My Style Resolution

Style resolutionStyle resolution 2Style resolution 3My friends at ModCloth asked me to pick a style resolution for the new year. I had to think about it a little, but I decided that my resolution would be to wear more separates. I wear dresses with cardigans most days, but I love outfits with layered separates like tops, skirts, pants, jeans etc. So I'm going to try to work a little more of that into my wardrobe. They sent me this cute top to work into an outfit post. I love the row of bows! What's your style resolution? xo. elsie  

  • Wow! This is my favorite outfit I’ve ever seen on you, you look outstanding! Not that I don’t love your dresses – but this is a very fun new spin!!

  • I saw that shirt just yesterday and was so in love with it. It looks perfect on you. I wear a lot of dresses and cardi’s too, it’s so easy and put together.

  • Too cute! I have to agree with Stephanie May, take more risks! I play it safe most times, because I know that works. But, I’d like to dress a little more fun! Here we go, 2012!


  • Love your hair, Elsie!! It’s adorable. 🙂

    Btw, wondering if you ever look at the Project Restyle flickr group anymore?

  • This top is adorable. I love the bows :] My style resolution is to take risks with with more color and patterns. I play it safe too often with black and grays – sorta dull.

  • I’m right with you there! Separates intimidate me, truth be told – just like neutrals. I haven’t conquered blouses yet, but I am making an effort to wear my clothes in more different ways – so I’ve been doing a lot of skirts over dresses. That way, I get the look of separates, but the security-blanket comfort of knowing I’m actually wearing a dress. 😉

  • Oh my gosh that bow top is adorable Elsie! Such a cute pick. I definitely need to mix it up with separates more, I pretty much live in dresses and cardigans and while it’s my favourite, I could be a bit more creative every now and then! 😉 xxx

  • I love how “row of bows” sound…
    my style resolution is to be more adventurous when it comes to dressing up and not think about what people will think when they see me on the streets.. the more eyes on me… the better!

  • i want to start wearing my heels to work again! all through high school and college i wore heels to class and now that i am in the real world it seems i have switched to flats. my style resolution is to switch back to wearing my close friend the heel 🙂

    love that top btw!!
    xo, victoria

  • My style resolution is to try to look more put together. I get in baggy moods where I slump into whatever to go to my day job. I also am trying not to dye my hair bright colors…it was killing my hair! I love your resolution…so cute! Hearts, Janna Lynn

  • Haha, I’m the opposite! I wanted to wear more dresses! I’ve been obsessed with separates! Great resolution! And love your shoes!
    Luvv, Leigh B

  • Really cute outfit. I always like black jeans and yours look great on you! My resolution is to just get dressed more often in things other than track pants and sweaters. Working from home there is little motivation to put an outfit together but I love clothes and want to just wear more of my stuff. It’s worse in the winter when you can just throw a coat over your shlumpy-wear. I like how you always seem to have such a nice outfit on, be it a cute dress or separates!

    Loulou Downtown

  • I’m the opposite. My resolution is to wear more dresses. It’s so much faster getting dressed in the morning when it’s a dress.

  • Are you sure you need a style resolution! I am sure that you have the BEST style! I love this outfit! =)

  • My style resolution is to be less lazy with my daily outfits. I work from home so it’s so easy for me to get into a slump of pj’s. Getting dressed and putting effort into my outfits gets me out during the day and allows me to get my creative juices flowing so I’m excited!!

    I absolutely love your outfit (am totally dying for those shoes!!) And, where did you get your sunglasses?! 🙂

  • Yay I’m so excited! I’m a college kid and I don’t wear a lot of skirts (scratch that I only wear skirts to church or a special occasion) so I’m so excited to get inspiration from your looks! I want to wear more skirts but as of right now I don’t have the money or time to invest in a skirt collection.

    I know it’s not on your list per say but if you do anything with shorts that would be awesome! I live in Florida and it’s always hot! I love your style I just don’t get to implement a lot of your looks.

  • Ah, very nice shirt!
    My style resolution? To buy and wear more complete outfits… I always buy stuff that doesn’t fit together with other stuff 🙁

  • I agree with Stephanie Mae, Ive realized I have a boring wardrobe and need to express my personality a bit more without worrying what others think. Thank you for being an inspiration! And like others, think your hair looks amazing, wish I could get mine like that!

