Sister Style: January Feels

Sister StyleSister StyleSister StyleSister StyleElsie’s Wearing: Hat/Moorea Seal, Sunnies/ABMxBonlook, Leggings/American Apparel, Boots, Bag and Bracelet/Madewell.

Elsie here! There’s something about January that absolutely transforms me into a different person. I can’t describe how motivated I am, at the moment, to clean, organize and decorate. I find myself looking forward to rearranging drawers, and then I think, “Wait?? Who AM I?”

It’s kind of a form of winter survival, I think. It’s as if I’m bargaining with the world, “FINE, it’s cold for… a while. BUT YOU KNOW WHAT? I’m at least gonna organize my shelves. You can’t take THAT away from me!”

So cleaning, that’s really good right now.

Other winter things I still like:
bubble baths
hot tea
The Bachelor
shopping for swimsuits and shorts online
never going outside, ever

What about you, Em?

Emma Chapman from Emma Chapman from Emma Chapman from Boots in winter DetailsYep, I’m similar. I am highly motivated to do lots of stuff around my house… and I have ZERO motivation to go outside or run errands of any kind. Ha! But since Trey and I moved just a few months ago, my house still needs lots of work. So this works out well.

Plus, I’m trying out a new thing this year where I attempt to plan out my entire year with all the major work goals, work trips, and personal goals + trips that I want to accomplish. So far it’s been both exciting and terrifying to see how full 2016 is probably going to be already! I’m hoping the extra planning now will help make things run smoothly. I’ll let you know how it goes. 🙂

Other things I’m really into right now:
hot tub nights
black coffee
attempting to stay informed on election stuff
planning and working on home renovations (mostly painting)

Emma Chapman from Emma Chapman from Emma Chapman from Emma’s wearing: Jeans/Levi’s, Blouse/H&M, Sweater/Thrifted, originally from The Limited, House of Harlow Necklace c/o Shop Bop, Coat/She In, Hat/My sister’s, Purse/Moorea Seal (gift from my sister), Boots c/o Boden, and Sunnies c/o BonLook

Hope you’re staying warm, safe, and motivated this season! xo. Emma + Elsie

Credits // Authors: Elsie Larson and Emma Chapman, Photography: Laura Gummerman and Janae Hardy. 

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