10 Things I Love Sunday

Happy Sunday, everyone! The first snows of the season landed over the last week in Nashville, and while it is pretty while it’s falling and whatnot, I’m definitely ready for springtime and summer to hit! Thankfully, I’ve got a few goods things that are distracting me in the meantime …

1. Reading this book right now and it is fascinating! Life-changing stuff for sure. Working full time and being a mom doesn’t leave me a lot of reading time, but I’m trying to take a 20-minute decompression soak in the tub after Lola is in bed. So I’ve been reading during that time. I’ve been keeping my diffuser in the bathroom so I can add some calming essential oils to the experience and it’s soooo nice …

2. Is it too early to pick out a bathing suit?? If not, I pick this one!

3. This is my third week of trying to do some meal prep for the workweek on Sunday and this meal prep idea is so good! I made it this week because I’m already craving it again.

4. I looooooove this baby top! And this one would be great for pattern mixing.

5. I hate being cold, but since “sitting is the new smoking,” I’m trying to get out and take some more family walks, even if it’s a bit brisk outside. As long as the sun is out, it’s actually pretty pleasant once we get moving and we put Lola in one of those zip up body suits that covers everything with a blanket on top. She loves to be outside regardless!

6. Trying to buy more necklaces that won’t turn green after a week (eek!). This one is my favorite choker right now—so pretty!

7. I’m very proud of myself for having gone almost a week where I hang up/fold/put-in-laundry every item of clothing I take off. Our bedroom has never stayed clean this long and it feels so nice to go to bed and wake up in a clean room! Even Todd is impressed!

8. Love Sucré’s new music video—they may be our pals but they are also amazingly talented!!

9. OMG, I NEED THIS FOR MY CATS!! Charlie is looking out the window right now at a bird, so I can’t even imagine what she would do if she could watch one that close!

10. Is it possible to have a lamp for a soulmate?? This may be it …

I’m trying to think of the weather in terms of cozy nights snuggled under the covers, hot coffee, and how many delicious soups we can make, but I won’t be mad when that spring weather finally hits! For the rest of you warm-weather people, what are your favorite ways to make the winter a little brighter?

xo. Laura

  • My favourite ways to make the Winter brighter is to start making plans for when the weather does cheer up, eating lots of ice cream (a must) and looking back at summer pictures from the year before! Loved this post! xx

  • Have you seen the How Not To Die cookbook?? It’s heavenly. (Especially the chickpea wraps!). And if you’re looking for more recipes that follow that way of life, the new Engine 2 cookbook is fabulous too!

  • I’ve been mixing essential oils with jojoba oil and adding it to my tub. I get the aromatherapy that I would get from a diffuser but my skin is also moisturized and smells good when I get out

  • Meal prep has changed my life! I’ve consistently done meal prep on Sundays for about 3 years and don’t ever plan on stopping. I work full time and it makes life infinitely less stressful to have grab -and-go breakfasts and lunches throughout the week. It takes a few months to really get the hang of it, learn what’s easy to cook/batch, and how to plan, but it’s so worth it!

  • 1. Hang in there. We’re doing this too with a 9mo at home. It’s exhausting to spend a chunk of the day off meal prepping, but it’s sooo nice to have healthy food to share with our baby for dinner each night.

    5. Same. I wrapped him up in a fuzzy blanket and went for a walk last Sunday morning. Super duper chilly but dude is unfazed. I have no more excuses about not going out for walks.

  • I’m impressed with #7. I’ve been having a hard time with laundry lately – it’s like it never ever ends! I need to start taking control of this LOL!

  • Ah I wish it was winter! I’m in the opposite mode as I am hanging out for autumn/fall. It’s summer in Australia and around 95-105 degrees regularly. In winter I find fairy lights particularly appealing as they make everything feel a little less serious and more magical. Hot tea, heat bag, book, fairy lights + rain or snow = magical 🙂 Good luck getting through the winter!

  • I’m new to essential oils and I’m in love! I’m thinking about getting more diffusers for the other rooms in the house. 🙂

  • I’m trying to incorporate more walking and just being outdoors as I have realised I have a pretty bad vitamin D deficiency after staying at the beach for a while and noticing so many things that I thought were just “me” disappear once I got more sun.

    It’s Summer where I live right now so it’s a pretty good time to start walking, but I burn so easily so it’s a constant battle of getting enough sun + NOT coming home looking like a tomato ????

    Indya || The Small Adventurer

  • I love how candidly you share about your messy-ness with your clothes/laundry. That is always the worst chore for both my husband and I! (Our living room is currently completely cluttered with piles of laundry & baskets, that’s all been there for about 4 days…)

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