Resolution Time!

Resolution timeHope you're having a very lovely New Year's Eve today. We just got a little snow in our area last night, and it's looking beautiful! New Year's is such an exciting holiday. It's time to reflect on the past year, be grateful for all the good things and learn from life's little hiccups. And New Year's is a great time to set goals for the coming year. Here are a few tips to keep in mind as you plan out your New Year's Resolution:

1. Keep it simple and specific. It's much easier to achieve a goal if you have a clear understanding about how to go about it. For example a goal like, "Take more pictures." is a great goal to make. But get specific, maybe commit to a 365 challenge

2. Think big picture. Since we are talking about New Year resolutions this means we are looking to make goals that we will want to stick to for an entire year. Think about your life and try to determine what elements might make you a more happy or better person if you stuck to them all year long. You could break goals down into weekly or monthly commitments to help keep yourself on track.

3. Reward yourself! Your goals should be hard to achieve. If you feel like your resolution is going to be an absolute breeze to accomplish without much effort, you may want to rethink it to be more challenging. And it's a great idea to have a reward in mind for when you complete your goal. It's doesn't have to be a big or expensive reward, just something that will motivate you to do your best. 

4. Get excited! Goal setting should be an exciting time, not a chore! Keep a positive attitude, even on days you don't feel like working toward your goals. Keep your eye on the end result and know that you are doing something that you really want for yourself. 

READER GOALS FROM THIS YEAR: Here a few goals set by readers that we just loved!

Apple Blue challenge herself to create something every week (specific, that's great!) and to set aside time every morning to be thankful. 

Loved Edible Potential's goal to take more black and white photos!

And we loved The Littlest Bake House goals to learn to knit and to make an effort to move more in her daily life.

  • I just wrote about my new year’s goal on my blog! I am excited for what 2013 will bring! Thanks for an incredible year of blogging. You all work so hard and I have enjoyed every single post. Reading your blog daily has been a joy and has made me want to blog too! I’m only starting out but I have followed all the great advice you gave in past posts.

  • My goals for 2013 are:

    Check in with my fiance once a week over coffee/drinks/dinner about our goals and progress toward wedding planning. And how we’re handling it all emotionally.

    Take 52 photos of “love.”

    Complete 52 craft/DIY/home decor projects

    Save a set amount (not for the internet to know!) ea. month toward the cost of our wedding.

    It’s gonna be a great year!

  • My resolutions:

    – Start blogging! I’ve been working on getting it ready to launch for the last few months and January 1 will be my official launch date! I plan to post on MWF, and maybe have some “filler” pieces on other days (I have a lot of ideas!).

    – Be crafty! Instead of having a list of “projects I want to do” I want to actually get them done! (and since they’re being documented for the blog, I have been!)

    – Feel a lot better about myself physically. I’m calling 2013 the Year of the Swan – I’m going to lose 30 lbs, start running a 5k every month for a year, and break my soda habit.

    – Get to know Springfield better. I’m a local and I love your blog because it’s introduced me to some great places around here (like Elle’s – yum!). Springfield may not have the resources of KC or STL or Tulsa, but it’s a pretty amazing town and I’ve loved discovering local shops.

    Kate –

  • One of my goals this year…to connect with bloggers that have inspired me for years and I have been stalking from blurkerville. So I’m saying HI LADIES!!! Ive been follwing since like forever (seriously since Elsie started the blog way before Emma moved back to MI), I have taken your summer fun ecourse and made countless projects inspired from your DIY tutorials. Geez I feel guilty about not saying thank you a looooong time ago. Thank you thank you thank you for all the years of inspiration, lovely photos, omg yummy recipes, and all the other bloggers you have turned me on to over the years. Im looking forward to see what you have in store for the next year and can’t wait to buy your book!! And just maybe make the trek to MI so I can see the store in person!

    xo the Rebel

  • All wonderful tips (and goals!) – I’m working on mine and will definitely be posting tomorrow. Thanks for the inspiration, ladies! And happy New Year!