  • My style resolution is to dress up more! I always feel better when I spend a little extra time on myself in the mornings. <3

  • very cute top! I think my style resolution is probably…to show my style! my uniform at the moment is jeans and a sweatshirt, but I always have more fun when I’m dressed up cute! We’ll see how it goes 🙂

  • Funny, I have a post scheduled about this on Thursday. But my resolution is to dress up more (translation: get out of sweatshirts).
    Catherine Denton

  • Wonderful style resolution! I am always looking for more style bloggers who wear separates as that’s my fav. style! Such a gorgeous shirt. LOVE ModCloth!

  • I love that top, the bows are adorable!
    My style resolution is kind of the opposite of yours, I want to start wearing dresses and skirts more since I always wear jeans or pants. lol
    As a matter of fact, I just ordered the Burnt Sienna Sweetheart dress from ModCloth and it should be here by Friday!


  • Very cute outfit… My style resolution is to be bolder with my choices of outfits, more creative (work with what I’ve got) and if something’s not pretty either restyle it or ditch it!

  • My resolution is to be more brave! I’m tired of envying people’s outfits on the tube into work, I need to be envied instead!

  • This is my style resolution too. I LOVE dresses, but I’ve become a bit reliant on them for styling in the last couple of years. What’s easier when getting dressed of a morning than pulling on a dress, colourful tights and a cosy cardi? I also avoid trousers because I am petite, but have been trying more mid-length skirts and heels recently. Styling tips for separates would be much appreciated! x

  • My style resolution is to wear more dresses. I love dresses and they are so feminine but sometimes I’m a little lazy to do it. I’ve stared out good though. Already worn some. 😀

  • I have also vowed to wear jeans more. I’ve ventured a bit more into shorts and blouses, but I’ve just bought two new pairs of jeans so I want to get some wear out of them!
    I love this look. I hope your resolution inspires mine!

    Charlotte x

  • love this outfit 🙂

    my resolution would be to take more time to put together outfits, instead of shoving on the first thing that comes to hand to make it out the door on time!

  • My style resolution would be more patient and spend more time on my outfits! With Uni I always end up putting an oversized jumper and some leggings.. I get so lazy! I need to pick my outfit the day before so the sleepiness doesn’t overpower me!

  • Love that blouse, the bows are super cute!

    I can definitely identify with your resolution, I also seem to find myself reaching for a dress most days simply because it’s easy. I’m going to try be a bit different this year, though, and maybe even go a bit androgynous (not like me at all!).

  • What a FUN resolution! 🙂 Maybe I should make the opposite – start wearing more dresses 🙂

    Thanks for an amazing blog!

    by eltzholtz
    – Susanne

  • haha, i’m quite the opposite. i wear separates all the time, so i want to incorporate dresses and pretty cardigans into my outfits more often. (:

  • I’m in Veterinary School, so my style resolution is to actually have style, and not wear yoga pants every day! I’m slowing trying to revamp my wardrobe into something that is whimsical but also a little more grown-up (and not filled with all the cheap stuff that I’ve amassed from a particular store that rhymes with Morever Menty-one). I love that you keep that element of fun, but also look like an adult. 🙂

  • I was gonna guess you’d say wear more neutrals since this is a less colorful outfit for you.

    Wear more separates would be a good one for me too as I suffer from the knee-jerk cardigan-and-dress syndrome as well, but I think I’m gonna focus on wearing more jewelry. I have so many beautiful pieces, but I often forget to put anything special on other than the things I wear every day.

  • Love your outfit, so cute! I must say I absolutely adore your blog!! Consider me your newest follower! xoxo

  • wear nothing but dresses for a week this year, wich is not so hard in terms of my wardrobe, but a little harder in terms of my job….as a photographers assistant its hard to do an outdoor photoshoot luggin gear and such in a dress! But my boss is going out of town at the end of the month, and we wont have shoots for a while, so Ithink this will be accompished earlier in the year than I expected!

  • You are so gorgeous! My style resolution….go shopping. I am in serious need of clothes! I’ve got some great clothes but nothing fits. I guess on the upside, it’s not because I gained weight! Everything is too too big so I want to get some new stuff and amp up my style a bit too!

