New Adventure: We’re Giving Away a House!!!!

A Beautiful Mess makeovers a house for HFHS Elsie and I are super excited to share a new adventure with you today. We are proud to announce that ABM will be giving away a house this year! Let me explain more:

We've purchased a small house within our hometown, Springfield, MO. We will be updating the house with renovations + a major decor makeover, and we will share the whole process on the blog with you. Once we have completed the makeover, we will be donating the house and everything inside to our local Habitat for Humanity affiliate.

A Beautiful Mess makeovers a house for HFHSYou might be thinking right about now, "What?!?!?!" I know, we might be totally crazy. But let me back up and tell you how we came up with this totally insane plan and what our goals are.

HallwayLiving and dining roomHere you can see the hallway, living room, and dining room. We took lots of before photos and video that we'll share later in the process. 

This past summer, while Elsie and I were flying home from Costa Rica, we talked about the state of our little business, our big goals and what we'd like to do next. 

A passion we kept discussing was a desire to give back and be a part of our local community. We used to own a small retail shop in our hometown, and although it made sense for our little company to move on from our local shop over a year ago, we've often missed the local aspect. We like being involved in our community because we love where we live. We also really wanted to find a way to use our business to give back to our town. Lots of businesses we look up do charity work or give back in some way, and we felt that it was time for ABM to make this kind of commitment as well.

Another thing we discussed was that we had heard from many of our readers, over and over again, that you want more inspiration for small spaces. Elsie and I have already shared our personal homes in our latest book, and we've shared about our studio house on the blog as well. So, we wanted to find a way to makeover a smaller home, but how could we do this? Could we just invade someone's home? Or buy one? We didn't want to buy a house that would ultimately just sit empty, and we didn't envision ourselves in the house flipping business. 

Second bedroomBedroomHere's a peek at the two bedrooms. I think we have some carpet removal in our near future (There's beautiful wood underneath!)

While we talked all this through and allowed ourselves to dream big, it finally hit us. What if we bought a small house in need of repair, gave it a big makeover, and then somehow donated it to a non-profit, maybe Habitat for Humanity?

We had a lot of questions. Could we afford to do this? Would we seem totally out of our minds if we did? Would our readers enjoy seeing this? We didn't know. But we immediately fell head over heels in love with the idea. It felt so right, and we were SO excited to explore the options.

So, when we got home from our vacation, we thought about the idea more. We ran some numbers. We started looking at houses in our town that might work for this type of project. We had a couple of meetings with our new Habitat friends, and discussed the project with them to see if it was a good fit for their goals as well.

And about two months after coming up with this insane plan, we signed the papers for our new "project house." 

BathroomLaundry room
Here is the bathroom and laundry room. I have a feeling the bathroom is going to end up being the most expensive remodel in the house. Just a hunch. πŸ™‚

As you can see from the photos, we have quite a bit of work to do. Our goal is to give the house a major interior makeover, share projects on the blog with you, and then donate the house. We hope to accomplish this within the next six months. 

Inside the house we'll be updating the living room, dining area, kitchen, two bedrooms, laundry room, and a bathroom… which is basically the entire house! We're excited by this challenge and totally stoked to do a little painting, tiling, and create lots of projects to share with you, and then give it all away to support the Habitat mission.

KitchenHere's the kitchen. Love all that counter space. It just needs some TLC and it'll feel so much fresher and more functional. Also, to add a dishwasher or not to add a dishwasher? That is the question.

Another thing I'd like to note about this process is that after we donate the house, HFHS will likely make some updates of their own. Habitat for Humanity strives to build or renovate homes they work on so they are as energy efficient and β€œgreen” as possible. So some updates they may choose to make could be replacing windows, siding, or updating some of the heating and cooling systems. We're super excited to learn more about HFHS and their process through our work with them on this project. So we'll be meeting with them on a regular basis throughout the updates to ensure none of our work conflicts with any green updates they have in the works to avoid any wasted effort, as there are some set processes there. 

To be honest with you, I've felt incredibly nervous to announce this project with you all. Elsie and I are super proud of this project, and we can't wait to see how it goes. But, I was raised with the mindset that when you do a "good deed", you don't go around telling everyone about it.

For this reason, we considered keeping the purpose of a house a secret. But this just didn't feel right as we always try to be really open and honest with you guys about whatever we're up to. And we figured that you would find it sort of odd if we started renovating a home and sharing it with you, but not disclosing whose home it was, or why we were doing the renovations in the first place.

One of the things we love about blogging is sharing our life and business journey with you. This is a very happy part of our life this year and we're looking forward to being open and honest with you about it! 

And the truth is, it's because of you and your support that this project is possible! And I mean this from the very bottom of my heart. Every time you support ABM by reading the blog, sharing our content, buying an e-course or product we create, downloading one of our apps, or all of the above, you enable us to keep growing. You are the reason a family in need will be helped toward home ownership. We're incredibly grateful for your support! 

Thank you for reading. We hope you love following along with this crazy house project because the truth is, it's your project too. High fives all around. 

We'll be updating you on the house project periodically as things happen (we've already started some of the major renovations, as you can see in a few of these photos). Feel free to let us know if you have any questions or if there's anything about the process that you want to know more about. Maybe we'll blog about it. :) 

A Beautiful Mess makeovers a house for HFHS  Thank you, thank you, thank you for your support. We love you guys! xo. Emma, Elsie and the ABM team.

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman, Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions. *Habitat homes are sold to qualifying families at a reduced price with a zero-interest loan. Mortgage payments then go into a revolving fund that allows Habitat to build additional homes for families in need.  To learn more about Habitat for Humanity or to make a donation, visit

  • How fantastic!! Congratulations girls πŸ™‚ You should be very proud! Please blog about it!! I take so much inspiration from your home/DIY posts (as evidenced by the homemade loom and partially finished rag rug in my living room right now) and I can’t wait to follow along on this new adventure

  • This is such a cool idea! If you can find a cheap enough one, I think you should a add a dishwasher. Although it isn’t needed it can make life easier for some. Keep up the good work and I can’t wait to follow you though out this adventure. πŸ™‚

  • WOW! This is incredible. What an amazing idea. Can’t wait to follow along. Maybe someday this could be scaleable with teams of people beautifully renovating HFH houses ABM style…. so cool! <3

  • Wow ! This is the nicest thing I’ve seen on the internet for a while ! You girls are so generous, I’m admiring you !
    Congrats a hundred times !

  • wow, you girls are amazing and it makes me even prouder to read your blog! Renovating are my favorite posts… can’t wait to see all the cheap ideas you will come with! also i really hope we’ll get to see the renovating parts from Habitat! love from france

  • What a wonderful idea! This is why I love reading this blog. You guys clearly care about your community and it shows through in all your work. :)Can’t wait to see your small space renovations. πŸ™‚

  • Dishwashers save so much water over hand washing so I say add it! Also having just moved a year ago from Springfield to NW Arkansas I am a little jealous of that beauty of an old house! Before we moved we looked for old houses all the time and that one is a good one!

  • though i know you aren’t doing this for the accolades, i am so floored and impressed by your generosity. it’s inspiring! if you guys can give away a whole HOUSE, then i’m sure i can make more room in my life for charity, too.

  • Oh my gosh I ADORE this! How amazing to know that you can share this renovation with your readers, give your readers ideas/inspiration, generate new blog content and be doing something SO NICE for your community! HIGH FIVIN’ A MILLION ANGELS!

