Rosemary Roasted Almonds

Rosemary Roasted AlmondsRecently I was telling Emma about my bar snack turned homemade snack obsession, Rosemary Almonds. She suggested I share the recipe on the blog, but I was scared to because it’s a simple recipe and I didn’t want you guys to make fun of me. (So please don’t. K? Thanks!) With that said, this IS my favorite snack recipe at the moment, so I’m excited to share it with you! If you like Rosemary as much as I do, I know you’ll love it. I ordered these four times from a local bar, and I kept bugging Jeremy to go there for more until he was like, “Make them at home!” and I was like, “Ohhhh yeah. That sounds easy.” Why didn’t I think of that?

Almonds are, well, super boring, but these few ingredients are a complete game changer. It’s like a makeover show where you’re pretty sure they made the person look way worse in the “before” segment just so the reveal could be super dramatic. Yep, that’s these almonds! From eww to wooooo in 15 minutes. 

Rosemary Roasted Almonds Rosemary Roasted Almonds 

2 cups raw almonds (skin on) 
1 tablespoon coconut oil (*or olive oil) 
1 tablespoon rosemary, chopped
1 sprinkle garlic powder 
1 teaspoon sea salt 

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Then place in a large, flat baking dish (I usually use a casserole dish). Make sure that your almonds are in a single layer for baking. Bake 15 minutes at 350°. I usually take them out and give them a stir about halfway through (because coconut oil is hard at first, stirring helps the oil to be evenly distributed). Let your almonds cool completely before enjoying them. They will be weird and chewy until they are cool. 

*Note: I am using coconut oil because I’m doing Whole 30 at the moment. I don’t really notice the flavor of coconut oil, but I’ve heard people say they don’t like it. You can totally use olive oil instead. 

Rosemary Roasted Almonds Thanks for letting me share my super simple recipe. I have made them about five times recently and don’t see myself stopping anytime soon. 

If you make our recipes, please share photos with us on Instagram with #mybeautifulmess. We LOVE seeing what you guys make! 

Rosemary Roasted Almonds Cheers! xx. Elsie 

Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson. Photos edited with Imogen of The Folk Collection

Rosemary Roasted Almonds


  • 2 cups raw almonds skin on
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon rosemary chopped
  • 1 sprinkle garlic powder
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt


  1. Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Then place in a large, flat baking dish (I usually use a casserole dish). Make sure that your almonds are in a single layer for baking. Bake 15 minutes at 350°. I usually take them out and give them a stir about halfway through (because coconut oil is hard at first, stirring helps the oil to be evenly distributed). Let your almonds cool completely before enjoying them. They will be weird and chewy until they are cool.
  • you should have said you are doing Whole 30. I bet you many people will do it with you. I know I would 🙂

  • I’m presently easing myself into one. I would love to see any Whole30 recipes you’ve come up with!

  • I LOVE rosemary almonds, but I had totally forgotten about them until seeing your post. A friend made them for a party at her house once and they were completely addicting. I think this would be a great gift for someone because they could be packaged nicely… or a good car snack for me… See? My mind is now alive with rosemary almond thoughts. So glad you shared and didn’t think it was too simple. It’s those little simple luxuries that are the good ones.

  • Sounds great! Some of my favorite posts are healthy recipes that can be prepared quickly. I work 60 hours a week so it’s hard to find time or motivation to prepare anything that requires a lot of ingredients or preparation. I will be making these tonight when I get home from work. Thanks for sharing!

  • This is just a great recipe! There is no such thing as a recipe that’s too easy, I believe. This sounds like a great combination of flavors and I’m for sure going to try it out – now that I’m eating a LOT of nuts during my pregnancy this comes in especially handy 😉

  • Oh man! This might be the game changer I need to stop eating so many cinnamon sugar almonds! I’m so excited to try this out 🙂

  • This is perfect! I eat a handful of raw almonds as a snack before dinner every day but I’m kinda bored of them. I might do this with pecans or walnuts and just scale down the handful.

  • I would also recommend making these by blanching the almonds for 1 minute, slipping the skins off, drying them well and then roasting them. It intensifies the roasted nutty flavor when the almond itself toasts. It takes kind of a long time but it’s worth it.

