PSL Pincushion DIY (No-Sew)

If you’re looking for a fun little autumn-inspired project, especially if you like to sew, you should make this PSL pincushion DIY. It will probably take you less than 30 minutes to make and it’s sure to put a smile on your face.

I still have (and use) one of these cactus pincushions that Laura created a few years ago. She’s still going strong! But I decided I wanted something a little more seasonal too, and that’s when I thought, “Wouldn’t a pumpkin spice latte pincushion be hilariously cute?” So of course I decided I needed to figure out a way to make that. I’m sure there are a million ways you could do this, but I’ll share what I did and, good news, it involves no sewing at all. Plus, it uses my favorite crafting tool. Can you guess?

It’s a hot glue gun. I don’t know why but I feel like such a crafter when I get to use my hot glue gun.

burnt orange felt
white felt, optional
fluffy white yarn
-coffee cup or mug (paper or ceramic)
craft foam cone
-hot glue gun + glue sticks

As you can see, I decided to use Starbucks paper cups, but any coffee cup or mug will do here. You could absolutely use a white ceramic mug with a handle instead. Just be sure to choose something you don’t plan to use for a while.

*And just in case anyone wonders, no, this post is not sponsored by Starbucks. We love working with sponsors, and we ALWAYS disclose when we are to you. This is just a project I wanted to do and I decided to use these cups because it’s how I had originally envisioned it, so I just went for it. I very sincerely liked Starbucks PSL, although I don’t think I’ve met a pumpkin spice latte I didn’t love from anywhere. 🙂

Step One: Cut the foam to fit inside the cup, filling it up almost to the brim. You’ll also want to cut a small piece off the top of the cone that will be the inside of the whipped cream.

I found that a serrated kitchen knife made cutting this foam easier. Just be sure to wash the knife after cutting and before putting it back in the drawer.

Step Two: Cut the orange felt to fit the top of the foam, so it will look like your orange latte inside the cup.

Step Three: Use the hot glue gun to glue the felt and foam together. Then glue the whipped cream foam piece to the center. Then glue the yarn or cut white felt around it to look like swirled whipped cream. Don’t overdo it with the hot glue on the whipped cream piece because your needles will go through felt, yarn, and foam, but they won’t go through dried hot glue as easily. So you don’t want to coat the entire piece in glue.

Add your needles and pins and you’re in business! These are pretty lightweight, so if you want to weigh down your pincushion more, just cut the foam so there is some space below it (inside the cup) and add some potting rocks or sand to make the pincushion a bit heavier. Up to you. Happy sewing! xo. Emma

Credits // Author and Photography: Emma Chapman. Photos edited with A Color Story Desktop.
  • Can you believe we don´t have Pumpking Spice Latte here in Argentina? I never had it in my life
    This time of year all the American web pages I follow, start talking about it 🙁
    Love the cup pin cushin idea, so I´ll try to make one that resembles a regular latte (those we know 😉

  • Such an adorable idea, I am going to make this for my sister. She loves to sew and this would look so cute in her sewing room. Thanks for sharing Emma.

    Mags 🙂

  • This is the most adorable thing I’ve seen in quite a while!! I don’t even like PSL’s THAT much, but I love the emotional feeling of having one in the fall, so this would be a perfect way for me to get that feeling without having to throw it away so quick!

  • These are too cute! You wouldn’t even suspect these were pin cushions. Atowle|

  • Aww these are adorable! Never thought about a fun pin cushion!

  • Audibly gasped out loud when I saw this post! Definitely saving it for later. This is such a cute and fun idea! Would love to also make it as a regular coffee or latte too 🙂

    x Sofia

  • Super duper cute!! I’ll be making these by this weekend! (And I not even NEED a new pin cushion, haha! Love it!

  • Oh gosh, this is the perfect fall gift! I can see it being a huge hit! 🙂

    Charmaine Ng | Architecture & Lifestyle Blog

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