  • yes to dishwasher! but more importantly, how amazing is this?? i think it is great that you all are giving back and doing something as wonderful as giving away a home to someone. and what a super stylish home it will be! you should be proud of the work you do! can’t wait to follow this project and be inspired. thanks! πŸ™‚

  • congratulations! good luck! and have fun! don’t let the stress of this project take away the joy in the coming months.

    …and yes definitely a dishwasher…it’s one of the best multitasking tools around…load it up walk away and do something else.

  • Fantastic! I have never written a comment on a blog post before but I am inspired to say BRAVO! Makes me want to spend even more time on your blog.

  • Yes, we are leaning toward adding one. I agree, although not necessary (I’ve lived many places without one) it certainly does make life easier. πŸ™‚


  • I wasn’t planning on starting the day teary-eyed but there you are with this kind of news, and well… Waterworks! This is great and so appropriate for your team and readers and I’m so excited for you! (And for whoever gets to move in. They are going to feel very special) Congratulations! ??

  • That would be fun! We’ll see how this goes but we love the idea of finding scaleable, innovative ways to do what we love within our little business. πŸ™‚


  • this sounds amazing!! what an incredible adventure and i love that it’s going to a good cause!! you guys are such an inspiration!!! xo

  • Wow, what a fab project! I was starting to think you wouldn’t be able to share many house DIY projects soon since your houses and the studio house are all so ‘complete’ but I LOVE this idea. Plus its a great to to give to the community. Thanks for sharing. Zoe

  • Yes, I have read this about dishwashers. Even more reason to add one.

    And yes, SGF is amazing in how many inexpensive an old (read: full of character) houses there are. Many of them need a little TLC, like this one, but we are stoked to get to work within this space.


  • SO COOL!!! I love this idea – and I’m excited to watch your house renovations! We’re in a very small condo right now (866 square feet), so I’m trying to soak up all of the small-space inspiration I can πŸ™‚

  • This is AMAZING! Not only can I not wait to see all of the house progress and what you guys have planned, it’s such an amazing cause. Good karma is coming your way, lol! Congrats, ladies! Xo, Sarah

  • This is a wonderful idea! I’m so glad you guys shared it. The house looks like it has some really great bones. You guys are awesome!

  • How amazing and what a wonderful gesture. Safe, affordable housing is definitely a community need here in Springfield. Thank you for contributing to improve that need!

  • This is so exciting! I think it’s such a great solution to create new and exciting content without redoing your own spaces a million times – plus you get to give back. I have ties to the Springfield area, so it gives me warm fuzzies to see how much you care about your community. Can’t wait to see the progress!

  • Having worked on Habitat for Humanity houses before, I can vouch for what a wonderful experience you are embarking on. They are such a great organization.
    I have a few questions: will the family who is receiving the home be working on the project, as is the usual custom for HH houses?
    Have you considered including your blog readers in the process? I would love to be able to donate to the project. Perhaps it could even be tied to voting on design options for each room, with the decision based on which idea raises the most money? I think many of your readers would be willing to support this endeavor if they could do so as a tax deductible contribution. Perhaps HH could set up a way for us to donate?

  • Hi Emma & Elsie,

    I can’t lie, as a long time reader of ABM (and Elsie’s pre-ABM blog): I teared up reading this! It is really incredible how far you girls have come. Business is booming (or it seems to be!) yet you two always manage to stay grounded. You consistently set goals that focus in on what is most important: a strong work ethic, family & giving back in your community. You are so inspiring to your readers! Also, I was feeling a little sad that the ABM studio house was complete (No more home renos or rooms to share?!) which makes this post even sweeter. Congrats and thanks for keeping us in the loop! Can’t wait to watch this transformation unfold… πŸ™‚ xo

  • You guys are amazing! This is such an inspiring way to share your success. I’m really proud of your whole team. I can’t wait to see the renovation. πŸ™‚ Way to go!!!

  • Congratulations! Thank you for sharing with us…hopefully your story inspires more good deeds from your readers & other businesses that in are in a position to give back.

    A note on the dishwasher…get one! The habitat house will more than likely go to a family & being a mother of 3, dishwashers are a necessity!

  • Emma and Elsie,

    I’m so excited to read about this new adventure and see all the new DIY projects, of course! Also, you should be so proud of this accomplishment and I’m so glad that you didn’t hold back in sharing this. All of your readers know that everyone on the ABM team has HUGE hearts and spread inspiration everywhere! If anything, you a bringing more awareness to HFHS in sharing this with your readers!

    Also, I vote yes to the dishwasher as well. I have lived in many apartments abroad without dishwashers and it’s not great, to say the least! On that note, my husband and I are moving back to the states from expatriating for 3 years. I remember reading Emma’s home buying story that she posted in 2012 but it would be great to read a full post about tips on buying your first home! I’m so nervous about every aspect of it!

    Thanks for everything!
    You go girls!!

  • As a SGF native, I would love the opportunity to walk through this project house when it is finished. I’m sure I would be inspired beyond my abilities! If an open house event is in the works, please post details!

  • OK,you guys are CRAZY, CRAZY AMAZING! I have never written a blog comment here (besides giveaways- guilty!) although i follow your lives for about 3 years now,but this post definately deserves one. Keep it up,you inspire us all! NEVER STOP SREADING YOUR UNBELIEVABLE POSITIVE ENERGY <3

  • Wow! I’ve never written a comment before, but I’ve been following you for a long time. I feel inspired by this announcement, good luck to the ABM team in this exciting new endeavor! XO from Amsterdam!

  • Sounds like an amazing plan! I think doing a good deed and sharing it only inspires others to act kindly as well.

  • What a great idea, really lovely way to share your talent and resources with your community, good luck with it girls! Can’t wait to see the results! x

  • I’m the weirdo who wants to know the taxes and money things about doing something like this. (Living in a ~400 square foot studio means even small house renovations are too big for me to replicate.)

  • Those hard wood floors are beautiful! I hope you can keep them! Good luck! I may force my mom to look at these. She needs some ideas!

  • You guys are the best! What a wonderful gift to give a family! Not only are you giving them a home, but you’re giving them a comfortable, safe place for them to grow together. p.s. I’ll add my yes vote on the dishwasher πŸ˜‰

  • This is so awesome! You two + staff are so amazing and are very inspirational! Aaaah a house decorated by you guys~! *___*

  • I don’t comment often, but I feel this totally deserves a Way To Go!!! Such an awesome idea. I’m so excited to be following along. Can’t wait to see what you do with the place.

  • Seriously, what an amazing and inspiring idea! I wish both of you all the luck in the world with this project. Wonderful πŸ™‚ xxx

    Zoe Newlove | Beauty Blogger & MUA

  • This is such a cool idea! I can’t wait to see how you guys change the house πŸ™‚

  • Why don’t you start working with the HFHS right away? Doesn’t make much sense to me put the house through two different renovation processes.

  • This is amazing! You girls are the best and I am so excited to see the progress! I recently bought my first home and while it’s certainly livable it’s quite dated and I always seek so much inspiration from the projects you do on this blog as I slowly work my way through renovating and redecorating. Congradulations!

  • This is amazing! It’s really cool that you are lucky enough to donate a whole house to HFH. I understand the whole do a good deed and don’t talk about it idea, I was raised with the same ideals. However I am very glad you shared because this is an amazing opportunity and hopefully will inspire some of your readers to do smaller good deeds:)

  • Excellent use of your God given gifts and skills! What a blessing that home will be to a family in need.

