Make a Colorful Indoor Herb Garden

Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial_Fresh herbs are one of the easiest ways to take your cooking from boring to fine dining. But if you are anything like me, the ones that I buy at the store get forgotten in the back of the fridge and turn into a gross mess. That is why I am so excited about my new colorful indoor herb garden! Now I can have fresh herbs for every meal, and since they are right out there on the counter and eye-catching colors, there is no way I am forgetting to add them to my next home-cooked meal! This project is super simple and only requires a little paint, but it’s a project you will be so happy you did because fresh herbs just make everything taste 100% better.Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial_Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial_Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial_Supplies:
IKEA socker plant pot with stand
-spray paint in your choice of colors
-spray shellac sealant
-herbs and potting soil (I planted mint, oregano, rosemary, basil, thyme, and chives.)

Step One: Begin by spray painting the exterior of the pots and letting them dry. Since you will be growing food in these containers, I wouldn’t recommend spraying the inside of the pots. But you could and then just use a plastic liner to keep a barrier between the plant roots and the spray paint.

Step Two: Once the paint is dry, coat the exterior of the pots with spray shellac. This will keep the spray paint from chipping and give the containers and nice glossy appearance.

Step Three: The last step is to assemble the pot stand and plant your herbs with your potting soil.Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial-_4So simple you almost don’t need a tutorial!Make-a-Colorful-Indoor-Herb-Garden-click-through-for-tutorial-_4Now that I have all the fresh herbs I need, I’m off to teach myself a few new recipes! If all this color isn’t your thing, feel free to try something more your taste. How cute would blush pink pots with gold lettering spelling out the herbs be?! No matter how you customize your indoor herb garden, one thing is for sure, you will have the freshest kitchen on the block! xo. Kara

Credits // Author and Photography: Kara Whitten. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess Presets for Lightroom.

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