Today Is (Crazy!!!)

TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)TODAY IS (CRAZY)I know I am always talking about how crazy life is. But wow… just wow. Life is really crazy right now. We're in a complete whirlwind it seems. We're knee deep in the home renovation process (you're gonna die over Emma's new kitchen!!), scheduling (12 more!) photo shoots for our current book project, several fun collaborations, making videos (this is really really funβ€”can't wait to share) and, of course, wedding planning! That last one is our favorite. I can't believe Emma's wedding is only a few months away… and I can't wait to share the showers I've been planning for her with you. It's going to be SO. much. fun. Ok- my head is exploding. Hope yours is too- and I meant that in the very best way possible. TGIF! Elsie

Pictured: 1.2.3. I've been enjoying painting lately. It's a major stress reliever after a long day. 4. Pillows are an obsession around here. And rugs. And blankets. And CHAIRS… chairs are my favorite. 5.6. Our closet renovation is almost complete. I'll share before & after photos with you eventually. Right now it's completely empty and it's time to put everything back in- a good time to do one more big purge too! #springcleaning PS- Isn't that ukulele shirt adorable? it's jeremy's and it's from TopMan. 7. Painting stuff with gold paint is my other current obsession. Big time. 8. Still loving with this cute little piece of Etsy art. (found here)

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