10 Things I Love Sunday

Happy Sunday, friends! I am finally feeling caught up and back to normal after a week-long cruise vacation. It was my first cruise ever and I went with a big group of friends and we had a blast. Plus, sunshine and warm weather this time of year is the BEST. Anyway, hope your weekend is allowing you to catch up on life like it is me. Ha.

1 + 2. I got a new swimsuit before my trip. It’s these bottoms and this top. What do you think about high-waisted bikinis? Cute or sort of diaper-looking? Clearly I’m into it.

3. New year, so it’s time to start my 2020 photo album. I fill an album each year of photos and it’s my tangible way of recording my memories. I bought this simple album and this is the printer I own (I print my photos at home).

4. I have also been organizing my office and getting ready for the new year. Bought this oversized wall calendar and also have been using this organization tool (get yourself a new planner too, if you need one).

5. + 6. Trey got me the BEST Christmas presents this year. Many of them were baby Yoda related (he knows me), but he’s also great at buying clothes. I especially love this sweater and this sweatshirt he got me.

7. On my trip, I read a couple books—I mentioned them on this podcast, but one got left off the show notes. It was so good so I wanted to mention it here: Things You Save in a Fire. Really fun read.

8. I’ve been working on my first goal for the new year which is to work on my personal style. Been using The Curated Closet Workbook and I love it.

9. Speaking of baby Yoda, I got Disney+ and loved watching The Mandalorian. I will probably rewatch it this time just for baby Yoda, but the story is actually really great too.

10. Obsessed with this moisturizer. I started using it after it was included in the Oui Fresh Beauty Box and haven’t stopped.

Enjoy your weekend, friends! And I’d love to hear any TV or movie recommendations as I plan to hibernate a little more the next few months since the weather is NOT as nice as it was in the above photo from my cruise cabin window. Let me know if you have anything! Can be new or old. xo. Emma

  • I am telling everyone I know to read Seveneves (not a typo) by Neal Stephenson. It’s a large book, great for hibernating with. I read it through twice because I couldn’t bear to let it go.
    It’s not for everyone. It contains a lot of science (think The Martian) because most of it takes place on the International Space Station. But Stephenson writes some incredible, and believable, female characters. In fact, most of the main characters are women. For some reason I have a feeling you might like it. I think it’s amazing.

  • Emma, I would love to know what type of photo paper you use to print your photos. I’d love to start doing the same from home but am worried about them lasting. Do you have a good paper that you’re fond of? Thanks! 🙂

    • I use Canon photo paper, usually in semi-gloss but sometimes flat. It’s meant to last / be archived. I would not use just any printer paper for photos you want to save forever / a long time.

  • Hi I was wondering if I can get some life advice. I started a health blog but I do not enjoy writing (even though it is my strength). I also started selling on Amazon but I don’t really enjoy selling stuff either. I do want to make money online to get out of the rat race but nothing seems to interest me. What do you think I should do?Thank you again.

    • Two things. One, I would consider trying more things so you can find something you do enjoy. Of course there is always risk and it’s a lot of work to keep trying new things but it will probably be worth it so you find the right fit. Second thing, I really don’t know you well enough to say at all but I’m just throwing this out there as a stranger. 🙂 Could it be your attitude / perspective? All I mean is, I love my job so much but it’s not perfect. I have days I am so stressed about it that I cry. It’s still very much a job, but it’s a job I love. I tend to think that if you enjoy something 80% or more then you are living the good life. Trying to find something that is 100% perfect / fun / enjoyable is not realistic. Hopefully this doesn’t come off like I’m criticizing you, like I said I really don’t know you. But this is just something that I have had to learn in my life so sharing.

      • Wow you replied so quickly. Thank you so much for your pearls of wisdom! I also loved your interview on Pat Flynn’s podcast!

  • PBS just came out with their own rendition series of Jane Austen’s unfinished work Sanditon. The first episode was pretty good!

  • Emma! So excited to see more of your personal style pics- capsule wardrobe anyone? ???? Also, I’ve been thinking about taking a cruise. Would you recommend it?

  • Hi, i’m watching now Blindspot in HBO and a new movie in the cinema: Malasaña 32.
    Tell me if you watch It
    Kisses from Sevilla, Spain

  • Hi Emma! Glad you had some great cruise holiday! Back to hibernation, which I have to admit, this is the first year I’ve started enjoying it. I started feeling like that my body needs this slowing down phase. I’m not waiting for the sun, just enjoying the cloudy days (something I’d never thought I’d say)!
    You’ve asked for some TV recommendations! I’ll give you my list (you might have watched them). (I’m from Europe, so I hope, the platform of Netflix is the same, and you will see that my choices are European too 🙂
    1) Tok-Tok (Spanish)
    2) La famille Bellie (French)
    3) He even has your eyes (French)
    4) Que baje Dios y lo vea (Τhe Holy ball-I think) (Spanish)
    5) 3 Turks and a baby (German)

    I’l give you my 3 of favourite series (very old now)
    1) Alias (so old but so good if you are into spying) (Season 1-3 rock)
    2) Suits (ok, I’m sure you know this one but I only discovered it last year (I don’t know what took me so long!) but I fell in love with it, at least until season 7.
    3) Outlander

  • wOW, The wall calender looks really awesome. Gotta order myself one of those, I could really do with some organization 🙂 Welcome back from the cruise. Cant wait to hear about it on the podcast – its the best thing to look forward to, and sometimes I tell myself I can only listen to it, if I get outside at the same time, so that makes it happen 🙂 All my best, Karoline http://www.skandimama.com

  • I love it when you write the 10 Things I Love Sunday – I relate to a lot of what you post, so thank you! I am currently living in England and recently finished Season 1 of His Dark Materials (aka “The Golden Compass” in North America) on BBC One. They have an app, but I’m not sure if you can get it in the states? So far it’s so well done – I really got into it and can’t wait for Season 2! Enjoy hibernation!

  • Hey Emma! A few things I’ve watched recently and enjoyed:

    -Hell or High Water (Amazon Prime?)
    -A Marriage Story (Netflix)
    -Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (Amazon Prime?)
    -Flower (Hulu)
    -Brittany Runs a Marathon (Amazon Prime)
    -Fleabag (Amazon Prime)
    -Making It (Netflix)
    -Lady & the Tramp (live action version, Disney +)
    -Inside Out (Disney +)

    Happy Hibernating 🙂

  • WITCHER! I was very dubious at first but Mike convinced me to watch it, and now I’m a Geralt fangirl.

  • Okay, I second Fleabag for sure! But we also just watched the movie The Aeronauts on Prime and it was awesome! Women’s empowerment and suspenseful all at the same time 🙂 Plus, the new Outlander and Homeland are coming up in February….

    As for books:
    House of Gold, Natasha Solomons
    Meet the Frugalwoods, Elizabeth Thames
    Long Way Gone, Charles Martin
    The Power, Naomi Alderman

    P.S. Love your blog, it’s like having you gals over for coffee! If it’s possible, it makes me love you two even more (in a totally normal fangirl way, not a creepy stalker kind of way lol!!)

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