  • Cute! As a recent reader of your blog, I’ve been inspired to thrift more of my clothes and experiment with my pre-existing wardrobe. By using your daily outfits section as a how-to-guide,I’ve created so many adorable and fun outfits and barely spent any precious dough! And just yesterday I thrifted a Free People dress for 3 bucks! Anyway…my resolutions are to put more time and love into building a wardrobe that represents my personality and to accessorize more. Especially with hats. for whatever reason, hats really intimidate me. Thanks for such an amazingly fun to read blog, Elsie!

  • my style goals for the new year are to find a lipstick i love and wear it semi-regularly. i also want to accessorize more with scarves, bows, and jewelry!

  • Ooh that’s a lovely top! My style resolution would kinda be the opposite; I need to wear more dresses 🙂

  • Since i recently moved, I am now working from home and I have decided to make sure each day I dress up like I would had I been leaving my home to work. I am not a sweatpants type of girl, but even still I wouldn’t put makeup on or do my hair for the first month, but I decided to stop that! So far it’s been great, I feel so much more productive! I actually just wrote a post about that, ironically! 🙂 I really like your outfit today! -Kate

  • Hello! I’m brazilian and I love your blog, I’ve been following it since early 2011, but I think this is my first time on comments….

    I’m here to say that dresses are no longer my favorite outfit peace, I got a little sick of it. I still wear then and still like it speacially on you, cause u make it feels right. But I also want to play a lot more with skists an blouses, and pants. Maybe I didn’t like pants because I was always mad with my tights (I think they are too big for my size…), but now I’m leaving that kind of thought too!!

    Good luck for us!

    Keep blogging and spiring me


  • Mine would be to be more creative, I often think I should dress like everyone else because I don’t know if I can “pull it off.” That is why blog like this are wonderful for me! They give me ideas and confidence 🙂

  • ohohoh!
    i love your shoes!!!!

    my resolution is the exact opposite of yours – to wear more dresses.

    (but first to get in shape for that… you can follow my resolution on my blog…)


  • I would say that my one style resolution would be to get a little more adventurous with shoes. I’m almost always going for what’s comfortable and neutral, and it would be fun to get used to wearing heels and bright shoes.

  • adore that blouse and you styled it so well. my style resolution is to wear more dresses and/or skirts in spring/summer.

  • You have the best outfit pictures! My style resolution is the opposite. I love to layer and separate.. maybe too much? This year, I’m going to wear more one piece dresses! When in need of inspiration, I tippy toe my way over here 😀 yay!

  • i love your shoes. my style resolution would be to wear more trousers. i always think they don’t look good on me, but i just have to find the right model, i guess.

  • Mine is the exact opposite of yours. I need to wear more dresses. I especially need dresses for work. I wear a lot of separates to work, casually and on stage with my band. I just have never been a dress buyer but I wishlist a lot of dresses online.

  • My style resolution is to be adventurous and try out new things. I never saw myself as a ‘color person’ and now I am wearing bright colors (combined!) all the time. Next adventure: floral pants. I already started with a bright floral skirt (see my blog), but now it’s time to take floral to the next level a la Celine. I am excited about my new found “guts” to wear things that would normally be out of my comfort zone.

    Speaking of comfort zone… that bow top you’re wearing would totally be IN my comfort zone. Blush, black and bows. My favorite!

    Mint & Teal

  • haha, the exact opposite of you, I guess; I swore off skirts when I graduated from private high school (12 years of jumpers/skirt uniforms) but now I’m thinking it’s time to look more feminine.
    *My goal: to wear more dresses (simple, think 1930s-early ’60s) with cardigans (ideally ones I’ve knitted/ crocheted myself or upcycled) and try new accessories like the skinny belt & knee-high boots over tights and/or socks. I love layers, but I need to wear more DRESS layers.
    Great topic! I’d never heard of a “style resolution” before. 🙂

  • My main resolution this year is to make more of my own clothes, which I’m documenting over on my blog. I’m also trying to plan more instead of just purchasing random things that I love but don’t work as a whole. It’s going well so far!

  • I love this – what a great resolution! I think mine is to be more daring with print and pattern. Happy 2012!

