Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall

Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on www.abeautifulmess.comHi, friends! Today I’m excited to share a super fun project with you. I did a little one-day makeover in the most neglected room in our home. It’s a huge improvement that I can’t wait for you to see. I don’t want to spoil the video for you, though. So I’m sshhh-ing. 

For this project we are working with our longtime friends at Canon USA. They make my absolute favorite photo printer, the Canon PIXMA iP8720, which I use nearly daily in my studio. One of the things I love most about it is that it can print 13×19 inch (or large format) photos at amazing quality. For the project, I needed photos that were 12.5×12.5 inches to fit the record frames, so it was super easy to print these out. I LOVE big photos. I used all iPhone photos for this project. It felt good to print out some memories that could have gotten lost in my sea of phone photos. 



Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on Do you guys like my new improved space? This space is now a second dining room (a “party room” if you will…), and it’s located between my kitchen and dining room. The perfect place to play records while we’re cooking dinner! 

I should note that this isn’t the first time I’ve done a record frame project. I did one about seven years ago (eek!) that is somewhere deep in my archives. My friend Tara Whitney inspired it with her beautiful record frame wall. (Side note—if you’ve never seen Tara’s photography, it’s gorgeous!) 

Also, I got my record frames at Michael’s, but you can find them just about anywhere that sells frames. They’re easy to find and cheap. 

Record Frame Instagram Photo Wall more details on I am SUPER happy with our upgraded record space. We’re slowly collecting more records, and in the meantime, I figured it was a good spot for a few cookbooks, my painting stuff, some oranges (haha—not sure about that one… it makes sense in my brain), and a pair of headphones. 

Thanks so much for reading! I am working on a post about my home printing process, so if you have any questions at all regarding printing at home, gimme! xx. Elsie 

P.S. If you’re in need of a photo printer, Canon has their PIXMA iP8720 on promo $50 off ($249.99) and their SELPHY CP910 is $5 off ($94.99) until Feb. 14!

Credits: Author and Photography: Elsie Larson, Video and Music: Jeremy Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess Actions. 


  • what a cool idea! I can’t believe how clear that printer does photos.

  • such an awesome idea! I bought this printer as an xmas gift to myself and have been intimidated to use it, but after seeing how amazing this looks I’m ready to break it out and start printing.

  • I like it! Ya want to come do my house?! lol Im in a slump and dont know what I want to do with a couple of rooms…..sigh oh well, this looks really nice!

  • I LOVE this project – I have some white record frames from UO I’ve been wanting to put to good use. I think insta pictures would look lovely mixed in with some record covers too 🙂

    Ps. this reminds me: Eggnog (our doxie) is OBSESSED with Dolly. Every time I scroll through your feed and stall on a picture of her, Noggy tries to steal my phone away! Hehe SO cute


  • Super cute! I love the shelves (need to find/build something like that myself!). What sort of paper do you use to print 12.5×12.5 photos?

  • I used these same frames ($5 each on sale at Michaels) as shadow-box style frames for my boys’ high school patches and medals(the ones that go on letter jackets). I wrapped the back with corduroy and then hot glued the patches in place. The little metal clips on the back are flexible, so they will handle thicker things. I kept the glass in, but for really big things you could take that off or have a couple of mats cut to insert inside to give it a bit more distance from the glass. I was amazed at how inexpensive these frames are and they would be super easy to customize with spray paint. I’ll for sure be using more of them for pics and such. Such a great post.

  • You can get enlarged prints almost anywhere that prints photos. You will probably have to trim it down, though, since 12.5×12.5 is such an uncommon size. 🙂

  • i really like the selphy printer…what kind erm i guess, what do you suggest using that for? i cant afford a fancy schmancy printer right now so it seems like that would work!

