Spring Bed Garland D.I.Y. Project


I made a fun garland for the top of my bed frame this weekend and I wanted to share this quick & easy project for DIY Monday. Hope you enjoy… 


Step 1: I purchased some pretty flower light from Michael's (Martha Stewart brand). You can use any sort of twinkle lights for this project. 


Step 2: Wrap the lights around your bedframe (or hang them in another area of your home. Secure them with hidden pieces of duck tape. 

Step 3: Wrap yarn around the area.. it adds a little extra security and color! 

Step 4: Make pom-poms and tie them to your garland. So cute. If you've never made pom-poms before, here's how to make them with a pom-pom maker! 

Pom pom maker

*making pom-poms is easy as pie. simply wrap both sides of the plastic pieces with yarn, cut the yarn around the shape and tie them together with a piece of embroidery floss in a matching color (i prefer to use embroidery floss over yarn because it's easier to get a super tight knot!). trim the stray pieces and ta-da!  


hooray. it's simple and sweet. i'm happy to have a little extra color and a cute handmade night-light. πŸ™‚


suki loves them too! XXOO. elsie

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