Hey guys! Just wanted to share a quick reminder that our new book, A Beautiful Mess Photo Idea Book
, will be released this coming Tuesday! There's a fun bonus for anyone who pre-orders the book before that date! Here are the details:
To get your bonus PDF, just pre-order our book (it's available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound) and send your proof of purchase to abeautifulmess@randomhouse.com. This can be anything that confirms you have pre-ordered the book (email receipt, order numbers, screen grab of your order confirmation, etc.). The promotion is open to anyone who has already pre-ordered and will be available until August 13th (the official US release date!) The promotion is open to A Beautiful Mess readers worldwide!
Thank you SO MUCH for your pre-orders. We're so incredibly excited for our books to be shipping to your doorsteps this coming week! We're gonna have to do something to celebrate here on the blog too… hooray! xoxo. Elsie