Kid-Friendly Diffuser Blends

Hello friends! I’m excited to share a couple kid-friendly diffuser blends with you today.

By far my most used blend for Nova is Sleep blend (similar here). It’s perfect because it contains lavender and frankincense (along with other oils) and smells so soothing for bedtime. I put a drop on her piggies every once in a while too, especially after they come out of the washing machine. She knows them by that familiar scent now. I love that!

A cheerful blend! This is definitely not a sleep blend, but a great blend for playtime and long weekends at home. It’s my favorite sunny, mood lifting blend. I LOVE lemongrass and blood orange together. You have to try it!

My 24/7 go-to. If I had to choose one blend for the rest of my life, this is it! I love it. My husband has always loved fir tree candles (year round not just at the holidays), so he enjoys this blend as well.

It’s actually what we’re doing for our China hotel room blend. If you’ve never traveled with a diffuser, I HIGHLY recommend it. We started doing it last summer and it’s a game changer. What’s great is that when you come into your room it always smells like home. I’m hoping it will be very comforting for Nova since we have to change hotels quite often on our trip. The other reason I think it’s so important is that with kids we’re eating AND doing diaper changes in the same hotel room … not ideal. So keeping a diffuser running helps a lot!

I am so passionate about the ritual of essential oils. Having a blend I use for sleep (or even just lavender oil alone) and something I use to start my day each day has been a positive change for me. It’s just as important as my morning coffee (which is pretty important!).

I hope this was helpful. Even if you don’t have kids, these are excellent blends to work into your daily life!

Credits//Author: Elsie Larson. Photography: Amber Ulmer. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

Note: This post is pre-scheduled. I am currently on my maternity leave with baby Marigold (!!!!!!!), so if I don’t respond to your comment, don’t worry, someone else on our team will. I am so grateful for the opportunity to take a little time to bond with our new baby. But I left a bunch of posts in the drafts for you to enjoy while I’m away. See you on the other side! xx

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