52 Week Challenge: Acrylic Paint Mini Album

Mini album challengeUpdate: This course has been retired, but you can view our other e-courses here!

Earlier this year we launched an e-Course called Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks. It’s a year long course with challenges for every week that encourage you to document your life through photo prompts and mini album challenges. This is one of our most popular courses so far this year. So many of you are still working away, and we love seeing your progress!

We thought it might be fun this Scrapbook Sunday to share a peek from the course plus three tips for incorporating acrylic paint into a mini album. If you want to see this lesson in its entirety or just want to learn more about the course,ย check here.

Palette knife patternTip #1: Use a palette knife or other object (like the side of an old gift card) to create your own colorful patterns with paint. You can leave these pages blank to fill out and add color to an album or you could add journaling to them.

JournalTip #2: Use a fine brush to add journaling to your pages in paint.

Add colorful doodlesTip #3: Use a combination of different brush sizes to add colorful doodles to your album. I used this technique to create the title page for my album.

*Note: I am so embarrassed, but after photographing this book I realized that this vacation was actually for our second anniversary and not our first. Whoops! So I will be repainting that first page. Just in case any of you noticed, I thought I should confess. See! This is why it’s better to keep up with photo books and scrapbooks and not try to do a bunch of years at once. Ha ha! It’s OK, I think I can do better bikes next time anyway!

Cute pageAdd some colorful paint to your photo albums this week! And if you’d like more inspiration for documenting your life, you can still purchase Capture Real Life in 52 Weeks (although the course kit is sold outโ€”gotta order early if you want the kits).

Or if you feel like you’re not ready to dive into a year-long course, why not try our latest course, Scrapbook in a Week, which helps you complete a whole album in just seven days (just by giving up an hour or two each day). xx. Elsie

Credits // Author and Photography: Elsie Larson. Photos edited with A Beautiful Mess actions.

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