    Also, I have learned from experience that roasted nuts go from golden brown to black very quickly. Keep an eye on them.

    Love the site, it’s just beautiful.

  • OOOO congrats on your Whole30!!!
    I hope you have huge successes! I am totally and 100% behind anyone trying it at least once.

    Hope to hear more about it!

    Keep at it!

  • Yummmmmm!!! Will definitely be making these! Would love to see more of your Whole 30 favorites!!! Xo!

  • Uh oh.

    The last time I had a major snack obsession, it was cinnamon sugar almonds that I could make at home.

    This may be the almond snack attack pt. II and I’m 100% okay with that. (Except this is WAYYY healthier than the cinnamon sugar ones!)

    Neha //

  • They look amazing and I’m definitely going to try (all for healthy snack alternatives to salt&pepper chips ;).

    PS: Are you thinking about writing a post about your Whole30 experience/recipes/tips? You totally should!

  • We’ve been making a version of rosemary spiced nuts for the holidays for years; so so good and a great handmade gift. Our favourite is pecans roasted with rosemary, oil, maple syrup, and lots of salt.

  • I’d never make fun of you for a simple recipe! In fact, I’d love you even more! Simple recipes are amazing, especially when they make such delicious snacks. I love almonds but I’ve never made my own flavoured roasted batch. Rosemary is a great flavour to add!

    Monica – Mocha and Moccasins

  • Ah, so glad I came across this! Just made rosemary chicken for my family last night and have lots of Rosemary left. This is perfect! Healthy Snacking! Thanks.

  • Please do a Whole 30 recipe round up! I’m trying to make a long-term switch to eating paleo – love this quick and easy snack. A trip to the grocery store is in order.

  • I love roasted nuts, they are great to snack on or add on top of salads or casseroles. They can hold bold flavors in such bite-size bits!

  • Love this! Baking anything (like veggies, potatoes, etc.) with a little salt is usually my favorite meal or side dish. So easy, and cleanup is a breeze if you use tin foil over your baking pan.

  • I always wanted to try the Whole30 but I’m not sure if I can.
    But in the other hand I recently completed the HCG diet cycle. I know the goal is a lot different, the HCG is specific for weight loss. But the allowed foods are pretty much the same. And it was 42 days.
    Well, maybe I’ll try soon.
    Good luck 🙂
    Tell us how it ended.
    Xo, Deborah

  • I love these photos! Elsie, I know you mentioned that you were in a photo rut, but these are so simple and clean. A++ *clap clap* *High five*

  • Um no one could ever make fun of your Elsie. You’re our favorite – always.

    Very important question: what is your favorite cocktail to pair with these almonds?!

    Lastly, can you please share how you did with Whole30 when you’re finished? I’m sure it would inspire lots of us to try too 🙂

  • Love your writing in this post: “from ewww to woo” – brilliant! Great recipe! I’ve done this exact recipe with garbanzos (chick peas) and they’re DELICIOUS!!!!!

  • I had no idea you were doing a Whole30! That’s stupendous. My husband and I did it last June and we’re doing it again now. More energy, more health, more creativity in the kitchen and, of course, fewer pounds at the end of the process. Best of luck to you in pursuing it!

  • im on day 16 of my second whole30!! would love to see more w30 compliant recipes from you 🙂

  • Congrats on your Whole30! It’s great you have found a satisfying snack! When I did it, I found dried apricots, roasted brussel sprouts, and green pepper soup all especially satisfying. Keep going! You will be so excited to complete it.

  • Wow, I have never thought to combine garlic with rosemary as a seasoning – this sounds positively luxe!! I went off almonds for a while because they were boring me. I am re-inspired, this is truly one of natures greatest “whole foods”!!

