I love having fresh flowers in my home. It's such a treat, you know? Today I'm excited to share a fun DIY project for bud vases with test tubes and a cement look! It's simple to make and so pretty.
Supplies: Art plaster, test tubes, cardboard, cooking spray, bucket, wooden skewers, and duct tape.
1. With an X-Acto knife, cut a rectangle of cardboard that is 13 inches long and 3 inches wide. This will be the bottom of your mold. For the side pieces, cut two pieces of cardboard that are 2 1/2 inches tall and 13 inches long and another 2 pieces that are 2 1/2 inches tall and 3 inches wide.2. Assemble the cardboard mold with duct tape and make sure the edges are sealed to prevent leaking. (For the smaller bud vase holder, repeat this process to make another mold that has the same dimensions but is only 9 inches long instead of 13 inches). Stick two wooden skewers vertically between the cardboard layers at each end of the mold.
3. Spray the inside of your mold with the cooking spray. Use the wooden skewers to create a pole that you can tape your test tubes on to so they will only sit halfway into your plaster. Spray the bottom of the test tubes with cooking spray and balance (or tape) the test tube pole on top of the vertical skewers at the ends of the mold. 4. Mix your plaster according to directions and pour into your molds stopping a quarter inch from the top. Remove cardboard mold after a few hours, but leave test tubes in place. Let plaster dry for at least two weeks until it feels room temperature and dry to the touch. 5. Once dry, remove tubes and do a light sanding with a fine sandpaper and paint with acrylic paint. Replace tubes as soon as the paint is dry.
(Try not let the test tubes out of the mold for very long. The plaster will start to expand after a few hours so if you wait a few days to replace them, the tubes won't fit back in the molds).Here's the finished project! Now for the even more exciting part… styling them at home!
Here's how I've been using them at home. I love that it only takes 3-5 stems to fill the vases. It's perfect for when you buy a bouquet or a dozen roses because you can use the extras to fill this piece!
I'm thinking this would be a fun gift idea. What do you think? xo. Elsie
Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson, Project Assistant: Laura Gummerman.
Love this!!! I’ve always wanted one.
Looks so cute, yet so simple to make.
Oh I’m in love! Great idea!! 🙂
Lulu xx
Where did you get the test tubes from!?
The idea is fabulous, I want to do it!!!
Regards from http://www.inatrendytown.blogspot.com
wow, these are so lovely!
thanks for sharing.
Molly {Dreams in HD}
Super cute! Love fresh flowers in the house 🙂
I love this idea! I had seen some similar vases on urban outfitters forever ago and fell in love with the idea awhile ago. I love they way it turned out made from home!
Will be making this someday!
Leah Faye
a clover and a bee
That’s a lovely idea!
This is such a neat idea! Fresh flowers make me so happy! 🙂
This is very cool! You are quite the pro. 🙂
Skeptical at first, but loved the end result and the way it looks on the shelf!
too clever!
Simply Amazing!
I can’t wait to try it out!!!!!!
Pretty cool idea. Have to try it sometime. Love the idea from 3girls1apple.com
So cute – LOVE this!
I love the single flower in a test tube look! We attach grips to them and hang them from the window! Awesome tutorial.
Красиво! Мне нравится!
This is such an awesome idea! I love the way the roses look separated instead of in a bouquet.
xo Lisa | Making Life’s Lemons
adorable idea!
WOW! I love this!
That’s adorable!!
That’s adorable!!
lots of love, Dana Carmella
Bloglovin’ & Blog: Pretty Odd ♡
Fun! this would be a fun way to quickly change flowers through for the different seasons with a whole new look without a new arrangement! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful! What a cute way to display those flowers! Great DIY. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
I feel like it could look somewhat similar but wayyyy faster and easier to use styrofoam. I commend your patience for waiting two weeks for plaster to dry though.
This would be a great gift! I love it! Thank you for the awesome tutorial!
that looks so nice, and simple!
thanks fro sharing, i’m gonna see where to get test tubes in town 🙂
xo, cheyenne
This looks so elegant !
Love it!
It looks so cuuute! definitely a fun DIY that I muuust try!
génial !! bravo !
I love this project! I think I will make one, but add food coloring to the water and then use some white flowers! 🙂
That reminds me when i was working at the laboratory in the university : )
This is so cool!!
So easy! I’ll try to do that!!!
love these! seem pretty straight forward to make too!
This is just too pretty! Such a wonderful idea! x
This diy is so cute! I definitely have to try this myself… but maybe a but longer as a centerpiece for a dining-table 🙂 xx Cici
what a classy and fabulous DIY idea!
this is super lovely!
So cute…and very Anthro-esque!
wow! this is cool. I didn’t expect that it can be so easy to make.
Oh the roses are so beautiful separated like that…
This project is so lovely! I would like to do it!
Hasta pronto,
Such a simple yet beautiful idea! I really like this, thanks for sharing!
Peach Pow XO
This is so cool. We had a singular one a few years ago, but it shattered and we couldn’t find another one. It was so sad because we loved it so much. Definetly making this in the future sometime. xx Harri
They look so pretty and so easy to make.
LOVE this!
So clever and perfect with those roses.
this is so cute and clever!!
love this idea! so cute
Gorgeous idea! A lovely new way to present flowers.
I would love to make this! Any idea where I can find test tubes?
This is such a great idea!
I really love this, looks awesome!
How did you hang your hats on the wall?? Love the way it looks!
I would like to try this, but with a wooden stand instead of a plaster one.
looks so easy..
I love fresh flowers, it’s so beautiful…
Beautiful! This is so fun to make and such a pretty present to give. Made it for Mother’s Day.