10 Things I Love Sunday

This Christmas season has, so far, felt pretty different from last year, as Lola has been able to understand and participate in a lot more than she was able to last year (as a little 7-month-old) and that’s been pretty great. For a few days, every time she would walk into the room where the tree was lit, she would make a big surprised face and say “Wooooooaaaawwwww,” which means she’s impressed. It’s pretty cute. Here’s what else I’m loving this week:

1. This coat is at the top of my Christmas list!

2. The cutest little toddler sweater—so sweet.

3. Todd really wants us to wear these for Christmas, and I have to admit, I’ve very tempted!

4. It can be SO hard to reign in a toddler from curiously destroying a Christmas tree, so I decided to make one of our smaller decorative trees Lola’s tree and it’s full of plush and furry ornaments that she can take off and try to put back on as much as she likes to distract her from doing so to the big tree. It seems to help that we let her touch just about anything that’s not dangerous with a “one finger” touch so she still can scratch that itch to feel everything without destroying things. It’s not a perfect system, but I think it does help!

5. Seeing this little touch of vintage charm in my bedroom everyday makes me so happy!

6. Mmmm, this sounds so good for a cold winter night dinner! I am a huge fan of soups in the winter and Todd is actually an amazing soup maker who really enjoys the process, so I usually just try and get him to make as many soups as possible this time of year (and hello, you can make enough for leftovers pretty easily too!). We still have yet to make a bad soup from this book that Emma recommended to me—they are all so good!

7. Ugh, this post about visiting Paris in December is making me want to go back so bad! It looks so magical with all the Christmas vibes …

8. Lola just got very into stickers in the last week or so (it’s so cute to watch her chubby little hands try and stick them on the paper) and I think this may be the perfect present for my sticker/pet loving girl!

9. I have this in both white and black and it’s a great winter wardrobe staple—perfect for layering under flannels or cardigans in the winter with some high waisted jeans.

10. Love this rug!

We had a random sunny day in the 60’s last week, and though it totally made me miss all the warm weather times, as a Northeasterner from Pennsylvania I do like to have some “classic Christmas” weather around the holidays, so bring on the chances of snow until January! Then I’m totally over it … haha! xo. Laura

P.S. Don’t forget about our curated Amazon shop and our wishlist when looking for holiday gifts—they have all our favorite stuff!

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