New Oui Fresh Notepads!

I am SO excited to share a few new Oui Fresh products with you today!!! We’ve been working on these for quite some time and I’m thrilled not only to have them to use, but to offer to you all. As you know, we are huge fans of dreaming big and setting goals. I have a feeling many of you are this way too. 🙂 We’ve created two new products designed to help you stay organized and on top of those goals.

*Also we’ve got a pretty rad giveaway, so make sure you scroll to the bottom of this post to check that out.

First, we created a weekly meal planner that is based off of our cookbook, Weekday Weekend. There are areas to plan out all your weekly meals, and some space for weekend plans as well. Then the other side has a shopping list area so you can make your grocery list right along with your meal plans. You can cut the shopping list off and take it with you to the store, while keeping that week’s plan on hand (maybe hang it on the refrigerator?) to keep you on track.

This is a super useful weekly meal planner even if you aren’t currently doing the Weekday Weekend challenge, as it can help you plan better so you reduce food waste or end up in that spot where you order take-out again because you don’t have any groceries. I know, I’ve been there! This notepad comes with 52 sheets, one for each day of the year.

Our productivity notepads are all about helping you get stuff done! These two notepads are sold together. There is a daily to-do list notepad with plenty of space to add all your goals and check boxes for when you complete them. You can also use the left column to plan out your day better or keep track of an important call you may have that day. The second notepad is to help you see your week quickly. You can use this to write down big deadlines or meetings you might have that week. I LOVE both these tools because they help you focus on what you need to be doing NOW but also how it relates to the goals you have that week.

Each productivity notepad is super thick with 75 sheets per notepad.

Today we are celebrating the launch of our new notepads by hosting a really awesome giveaway over on the Oui Fresh Instagram account. So go check that out to enter for your chance to win the above items (!!!!!!).

We can’t wait to see you all using these. Please tag us using #ouifresh so we can see yours! xo. Emma + Team Oui Fresh

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with ACS for Desktop actions.

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