Monday is always a busy one…

I love Mondays… they are always so fast paced and full of energy. Especially today!

First of all, I want to thank you for the kind, sad & excited comments on my last post. It means a lot of me that you are so supportive of these creative adventures (I'll write more about that in a minute).

New things to share:

*a new self portrait… (if you haven't taken one in a little while, the beginning of a new season is always a fun time!)1

*a new album to love.Jeremy's pre-order for his new album starts today. 

If you have been reading my blog for a long time you might already know that I have been really in love with Jeremy's music for the past few years (even before I had ever met him!). Supporting his music and being involved in the production of this album has been a joy for me. The music is amazing. I am so proud of him for the long nights of work and care that he put into this project. I feel lucky to share it with you….2Here are a few photos of the merch. that we made together for the pre-order….

new artwork…
and a new home for  autumn recipes….
speaking of recipes, does anyone have a good recipe for mexican hot chocolate?

my mom gave me (you could call it an indefinite loan… :D) her sewing machine. i've never really been into sewing with a machine, but suddenly i want & need to learn! fun.

To address a few of the questions and comment from my last post (thank you, again, it was so encouraging to read them)… 

-Yes, I will still be scrapbooking (maybe even just for fun…i do miss it!), designing products (although, not right away…), working on book projects and teaching workshops on occasion. I have no plans to leave the scrapbooking world, just needed to make some changes.
-Yes, there are other projects in the art/craft world that I am working on. There is so much opportunity, freedom and excitement! I feel lucky & very thankful. 
-I will share more soon…. I just have a few things that I want to finish up before I make an official announcement about my big project for the new year.

Time to get back to work…. we are busy busy getting the new loft together… it's getting closer!
xo. elsie

  • Halloween!!! And maybe a little creepy. That is always fun every once in a while, don’t you think? Just to mix it up a bit. I mean, I love The Nightmare Before Christmas, and it’s creepy but also cute.

  • Good luck with your future creativity!

    As far as which album theme to go for, I would choose Autumn-or BOTH, if you’re into Halloween. I can’t go past the fall season without making an album!!!

    Have a great Monday!

  • Mexican hot chocolate…My family is Mexican. My mom always buys it from the grocery store. You can find it in the mexican section. It’s called Abuelita. You have to break the big chunks of chocolate up, and add it to milk. Happy Autumn. I say Autumn over Halloween.

  • HALLOWEEN ~ for sure!!! or both,,,, hmmm,,,, πŸ˜‰ i would probably purchase both of them!!!

  • HALLOWEEN!!! It is my fav time of the year and I have been praying for halloween love, elsie stuff for years now. If I can’t get that, at least maybe I can get the art journal kit. πŸ™‚

  • Oh Elsie please please please make it an autumn one. As soon as I read a new art journal project was on your list I wished for an autumn one. BUT really how about both? An autumn AND a Halloween would be perfect!

  • Hello Elsie, Love the new stuff in your post… And the photos for Jeremys album look great!!

    Well for I’m really not into Holloween I would choose the Autumn journal b/c I love fall. But I have seen some request for Halloween type stuff in your comments so I guess whatever takes presedents (probably didn’t spell that right) will be fine.

    I sure hope the suns been shining down by you b/c it hasn’t here for 4 days. And now there calling for 40* tonight. Brrrr!!

    Take care and have fun w/ cider fest this weekend. Angela

  • an autumn kit! That would be awesome–good luck elsie with all your endeavors! cant wait to see what the future holds for you… πŸ™‚

  • I was so excited when you mentioned the kits that I didn’t say: So happy & excited for you on your new endeavors/changes. Can’t wait to see what they bring!!

  • an autumn one!! a “counting your blessings” mini album would be soooo fun and cute! πŸ™‚


  • definately an autumn themed journal then you can cover everything …halloween , thanksgiving ….all the fun fall things to do like apple picking , leaves changing color …that would be my vote thanks elsie

  • Halloween kit please.

    Congrats to the magnificent Mr. Larson and his new album.

    So happy for you.

  • Halloween kit please.