  • Ya’ll are seriously the best. I think its wonderful that you are giving back to your community like that. Thanks for making the world a better place β™‘

  • I am blown away with y’alls generosity. Thank you so much for wanting to give back in such a big way! I know this journey will be inspiring and I cannot wait to follow you two along every step of the way.

  • What an awesome adventure- you guys will be so blessed by giving back! I just had to weigh in on the dishwasher…in a small house, cupboard space is golden! Plus, most dishwashers (especially inexpensive ones) can completely ruin glasses and plates. πŸ˜› We have a dishwasher (and 6 kids- so LOTS of dishes) and we opt to wash by hand. It has saved our dishes (the ones that don’t get accidentally broken!), and builds camaraderie and team work. Dishtime is the loudest, funnest part of the chorelist. πŸ™‚ I know I’ll be in the minority, but I vote cupboard space over dishwasher! Can’t wait to see the progress! xo

  • this is absolutely amazing! i can’t wait to follow along with the renovations of this house.
    you two are world-changers!

  • this is super awesome! a very excellent idea, and such a good example of how great design can make the world better! and i am excited to be along for the journey!

  • I am completely blown away!!! You guys continue to amaze me and I cannot wait to read about this journey. Its so great that you are giving back to your community!

  • Best ABM post I’ve read (and you have some good ones)!!!! This is awesome. Love, love it.

    What year is the house? πŸ˜‰ Do share.

    Excited to see more!

  • This is so cool!! I am a long time Habitat for Humanity volunteer, and it is so inspiring to see others who share the same passion to give back!! Can’t wait to see the upcoming projects. The partner family who moves in will be thrilled with the outcome, I’m sure!

  • This seems like an amazing project: tons of fun for you and such a nice thing for you community!

    There is just one thing that strikes me as odd: You mentioned that the organisation you donate to will do eco-friendly renovations AFTER you are done redecorating. That seems like your decorations might likely get ripped out (I imagine torn wallpaper when new windows are installed; floors, inbuilt-cupboards and tiles ripped out as drains for a new heating system are installed….)

    Could you maybe blog about why you chose not to work together with the organisation? (Or why that was not possible.) For me it would be fun to know which ideas are really eco-friendly and how pretty combines with energy-efficient.

  • What a great project! I really hope you choose to keep the period details in this home instead of painting over them. So few people do, and it’s a shame to see the destruction of historical homes that way. Good luck!

  • I couldn’t be more proud to be following such a great blog and wonderfully kind women and men!

  • WOW! Giving back feels so good. GO, ABM!

    Love the telephone nook. The house where I grew up had one…Charming.

  • Congratulations! This is an incredible gift and accomplishment. You guys do a lot and to whom much is given much is expected! Have a blast doing it and know that it is good!

  • I love this! I have volunteered with Habitat a couple times in the past and they do incredible work. It’s amazing that you’ll be bringing in a fresh take on what they do. If this becomes a recurring thing and you need a project manager, I got you covered!

  • I think this is super fabulous of you to be doing this!!! I personally cannot wait to see all of the renovations and updates. You ladies are amazing!

  • Love, love, love! You are such an inspiring duo! CanΒ΄t wait to see the progress!!

  • This is awesome!!! You guys totally rock. Love y’all and your generous, humble spirits!

  • PS Wouldn’t you be able to work with Habitat for Humanity during the renovations? I’m sure that otherwise a lot of good work could be ruined if someone else renovates after your renovation…

  • You ladies are just too cool. I can’t wait to see what you do with this house, I know it will be beautiful and any family will be so lucky to have it. Thanks for being inspiring as usual! And if you need any artwork for the walls as you get to the decorating phase I would love to donate/create a painting for your home!

  • You ladies are awesome and such an inspiration! This is fabulous and heck yes we want to see all the fun projects that accompany this endeavor! You girls have your work cut out for you, have fun πŸ™‚

  • You know what girls? This is amazing! I have read your blog for quite a while and never commented, but this post really struck me. Last week I took part in a HFH build day sponsored by my company, and the entire day was so fulfilling. We were working at an HFH site in Boston, where one house had already been completed and had inhabitants, one is slated to be finished before this winter, and the third had the foundation poured to be ready for building in the spring. This is such a huge undertaking, but a labor of love that will make a big difference in somebody’s life and I applaud you for giving back.

  • Eeeeeek!!! So excited for you ladies! What a fantastic idea. Can’t wait to follow along. LOVE your interior design inspiration. Definitely my favourite part of the blog (though the other topics are fabulous as well … particularly all of Emma’s yummy creations!). Best luck with this project!

  • Hi Antonella,

    We wouldn’t want to take on a project like this without working closely with the organization. This was their recommendation on the best process. So our updates are going to be primarily cosmetic (think drywall, paint, flooring, decor, etc.), and, if possible, Habitat will be looking for ways to improve the eco-performance of the house (electricity, air, etc.), as they have some set processes there. So they won’t be undoing anything we do. We meet with Habitat regularly to ensure we aren’t stepping on each other’s work.

    Thank you so much for reading and getting excited with us!

  • Amazing, 100% inspirational and great that you are sharing this… by doing so you are also raising awareness for the organisation πŸ™‚

  • Hi Thays,

    We are working with them right away. We wouldn’t feel comfortable pulling this off without their involvement and guidance. This was their recommendation on the best process, as we’re going to be doing different renovations than the eco-friendly renos mentioned. ABM will primarily be doing cosmetic work for the blog (think walls, paint, flooring, decor, etc.). Nothing we do will be getting undone or redone, as we’re meeting with the organization regularly to ensure our work on the house isn’t conflicting.

    Thanks for you interest!

  • Aww, girlies, so excited for your new venture and can not wait to see what awesome things you are going to do with this! Will be following along through every step so I can glean some of that house wisdom you will be sharing with all of us.

  • Ha I thought you were going to give a house to one ABM reader … How weird would that be… Love your idea better, it’s amazing, and pretty unique in the blogosphere I think.
    Just keep swimming girls, you are awesome !

  • Hi Rika,

    Sorry, this might’ve been worded a little confusingly in the post, but we are working very closely with Habitat on this renovation to ensure our work isn’t conflicting. They have more set processes for the eco-friendly work ensuring they hit the proper standards, etc. So it was their recommendation that they oversee this portion of the reno. Think of it like dividing and conquering, as wasted work isn’t good for anyone. πŸ™‚

    Thank you so much for supporting us!

  • How can we help! I- as I’m sure many other avid readers would- would LOVE to help, whether it’s physically working on it or donating money or items. Maybe an Amazon wish list?
    This is an amazing idea and I am so proud of you all!

  • Hi Celeste,

    Kudos to you for working with HFH before! We are so happy to be working with them on this project. As for your first question, the family may work on any additional work on the home after we donate. For us, the house is still technically owned by us and all the work will be done by us for paid for by us until we donate. This makes the process more simple, but we’re excited to see what else HFH does after we donate to them. I know “sweat equity” is a big part of their program so the family will likely work more on this home or other projects in the area, but this is really a question more for our friends at HFH than myself so I don’t want to speak for them. πŸ™‚

    Love the idea of getting readers involved! We’ll have to brainstorm on this more and see how it could work. We do hope to raise more awareness about HFH while we showcase this project in the hopes that others who may need their services can get in touch or those in a position to donate may do so, but it’s a personal choice so we’re just hoping to raise awareness. πŸ™‚


  • This sounds like an AMAZING project!! It’s so great that you guys are able help the community while doing what you love to do (and what you’re great at doing!) Can’t wait to watch it develop, this is awesome!