  • Loving that cute blouse on you!
    Recently I added two 50′ looking dresses to my wardrobe. I was so inspired by your looks!
    But separates are great too, I like to mix stuff to make a new style.
    My style resolution would be to make and wear more handemade (except pants, I make ugly pants…). I even plan to make my own mocassins this year!

  • Hi! Just stumbled upon your awesome blog today. Love the look! As a new mom, my resolution is to just look more pulled together rather than frazzled. I think the sunglasses do it! Where are they from?

  • Elsie,
    Can you share where you got those suglasses? I’ve been searching for the perfect cateye glasses and those are adorable! Please share!

  • YES, separates are a MUST. I definitely find it more fun! A print blazer is surprisingly doable for ‘extra’ chic – and combine things regardless of whether they should match – if you match them, they match!

  • My resolution is to wear more dresses, the opposite of you! I like your quirky cute style, you remind me a lot of Zooey Deschanel.

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  • I just found your blog and absolutely love your outfit section great inspiration I will be digging in to the rest of the blog:-)

  • Love Love Love this! I love ladies shoes and socks! Not everyone gets it but I think they are super cute and can be quite quirky at times too!

  • I try and not wear the same outfit in the same sort of way ever! I constantly think of new ways to put together each separate piece in a different way. I love it! It’s like creating a puzzle in my mind and shopping in my own closet!

  • I like the triple bows.
    Very girlie but because they are done in black they aren’t too sweet. 🙂

  • I love this photo set! The outfit is definitely styled very well, and the model did a bang-up job! Great share

  • Hi! I just found you via Sarah Jane and I will definitely be orindreg from you around my girls birthday time. I just wanted to say that the Easter cards are gorgeous and I would order them if you had them in your shop next yearMarie/x

  • Thanks Chris, that means a lot coming from sonomee of your caliber! Big thanks to Sam and John too.Hey Sarah, its a real honor to photograph the wedding of such great wedding photographers and friends as yourself and Rob. Knowing your plans, venue and the time you are wanting to spend with me etc I’m looking forward to it in a BIG way!

  • You are truly talented Ali. What took you so long! You have the most idnbecirle eye that catches the essence and spirit of your portraits. Beautifully composed and artistically visual. Watch this space everyone.

  • Hi Terry,The new website dgeisn looks very good, a lot clearer and more spacious than the previous version. And I agree with your decision to up the page size. 1024 768 can’t really cut it for conveying all the content that webpages are capable of displaying these days.Personally, I run at 1280 1024 on a 17 iiyama Vision Master Pro (got it out the back door from McAfee, Ha Ha!)- it’s a SLIGHT strain when reading small text (I should use a 19 really), but the monitor quality is good enough to cope with most things. The increased page size helps display your photos in a much better way.There’s just one slight thing I’ve noticed about the new dgeisn, however. While I’ve been filling in my name and email, and typing this comment, I’m not seeing the normal text cursor (blinking vertical bar). It’s a bit disorientating not knowing where your next piece of typing will appear, especially if you type fast and sometimes lose track of where you are (like I do). And it makes it virtually impossible to cursor back over the text to make changes, as you can’t see where you are. Hopefully, with DreamWeaver it should be a simple change to the object properties to turn the cursor back on.See you soon.Keith.

  • Jay Posted on Hai Habibie, sebelumnya skseus n salut ya buat andaoh iya, saya mau tanya;1. berapa banyak profit yang bisa didapatkan jika saya menerapkan metode dari e-book yang anda keluarkan skseusdariamazon 2. Saya memang orang yang baru di bidang internet dan saya sangat tertarik sekali dengan e-book anda,mohon bantuannya dan arahannya karea saya ingin belajar dari mentor yang tepat seperti anda.3. Berapa lama kira2 bisa mendapatkan dollar pertama dari metode e-book anda.;..mohon balasannya ke e-mailku ya.. thx beforesukses selalu

  • My New Years Resolution is to quit smoking. I know, I know I shuold have done that a long time ago but. This is the year that I quit!Happy New Year Karina!

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  • Wow that’s a cute top. Perfect outfit and looks good on you. This is an amazing fashion blog. Even fashion and style is my cup of tea. I love fashion and daily i try some new outfit.

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