A Beautiful Giveaway with Umba Box (CLOSED)

Umba box copyWe are super excited to bring this special giveaway from Umba Box! Umba Box aims to take the frustration

and hassle out of shopping for high-quality handmade products. They scour

the handmade community to find the freshest goods from a wide variety of

categories including home goods, women's accessories, jewelry, stationery, and

bath products. Then, they package and send these collections of handmade

goods to their subscribers.

Today one lucky winner is going to get a 3-month, prepaid

subscription to Umba Box, where they'll

receive a new box of beautiful handmade goodies each month! To enter, just

sign up for their newsletter

in the top righthand corner of their site and leave us a comment telling us someone special you'd give an Umba Box (the holidays are just around the corner, after all). Giveaway is open until

Oct. 23. Winner will be announced shortly after. Good luck! xo. Elsie

& Emma

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Congratulations, Mandy! Please e-mail trey AT redvelvetart DOT com.

A Beautiful Mess Giveaway Rules

  • My mom would love if I gave her an Umba box! She’s so crafty and loves handmade things.

  • Just signed up! I heard of Umba Box a few months ago and thought that it was a clever idea. I think I’d split the contents and divide them between friends for the holidays and birthdays!

  • I’d like to give an Umba Box to my mother-in-law. She is 78 years old and appreciates homemade wonderfulness. XO

  • i would LOVE to give this umba monthly goody box to my lovely wife! she loves handmade and all things fresh and cute! this is fitting bc she is perfectly cute and fresh herself! <3 thanks for the beautiful giveaway

  • I’ve always been curious to try a subscription box service and Umba is at the top of my list! I’d totally share with my best friend from college!

  • Oh, that’s a very difficult question … I would like to give the Umba box to my little sister who is always there for me, and because I want to please her 🙂 But I also would like to offer it to my best friend because she love everything handmade … Thanks for that giveaway !!! 🙂

  • I love the idea behind Umba Box and actually just bought a three month subscription for my sister. My sister has an 18th month old child and another one on the way. Her birthday was last weekend and I was so tempted to buy her baby stuff. I though that the Umba Box subscription would be great because it would be just for HER! I was also really tempted to buy a subscription for myself but decided not to. I am so happy I found out about Umba Box on your website!

  • I would give my Umba box to my mother. She is having her final surgery today to have a tumor removed. She always shows grace in the most difficult situations and deserves a treat for starting her cancer free life!

  • I would love to give my mother a gift for the holidays. I’m in college and away from home so I don’t get the chance to give her things very often!

  • I would give an Umba box to my boss, Karen, who recently suffered a minor stroke. I think she would love each of these items.

  • Please don’t hate on me for this comment, but I would gift this to myself! I have been coveting an umba box subscription for about 6 months (since I read about it here…). And as a newly wed, living in her in laws basement while finishing school and saving for a house with a husband who lives out of town (he’s in the armed forces) I’m super strapped for cash for luxury purchases such as theses beautiful handmade items. I wish I could afford a little treat like this! Merry Christmas and happy
    birthday to me!

  • I have been tempted to try this out. It’s such a rad concept! I have a pretty inspiring mamma bear friend who I’d definitely gift an Umba box to.

  • I would love to give the Umba gift to my mom. She works so hard as a middle school teacher in Behavior Intervention during the week and sets up at flea markets on the weekends. She would really enjoy it!!

  • i would give one to my friend that is dealing with some annoying medical stuff right now. she could use a little extra holiday cheer.

  • What a fun goodie to expect in the mail each month! I like the idea of adding a cozy scarf for the winter!

  • I’d give it to my beautiful cousin Jojo, she’s my soul sister and I know she’d adore one of these boxes 🙂

  • I’d give one to one of my old friends, from before we moved.
    I think she’d like it.

  • I plan to give my Umba boxes to all my creative friends who are artists in their own right. I want to give them a fun holiday season full of magical surprises.