  • I love what you do !
    I was looking for a good photo printer for christmas and didn’t make my mind because in France we don’t have the Canon PIXMA iP8720 (and can’t buy it in the USA because of the plugs). Do you have another one you recommend ?
    Thank you,


  • Hi Elsie,

    Can you do a post on all the printers you have and what you use them for/what they print best? I actually bought one of the Canon ones you guys featured (Canon MG7120) a year ago and have yet to use it (totes my fault – some antivirus program was blocking it’s installation so I gave up) but I want to get more insight into its strengths, etc. and to see if I need another one for other needs.

    Thanks so much and I cannot believe how well that printer prints. I wonder if the one I bought will print as well. Ha, maybe I should just take the time to connect it. #craftfail

    Thanks & cheers!

  • Ooh, can’t wait for the home printing post! I’m having a hard time deciding between making do with a 4×6 printer or just going for it and getting the big guy.

    Love this idea, by the way! Never would have occurred to me to put anything but a record in a record frame. Silly but true! 🙂

  • I can’t wait for your upcoming post! I bought a similar printer (its a Canon Pixma 100) after I read your scrapbooking posts a year ago last December. I would love/dying to know how to able to print several different sized photos on one 13×19 sheet. Do you resize them and then plot them onto a collage?

  • Just got this photo printer for Christmas and now I have an awesome project to try!! What photo paper do you use? Love the look of this!

  • OMG that dinasour photo reminds me of “Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure”!!!
    So fun, thanks for sharing such a fun photo idea!

  • So awesome! I have an ‘awkward’ space as well (don’t we all): A super visible hallway with tons of vertical wall space. It’s in desperate need of a makeover, but I’ve been at a loss. It’s a stone’s throw from our record player… So color me inspired! Thanks!

  • Truly a fantastic idea! So simple and yet it totally transformed the space. I would have never thought of using record frames for instagram photos, but it looks absolutely perfect. I have a wall in desperate need of art. I may have to do this on Sunday.

  • Brilliant project! LOVE the new look for the site! Your hand drawn buttons (below) are just so COOL and the colour scheme is wicked! Sigh….you guys just get better and better xxx

  • LOVE 1-day projects! They are so much less intimidating, so I actually DO them! 🙂 XO

  • Love the video and the project! Also, I recently got Happy Handmade Home and am having a dinner party this Saturday to test out all my new projects! Thanks for all the ideas.

  • Very very cool! I also have an “awkward space” in my house and this might be just what I’ve been looking for! It’s so nice to see an Elsie project on here – and I loved the video!

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  • Elsie, I love this! I am always inspired by your photography, and these happy photos really brighten up your space. It’s like taking a instagram mini album and super-sizing it! This is the most comfortable I have seen you on camera. 🙂 Keep up the good work! 🙂 I hope you do more of these!!!

    I Loooooooooove the blog update!!! From the bright colors of the post titles to your hand-drawn icons, it is all perfectly ABM! 🙂

  • i love this project… the shelves and photography all look fantastic!
    but side note question… those Crosely record players have such a fun look to them and we were going to get one, but when my husband did some research, the reviews were awful! just lots of bad reports of them not working well. so he’s using an old ugly thing to play his records, so i’m just curious if your experience has been fine??

  • I love this post and the video! Can’t wait to try this for myself.

    I’d love to see your photo process (re-sizing + printing) that you do for scrap booking! It’s the only reason I haven’t started making them yet.

  • It looks like you use and love Canon printers a lot and I’ve heard good reviews all round about them. Which one would you say is best for printing on cardstock? Also is it pricey to replace the inks?
    Been looking for a new printer for soooooo long it’s about time I just got it sorted. Thanks xx

  • This is a great idea! I’d be a bit worried about making my iPhone pics that big though, do they keep their quality when made bigger?

    Cat x

  • That is such a fantastic idea!
    I have so many photos on Instagram that I’d LOVE to display. And I love that with this idea, you can customize it so much! I could do thicker, more colorful frames (more my style) but the main idea is still the same! Awesome! Thanks!