  • Thank you for your kind words Kristina. And I’ve got to say, YOU inspire us. We say this all the time (but never enough) that we have the best readers on the internet. YOU all inspire us daily with your kinds, creativity and generous hearts.


  • Hi Andrea,

    What an interesting idea-we’ll think about it for sure. Maybe it could be some kid of additional fundraiser for HFHS… we’ll see. Thanks for expressing your interest. πŸ™‚


  • This absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to see what it looks like after you fix it up. I always love the house tours that you do.

  • What a fantastic and generous idea! You guys are really great – and honest. I totally loved your remark on how you were “raised with the mindset that when you do a “good deed”, you don’t go around telling everyone about it”So much truth to that, but as bloggers, it’s perfectly normal to share your good intentions. Looking forward to seeing your changes to the house!

  • You’re not a weirdo. πŸ™‚ We’ll be sharing quite a bit about the money aspect of this project. We figured a number of you all would be interested (I would!) so we’ll be sharing some of that for sure-stay tuned!


  • This is so great. I have seriously thought about this idea myself. For ya know if my little blog would ever get anywhere or if I win the lottery. A girl can dream. I wasn’t sure if this is something Habitat would do. Cuz I always see them talk about building new houses. And often big houses. Which gives me mixed feelings because a there are already plenty of perfectly fine houses for sale they could buy and I feel like giving these people extravagant houses will put them in the same position as many extreme home makeover recipients. Houses they can’t afford even without a mortgage. I see nothing wrong with fixing up houses that already exist for families in need. I’m really happy and excited about this.

  • Interesting. Thank you for your two cents. I have to agree, you do seem to be in the minority so far as far as readers chiming in but I think you’ve got a good point with the cupboard space. It’s a tough call for sure!


  • I think this is a really cool project, thanks for sharing! Excited to see what you guys do with it!

    Kristina does the Internets

  • This is such an incredible idea! From a business/blogging standpoint, and from a charitable/make the world better standpoint. Y’all are such an inspiration to so many people out there, including myself, and this is just another way your creativity, attitude, and overall wonderful-ness makes the Internet awesome. I can’t wait to see what you do with this house!

    Seriously. Such a friggin’ great idea. This is brilliant!

  • That would be very Oprah of us-everyone gets a new car!!! Yeah, it would be too hard to choose just one family to receive. We’re happy to work with HFHS and their awesome organization.


  • I think this is AMAZING! My favorite posts are the home reno’s and I can’t wait to see what you guys have in store for this house. One family is about to be so lukcy! I have been diligently reading this blog for years and I love seeing the direction its been taking! SO excited for you guys and to see whats to come next!


  • Oh my gosh, Sarah. That’s so kind of you! We are hoping to raise awareness and promote the idea of just doing good, within your means. If you’re inspired about this project then feel free to give back within your community however works for you.

    If you are local and interested in helping you can also email me: emma AT redvelvetart DOT com

    Thanks! -Emma

  • Also have you ever herd of The Polish Ambassador? He is an electronic musician and community enthusiast. I’m not trying to promote his music here as some inappropriate use of commenting. I wanted to inform you of his project. As a touring musician he didn’t like all the waste festivals create and how the communities they are in feel like the festivals leave a destruction behind them. So he started a new movement where wherever he plays he builds something for that community. He gets tons of volunteers from the festival to join him. Like he got 300 people to join him on fixing up a community garden and he just played Denver where he got people to help build a dome green house for another community garden. So yeah his mission is so amazing and you should really Check it out. Get inspired.

  • OMG! I don’t know if I’m more excited or terrified for you guys! This is so inspiring that the ABM team is willing to take such a scary, yet rewarding, personal risk for the betterment of the community. Springfield is so lucky to have such wonderful, caring citizens who are so invested in its community. While no good deed goes unnoticed, I am so pleased that you decided to share this amazing news with all of us that may not otherwise know about your charitable efforts. Good luck with everything! I can’t wait to watch this all unfold.

  • That’s so neat! I can’t wait to see this project come to fruition all the way up until the final results! It takes a special kind of person that wants to do this and I think it’s incredibly giving of you guys!

  • SOOOO happy and excited for you! i have spent MANY summers working for habitat all over the world, and nothing feels as good as giving back and helping those in need. congratulations!!! <3

  • Wow! I am so impressed.

    I love (!) lifestyle blogs, but every once and again I get bogged down by all of the materialism.

    My heart feels very unbalanced when I read blogs (or write posts myself) about making our homes more beautiful and our lives more balanced, and then go into my classroom (I’m a student teacher right now) and see dozens of students without shoes, food, a home, and many other basic needs.

    There is a balance somewhere, for sure, between feeling giddy about a cute pair of shoes and recognizing a need in your community and DOING something about it. Thanks for striking that balance today.


  • Wow this is amazing. We need more bloggers like you in the world! What a blessing this will be to a family in need.

    I’m dying to see the front of the house. I hope you end up showing it soon!

  • I’m so excited about this! I love the work that Habitat does, and it warms my heart to see you guys doing something awesome that will benefit them. Love makes the world go round!

  • You girls are such an inspiration!! πŸ™‚ It`s amazing that you are donating the house, and I can’t wait to se the renovation. πŸ˜‰

  • This is so wonderful! I’m so happy you decided to share this with everyone and take this huge leap-of-faith for your business. I think the happy vibes will come back your way and it’s good to see you establishing giving back to the community as a part of your business model. It’s incredible that you could find a way to help your business grow (through more awesome home DIYs) and give back to your community. What a beautiful balance. Also, include a dishwasher, the family will thank you for ever!

    I have loved watching your business grow from two sisters to a whole team. I would love to hear about your team is developing organizational culture and norms. You have talked about office spaces and the needs of your team in a physical work environment. I’d love to hear about how you have grown professionally, such as: How do you all work together, how do you communicate with each other, how do you solve programs, what interpersonal issues have you faced. I work for a small nonprofit similar to your company size and we have a lot of learn about working together. I’d love to hear your advice and what you’ve learned!

  • Wow! What an amazing cause! This will truly be a rewarding adventure. Just a thought, I know you ladies love color and paint, but it would be a shame if you painted the wood doors and trim in the bedrooms. Sure it would be beautiful white, but for some gorgeous historic trim to go that long without paint is a treasure. Check out this house that kept a lot of that trim and is still funky and fun.
    Of course you will go with wherever your design takes you and I’m sure this is be such a wonderful new project!

  • You guys are so inspiring and amazing. I’m super excited to see what you do with this house!

    (Haha, so many comments about a dishwasher….)

  • What an incredible, inspirational thing to do! I’ve been a reader since back when it was just Elsie’s personal blog and I have never commented before but this is to great not to.

    Sharing it was absolutely the right decision- so many people look up to you. This is such an exciting project for your business and i look forward to following along.


  • Wow! This is such a wonderful project! Following along with your previous home renovation projects has been one of my favorite parts of reading ABM lately. This so exciting! I haven’t seen much charity work from blogs before so this really inspires me to use our blog to give back too. Congratulations!


