New York in photos…

New York is Beautiful 1New York is Beautiful 1New York is Beautiful 1New York is Beautiful 1New York is Beautiful 1New York is Beautiful 1Here are a few snapshots from our weekend in New York with our mom. We had an amazing time exploring the city together. Here are a few of the places we visited! Molly's Cupcakes wins new best cupcake of my life. The crème brûlée cupcake was incredible. We love the swings too! 

New York is Beautiful 6New York is Beautiful 7New York is Beautiful 8New York is Beautiful 8New York is Beautiful 8
Magnolia Bakery had some pretty amazing cheesecake (our mom's favorite!). We also did a lot of shopping, relaxing and saw Mary Poppins on Broadway. :) 

New York is Beautiful 11New York is Beautiful 11New York is Beautiful 11New York is Beautiful 11New York is Beautiful 11Thanks for taking a look at our New York trip! We're excited to be home and back to work for the week! We have tons of plans for July… it's going to be a great month! xo. elsie

PS. There are a few more New York snapshots over at Everyday Elsie & Everyday Emma

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