    Congrats to the magnificent Mr. Larson and his new album.

    So happy for you.

  • Elsie – I wish you luck and happiness in whatever you choose to do! I would definately have to choose the halloween art journal. I can already little pictures of kids dressed in cool outfits!

  • I moved to Springfield a little over a month ago and I’m loving it! I can’t wait for Cider Days. It’ll be so fun to meet you! :]

    Thanks for sharing your fun projects with us! I’m excited about Jeremy’s new album. And my vote is DEFINITELY for an autumn art journal kit…!!

    Have a beautiful day Elsie!

  • Elsie – I wish you the best of luck and happiness in whatever you choose to do! I definately would vote for a Halloween art journal. I can only imagine the goodies it would include!

  • So glad to hear all is GREAT…your an amazing lil gal! I think a Halloween Journal would be awesome and my teen daughter would totally steal it for her use!

  • I vote Autumn!!!! Not much of a Halloween girl myself, but maybe that’s because I’m in Australia and we don’t really care much for it!!

    Love the sewing machine print… cute!!

  • oh a halloween art journal kit!!! but i am sooooo biased as halloween is my favorite holiday. can’t wait to hear the exciting project you have on the horizon!!!

    i love love love your new self portrait! mmmmmm i’ve been debating what new year year long project to undertake… perhaps a self portrait a week???

  • Else–

    Since you have already done the amazing Alice themed journals, I say go for a Fall themed kit. You seem to be leaning towards that direction anyways πŸ™‚ I think the Alice and the Peter Pan themes have been so inspirational and awesome, but I do think those fit the Halloween niche already. And selfishly, I would prefer an Elsie inspired autumn journal.

    I’m totally digging the fall weather and the upcoming seasonal change. I find myself longing for squash and apple cider and hot stew.

    Anyways, long winded rambly reply to your question!


  • Please make it an Autumn one (preferably calling it “Autumn” rather than “Fall”) for us Aussies. Halloween is not really a big thing down here. We also don’t call Autumn “Fall”. Even though We won’t have Autumn here again until March, at least I would use an Autumn kit eventually!

  • If you go with the autumn theme, just include a little Halloween. I just love covers more territory.

  • Mexican Hot Chocolate:

    1)Buy the red and yellow box of Ybarra in the Mexican food aisle of your local grocery store (I bet you can get it online if need be)

    2)Follow the directions on the box. Be sure to use milk and your blender, it DOES make a difference!

  • Autumn, autumn, autumn!!

    but really, you seem like such an over achiever, maybe you’ll wind up doing both!

    and I would love you forever for it, because I can’t get enough of the Peter Pan and Alice kits. I’ve spent so much time just admiring them, I’m waiting for the very perfect time to do with them what I’m planning…


  • AUTUMN just because it’s not as common or popular of a theme. I’d like to see some inspiration and ideas! ~~Jackie

  • I am so happy for Jeremy!! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ That’s awesome πŸ˜‰

    Your Etsy updates look so cute, as always!

    P.S. Autumn kit, definitely πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  • I wouldn’t doubt that Halloween is going to be the majority vote ,, but I say Autumn!! Love the colors.

  • I would go with one of your last comments about the hot chocolate!! Abuelita is the best!! What you do is heat up some milk, break the chunks and add to desired taste!! It’s the best!!

  • art journals.. you and rachel?!?!? aaaahhhh! awesome! can’t wait! i vote autumn! ;o) my little chicklets are terrified of halloween… but maybe something fun for halloween would be perfect too! can’t wait!

    cannot wait until i can come to springfield and meet the FANTASTIC and LOVELY duo! you have no idea how much i look to you and rachel for inspo! thanks! ;o)


  • Oh Elsie I vote for an AUTUMN themed kit! That would be so amazing! I’m already imagining it, and what I could do with it! autumn autumn autumn!

    I think it’s a beautiful thing that you and Jeremy are so supportive of each others work. πŸ™‚

    Aaaand, I love the recipe cards! Great idea as always, the scallops are cute cute.

