New Project: And so it begins…





This weekend the Rachel, Emma and I did our first photo shoot for a book idea that we are working on. It's lifestyle and handmade based and really special to all of us. Our goal is to pitch the concept to publishers in the coming month. We've been meeting, sketching and planning for a couple months now. It's really exciting and a fun new challenge. I'll be sure to share more when we find a home for the book and get a timeline established. In the meantime, keep your fingers crossed for us. We're having so much fun working on this! (EXCITED) loves, elsie 

Note: These photos are all behind-the-scenes snapshots by our sweet pal Mallory. They don't really give anything away about the content of our book (sorry! we want to save all that for later)… but I thought it would be fun to share a tiny taste and the exciting news that we're hard at work on this. β™₯ 

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