  • Signed up for the newsletter:) I would give an Umba Box to my sweet sister because she is an artist herself and would appreciate each beautiful piece!

  • I’d give an Umba Box to my best friend, Trisha. She works really hard all year and deserves to be treated!
    Thanks for the great giveaway! =]

  • I can think of so many people I could send this to as a holiday present – plus the price is great! My mother in-law is a hard one to buy for during the holidays and this would be perfect!!

  • I would give the umba box to my mom, as she is always there for me and loves to sew and craft things with me.

  • I will give one to my mother because I know I am not the Easiest child to have…

  • I’m signed up for their newsletter. I would sign up my Mom for Umba box. She loves getting presents in the mail.

  • I would give one to all of my friends if I could! Hand made crafts are the best and to team that up with recieving mail every month! Dream come true!!

  • If I won the Umba Box, I would give it to my best friend Janna. The holidays are coming up, and it would be great if I could give my friend a unique gift 🙂

  • (I subscribed!) I’d give an Umba Box to a good friend who lives across town. She’s hip and sweet and loves handmade goodies, so I know she’d appreciate it. 🙂

  • I would give an Umba box to my sister :). Her husband recently lost his job and she can’t buy herself much fun stuff anymore, so his would be perfect! She is a special lady, working two jobs AND finishing her master’s! I love her so much!

  • I’d definitely give the Umba Box to my mom — she’s the hardest to shop for!

  • I would send this beautiful gift to my mom who loves handmade things and was the first person who inspired me to DIY. 🙂

  • I would probably share with my mother, she’s the craftiest and most creative living person I know! I hope to win because I’ve been apprehensive about ordering the umba box – would love to try it out!! xoxo

  • I love that Umba box gives everyone the chance to discover new products and homemade beautiful things. I live in Baltimore, MD and my mother is living in Providence, RI. When I was still living at home, my mother and I were always going shopping, yard selling, and hanging out at farmers markets together. If i could give an Umba box to anyone it would be her because now that we are so far apart Umba box would almost be like us going to a street market together again. Its like sharing something separately, but together, if that makes any sense at all. Thanks guys!

  • I would love to give an Umba box to my sister! She is moving in to her own place and getting ready for a baby and would love these!

  • i’d give my sister an umba box. she’s in love with all things handmade.

  • I would definitely give an Umba box to my older sister; She’s away at college and got the two of us birchbox subscription for my birthday! It’s a great way to stay connected over the long distance.

  • I would gift an Umba Box subscription to my sister. She loves picking up homemade items.

  • I would give the Umba Box to my good friend from college. We talk all the time but don’t get to see each other often because of distance. She absolutely loves handmade things and I think this would be a wonderful thing to giver her.

  • I love umba box! I would give it to my friend, Sophie. This is right up her alley. 🙂

  • I would have to give an Umba box to one of my most favorite people in the world…my Mom. : )

  • I would give this to my mom…it hasn’t been a great year for her, she could use this amazing surprise!

  • I would give my best friend Holly an Umba Box. She just recently moved to a different state and has been a little homesick, and nothing helps with the blues more than little surprises in the mail!

    I just subscribed to the newsletter. I hope I win!

  • I would send the gifts to my friends working overseas. I have friends in in africa, china, and spain who would love some beautiful gifts from home.

  • I would give this umba box to one of my friends– she’s always making homemade crafts, and loves seeing what other fabulous people are making!

  • My mother in law would love something like this, plus it would make it easy I can never think of what to give her!

  • I’d give an Umba box to my best friend. She just moved from Washington DC to Seattle Washington. I miss her and would love to send her one of these.

  • a neat giveaway. 🙂 i would probably give a box to my sister in law and my mother. love them both and they would totally love it!

  • I am always looking for creative things to share with my sister, and I think this would be perfect for her <3

  • I’d give it to my best friend who works ridiculously hard at job she’s way underpaid at and just got her first grown up apartment.