    Cider Days sounds like a fun time! Take care.


  • Autumn art journal kits would rock. Autumn is my favorite season and this year I get to live in a place that has autumn…I’m so excited for the photo ops.

  • Oh man you had som FUUUNNNN stuff to share!

    Props about the sewing! I got a sewing machine for Christmas last year, but I’ve been sewing since i was like…10. I just got my VERY OWN instead of using my mom’s. Its seriously a lot of fun.

    I love the new prints you have up! Fantabulous!

    I’m excited about all your new turns of events that you have mentioned. I’m ready to see what you’ve been up to.

    As for the new art journal kit, i think HALLOWEEN! Its fun, colorful, full of possibilities, and Halloween is my BIRTHDAY so i would totally love that!

    Thanks for the update!


  • i vote for autumn over halloween, then this way it is adaptable for anyone πŸ™‚ love all that you do!!!

  • orrh elsie, pick autumn !! (love the colours)

    Im sad that you leaving Love, elsie. I really love your products πŸ™ I hope you stil will be in the scrapbooking world, because you inspire me sooo much!

    have a lovely day πŸ™‚

  • Ohh woow, new kit – YESSSSSSSS!!!

    I like both, so I live you the decision.

    I’m soo happy for you that you’re happy ;))) and for your new plans! Good luck with everything (but you don’t need it lucky woman!)



  • Good luck with the sewing! I only started a few months ago and I’m loving it, it becomes addictive! There are some great starter books out there right now too. All the best!

  • I choose Autumn. πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing your love with us! πŸ™‚ Your love for Mondays is starting to rub off on me. πŸ˜‰

  • Love your new Etsy stuff !!!

    For the art journal, autumn is a good theme, but I’m sure you would design some cute creepy things !

    XXX from Paris

  • PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THE ALBUM IS GOING TO BE ON ITUNES….I am hoping capitol letters will get your attention….ROFL. I am also a fan of his music, I am so glad you got me into it. I gotta get that shirt too! love it! I know you will have blessings in your new adventures.

  • Can you make both pllleeeaaassee ;)? Sorry I’m being very selfish on this one but I looovvee your art journals.

    Will you be making a Xmas one as well? x

  • make both, make both!!

    i just saw a bunch of love, elsie stuff in a scrap store in singapore and it made me a little sad to think there wouldn’t be anything new coming!

  • pleasssssssssssseeeeeeeeeee halloween – with lots and lots and lots of pirates for my 2 little boys – rock on for the boy stuff!!!!

    i just sold a *sewing* company i had founded and ran for 4 years and i totally understand the need for change – i’m behind you all the way and i’m feeling my own way out in the creative world right now deciding what to dabble in next!

  • I love all the new product you designed! My wish would be for an Autumn journal. Can’t wait to see the pics of your new place!

  • I am so sad that there is no more Love, Elsie coming out. But, I am glad to read that you are moving into a new chapter and new exciting things are happening for you. (And Jeremy with his new album.)

    I want to learn sewing, too. I am trying. Not succeeding much, but trying.

    I would definitely LOVE to see something HALLOWEEN from you. I have been really wanting something new and different for Halloween.

  • Autumn! πŸ™‚ such a awesome season πŸ˜€ but judging from all the above comments, i say you prob end up going with BOTH πŸ˜€ heh heh. Have a great monday!

  • so excited for you and your new project! can’t wait to officially hear your plans. give me a call if u need an extra pair of hands!

    my vote *autumn*!!


  • yay! you made some sewing machine stuff! but you sold out already! can you make *something lovely* again? i need some new inspiration in my sewing studio! so excited for your new adventures and your new loft!

  • Fall is my favorite time of year so a Fall journal would be awesome. Though it’s a tough call because Halloween totally rocks πŸ™‚

  • We always buy the Abuelita hot chocolate. You can buy the wedges that you cut up and mix with hot milk as already mentioned. Although they now have packets (kinda like swiss miss) that you just add the milk to. The packets are a lot easier. The wedges are a bit tough to cut up and the pakets taste the same. In our area you can get Abuelita at Walmart and Safeway.