  • Fantastic ! You can be very proud to launch this exciting project ! Go ABM Team !!
    XO from France

  • oh my goodness! this is insane, and wonderful, and so so awesome for you guys to do. it seems like the perfect way for you to continue doing amazing home renos, and for a good cause too!
    definitely appreciate your honesty which is consistently shown here, and they way you want to give back to your community is so lovely!
    you girls rock!

  • Girls, I lovelove that you are doing this! Habitat is my all time favorite not for profit for so many reasons. I am also excited about the prospect that your work with them will encourage your readers to work with them, as well. Big + small, monetary donations and time commitments, they all matter!
    And finally, I am excited to see what you do with that bathroom! It is not dissimilar to one in my 1940’s built home, which I am in the process of restoring.
    xo, Anita

  • I just wanted to say that I think it is really great that you are doing this, and I’m glad you shared that it will be for Habitat for Humanity. This makes me want to read your blog even more! It is important to show that people who have great success should give back to their communities in some way.

  • You guys never stop to amaze me! Congrats on your new adventure, I cannot wait to see you transform this space into a signature ABM style! Lucky family that gets your house!
    Xx, Marketa

  • This is my first comment here (or anywhere else)..Usually I don’t feel the need to comment anything. I just like being inspired and motivated by your work πŸ™‚ But this time I HAVE TO leave a note, because your intention made me a good way of course πŸ™‚ This is so brave and fantastic. I’d never imagined something like that and I now realize that there are no limits to what a person can achieve. Thank you!

  • I loved reading this, what a great idea. I didn’t want the house renovations to stop on here, but I like that the work you will be doing will go towards helping others. Excellent job, excited to continue reading about this adventure πŸ™‚

  • This is wonderful! I’m so excited for you guys and so excited to see all the improvements, setbacks, discoveries, and triumphs! This is definitely a dream career of mine. Have SO much fun!

  • This is going to be so fun to watch! I have one request – could you please do more posts mid-makeover with this house? I like to see not just the start and then the reveal, but all of the details in-between. It really puts a project/process in perspective and makes it seem more do-able when you walk through the process in that way. I loved seeing the studio house progress, but it felt like it was hidden until it was completely done and I think that part of the reason I love Casual Friday posts is that it makes everything seem more real. Thanks for listening and I’m so impressed by and excited for the new project!

  • Amazing! I have volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and they are great. I can’t wait to see how beautiful you make this house for the lucky family!

  • Emma,
    Raising awareness is wonderful! I’m so excited to see what magic your team creates with this house – it will be a very blessed family who moves in. I do think there are many of your blog readers who would be inspired to contribute in some way but understand your needs and desires to maintain editorial control. It is a very cute house and I, along with many others, can’t wait to follow along on the journey. Perhaps at least you can consider sourcing some of the items you use in the house from the local HH store – there are many wonderful items to be found in most of these stores and it would make the story come “full circle” to include a few!
    Thanks for letting me give fully unsolicited advice. Hee. I haven’t ever posted on your blog before but read it daily. Seems like you have really hit a home run with this upcoming project.

  • Why not make the structural changes to the house that are needed and then donate it? Even more blog content and you’ll actually be helping the new homeowner and HFHS.

  • You ladies are seriously SO amazing, is there anything you can’t do?! I am totally blown away by this new venture, it’s such a wonderful thing to do.

  • oh man, you guys are so awesome! that is unbelievable. I love that you take your success and spread it around. y’all are seriously awesome.

    love, arielle
    a simple elegance

  • I’m so touch by this, I love that you guys will help a family in need and also found a way to continue your home renovation passion and involve us in the process. I’ve seen you blog grow over the years and I can only say how happy and proud I am of you! Congrats and keep the good deeds coming.

  • What a wonderful thing for you ladies to undertake. There will be lots of new design challenges for you in the new space. Working with an organization like Habitat for Humanity is also a great way to use this space to raise awareness of how people can help others. Cannot wait to see it take shape

  • Hi Rebekah! We are working very closely with Habitat on this renovation, and they have more set processes for the eco-friendly work ensuring they hit the proper standards, etc. So it was their recommendation that they oversee this portion of the renovation. πŸ™‚ -Jacki

  • That is a fun and smart idea! I’m excited for the ‘small place’ makeovers πŸ™‚ High five for the best bloggers !

  • I’m so proud of you guys! This is an amazing service and I’m excited to see the end results!

  • Oh my God, this is perfect! This is such a great project and a way to help people out. I can’t stop saying OMG! A house! Congrats team ABM, you’re doing a fine job with your BIG plans. This would be my perfect example of DREAM BIG!! You guys rock. It’s so inspiring to follow you on your path to more beautiful mess. And I love you guys for doing something for your local community.

  • What a great idea! You guys are just the coolest πŸ˜‰ Such a great way to give back.

    So looking forward to seeing the updates and DIYs!

  • That last picture you posted, why didn’t they start/end the wallpaper in a corner?! Right in the middle of the room, that looks just dreadful. Glad you’ll be removing that. πŸ™‚ Really cool idea, looking forward to seeing the progress. It looks like that house has great bones.

  • What fantastic news! I love that you can give back to your community in this way that goes so well with what you love and do a great job at. I’m excited to see some smaller space ideas too! (And as a mom of two littles who has never had a dishwasher…YES!)

  • Wow! That is truly amazing and very inspiring. You girls are so talented and have such big hearts – I’m sure the outcome will be incredible. It will be fun to see the progress and magic you work on this place

  • Long-time reader, first -time commenter! I love this – you guys are amazing!!
    You guys deserve all the success you have and this cements for me even more why I love reading your blog.

  • This is WONDERFUL! So pleased that you’re giving back, and excited to read more about the process!

  • So happy for you all, and so thankful for wonderful people like you who are willing to do such a good thing for others. You are incredible people. So happy to support you. This project is awesome. I can’t wait to see how it all unfolds. Good for you, truly!

  • I’ve been a reader for years and years now and for the last couple of months I kept wondering were the “good deeds” went to. I remember you guys donating money to a foundation of some sort for Africa (was it Africa?) regularly…and ever since you guys anounced that you are a million dollar business now, I kept wondering when, and how you guys would do something awesome. And here it is. To be totally honest…I often feel a little disconnected with your blog now a days since everything got so fancy and grown up and expensive (from chep thrift DIYs to building furniture which just cost too much for me)

    BUT I kept (and will) keep reading just because you guys are such amazing encouraging people!! The best part is that through every post I get encouraged to just be more ME and go ahead and try what ever it is that I want to do!!

    You are such role models! You work hard (probably sometimes too hard), you stay humble and encourage me to be more open and happy about all kinds of stuff. There is always a smile when coming to this blog and THIS is just proof that you guys have your heart on the right spot. It’s just so, so awesome! Love you guys and keep up the encouraging and honest atmosphere and you will have a reader forever in me XD

    xoxo – Mel from Germany

  • Wow I totally love the idea πŸ™‚ I’m looking forward to see the ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures πŸ™‚
    Great job!

    Xx Renske

  • You guys are incredible! such a great project, good luck! Will be looking forward to the updates… giving back to the community, awesome!


  • This would have to be my favourite ABM post of all time! Such an amazing thing you’re doing and I can’t wait to follow the process.

  • Oh, this is such an awesome idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone is going to get to move into a seriously cool house!

  • That is so great! I like this idea! You are so different from the other “big” bloggers we can find every single day on the web. Bref, go on being yourself! Bises from France.

