Today I am going to share a cool look you can achieve using a DSLR camera and a few other supplies. The reason you have to use a DSLR (digital single lens reflex) camera is so that you can change your aperture. It also helps to have a prime lens! Ready to get started?
First, what is bokeh?
Bokeh is that beautiful thing in photography that makes the background blurry. Bokeh happens when there is a low aperture. Low aperture causes the subject in the foreground to be sharp and in focus while the background is blurry and melts away. Bokeh is wonderful because when the background is blurred, it brings the attention to the subject! There is a little trick in photography where you can actually turn a blurred light source in the background into a shape! There is a science behind why it happens, but instead of a science lesson, I'll just show you how to make it happen. You don't need much in the way of supplies.
When you place a black piece of paper with a tiny cut out shape over your lens, the background lights will mimic the shape you placed over your lens.
Ready to get started? Here is what you will need:
-DSLR camera and a prime lens (the focal length on this lens is fixed and it doesn't zoom) works best. I am using a 50mm lens and my aperture is set to the lowest number.
-black construction paper (black paper won't allow the light to leak through)
-X-Acto knife or small scissors (you can also use a shape puncher)
-tape is great if you want extra security
-rubber band
Put your lens cap on the black construction paper and trace the cap (it does not have to be perfect). Now make a slightly bigger circle around your lens cap. Starting from the outside circle, cut small triangles out that are pointing to the smaller circle. The finished product resembles a flower. Now in the middle of your smaller circle, cut out your desired shape. Once your shape is cut, place the black paper over your lens and secure it with a rubber band.
Credits//Author and Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.
This is so interesting and unique! What a cool project π
This is a really great tip if you are wanting to create some unique bokeh shapes but as far as hearts, circles and stars are concerned – there are too many free editing software options out there for creating those bokeh shapes but love the emoji idea.
Love this! I definitely need to pick up a kit π
Erin //
Cool project, is it possible to use different lens? I don’t have a 50mm.
This is so fun! I will have to try it!
It sounds fun,I need to try it!
xx Skay
This is really cool. Thanks for sharing the post on the DIY kit and the Bokeh Masters Kit! π
Thanks Janae for this cool lesson and introduction to Bokeh! I think I’ll start practicing so I can get some cool shots for 4th of July.
Happy Wednesday
You can also use a CSC (compact system camera, a.k.a. mirrorless camera). You just need a camera with a lens that has a low aperture.
I also think this post would have been better if the examples weren’t just blurry, out-of-focus shots. The best bokeh shots (in my opinion, of course) are ones where the bokeh enhance the background. For example, someone standing in front of a Christmas tree – the person is in focus, the lights on the tree in the background are shaped bokeh.
Shaped bokeh are not limited to DSLRs. You can also use CSCs (compact system cameras a.k.a. mirrorless cameras). The requirement is that you have a lens with a low aperture.
I also think the examples used here are a bit boring, since they are just all out-of-focus shots. I think it’s also nice when there’s an object in focus in the foreground and the bokeh are decorating the background, e.g. when someone is standing in the street (in focus) and in the background, the streetlights generate shaped bokeh. But that’s just me!
Thank you so much for this! i have been needing inspiration to pick up my camera and this is great!
This is such a fun idea!
Found your article / tutorial via a link list on
Thanks for the in-depth article. Love it. I was in fact thinking of making one like this for my blog,, but you’ve done it better than I could. I’ll probably just link to your post. π
Thanks again!
Love this idea! Gonna add something unique to my shots with these.