  • For Christmas every year my husband and his siblings draw names. I have my sister-in-law this year, and she LOVES unique handcrafted things just like this! I think she would be really thrilled to get one of these boxes! (As would I!)

  • i would give one to my mom. She was recently in the hospital and travels a lot for work. The umba box would be a way for her to stay close to us! She also LOVES handmade little trinkets!

  • I’ve always wanted to subscribe to Umba Box! I love packages in the mail, and surprise packages are even better! If I could choose, I’d love to give one to my sister. She’s a crafting genius. Thanks, ladies!

  • I would definetely split it up and give it to different people! Brighten everyones day with an Umba box!!

  • My beautiful, inspiring sister has a December birthday and is so deserving of something special like this. So that’s who I’d give it too 🙂

  • My sisters! I have three sisters and the smallest subscription is 3 months … so its a perfect fit.

  • I would give a box to my mother-in-law! She is so hard to shop for but I know she’d love the the great surprises every month.

  • definitely my sister-in-law!

    she loves handmade and crafty things as much as i do! so lucky to have a SIL i have so much in common with.

  • I would definitely split this between my two good friends Jeanne and Jessica! They both are so inspiring and creative and would love this so much!

  • What an exciting giveaway! I would gift a box to my mom, because she was the one who turned me onto to DIYing and crafting. She would love all of the handmade and special touches Umba gives to its members through the boxes.

  • I would give a box to my aunt. She taught me to be crafty and every year she makes me something homemade for my birthday and Christmas.

  • I think I’d gift this to my girlfriend, Amy. She’s going through a rough time and would like something like this

  • I’ve always wanted to be able to have an umba box!!I joined the newsletter, and would love to give a box to my little sister, Taryn.

  • I have a friend with the most gracious heart. She’s the one who introduced me to Etsy and a love of all things homemade. She recently fell on some difficult times financially; she’s trying to balance three jobs and go to school to earn her masters degree. I would love to brighten her days by sending her something fun that shows how much I appreciate her warm friendship and fabulous eye for handmade items!

  • My beautiful sister is in the hospital for the Fall maybe through Christmas. She is so artsy and I’d love to bring these boxes to her! Of course I love the BlueHouse pendants but basically everything is lovely!

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my best friend. She is living in the Uk this year (so far from me…) so it would be great to give her all these precious goodies to show her how much I love and miss her!!



  • I’d love to give an Umba box to my aunt! I think she would really appreciate the unique handmade aspect to it.

  • I just signed up for their newsletter and I’m so excited! I would give a subscription to two friends: IJ and Kat. They both go ga-ga over anything hand-made.

  • Like most people here, I’d love to give one to my mum. Though I’d be tempted to ask her to share the goodies with me, we both love handmade crafts!

  • I love this idea! I’d give an Umba Box to my mom or sister in law – they’re great companions for craft fairs and I know they’d love this!

  • This is such a great idea. I’d love to give it to my sister who adores anything cute and handmade!

  • I would give an umba box to my mom. She is my best friend and deserves something nice!

  • holy cow! my sister, the most clever and crafty gal i know, would lovelovelove this! she deserves a break from all of her diy… maybe a little dfy (done for you) is just what she needs!

  • My best friend, who’s a new mom, and could use something a little special each month 🙂

  • Hi Elsie & Emma, what a lovely giveaway! I would give a box to my sister in law. She is now pregnant, but that’s really a miracle. She is due on Christmas Day! An Umba Box would be perfect present. Groetjes & Liefs (greetings from Holland)

  • Awesome! I think I’d share one with my mom, her birthday is very soon and, let’s be honest, she just deserves something lovely every now and then!

  • I love my Birchbox and I am really starting to get into other monthly subscription boxes. What a great way to discover new and interesting products and lines. I’d probably give a subscription to my Mom or my Mom-in-Law. They are both crafty ladies who love to be creative and support other crafty, creative people.

  • I would love to give it to my mom. She does so many things for me I would love to give her something as special, unique, and awesome as she is. Thanks !