  • You ladies are amazing! This is such a wonderful idea. I have read your blog everyday since i first found it two years ago and have never been bored. You are both so relatable and have wonderful ideas. Whenever i check ABM in the morning with my cup of coffee i feel like i’m checking in with friends. Thank you for sharing so much and truly loving what you do, it shows!!

  • i am glad you didn’t keep it to yourself. this is wonderful and inspiring! i am excited to follow along!

  • Dear Emma, Elsie and all the ABM team,

    I’ve been reading your blog for about two years now and it’s kinda like, in need, on daily basis to get my ABM check ;). And to be honest, it is probably the only blog that i do so. And the main reason why, is because, you sistas are just beautiful, in every way possible. You’re simple and beautiful. I find pieces of myself in every blog you post, in every memory you share, in every advice you may give. And this project is just the like we say in french ” la cerise sur le gateau”. Thank you for that girls, and i really wish you the best in this incredible life that is yours.

    Greatings from Brussels πŸ˜‰

  • I am just beyond excited to watch this process unfold! What an amazing way to get involved with your community, and also give a family a lovely and beautiful home. This is going to be pretty amazing…reminds me of Nicole Curtis from Rehab Addict since she buys the old and restores them!

  • This is so fantastic, y’all are awesome. As a mildly artistic person, I’ve gotten so much inspiration from your site to DIY my own space. Homemade really is best! Sidebar: Elsie, where is your tshirt from? So very cute!
    Much love from Michigan.

  • Elsie and Emma, I completely understand your hesitate nature to share about this huge thing you are doing in the name of charity, but you should be so proud to have built a business that has the opportunity to give back in such a beautiful and powerful way. Good luck with this awesome project! Your recent studio house renovation posts have been some of my favorite ever so I’m really happy to see more before and afters with your personal touches! I know I will continue to check the blog daily for updates!!!

  • What a wonderful adventure! I am thrilled that you ladies follow the big, God-sized dreams.

  • Amazing Idea!! I can’t wait to see the in progress work, it’s even more intriguing than what the final result will be!

  • I absolutely love Habitat for Humanity and this project! Are you going to allow readers to get involved in any way, like donations to the renovation fund or sponsoring specific projects for the house? I for one would love to help y’all with this project!

  • You guys never cease to amaze me! This post is so uplifting and what you are doing is WONDERFUL! I just love that you’re using what you have and the abilities you’ve learned to give back to your community; it really is an amazing idea, and I can’t wait to see the process and the renovations!

  • What a great idea! Totally inspirational and how fun!! I’m excited to see how everything turns out. I say no to the dishwasher! My husband and I always end up using it as storage. I’d much rather have a fully functioning cabinet or drawers instead of a dishwasher. I’m so excited to see what you guys do with the place. Best of luck!

  • Thats amazing! What a generous gesture. I have the same wood paneling in my kitchen. I painted it white and am tying it in with my farmhouse theme since we can’t afford to gut it. It actually looks pretty great.

  • To be 100% honest I was starting to find this blog a bit shallow and was become very frustrated that every time you had an exciting announcement it was always about something else we could BUY. A bag, shoes, content, etc… Exciting, yes.. But it just was feeling a little corporate!

    So this is awesome to see! You gals have been very lucky and I know you work hard, but it’s great to see you give some (huge) back, especially in your local community.

    Good deeds attract other good deeds… I’ll bet you get all kinds of offers now for help on this massive project… AND you will likely inspire others to do good in their environment too.

    Nice work!

  • You know, I was wondering what your next step was going to be after the Office-House was pretty much done. When I first read the title I thought you meant, you know, like a giveaway-giveaway and I was like: WHAT? NO. THAT IS RIDICULOUS. But then I read on and realised what you actually meant and it is the best thing ever! I can’t wait to see all the projects and learn more about HfH.

  • What an amazing way to give back! I’m looking forward to watching the progress and excited to see the finished project. One family will be pretty lucky…


  • This is such an amazing idea. I understand your hesitation and concerns with sharing this, but I think everyone here would agree that it’s a refreshing change from the typical lifestyle blog. Too often the blogs we come across can seem isolated or unrealistic. It’s great that you have the resources to pursue your passions AND help someone. I think that a lot of your readers (myself included) will be inspired by this project and strive to do something along the same lines. Best of luck!

  • Just when I was starting to think that you girls couldn’t get any cooler… Touche, Elsie and Emma. Touche.

  • I love this! What a marvelous idea to give back while getting to do what you love to do. Two thumbs up!!!

  • Thanks Melissa!
    I hear you. We do sell a lot of stuff. And we will continue too (retail and product designs are huge passions in our business too!). πŸ™‚

    I’m glad you’re excited about this project!
    Thanks for reading! xx- Elsie

  • This is so wonderful! What an opportunity you have been given to bless. I am a proud reader from the early days and it is so great to see how you have dealt with the fame! I am so excited to see what you have in store for this home and I will be praying for the family who will be able to live in those halls!


  • This is really an amazing thing to do, and I cannot wait to see more and more as you commence the re-do. Congrats!

  • You continue to amaze and astound me with your ideas and creativity. Thank you for supporting Habitat for humanity you with your work. What a beautiful thing to do! Love you guys too! I am very proud of you both!

  • This is such a great idea!! My husband and I have really enjoyed renovating our little home and it will eventually be a rental as well. Sometimes it is fun to redo a place with the idea of another person using it in the future. It definitely gives you a new perspective!

    Have you ladies ever considered doing craft weekends? We have a local blogger who hosts groups of people for a weekend at her studio house. They do crafts together and also explore the surrounding area! It could be a fun way for you guys to get more involved with your local community that way as well:) (plus it would be really fun for your readers to attend!!)

    Leah Faye
    the clover field

  • So cool! I’m anxious to see the results!
    And btw idk why the kitchen looks like the kitchen used in Walter White’s (Breaking Bad) house lol

  • ohhhh my gah!!!
    you guys are incredible! I am near tears at the mere thought of your generosity. Its always so endearing to see people give back when they can. Thank you for being one of those people. I cannot WAIT to see the renovations!!! I loved seeing the room reveals from your studio.

    p.s. Please add the dishwasher. My mom grew up in a poor, rural, central american country and it wasn’t until we moved into a house when she was in her 50’s when she finally owned a dishwasher. She said despite moving into her very first house to call her own, all she ever wanted was a dishwasher! haha!! Add the dishwasher πŸ™‚

  • Reading this post made me CRY SO HARD

    I feel so inspired! You guys are incredible and I cannot wait to support you further

  • Wow, this is absolutely wonderful! What a fantastic idea.

    I am curious – are you going to be able to get products for the house donated do you think? Are there ways to get deals because it’s going to be for Habitat? Just curious if all of the expenses will come out of pocket, cause that seems like a ton of money!

  • This post legitimately gave me goosebumps. Not only is your blog an inspiration, but so are you two ladies (and your team). Please keep up the amazing work!!! Reading your blog (and making your recipes and crafts) has truly become part of my daily routine. I can’t wait to read more about this project. =]

  • Congratulations! What a huge endeavor. Thank you for sharing. I’m looking forward to the updates on the house. Kudos to you both for giving back.

  • Yay, this is exciting! I just love my local Habitat for Humanity ReStore, and I’ve wondered if y’all knew about those. It’s a great charity, we’ve been looking into it for help for housing my brother who’s disabled. He doesn’t qualify but it’s very nice what they do

    Maybe someday you’ll build a guest house so you can show us an even smaller tiny space too (like a studio)

  • This is so awesome & so exciting! What a wonderful opportunity to help a family. Can’t wait to follow along as you guys remodel & renovate!!

