3 Ways To Wear It: Vanilla Lace Dress



Here are three fun ways to wear the Vanilla Lace Dress as modeled by Emma. In Look One the dress is paired with colored tights and a black felt hat. Emma says that out of the three looks this is the one that she would wear on a date. Her exact quote was, "Boys like tights…. right?" 


In Look Two Emma is wearing a belted cardigan. This is how she would wear it to a more formal, but still conservative, event like a graduation, banquet or even a wedding. 


In Look Three Emma takes a casual approach with a messy bun, heels with socks and glasses. This is how she would wear the dress in everyday life, to the library or running errands. β™₯ 

Thanks for peeking at these three stylings. XO, elsie 

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