Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee TableAfter seeing Emma’s faux living wall, I knew I just had to replicate the look in my own home. The problem was, I don’t really have a good focal wall that could take that sort of treatment that wasn’t already wallpapered, covered with art, or full of windows. Besides, I am not sure I have the dedication to complete a full wall! But I still loved all that greenery. When I saw this coffee table at Ikea, I thought it would make the perfect faux living coffee table. That extra shelf under the glass top was perfect to house the greenery and the glass top meant I could view the plants from all angles! And since it only measures 2′ by 4′, it was a lot more budget friendly than a whole wall.

Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee TableSupplies:
-two tier coffee table, preferably one with a glass top (I used this one)
faux grass turf 
-faux greenery (I bought all of mine at the craft store in the floral department when it was on sale; also check out this list)
E6000 or other industrial adhesive like liquid nails
-2 cans spray paint in your choice of colors. I used a light pink by Rustoleum.

Step 1: Assemble your table and spray paint in the color of your choice (you can also leave it as is, but I like the pink against the green).

Step 2: Once the spray paint has cured overnight, cut the faux grass turf to fit the bottom shelf of your table. Use the E6000 or liquid nails to add a dab of glue to the center of each flower and press your grass mat into place. Then let the glue dry for a few hours.

Make A Faux Living Coffee TableStep 3: Next, start to arrange your greenery onto the grass top to get a feel for the best layout. Once settled on a look, remove the pieces of greenery and use a pair of pliers or wire cutters to cut the stems, leaving 1″ of stem at the end. Use the scissors to cut a slit into the turf and press the stem of the greenery into the hole. On the underside of the grass turf, use the pliers to bend the stem upwards and flat against the underside of the shelf. Feel free to add a dab of glue to the hole where the stem pokes through to give it extra security.

Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee TableStep 4: Repeat with all your greenery until the coffee table shelf is filled and then move into place and add the glass top.

Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee Table

Make A Faux Living Coffee TableThe whole table (minus drying time) was complete in about 2 hours, which is perfect for me! A touch of green plants and a quick turnaround time! I love the way the greenery pops out from the table and hangs over the edges too. Now let’s just hope my kids are old enough to keep it nice. Ha! Xoxo. Kara

Credits // Author and Photography: Kara Whitten. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.

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