  • Umba box is an all around awesome idea. I had heard about it last year and have been tempted to try it out but have yet to actually take the plunge and subscribe. I’ve also toyed with the idea of getting a subscription for my mom as a gift because we used to go through little boutiques and craft fairs to find neat stuff but now I live too far away do that as often as we used to.

  • Such a cool concept! I’d give a box to my mom. She is an artist and always appreciates unique handmade goods

  • Amazing site!
    The gift sets are very unique. Love them! I would definetely give one set to my boyfriend. He deserves it 🙂

  • I would give an Umba Box to my friend Stacy. When we get together (we live in different states) we make it a mission to search out all of the handy craft stores we can find just to ooo and aaa over all of the pretty. We’re enablers 🙂

  • I would give a month to my younger sister. She loves this kind of thing just as much as I do, plus she just got a promotion at work so it would be a nice way to celebrate that.

  • I would love to give a subscription to my closest college friend, Michelle. Her and I both went to school for Art and love anything crafty and handmade. During the summers she worked at summer camps and our only way of communication was through letters (like good old pen pals!)and we always sent each other friendship bracelets or something else crafty. So Michelle would be the first person I’d think to send such a fun gift like this to!! She was adore it!

  • I think my best friend would love an Umba Box subscription… and her birthday is coming up!

  • If I can make myself share the box, I would probably give it to my best friend.

  • Elsie and Emma,

    I just want to say how much I love reading your blog. I discovered it about 9 months ago, and since then it has been a constant inspiration in keeping the creative part of me alive no matter how crazy my college schedule is. Thank you for what you do!! I’m from Illinois, but I visit Missouri often, and hope to make it to your shop soon 🙂 The Umba Boxes are adorable, and I would definitely give one (or a subscription!) to my grandma who has been fighting Ovarian cancer for years, but is still one of the most positive people I know. A box like this full of homemade goodies would without a doubt brighten her day!

  • Ooh, definitely my big sister, she loves handmade things almost as much as I do 🙂

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to so many people. I would have to choose my mom though!

  • My lovely mother, who patiently taught me everything I know… and is a totally crafty person!

  • Love it! Signed up for the newsletter! I would totally give an Umba Box to my mom. She would love all the homemade items

  • Umba box! I would sign my mom up for them. She loves handmade EVERYTHING. I am excited to start recieving their newsletter, my mom even signed up!

  • Actually, I think I would split the boxes between two friends, one who owns a small line of repurposed crafts and another who owns a sweet vintage shop in Norfolk, VA called With Lavender and Lace. They would looooooooove Umba’s fun picks!

    Renee Ranjani

  • I want to give everyone I know one of these! Maybe I will get one in return someday… such a smart idea for gifting.


  • I’d love to share an Umba box with my sis. She and I both love handmade items.

  • i’d give one to my mum, who is currently kicking uterine cancer’s ass and will be done with radiation in december.

  • What a cool site and cool idea, I’m excited to check it out. My sister would love this. She doesn’t treat herself to fun things like this often enough.

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my grandmother. She loves home made crafts and makes things all the time. She just had hip replacement surgery. She would love this!!

  • My Mom, she loves hunting down cool handmade goods and always encouraged me to make things.

  • I haven’t heard of this before–what a cool idea! I would give a box to my mom. She just started chemotherapy for breast cancer and is kicking it’s butt! She adores crafts and has taught me everything I know.

  • Well, my awesome mama would definitely love this gift, but I think my best friend/sister, Xochi, would be beyond thrilled with these!

  • I would love to give this to my sister. She’s hardworking and would deserve this more than anyone else I know.

  • So crossing my fingers!!! And I would gift it to my bf in ca! She would appreciate it as much as I would!!!

  • A umba box for my bestfriend who just bought her first home! It would be a lovely housewarming gift!