  • Wonderful post! I was just about to sit down and write about my own resolutions for the New Year… of course, I’ll have to brainstorm some first. I’m sure there are plenty of things I’ll be able to do to improve my life and lifestyle in the New Year. xx
    – Cass

  • Love the tips! I’ll definitely be creeping on, I mean getting tips from everyone else about their goals and they’ll be achieving them!

    My goals for 2013 are:
    1. Complete one home decor project a month for the apartment.
    2. Make friends with strangers.
    3. Inspire other people to get crafty.
    4. Take one photograph a day.

    Happy new year everyone, and good luck with your goals!

  • I decided not to drink caffiene for a month before xmas, and i might try and carry on for a year. Its going to be tough, but i feel so much clearer and healthier from one month alone… I also want to read more books and spend slightly less time on the internet πŸ™‚

  • Happy New Year ladies! I have so enjoyed all of your inspiration througout 2012 and am looking to 2013 with high hopes πŸ™‚ Btw, I featured one of your diys as a favorite of 2012 in my post today.

  • My resolution: Not taking things people say so personally. I’m super sensitive so when someone is critical toward me or my family’s business I get really emotional about it and take it to heart. When in reality, I should just brush it off and not let it bug me.

  • These are great tips! I decided to do things a little differently this year and I am doing the 101 Things to Do in 1001 Days project. I am basically achieving the goals I would have made as resolutions, but my list outlines them in specific things I can do to actually achieve the goals. And I threw in some fun ones, like stargazing and apple picking, as well!

  • It’s been really neat to see you set big, hard-to-reach goals over the years on your blog and then to actually reach them. It’s such a great example to others that its possible to push yourself to achieve more than you thought you were capable of. I’m hoping to really push myself further in 2013 – artistically (an art show and a 365 photo challenge), professionally (starting a new job), and personally (3 5ks and weekly dates with my husband). Happy New Year!

  • Happy New year! I’m looking forward to seeing what 2013 bring for ABM blog – 2012 was fab! My goals for 2013 are 1) Cook something from a cookbook at least once a week (I always end up trawling the internet and forget about my beautiful books!), 2) Make things I love rather than what I think should go on the blog and 3) Read the bible and pray daily with my husband.

  • This is great, just what I needed to read on the 1st of a brand new year…I have set myself up for some serious failure this year if I don’t stick to mine! So I have to, thanks for the inspiration!

  • We are so excited about this. We are participating and have blogged about our 2013 goals on our blog (we made sure to credit Beautiful Mess for this idea). We will keep you posted on our progress. Thank you so much for this challenge – it’s going to motivate us all year.

  • It’s wonderful how everyone is excited to get a list of goals accomplished in the new year
    I hope we all stick to our goals and achieve what we want
    Very important and helpful point.. Thank you

  • Your blog is might force in this world! Thanks for teaching us all to reflect on ourselves and inspire one another. For 2013 I’ve decided to try my hand at 13 things I’ve never dared before @
    I’m excited to see the positive change we can have as a blogging community! Hooray to 2013.

  • I’m doing my version of the 365 challenge. I’m looking forward to getting better at photograpy and having a happier life. Happy New Year!

  • I feel really inspired me to keep at my resolutions this year:

    1) Blog at least once a week to improve my writing skills.
    2) Capture more memories with a memory box and do the 365 challenge.
    3) Watch one film every month that I’ve never seen before.
    4) Go on a mini road trip every month with my boyfriend to explore, take photos, waste money, spend some time together and all that other soppy couple stuff.
    5) Learn how to properly use my DSLR, edit images and videos.
    6) Make more effort with loved ones.
    7) LOOK AFTER MYSELF (I’ve put on loads of weight recently and I can’t remember the last time I made myself a meal or did any form of exercise. My dad died from a heart attack so why would I want to destroy my body? No more disgusting eating habits, no more heavy drinking, no more slob!)

    Happy new year Emma & Elsie! X

    – Samantha

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