hello hello. happy Monday! i’m here to finish off my 10 gifts for under $10 challenge. If you missed them, here are projects one, two through five and six and seven. i have a few extra projects that i’ve decided not to share until after Christmas because I know the people who are receiving them read my blog ;).
8. Mini Embroidery for the Home
I made this for my sweet boyfriend’s home. A mini hoop like this takes me under 30 minuted to complete and costs under $5 for all materials! yay.
9. Baby Owl Bib
This adorable pattern (and lots more cuties) can be found on the Lion Brand site. There are crochet and knitting options. It’s actually my favorite yarn b.c I like really thick yarns. fun fun. Here’s another fave…
10. and i dieee for these mini Vinyl gift tags by dude craft. completely perfect.
that was fun! i’d loooove to see links to the handmade gifts that everyone creates!
here are a few photos from Coffee Ethic today (one of our favorite spots).
and i finally got a shade of pink that i find acceptable yay! (big thank you*s to my pal Paris!)
Yeah, I think that’s my favorite shade of pink.
you look adorable :]
and yay for The Coffee Ethic.
love the hair <3 it looks great!
and I really love the mini embroidery! such a sweet and easy idea =)
oh how i love that little hoop! must make one for my own home, but might need a bigger hoop for “schwedhelm”.
Your hair is fun, fun fun. I was going to make these mittens for everyone but so far I’ve just made them for me: http://artwallblog.blogspot.com/2009/12/sweater-mittens-check.html
Gussy makes these: http://www.maggiewhitley.etsy.com
that’s my DIY 🙂
what a beautiful pink! and gorgeous coffee ethic photos, really gorgeous <3
Now that is the color pink I would want. If I did not work at a bank. hehe
i really like that pink shade on you, very cute! I made a sweet coffee cozy for my niece!
Love the pink!!
If you go to my blog you will see my felt camera pin/brooch I made. My dd actually wants one now –so it looks as if I will be making her one for Christmas. The snowman pin has been updated—it will be given to my dh grandmother. Making more felt pins for other family members.
Your hair is awesome. Wish I were brave enough to go pink. Of course I can’t go dying my hair right now…not supposed to while expecting, I guess. Maybe after the babe arrives I’ll do something fun with the blonde streaks I had dyed in before the pregnancy…
Beauty School Drop Out…go back to high school!
Thanks for the fun inspiration!
Ohh, I love the pink! I took the plunge of hair dying recently- not quite as big of a move as pink- but much darker. I think I’m addicted now.
hey Elsie,
first time writing to you, you rock, thanks for your love of art.
I saw this today and you came in my mine.
you may have a smile after
bubble gum pink! so pretty :o)
I’ve loved all your handmade gift ideas. Unfortunately I’ve been a bit crap this year and not managed to do any handmade pressies – might have to file your ideas away for next year!
I’m loving how much you’re blogging recently – this is the first site I check daily now!
Cool list! Lots of great stuff. Thanks for linking to DudeCraft!
Love the hair. I’m thinking of going fuchsia this week. Don’t know though I may be too old LOL!
oh my oh my i love that owl bib pattern. WE don’t have kids yet, but my mother loves to crochet, so I’m going to send this pattern her way and have her get a head start. thanks so much for the link.
I love what you’ve done with your hair! ^^
I’ve become addicted to bright hair, mine is currently turquoise, haha.
when it comes to handmade things, I’m currently knitting these http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=36121729
LOVE the pattern, and they’re not very difficult, yay for owls and socks!
I haven’t done embroidery since middle school, but I’m so in love with yours, I’m going to start up again!
Thank you for always sharing such great ideas with us! I especially love the record tags 🙂
Happy Tuesday! <3
~twiggy h.
Here’s my under $10 diy christmas gift: http://amelioratic.blogspot.com/2009/12/writers-journal-tutorial.html
I’d love to hear what people think 🙂
I’m knitting annual socks for my boyfriend and I made this stuff, too:
Thanks for inspiring me to make more handmade gifts!
I love autumn-I think the shop looks so great! :
monday loves !
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