  • Great giveaway! I would give an Umba box to… myself! Since I discovered them (thanks to your blog), I’m dropping big hints on how cool these boxes seems to be to DH, hoping he’ll get it for Christmas 😉
    OK, to sound less selfish: I’ll give an Umba box to my 2 best friends (they can share it, as their tastes are very different!). We are very crafty and love handmade stuff, so I know that if I’d love one of these boxes, they would do to! We’re even thinking of buying a subscription for the 3 of us and share (that’s plan B in case our significant others didn’t understand the Christmas hints!)

  • I would give an umba box to Marie, one of my best girlfriends, and the with who a made this blog (in french) based on the DIY concept 🙂

  • Definitely my mom. She is coming out to help me with a new baby. I feel like that deserves some thanking 🙂

  • I would give a box to my brother’s girlfriend! She’s always surprising me with sweet little gifts and I think this would be a unique way to return the favor!

  • I would give the Umbra Box to my best friend Noel. She is pregnant with her first baby, and she is one of the most amazing women I know. She is also super crafty and is always generous about helping the rest of us not so crafty’s out with our random projects. Whether it’s using her sewing machine, or teaching me how to properly sew on a button. She is an amazing women, friend, and now mother. I think she deserves an Umbra box and would enjoy and apprecite it very much!


  • I am already subscribed to their newsletter 🙂 I would gift a box to my twin sister. I know she would just be over the moon about receiving it!



  • Wow, I love the idea of Umba box. It’d be a great present to give to my best friend, which is into handmade stuff and which I now see only once a year…

  • This site is way much much cool and interesting!!!
    I love the idea of receiving a box of gift each month.

    I signed up their newsletter as email registered in this giveaway!!!

    Thanks so much for such a great chance and lovely prize

  • This giveaway is AMAZING!
    I would gift a box to my best friend. She loves being crafty! After more than 15 years out of school she signed herself back up to further her education. She definitely is someone in my life who deserves something nice and a little break to get crafty from studying & paper writing.
    Thanks Ladies!

  • If I were lucky enough to win the Umba Box subscription it would be perfect for my lovely sister who is (stressfully) preparing for her wedding in the coming months and could use a little treat for herself! Thanks!

  • This would be a perfect treat for my busy mother who never ceases to amaze me!

  • Eeeee, what a great find!

    Uh…me? I would prob tell the husband that I want this. Although he would surely give me the same quizzical look that he gave me when I told him about Birchbox. Or I’d get it for my best friend, who is a handmade goods person, which makes her a lover of these things as well.

    Fingers crossed!!

  • crafting is the heart of our home and family. We will love experiencing all the ideas and creativity and it will all be shared between, mom, sis, niece and myself! Thanks for your continual inspiration and sharing.

  • I’d give one to my sister-in-law. We’re so close but far away, and she has a lot on her plate lately. Everyone needs a little something once in a while.

  • I would love to give this to my friend who recently was in a very bad car accident, I just know this would brighten her day!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  • My sister!! ^-^
    We both very much enjoy going out to craft fairs and such, finding items you may never see/find anywhere else!! It’s one of many things we like bonding over! Just recently we had bought very similar oil paintings from a sweet old woman we had met! I think she’d very much love an Umba Box!

  • I would love to gift one of these to my sister. She loves anything thoughtful and handmade and she would really enjoy this!

  • I would send it to my Aunt who has always made me the greatest, cutest creations! It would be nice to send her some handmade things that weren’t videos or photos! ( my specialties)

  • My old college roomies and I are split between Boston, New Haven, NYC, and Philly. Although we still try to get together at least once a year (almost a decade later!!), these would be a great way to make the distance seem closer! This is the first I’ve heard of Umba, but LOVE the concept!

  • I would give it to my cousin, we were born 3 days apart, and were super close growing up. Their family moved away when they were young, but we always kept our connection, and an Umba box is right up both our alleys!

  • I’m being pretty thrifty with this answer, but I’d choose me so I could distribute the stuff in the box to several people. I can’t afford to give really big gifts, this would help knock several folks off my Christmas list…sister-in-law, local friend, sister.

