10 Things I Love Sunday

Hey, hey! We just got back from a week visit with my family in my hometown of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, so we are already missing them but so happy for all the family/friends time that we got to enjoy. Now it’s on to sorting through allll the laundry and getting the house back to normal, which always takes a few days but feels so good when it’s done!

1. Love this little rainbow dress I got for Lola—bought it a little big so she can wear it next summer too!

2. Maybe now that I’ve been doing more lighter brown and camel in my wardrobe, a jacket like this could be a great fall staple to have.

3. Excited to read this new book from one of our favorite authors—he also authored this party game that we’ve had for years and is fun to bring out for late night hangouts with friends.

4. I kind of just want to live in different colors of this everyday …

5. I can’t even with this genius home DIY!

6. Is it weird to say that I love a toilet paper? We just started trying this TP made with forest-friendly bamboo and the company gives 50% of their profits from all items to sanitation needs around the world, which is pretty cool too.

7. Started watching the third season of Glow last night! Sometimes it’s hard to find shows that Todd and I both want to watch but that’s always one we can binge on together.

8. I really want to make some of these reusable snack bags Mandi made!

9. Thinking of using this print for the playroom I’m working on.

10. Yum! I’m such a sucker for a good chocolate zucchini cake.

I also love that drawing of Lola and I that I hung in her room recently by this artist—definitely one to treasure forever!! xo. Laura

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