I just adore horses—it's one trend that I hope never goes away! Here's a simple applique project. We used store bought throw pillows to start with, so only a little hand stitching is required. You could change up this project to be any animal silhouette you like—but we loved using yarn for the horses' manes. Too cute!
1. Supplies: Throw pillows, fabric (we used tapestry), yarn, needle and thread, scissors, sharpie, tissue paper. 2. First, draw a horse silhouette onto tissue paper with the sharpie. It might take a few tries to get it just right! 3. Once you've made a silhouette, use it as a pattern on the fabric. 4. After you've cut out the horse in fabric, begin sewing pieces of yarn onto the edge, right below the ears. This will be the horse's mane! 5. Continue this process all the way down the back of the horse, then trim the yarn for the perfect length. 6. Hand stitch the horse onto the top of the pillow!
These horse pillows are the latest addition to my bedroom and I couldn't love them more! xo. emma
Yarn used for horse mane's c/o Premier Yarns, and patterned fabric for second horse c/o Waverly.
They’re sooooo cute!!!
I love the fabric you used.
Too cute!
Ohmygosh…these are so sweet!! They remind me of something from my childhood! 🙂
Cute pillows! I also love the blanket.
I like it you..
Oh my! This is so cute! Shame I can’t even sew a button on >.<
Super cute!!! I love the country vibe!
That’s really cute, I would do it with birds, I like birds.
Very sweet, it looks like they are in love : ) Rx
I love these, have seen many pillow projects around the web lately for a double bed, and I think I become more and more convinced that a matching yet different pillow set looks so sweet and fun 🙂 I have to come up with something cute too, to surprise my “partner in crime” :))
Would be nice 🙂
Haha, these are great! Question though: do the fringe manes ever tickle you and you think spiders are creepy crawling. Knowing me, that would be the case. Great DIY though.
These are adorable I’d love to make something like this with another animal!
Amanda Rose
A little too ambitious for my skill level, but still super cute!
Those are cute! I have a quilted cow pillow and a squirrel pillow, so these are right up my alley!
So cute!
Nice idea 🙂
The Bootlace
Hi Elsie & Emma,
I get so inspired by both of you and your DIYs!
I’m graduating from High School this year, and am going to have a cookout graduation party at my house. I was wondering if you all have any DIYs for decorations or fun ideas for graduation parties? Or, do you have any already posted DIYs that would work that you could direct me to?
Thanks for reading my comment. I LOVE A Beautiful Mess! 🙂
i think i will do it with me tshirt:}
Those are just so darn cute!
Aw, those are cute 🙂
So adorable, yet simple! Plus it’s such a versatile project, because the silhouette can be whatever you prefer. LOVE
Ohhhh! Love!!!! Y’all are so creative!
Such a cute idea, love the fabric on the right side pillow!
So cute, great DIY decor idea! Thanks for sharing. <3
This is such a great project & so inspiration. I can imagine making something similar in fish, butterflies or fairies for some of my very young friends & family. I truly don’t know how you keep coming up with these ideas & getting them done. Thanks Elsie & Emma for inspiring me everyday.
Your horse DIYs have been some of my favorites recently! So cute 🙂
Those are cute pillows! I know some whose son loves horses this would be perfect for them!
Beautiful and lovely cushions. This idea is perfectly complement your home decor!
From http://www.xeanafashion.com
Whauw tha’t really amazing, even though i don’t like horses 😛 And it fits perfectly with the plaid you have on your bed. Very nice!
adorable project – I’ve passed this on to all my friends in the horse industry I’m sure they’ll love it too!
omigosh! i love them!!!! i think i have everything i need, too! time for late night crafting!
Those are funny. I need to come up with a version for myself. Or maybe unicorns for my daughter. She would love that. Thanks for the inspiration.
These are adorable! What a great idea.
So cute! We need to fancy up our bedroom.
This is quite possibly the cutest craft project I have seen in a while!!! I love the colors and the bedspread! Is it crocheted? It’s absolutely fabulous!!
One day my house will be full of cutesy stuff, that I’ve learned to make from your blog! This is adorable! xo
They are adorable! I love their wooly manes!
these are fabulous – such a cute idea! i think i will make one of these for our home since i’m the biggest horse lover around. (:
Oh I literally chuffled and chortled at this. Hilariously cute! Well done taking the equestrian theme to the extremes of homespun.
jajajaj lovely Horses…amazing DIY my dear.
You can check my new DIY CUTE HEART in:
La Vie Quotidienne
This is just great!
Hugs from Roxana.
Seriously cute! love the mane on it!
these are so sweet! it’s such a good post cause you can totally do it with any kind of animal. love it!
They are too adorable! Sounds like there will be a trip to Ikea soon for getting some fabrics and pillows 🙂
Thank you so much for all your effort!
My sister and her husband are so getting these for their combined birthday’s later this month.
I LOVE these, and the cute fox pillows you posted a while back, would love to give them both a try if my sewing skills were slightly less terrible!
Faye x
These pillows are amazing!
Love it!
this is sooo cute! love it!!
These are so cute! 😀 But won’t the yarn get a little ticklish? 😛
Those are so pretty.
Oh my gosh! I’ve got to make these for my girls! What a fantastic project:)
Those are great! love the horses and the afghan goes perfectly with them I did this with a bunny silhouette a while ago and made a yarn pom pom for its tail. it’s still one of my favorite projects i’ve done thus far!
They look so cute! Question: How do you keep the fabric from fraying? Thanks!
I love it!!!
SOOOO cute!!
Stephanie May*
Aw, those pillows are great.
I’ve got two adorable puppies, a beagle and a beagle mix, and I’m just imagining how cute it would be to make a silhouette pillow with floppy ears!
Glad this doesn’t require a sewing machine because I’m rubbish at that. 🙂
holy cow (or horse!) those are adorable
Beautiful. Simple. Love it.
This is so cute. And you can adapt this idea to include any animals.
Theses are AMAZING. So glad to find your blog 🙂 its so inspiring 🙂
Josephine. xx
This is adorable!
My daughter has a horse-themed bedroom. SO making these for her.
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Great Stuff!!! What hand stitch did you use?
I made a very girlish version, but am so pleased with your inspiration!!
So creative! You know how to turn simple things into treasures!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! Cuteness attack!!!!!!! These are so cute! I have a horse [sweet ole bay Quarter Horse gelding :)] and I could SO make these for my room. I could do a variation with it and make it look like him (red-brown with black mane). So adorable! Thank you all so much for being you and running this blog! It is such a blessing and is my new favorite site/blog.
This is adorable
I will be trying this right away!!!!
Your DIY’s are AMAZING 🙂
Oh my how cute!! I live in the west around a lot of cowboys and i just might have to make these!!!!
nice creativity..
Week 6 will be the best for me personally because I barely have any natural light entering my house,either due to trees by the windows,windows not facing the sun’s direction or the covered patio and covered carport which lets in absolutely no kitchen light for us to photograph our baked goods that my kids and I like to make,so I would love to learn how to get better indoor photos using the scant amount of light we have.
im going to do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cute!
Cute! And I love the afghan *drool*
Really cute, love these! Might try with other animals!
Awww, I missed this post in April, these horse pillows are so damn cute! I’m definitely going to make one for my little girls nursery! Thank you so much for sharing!