  • I would love to give the umba box to one of my best friends. I know she would love it, draw creativity from it, and completely appreciate the handmade goods, hard work, and love put into it! This is such a cool idea!

  • I would give one to my sister. At 33 she is going through chemo for breast cancer. This would bring her some cheer!

  • My sisters are all very crafty and into stuff like this. There are five of them, so I guess I’ll divi them out!!

  • I would give an Umba box to my beautiful friend, Annie.. She is a pure golden friend that not only is a dear friend to me but she has also taken my troubled brother under her wing.. I also love her 8 yr old son and her very cuddly Goldendoodle.. Holy moly!! I almost teared up writing this.. 🙂

  • Love the idea! I would give the Umba Box to my sister. She appreciates handmade goodies and deserves this fun gift for being so generous herself! It will definitely put a smile on her face 🙂

  • Such a sweet little gift! My sister is searching for a new flat, so this goodie box would be great as a flat warming/Christmas gift.

  • Signed up for their newsletter. I’d definitely send one to my mommy! She’s the best. 🙂

  • I would love to win this! I would probably give it to my mum. She appreciates handmade as much as I do, so I know she would love something like this!
    My email address is nicole at knitnicoleknit dot com
    Knit, Nicole, Knit!

  • I would give an Umba box to my best friend Adrienne! She has such a wonderful and quirky sense of style, and she’s an artist so she appreciates well made, unique items, just like Umba box specializes in!

  • I would give it to my mom. She loves handmade things and taught me many crafts. She would love it!

  • Umba Boxes are so lovely! I’d give one to my mom– she’s been through a lot this year and I would love to surprise her with a box of handmade goodies.
    xo Julie

  • I would give this box to my sister-in-law, Ingrid.
    She is one of the greatest gifts that came from marrying my husband!
    She loves handmade things and is going to have a baby soon so the box would be perfect for her!

  • I’d definitely give one to my mom. I think she’d love to get a little something thoughtful, surprising and handmade every month.

  • What a great idea!! I’ve signed up and if i’d get so lucky I’d give one to my mum who’s been batteling cancer this year and one to my dear friend who has been so supportive to me during al the good and the bad times.

    xo Stef

  • Oh, I’m so excited about this giveaway! I’d give my girlfriend an Umba Box. She’s the most wonderful person in my life and definitely deserves the pampering!

  • I just signed up! I would split the gifts between my friends…we all love crafting and homemade things. We have been friends for 11 years now and i couldn’t think of anyone better to share it with!

  • I love unique gift ideas like this. I’d give one to my sister- she’s my best friend and my creative other half!

  • I’d send an umba box to my little sister. She just graduated, got a job, and is pregnant – whew! what a year! She deserves a little monthly treat just for herself 🙂

  • It’s a three month subscription so I would give each month to a different person.
    1. Grandma, since I haven’t gotten her a gift for her birthday, yet.
    2. My newlywed cousin or friends
    3. Myself, because sometimes you have to “treat yo self!”

  • I’d give it to my bestie! She works her tail off and always so busy with her family she barely has time for herself- I think she’d really love it!

  • I would send a subscription to my sweet best friend Anna. We both just graduated college and married our sweethearts! But I miss living with her, sharing our closets, and bringing each other home little surprises. She would love it!

  • This is such a lovely giveaway! 🙂 I’d be really original and give my box to my Mam, because if it wasn’t for her, I would never have gotten into crafts in the first place! I remember plenty of rainy afternoons in my kitchen with my Mam encouraging me and helping me to do fun crafts, like egg painting and fruit printing. I remember one wash out summer in a cabin in Scotland, where she taught me to knit, and one spring when we went out into the woods to collect sticks to make a giant frame for a weaving.

    She’s was always so patient with me and didn’t mind if I made a mess- even now this summer I came home from University and managed to scratch up the dining table whilst painting a bird box- sorry Mam!