    Thanks 🙂 Jill
    Latest Post: Working Out and Not Seeing Results? How Overtraining Can Stall Fitness and Weightloss

  • This sounds like such an amazing treat!
    I might be behind the latest news, or simply it’s not a thing in my country, but I have never even heard of rosemary roasted almonds before! Can’t wait to try.
    Also, is there another ingredient to replace rosemary with it, if someone doesn’t like its flavor? Thanks! 🙂

  • Hmmm. Those sound interesting. I don’t know that I’ve ever tasted rosemary (at least I didn’t know that’s what I was eating if I did), but it’d be worth a try for sure!
    Speaking of coconut oil, have you tried whole-grain toast “toasted” in coconut oil on the stove-top? That, paired with an over-easy egg is just like, the best thing ever!

  • I LOVE roasted almonds and only recently realized how quick it was to do as well! Hooray for fun snacks 🙂 I did a maple-tamari one (Kitchn) and a chai spiced one (Joy the Baker) that were both delicious. Now I have to make these! I’m a huge rosemary fan.
    Also, I think it’s awesome that you’re doing the Whole30!! We eat Nourishing Traditions style (have done some pretty intense paleo/autoimmune paleo protocols too) so a lot of ‘healthy’ recipes I see aren’t actually healthy to me. Anyway, good luck and endurance to you!

  • Wow, I love almond, but I never tried it this way. Thank you, girls, I will add a new stuff to my menu! ♥ I just should be careful with garlic 😀

  • Thanks Rosene! You know, I don’t usually blog about health type stuff, but maybe I will sometime. 🙂 And if you’re considering doing Whole 30 I would encourage you to read about it and go for it! I learned everything I needed to get started from their website and I got some recipes from Pinterest and my friend, Diana, who is also doing it!

    XX! Elsie

  • Thank you! I honestly don’t have a ton of recipes! I eat roasted veggies almost every day. This is my favorite snack. I eat Lara bars and drink black coffee and water throughout the day at work. 🙂 I kind of like the routine of eating similar meals over and over and I honestly don’t have the spare time to get super creative with my recipes, but maybe in the future if I feel like I need that to keep going. 🙂
    xx- Elsie

  • Hi Kristina,
    I am taking a little break from drinking cocktails at the moment, but I bet they’d be good with and Old Fashioned (which is pretty much my favorite cocktail of all time!). But if you don’t like Whiskey, hmmmm…. something lemony maybe like a Sidecar?
    xx- Elsie

    PS- thanks for being so sweet!!!

  • You’re doing Whole30?!?! I saw this recipe in my feed and was like, “Oh, yeah, we made that last week because we are doing the Whole30…” haha. It would be cool to see any Whole30-approved recipes you’ve come up with! We’ve already made these almonds as well as fried (baked) chicken, nachos with chili, guacamole, and homemade baked potato chips, and lemon and caper salmon. I’m having the hardest time with lunches and snacks right now!

    xo Kimi

  • Hehe I LOVE whiskey ;)… Your whiskey sour recipe is possibly my favorite of all time Elsie!!! I’m going to make these this weekend and pair them with an Old Fashioned. I’m considering trying whole 30 in Feb. Trying not to overindulge in cocktails/wine this month as an excuse… Probably defeats the purpose. Lol

  • Mmmmmmmmm. These look super yummy and healthy. I love healthy stuff and find its so much fun too make your own food. I wrote a blog about a quinoa, pomegranate and haloumi salad. I also posted one yesterday about a Berry Green Smoothie.

  • I love simple recipes! Makes me actually want to make them 🙂 I will definitely be making these as I love almonds and have a huge rosemary bush that could use some trimming. Thanks for sharing!

  • I love simple recipes – the simpler the better as far as I’m concerned 😀

    Tracy Shutterbean does snack ideas so easy they barely qualify as recipes but they’re amazing too!

    Looking forward to making these later, thanks xx

  • I made these tonight. Yummmmmm!!

    I’ve been wanting to try roasting my own almonds, so this recipe really came at the perfect time.

  • I’m Day 25 on W30. Found it soooo easy to do. A fav I made was TJ raw unsalted sunflower seeds in my electric fry pan with the coconut oil. Add any kind of spice or herb. Made them with Penzey’s garlic powder; salt and pepper; or curry. Nice snack or added on top of my awesome egg-crepe. OK, now I’m hungry!!

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