What’s in my bag?

What's in my bag? Wanna take a peek inside my bag? Here's what I have today … although it's always changing! 

What's in my bag? (top, left to right) Tarte lipstick (the color is "Delighted"), gum, sunnies, pen, keys, iPhone (my case is from Ban.do and so is that cute heart pin!), Shuttr remote (for my iPhone), Quest Bar (I like Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough the best, but Cookies and Cream and the Almond one are really good too), tiny wallet. My purse is c/o Cambridge Satchel. It's the smaller 11 inch one in Apple Green. 

I posted a what's in my camera bag photo on Instagram last week. They make a pretty cute pair. 

We're getting ready to launch a new e-course tomorrow. We're SOOOOO pumped! xoxo. Elsie 

Credits// Author: Elsie Larson, Photography: Sarah Rhodes. Photo edited with Stella from The Signature Collection

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