are amazing.
I am loving this tutorial! Thanks for the detailed instructions. I really think I could make this!
I absolutely love your blog! I am a new blogger and I am inspired daily by both of your creativity and passion!
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I love how simple this bench is…very clean and fresh feeling. Thanks for sharing the how to!
Great work guys! Hand made stuff is always more beautiful! 😉
Last photo is lovely!
So impressive and great tutorial!
Juliette Laura
What a great bench! Love this!
Lulu xx
It’s a great tutorial, there’s a lot of room to customize it with paint, stain, etc.
I’m mostly distracted by that beautiful mossy green blanket in the first picture. Where is it from?
Great idea!
Nice work on the bench! Love that the plants now have a home too 🙂 looks so good!
It came out great!
xo Jennifer
Looks like something I could actually make. It is awesome!
That bench is super cute but those painted floors… Wowza!
He is a super handy guy! Wish we were more handy around here- I have a headboard I want to turn into a bench!
Awesome!! How perfect for the shoot.
it would be cute if you used the bench as a guestbook at your wedding, when people enter have a cute sign and different colored markers so people can sign it and that way you have a piece of furniture that means a whole lot more 🙂
Look so nice and perfect pics. Have a ncie day.
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Kélyna, Adréanne And Rachel, sisters and big fans of all your work!
He makes it look so easy.. Husband and I might have to try it out!!
this is great! my boyfriend built me a gorgeous arrangement of rustic cubby shelves a few months ago and now he’s looking for a new project. i’ll have to show him!
josh makes this look so easy i just might try it! i’ve been wanting a bench in my kitchen for a while now and this is just the inspiration i’ve needed.
Love it! I want to make one!
Simple and amazing! Love it! xx
I’m probably the most construction challenged person out there, but this tutorial seems really straight forward and doable. I think this would be a great touch in my walk-in closet as a shoe bench.
This looks really cool but I’m pretty sure I’d need a man to do this project for me. Not too great in the woodworking department;-)
love it!!!So sweet!!xxxx
This is such a lovely project! The bench looks great!
I’m picturing some amazing wood burning or painting on this in the future!!
looks lovely
Thank you for a great tutorial…. have to pin it 🙂 🙂 🙂
So fresh and cozy! What a wonderful hubby!
I am making this for my spare room. I have needed one for so long.
Silly question though: When you don’t put saucers under your pots, how do you water your plants? So many homes are photographed this way and I don’t understand how the homeowners manage it, or if it’s just for looks.
super lovely photos! 🙂
kw ladies in navy
love the winter firepit!
Handy! I may have to put the man friend to work!
A new post is up on Local & Opulent – Check out great BRIGHTly COLOURed fashions to transition from winter to spring!
I’m sorry, I love this tute! But am it 3/4″x10″X at least 12′ or ??? because the tute says 10′ plank, cut one 5′ one 4’10.5″ and two 2’ers. Um shouldn’t the total length then be 14ft?
This is such an awesome DIY project! He did such a good job!
That is so cool!
Crystal’s Beauty Corner
Nice idea !
New post:
Amazing idea. I wonder if I’ll be able to do this!! 😛
Ohh great tutorial, really cool might try this out! 😀
I made this today and the tutorial was great but the length of the boards seems to be incorrect. It looks like the one Josh made is smaller than 5 ft.
Oh wow I love this!!
xo Sara from
Built this. Thanks! Ours came out way longer than yours looks though! We had a hell of a time getting the screws straight haha
I love this bench so much!
Stephanie May*
Making my husband make one right now. Loving the bench.
Lovely bench !!
Oh wow, I love it! I think I’ll be giving this one a try as we’re in our new place! 🙂
What a sweet little bench.
I wish I knew how to work with wood.