On Organizing Inspiration

How do you keep track of your business inspiration and ideas?Hi there! I'm starting a brand new series of questions and reader requests here at A Beautiful Mess. I have an FAQ page, but some questions deserve a much more in-depth response! Today I'm jumping into the topic of organization. Each time I post about organization methods I get more and more questions, so here's a little more detail about how I keep track of it all… 

Inside my blog planning notebook
1. My Planning Notebook I carry a planning notebook pretty much everywhere. This book is a home for all my ideas for future blog posts. I recently shared some details behind my planning process. All of those ideas that were on my wall are now safely tucked away in this book on post-it notes. They're categorized by topic and as I use each idea I can pull it off the page and add it to the "done" page. 

2. Pinterest I love using my Pinterest boards as a way to keep track of inspiration and pretty things. It's highly addictive, but so much fun! I keep boards that are practical and some that are totally just-for-fun! 
Bloglovin3. Bloglovin' I use Bloglovin to keep track of all the blogs I follow. You can "like" posts as a way of archiving them. I do this when I don't have time to read a full article or when it's something I might consider featuring on my blog in the future! It's a great way to save your favorite blog content. 
4. A Sketchbook Last, but not least, I carry an old fashioned sketchbook with me everywhere I go. I also keep one beside my bed becauase late night ideas are sometimes the best! If you don't keep a sketchbook, I suggest going out to get one today!
I hope these answers have been helpful. I'll be back with more reader questions in the near future! XO. elsie 

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