  • I would give the Umba box to my sister. She is so thoughtful and always finds the most unique gifts. She would love it!

  • This is SO perfect. What a wonderful idea 🙂

    I would give a subscription to my friend back home who is going through a hard time. She is very crafty herself and I think this would suit her perfectly.

  • I would give a box to my friend Megan- she would appreciate receiving these lovely handmade goodies!

  • for my daughter, who I only get to see once a year. a lovely reminder of love from me to her!

  • Subscribed!
    My friend, Holly, would be my choice. She is a handmade junkie and one of my biggest supporters.
    Thanks, gals!!

  • I have never heard of Umba Box until this post!!! What a wonderful idea!

    My cousin’s wife who lives nearby and has a darling kid’s shop would love one as a gift…as would my pretty awesome 16yo daughter….or my crafty newly married niece….!!

  • Hi!

    I would give the present to my mum and sisters because i’ll be home for the holidays 🙂

  • Would love to give an Umba box to my best friend that just joined the army. Thanks Ellie for the chance to win this!

  • Signed up! I love umba box and am super excited for the day I make enough to sign up myself! I would definitely give my mom a box. She loves crafts and would be super excited for every month to be a new surprise of Inspiring handmade gifts.

  • I would definitely give one to my mom, she has been the biggest influence in my love for getting crafty, and pursuing art. But also one to my best friend who is in the hospital right now giving birth to her first child. With kids usually comes the desire to start making more handmade things, so I think she would really appreciate an Umba box.

  • getting surprise handmade things in the mail!! this is perfection! I would give one to….myself! ja!

  • LOVE the Umba Boxes!!! I had a subscription to Birchbox for a while and this would be 10x better! I’d share my goodies with my BFF, also a lover of all things quaint and handmade. 🙂

  • I would give an Umba box to my friend Tanya. She is the bff of a friend I met via the internet, and though we’ve only hung out in person once (on a trip to Vegas!) she’s a really lovely woman who works hard and cares for her family, and I imagine probably takes little time for herself. As the mother of two boys I think it would be a nice gift, a handmade box of treasures just for her.

  • Would it be terrible if the someone special to give this to would be me?!?!? I have always wanted this since I heard about it!


  • This is too adorable! I would love to give this Umba box to the most important lady in my life – my mom! We just moved to a new city, new state and really in a new life after a rough divorce. We finally have gotten settled in a new house and she is so busy with work & redoing/redecorating/crafting/remodeling, I would love to give her the gift of these amazingly cute boxes. She is truly an amazing women and mother ~ I know she would love this!

    Have a fantastic day!

  • I would gift an Umba Box to my little sister:) she is an artist herself and would love each item! I signed up for their newsletter.

  • I would give this gift to best friend who shares my love of handmade and vintage style. Hopefully she would share!

  • I would love to give this to my mother in law whom I just met once due to our distance. I am staying in Malaysia whereas she is living in the States. I have difficulties applying for a visa to visit her! She loves everything crafty and this would be a special unique present I can give her since I can’t be there to enjoy art and craft with her.

  • I would love to give one to my sister! She’s artsy and I think she would love it.

  • So fun! I’d give an Umba box to my little sister. SHe needs a little creativity in her life!

  • oh my! I Love the idea of Umba box! I would gift one to my best friend. She is the most giving person in the world and giving something back to her I think would bring endless smiles.

  • i wanted to subscribe to this!!! such a beautiful idea. i’d send one to my friend who appreciates homemade, handmade items just as much as i do!

  • This holiday season I would give an Umba Box to my beautiful younger sister, Marley. We have always spent time doing arts and crafts together, especially during the holiday season! In recent years as she has gotten older and our crafts more professional, we have even thought about opening up our own etsy shop! The crafts she would get in her Umba Boxes would be such a big inspiration to her!

    Thank You!