  • This is so awesome! I love that you guys are giving back in this way and I’m so looking forward to following along as you remodel. And absolutely yes to the dishwasher, I don’t know what I’d do without mine! πŸ˜‰


  • Wow, I teared up a little bit reading this. You guys are amazing! I think it’s great that you shared because it’s so inspiring to see such acts of generosity and kindness. I can’t wait to see the rest of the story unfold!

  • Wow!! What a great idea, and a beautiful thought . Yes, a dishwasher, I lived on a sailboat for 7 yrs without one, and traveled in an RV without one. That was one of the 1st things I requested when I moved in my place here in Springfield,MO, that and a garbage disposal!! Love to watch your project come along. I’m a quilter, I’ll be glad to add a small quilt to the house for who ever is getting the house.
    Good Luck

  • This is such an inspiring, creative idea! What an incredibly generous, wonderful thing to do. I am so excited to see how you guys renovate and see the process unfold. Congrats!

  • This is a wonderful idea! The people who move into the house must feel all the joy that has gone into the renovation — and it’ll most probably be contagious. Loud cheering and lots of admiration to you!

  • Hey there!

    I have learned a lot of you guys, about blogging and photographing…

    I truely admire you both and your team, you are doing tremendous work…and now you have taken it to the next level!!

    I just can say WOW!

  • OMG…This is just amazing! I think it’s a great idea. I’m sure it will turn out fabulous, like all of your projects! But…most important…people in need will have a cozy, warm, beautifully designed space to live in.
    I know it’s not gonna be easy, but…in the end, all the hard work will pay off more than ever!

    I am sooo nervous and curious to watch all of your progress! Please share your journey with us…we all love design and we can’t wait to see this space transform in a home!

    Congratulations on this amazing initiative! I’m inlove with your blog, with your projects that don’t just use new/modern items…but just revamp old pieces, that just need some attention and TLC! Yay…so excited!!!:)XOXO

  • One of the things I really enjoy about your blog is that you make readers feel like we are part of the team, and feel included as the business is growing. Very inspirational ladies, love your work! What a lovely thing to do. I’ve been reading your blog for a few years now, and honestly, it’s getting me through my PhD! When I’m working and need some inspiration (as I’m going a little nuts sitting at my desk doing data entry etc. for work) I always pop over to your blog and see what’s going on. It’s great as there are a few things I can do now while I have very limited time, and many more things I will be able to do when we buy a house and I have more time (aka when I finally finish uni). Thanks for the company and ideas πŸ™‚

  • It’s a crazy GOOD project, girls, you shouldn’t feel self-conscious about disclosing the ultimate beneficiaries. Yes, you will receive well-deserved praise but you are also advertising for HFH, which is very much needed, and inspiring all of us to think about new ways to give back. It would have been a shame not to tell us !

  • … actually, I’m speechless… What a nice thing to do! (“nice” is such a poor word)… what a kind thing to do (another poor word)… I find it great when such young people do something for the community. Horray to that spirit! Can’t wait wait for your projects!

  • Hey,
    Your idea is really cool. Can’t wait to see the process of renewing…
    Preparing a house and then giving it away will be hard, but it’s a good idea…

  • Oh, you’re so kind and totally cool! Good luck with the project, can’t wait to the update! The Mad Shopper’s Dressing Room
    Follow the blog on Bloglovin

    Please kindly vote me here

  • I think this is a fabulous idea! Many people will benefit from this project…the family who receives the house and all of your readers. I am so excited to read about your progress…can’t wait! πŸ™‚

  • This is truly an amazing/ awesome idea! I’m so happy you decided to partner with Habitat for Humanity, because they are an awesome organization too. I can’t wait to see all the fantastic ideas you come up with, because this house is the same size as mine! ABM is an inspiring group of awesome people. Thank you for choosing to share this project. (:

  • This is the most amazing project EVER! I love what you’re doing with it, too. I think we often get so caught up in our own lives that we forget how important it is to give back. Awesome, ladies!

  • Wow, I am so impressed, you guys are pretty awesome!! πŸ™‚ Congratulations!! I can’t wait to start seeing all the projects you share with us!!

  • Me parece una idea maravillosa, os admiro muchΓ­simo y gracias a que empece a leer vuestro blog, mi mente empezΓ³ a cambiar viendo que habΓ­a otra manera de ver la vida y que si algo queremos se puede lograr con pasiΓ³n, esfuerzo y creyendo en uno mismo.
    Gracias por vuestro blog.
    Un saludo, Jennifer Cabanillas, EspaΓ±a

  • Wow, I love this idea so much! I can’t wait to see what you do with the space – I have no doubt it will be amazing!

  • You guys are amazing! Don’t for a second feel bad about sharing this! As a blogger, sometimes spending WAAAAAAAY too much time on the internet all day can leave you feeling . . . . icky. There are all sorts of people out there who weren’t loved enough and instead of spreading kindness with their words, spread something else. Reading this post lifted me up yesterday, so much that I remembered today to come back and comment. Thank you for spreading kindness. Thank you for making your community a better place. And thank you for making the blogging world a better place.

  • Wow, what a great project!
    I know (from my own experience on our treehouse) that a renovation of a whole house is not a walk in the park but I’m sure you and your team will do a great job! so exited to see the results!
    keep up the good work!
    from vienna with love, Katharina

  • These are such exciting news! I’m looking forward to seeing your goals being turned into reality! What a great way to use your gifts to make a difference in your community. You guys have no idea how inspiring you are to me every time I visit your blog! <3

  • That house has great bones, I can’t wait to see how awesome it will look once it’s done! And I think you guys are totally amazing for doing this. It’s a fantastic idea!

  • This is great! Love this. Hopefully you can find ways of doing smaller community fundraising as well to give back. Outside of the community how about setting up a “disaster fund” were you put money aside from the business whenever feels right and when we have major disasters like Catrina, Haiti, etc etc you can also contribute to those causes from that fund. I know individual donations for natural disasters help but larger contributions from businesses can make all the difference with those displaced and in need due to a natural disaster.

  • High Five!

    This is so amazing that you’re able to give back in such a big way, May God continue to bless your lives and business abundantly. What a blessing this home will be for a family in need. As a child of a single mother growing up with absolutely nothing, I know that whomever gets this home will be speechless and left in awe by the beauty & heart you will both put into this new home for them. You girls are awesome! xo

  • How awesome and exciting!! It’s like Extreme Home Makeover, but with people I “know” and are super fun and crafty! I can’t wait to see what you do with this project!!

    ps: if you ever just want to take over a place…my apartment is at your disposal. πŸ˜‰

  • Wow! This is amazing! Way to go, ladies! I live in Springfield–I wish I could volunteer to help with you guys! You are doing so much to make our town a better place! This is just an incredible idea. I think it’s so special how much love you’ll be putting into it for the people who move in. Good luck πŸ™‚

    P.S. I met you two at the Starbucks by Bass Pro, once. I don’t know if you remember me or not, but I was the girl who had just come from the Arlo Guthrie concert (I still think it would be rad if you did a post on the artwork of his dad, Woody Guthrie whose hometown isn’t too far from ours).

  • I look forward to tips involving a small house on a budget. I love the wood floors…hope you find some more.