  • Can you use the printer for regular printing as well? I need a new printer since I work from home and would like to combine if possible

  • Pictures taken by yourself makes it so much more worth watching – the memories comes flowing.

  • My heart skipped a beat when I saw your Joanna Newsom vinyl. She’s the real deal. It makes me so happy to know other people appreciate her as much as I do 🙂

  • Did you print on regular office paper, or did you use something heavier or more photo appropriate?


  • a music post would be really awesome, would love to hear what everyone’s love and like do you work and listen to music and other random stuff like that!

  • Love the photos! This gave me some ideas for my extensive record collection and how to display some of the old albums I have!

  • I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I have an ikea shelf simmilar for my records and books, but i would love to have some of my favorite Insta pictures blown up and framed like that! GORG! A new cute record player would be nice too! xx

  • Hi Elsie..Iam Gita from Jakarta Indonesia, what best for printing at home is more valuable to have a printer or a selphy? iam little bit confuse about what the best to choose.
    Thank you..

  • This is perfect!
    Love it. I also have a lot of Instagram pictures that I would like to print and hang in my room, but I didn’t really know how.
    So this is a great tip!
    And I love the record cabinet :). We also have some records, but we don’t really have a nice way to put it in the room. That cabinet is just lovely, perfect, and now that you filled it up, it looks amazing like this!

  • Lovely frames! I wanted to ask, what dpi/ resolution did you use? Doesn’t blowing up images make them blurry?

  • I love this D.I.Y! I have been following this blog for years and I still love it. You guys are doing a fabulous job and I will continue looking forward to more posts!

    Unique Geek

  • I love to play “what-if”, so what if you use a couple of your great images in the frames for doors on the great shelving unit. It would not be too hard to do. So cool!

  • Quick question! I am getting started on this project right now and am super pumped! I’ve never acted on an ABM idea so quickly before. 😀 But I’m not sure how to make sure my pictures will print out 12.5″ x 12.5″. How do you format them to that size? I’ve tried looking for an answer online, but can’t find one. Sorry for my ignorance.

    (Oh and I don’t have Photoshop. Do you need it to do this project?)

    Thank you!!! 🙂

  • Hi Christina! That’s awesome! Elsie printed 13×19 photos and then trimmed them down to fit. You won’t need Photoshop to do this DIY, just access to a printer (check out your local print shop if you don’t have one at home. 🙂 -Jacki

  • Love this idea – we have a Canon printer that I really need to use more AND a huge blank wall in our living room that would really benefit from an Instagram photo gallery!

    Can I ask if you used a special type of paper (photographic, matte, glossy, a specific weight) for this project? And do you customise the printer settings before you print? I find that my photos don’t print quite as crisply / brightly as I expect. Thank you 🙂

  • fun wall! love it and really into the simple space makeover.
    i am most curious about your home printing process! a few of my questions re:
    printing pictures – about how long does an ink cartridge last (how many pages/photos? i would love a breakdown of costs for home printing and an approximate cost per photo. what program do you use to set up photos to print (i’m guessing photoshop)? would love a tutorial on importing photos and setting them up to print at different sizes!

  • hi elsie! love this wall/project. question for you about home printing, i always see you guys mention the canon printers that you love and was wondering how you feel it compares to getting your photos printed at a store or photo lab. your thoughts on the quality versus cost for supplies, paper, ink, etc. at home would be greatly appreciated! just debating if it’s worth the cost to buy everything, it seems like you use yours pretty frequently though. thanks 🙂

  • Hi Elsie, what resolution did you print the pics at? I know instagram usually scales down the size.

  • They are 12.5×12.5 inches, 300 DPI.

    I used iPhone photos (without instagram filters) and sized them from there and they are not very blurry or pixelated. 🙂

  • This is absolutely adorable!!! I am literally walking around my house trying to find an empty spot on the wall to do this.

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