  • Halloween. Autumn. Halloween. Autumn. My vote is for both, hehehe. But if I have to choose, I’d say Autumn!!! Can’t wait!!! Either one will be amazing!!!!!

  • Elsie, I got my Tiger Lily Girl Print from etsy today and i ADORE it!!!!! I’m trying to decide where to display it! The little extra apple print you included is precious too. Thank you!!!

    Your work is forever inspiring and I’m glad I can have a piece of it in my dorm! :]

  • I would not be able to use a Halloween theme so AUTUMN would be so much more inclusive.:)

    Celebrating halloween is so American and us Brits aren’t so ‘into’ it.

  • Halloween, it rules !!! (at least I think it does, in Belgium we don’t celibrate halloween, so that’s why I’m going to the states during that time!)

    by the way, I got the wonderland-kit and the peterpan-kit in my mailbox. I love them. I got soooooooooo exited opening them, the are amazing. I really never want to grow up.

  • I say Skip the Halloween idea- it is only 1 night (and lets face it- it is not a “nice” holiday as far as the whole zombie-witch-devil-vampire themes seem to go) but a fall time album- now that covers about 3 months of goodness. Apples, Cider, Pie, Leaves, pumpkins, Hot Tea….. and more…. I think that a halloween one would be to “1-note” πŸ™‚ but that is just me πŸ™‚

    I cannot wait to see all the new fun stuff that you are creating!

  • per the FoodNetwork and I pretty much always trust those guys. HA!

    Mexican Hot Chocolate

    3 ounces (tablet or cone) Mexican chocolate or bittersweet chocolate

    3 cups milk

    2 tablespoons sugar

    Pinch salt

    Miniature marshmallows, for serving

    6 cinnamon sticks (preferably Mexican canela), for serving

    Using a sharp knife, break up the chocolate into smaller pieces. In a saucepan, combine the chopped chocolate, milk, sugar, and salt over medium-low flame. Heat and stir until the chocolate is completely melted and milk is very hot, but not boiling, about 10 minutes.

    Remove from the heat and froth the chocolate milk with a mini whisk or molinillo. Divide the hot chocolate among big mugs, top each with a few marshmallows, and serve with the cinnamon sticks as stirrers.

  • Well since halloween isn’t a big thing here in Denmark, I would LOVE som fallgoodie!

    But i guess im 1 dane “against” the rest ;-D

    As always thx for some g8 inspiration. Can’t wait to find out what your new projekt is!

  • Looks to me as though you will have to do both….an autumn kit as well as a Halloween one!

  • what an exquisite site…i did listen to (i am listening to) Jeremy’s music (now as i write). i look forward to returning here…



  • Would you please make more Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan art journal kits? And more original Neverland paintings? Those are my favorites. I moved to Taiwan recently – do you ship overseas?

  • Either Halloween or Fall.. your stuff is always so lovely.

    Thanks for the updates on Mr. Larson! I am looking forward to his music, and love the cute merch you created for the preorder. πŸ™‚

    Hope all is going well..:)

  • Just a quick pop in to give my vote to Ibarra if you’re going to be buying the hot chocolate, I always forget which one I like and end up buying both the Ibarra brand and the Aubuelita brand each fall, and never use the Aubuelita past the annual taste test.

    My great grandma was from Mexico and would make her hot chocolate from scratch and Ibarra always tastes so much more authentic then Aubuelita which tastes so much more more like regular chocolate milk to me.

  • i pre-ordered me some Larson Music!! Loving the download, can’t wait for the album. So excited for him, it must have been a scary decision to put the record out on his own, i’m sure it will do well! i have a hat almost exactly the same as the one you are wearing in your self portrait, but mine has some sparkily bits in, i’m soooo in love with that ochre colour that is around everywhere at the moment! Hope you are able to enjoy more free time now you have got yourself an assistant. πŸ™‚

  • I do ‘music wed” over at my blog and this week I am going to post about Jeremy. I don’t write much. Most of the time it is just a link and a photo. πŸ™‚

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