10 Things I Love Sunday

I’m hoping and praying by the time you are reading this that we have a house full of three healthy people for the first time in a while! As I write this post, we are on day 13 of an intestinal virus with Lola, and while I’ll spare you the gory details, it’s been quite a challenging few weeks, to say the least. It’s always heart-wrenching to see your baby feeling so bad, so every day I wake up with the hope she will be back to her sunny self soon! A few distractions like nighttime coffee with friends has been helpful though to take my mind off how hard the days have been, and here’s what else I’ve been loving this week:

1. That pink diffuser! I love that it doesn’t immediately scream what it is, and it’s even got a mid-century feel to it, which is great for my decor. The past week, I’ve been diffusing cinnamon leaf and sweet orange together and it’s my perfect fall vibe.

2. These Wes Anderson-y cafes are B. A. N. A. N. A. S. Seeing places like that totally makes me want to take my home decor choices up a few thousand notches.

3. If you are a Chemex coffee household, getting this has been a game changer for me. Not only is it reusable so I don’t have to buy and fold new filters all the time, it actually made my coffee taste better and smoother as well! Eco-friendly and better coffee … what’s not to love?

4. I hurt my lower back about two months ago and I’m working on getting this Humpty-Dumpty put back together again. One of the positives though is that it’s kind of forcing me to do some yoga every day and that’s been so nice. Once Lola goes to bed, I roll out my mat, turn on the diffuser, and just try to relax and make some mental space in my day while stretching out my body too (just been trying different back-focused videos on YouTube).

5. Putting the finishing touches on our bedroom makeover and this is one of my favorite things in the room! The colors and pattern are such a good ’60s/’70s vibe, which is perfect.

6. If you’re looking for a good faux cactus, this one is amazing. We still have some real ones around the house in strategic places, but I like to have faux ones in spots where toddler hands can get to. (P.S. The picture online doesn’t quite do it justice as it looks very realistic in person!)

7. So excited to use this bag soon! I love it so much and I like taking small bags when I can now (especially since I’m usually carrying a diaper bag as well).

8. Starting to get into some fall baking lately and we are trying to get Lola in on the fun too. I think it’s important to have kids help in the kitchen, starting at a young age, so they feel familiar and connected to real food and what we are eating. Although she’s still pretty tiny, she can help dump pre-filled measuring cups into a bowl, so that’s a start!

9. The temperature has dropped about 30° from what it was less than two weeks ago so I’ve been slipper shopping (I hate cold feet at home)! Can’t decide if I want a cute backless slip-on or a cozy moccasin-style yet …

10. Dying over this vintage coat!

I have “bring outside plants in” on my to-do list this week so that I can save ones that I don’t want to die in the coming months. I have a 7-foot-tall cactus in particular that I’m worried about, so I always bring him in for the winter since we like keeping him around year after year. Hope everyone is well in your house this weekend too! xo. Laura

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