  • Awesome! Giving back is what it’s all about. This little house has so much potential! It’s adorable, will be adorable and cozy! Can’t wait to see progress! Have fun!

  • So excited to hear that y’all are not only renovating another house (love all the reno’s done so far) but also that its for charity! whoop whoop! Wish there was a way the readers could help out without turning it into a camel…I work as a landscape architect in Louisiana and while the native plant palette is pretty different down here compared to MO, I’d love to draw up something for the house! I know y’alls main concern is the interior, maybe HFHS could install a rain garden to treat the house’s stormwater…that’d be pretty green! just dreaming and feeling inspired by y’alls generosity πŸ™‚
    high five and looking forward to everything to come from ABM!

  • This is amazing and so truly inspiring. Your town is so lucky to have you! Can’t wait to follow along!

  • So proud of you two and so glad we all took the leap of faith in “loaning” you our Mallory. You have been great friends and great role models. PS. Jim’s comment when I told him about this project was, “They are good girls.”

  • You have such big beautiful hearts!

    Wow. In my eye you guys seriously have just gone up a notch.

  • So gorgeous. That bathroom is so kitschy cute… The sink especially. And the tub. Please oh please keep the tub!
    I have a hunch the kitchen will be the money hole!
    I am definitely excited to see this process and the end result! Congrats and good luck!!

  • Uhh, It sounds very exciting. I’m looking forward to follow this project. In Denmark we have a realy cool lady called Signe Wenneberg who has mad a cottage house build on sustainable principles and she has blogged about the building process. You guys should check it out:

  • Amazing goal and idea. Can’t wait to see what you do with it and who ends up living there. You guys are very inspirational

  • Wow! You guys are amazing!!!!! What a great project! I can’t wait to see all the updates. πŸ™‚

  • How awesome! Got yourselves a win-win-win situation right there! A good deed, a place to do projects for the blog and super exciting content for us readers! Way to go! πŸ™‚


  • You deserve all the success you have because both of you are very generous. Goodluck on this project and I can’t wait to read the progress in the next 6 months. πŸ™‚

  • I’m so sorry to hear about that. It’s a longer process that would be better explained by HFH. Check out their site (linked in the bottom of the post). You can also contact them if you have more specific questions about their process. -Jacki

  • I think this is an awesome project!

    I would definitely say YES to the dishwasher! It makes such a difference to you when you’re time poor and cash poor – we lived in an apartment for 2 years without one and moving home where I had one made me want to cry and kiss the cabinets around it.

    I would personally love to hear a little bit about the choosing-a-project-house part of the process. I love the idea of picking a house to renovate at some point, but after hearing tons of horror stories about renovating old houses (and living through a few nightmares of my parents’) I think it could be really handy to hear what your thought process was (i.e., how much do you dare to diy, basically!)

  • I love this idea! It’s a total WIN WIN. Please add a dishwasher! I don’t have one now and it is awful!!!

  • This is a great way to give back to your community AND enhance a local neighborhood! I can’t wait to see the finished results, your design efforts will make this house AH-mazing. There’s an empty house in our neighborhood that needs work and its not eligible for a mortgage. Put us on your list for the next project, we could use your help πŸ™‚

  • So proud of you guys! Your blog has been inspiring me for years now and I am so happy to be able to watch you guys grow!

  • I’m a frequent reader but never commentator, however this time i have to say that itΒ΄s an amazing project! Good luck with it, and I can’t wait to see how it is going on!
    Cheers from France!

  • I LOVE that you are doing this. I can’t wait to see the progress and finished product!

  • You know what would be fun? If you guys could somehow allow readers to vote on options for some of the projects! I thought of this idea when I read ” it’s your project too.” It would be really cool if the house was a reflection of your readers opinions and ideas too! Just an idea!!

  • This is just the most wonderful idea!! I wish you the best of luck that everything works out as you wish for!!

    All the best from Vienna, Austria,

  • I’m really sad because I really like the floral on the top of the walls but I know you’ll get rid of it.
    I also really like that little shelf-type thing with the star cut out of it but I’m sure you’ll get rid of that too, if not the entire wall to make everything open.

    I’m sure however you create the house will be amazing though!

  • This is truly a wonderful thing you decided to do girls…very inspiring and it actually makes me proud to “support” people like you when i see that you’re capable of doing something this huge for someone in need. THANK YOU! And congratulations that is really fantastic! Can’t wait to see that project growing step by step!
    Much love to the entire ABM team!

  • Iv been following ur blog for some time now, and I just want to say I love how far u ladys r getting with ABM. Im constantly inspired by ur posts, and cant wait to c wat u do with this house.

  • This is the mostest bestest thing I’ve read in, like, forevah. I can’t tell you how different my style is from what you typically post – but I LOVE your ideas. And I’m so uncreative (truly), I couldn’t even replicate what you do no matter how hard I tried. BUT I CANNOT WAIT TO FOLLOW THIS!!! How totally awesome you and your whole team are. BEST TO YOU as you continue to grow your fabulous business!!

  • Just want to say that seeing this project on your site affirms my continued love and support for ABM! I have been following this blog for several years now and have enjoyed watching the ongoing growth and transformation that has happened within this small blog space. The fact that you are taking your creative ideas (literally) outside of your personal spaces and fueling a project to help others is so awesome. It’s easy to get caught up putting so much of our energy into making our own lives inspiring, artsy, and crafty, or even getting into a worse rut of comparing our lives to others on the internet. Thanks for having the courage to do something huge (like give away a house!!) and share it with the readers. Keep up the sharing and good work! πŸ™‚

  • This is seriously so cool. How I would love to do this! Where can I buy some books to help support you?

  • I feel like a dishwasher would be marvelous addition. A lot of people around here that have gone the route of HFH to get a house have multiple children, or other family members to care for, and that can make a lot of dishes. It’s something small that could really make a difference in the amount of time someone has to spend with their family. πŸ˜€

    I personally prefer to not have one, but then again I only have one child. πŸ˜‰

  • You guys are such an inspiration! πŸ˜€ I recently found your site (can’t really remember how, maybe pinterest?) and I’ve been in love ever since! Elsie, I already know I’m going to be a lot like you when I’m older haha (16 right now). Well of course, I’ll be ready for updates on your project(:

  • I seriously had a lump in my throat the entire time I was reading this. You guys are so amazing. I think this is just wonderful. I also am grateful to you for making a blog that I just love and can’t go a day without checking! Any time I’m buried in work and just need a break, I head to ABM to distract my brain and recharge myself. So THANK YOU for all YOUR hard work to create something so beautiful.

  • That’s awesome of you. It’s really amazing that you had that idea. I can’t wait to see your progress on that house. You’re such wonderful girls to do this.

  • This is so awesome!! This is just the type of project that renews my faith in humanity. The team at ABM is always fantastic, always posting awesome projects that are really manageable and clear. I am definitely looking forward to the updates in this new project.

    Thank you for sharing this GREAT new project πŸ™‚ !

  • I think that this is a fantastic idea, and an incredibly generous one. Shout it out, this is one I think deserves to be talked about! Can’t wait to hear and see more of the process, looking forward to all your updates.

  • This is amazing! I can’t wait to see the whole remodeling process, and perhaps, the lucky future tenants of the home. πŸ™‚

  • YAY!!! I work for Habitat for Humanity here in Oregon and I love this so much! Thank you for supporting the Habitat mission and eliminating the need for substandard housing in your city!

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