Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail

Vanilla Bean Whiskey CocktailThe other day my mom asked me if I would make cocktails for Christmas Eve dinner. My response? “Of course! I already bought all the stuff.” 😀 This time of year we have so many parties and dinners, both impromptu and planned, so I like to be prepared.

This cocktail is strong, but very flavorful. It’s perfect for those who like to order Manhattans and Old Fashioneds. It’s also what I like to call “one and done”… because I only need one to start feeling ummm “cheerful”.

You sold yet? Here’s the recipe:Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail, serves one

2 ounces vanilla bean infused whiskey
1/2 an ounce Dr. McCillicuddy’s Intense Raw Vanilla
2 dashes aromatic cocktail bitters
1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
star anise

Pour the whiskey, vanilla liqueur, bitters and lemon juice into a cocktail shake with ice. Add a star anise. Shake-shake-shake! Serve in an old fashioned glass, garnished with star anise and a lemon wedge. Enjoy! Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail To infuse my whiskey I used about half a bottle of whiskey and one full vanilla bean. Let it sit in a dark place for 24-48 hours and it’s ready! I made a pretty big batch because I thought this would also be great for hot toddies. Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail I hope you have a wonderful, safe and festive holiday! Cheers! Elsie

Vanilla Bean Whiskey Cocktail

Servings 1


  • 2 ounces vanilla bean infused whiskey
  • 1/2 an ounce Dr. McCillicuddy's Intense Raw Vanilla
  • 2 dashes aromatic cocktail bitters
  • 1/2 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • star anise


  1. Pour the whiskey, vanilla liqueur, bitters and lemon juice into a cocktail shake with ice. Add a star anise. Shake-shake-shake! Serve in an old fashioned glass, garnished with star anise and a lemon wedge.

Recipe Notes

To infuse my whiskey I used about half a bottle of whiskey and one full vanilla bean. Let it sit in a dark place for 24-48 hours and it's ready! I made a pretty big batch because I thought this would also be great for hot toddies.

Credits// Author and Photography: Elsie Larson

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