  • I would give an Umba Box to my closest friend, Kayla, who lives so far away from me. She deserves so much more than I could ever give her, and she would love to receive an Umba Box. Love her!<3

  • This is fantastic. I would give one to my sister. She is my best friend and lives far, far away–she definitely appreciates handmade gifts!

  • ohhh decisions, decisions. Keep for myself give away to others,heee. Eeek I think I would give it to my best friend Heather. She runs Lovely Loot where her and another friend go around leaving/giving special ‘loot’ to the public. Lucky charms during exam week to the Uni students, apples and pencils for the first day of school etc. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  • Oh it would be so fabulous to win the splendid giveaway. I would love to give an Umba box to my college friends that are all the way across the country from me 🙁 Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • I’d give a box to my best girlfriend from high school! She’d love this special items for around her home.

  • I just signed up for the newsletter! My sister-in-law would really love this. She loves handmade/crafty things but doesn’t have time to make a lot for herself. It’d be a perfect Christmas present for her.

  • I would give it to my mom.
    since the day i was born all she did was take care of me.
    i think its time to give her some back 🙂
    plus soon is her b-day 🙂

  • I would give a box to my sister cause she is the best and loves everything handmade!

  • Definitely my mom! She loves things like this and deserves many more than she gets right now 🙂

  • I would love to share this with my sister and my best friend! They best have the best taste and style. I would *have* to keep the infinity scarf though i’m dying over it.

  • What a lovely giveaway! Who doesn’t love surprise mail goodies? I would love to give one to my mom, she inspires and supports so much of my artistic ability and I love giving creative gifts back to her.

  • I’d give a subscription to my nana. She moved to Colorado to be with her son, his wife and their children (her grandchildren) from CA almost ten years ago now. While she loves being close to the kids, sometimes she misses the variety of the variety of the Bay Area, shopping included. One of her favorite stores here in Berkeley is full of little treasures like this, all sourced by the great owners and buyers from small artists and designers as well as vintage sources. A subscription to Umba Box would allow her to go “treasure hunting” without ever leaving her home.

  • This is so fun! I think I would sign up my mom or my friend Sara. They both really love handmade things. So do I! 🙂

  • I would give an umbra box to my friend Beibhinn, after finishing Art college Beibh set up her own little craft store online called BeeLicious Crafts, she is the most talented and kindest person I have ever met and she loves all kinds of crafts, we live in a very small city in Ireland and there are virtually no real craft stores, so I think it would make her so happy and it would brighten up her day because her store is still relatively new and she has to put a lot of work in to ensure a profit and she does it all by herself.


  • I would give it to my best friend. She is just like me and loves anything handmade and adorable! Plus, her birthday is right around the corner! 🙂

  • Unf! Everything in the picture for this post looks stunning! One box for me, one box for my lovely mama and one for my beautiful sister who just became a homeowner!

  • I would give a box to my mom! I think she’d love that it’s a gift that keeps on giving for many months, as well as the variety of gifts and chance to support independent artists!

  • My sister would love an Umba box ever month. She just became a mother again to her 3rd child, so she would love the present.

  • I’d love to give one to my roommate! She loves getting mail as much as I do and she is discovering the wonders of handmade 🙂

  • I wish I had found out about Umba Box when I was living in the States, I would have loved to have my own subscription. But this is the perfect gift for my best friend, Nichole, who just got married last week; I’m sure Umba Box would have some great things for their new home together!

  • My mom loves unique gifts, especially handmade! No doubt I would give one to her!

  • I would have to go with my mom as well. She is at that point in her life where a little box of sunshine every month would just mean the world to her.


  • I would give it to my sister-in-law. She loves homemade items! Thanks for the chance!

  • What a beautiful idea! I’d definitely be giving one to my best friend of 6 years, who has a lot going on at the moment and would appreciate a wonderful gift like this!

  • Amazing! I love Umba. Such unique items. I would share ‘some’ of it with my sister in law…we both love handmade items and shop from Etsy all the time. Thanks so much for a great giveaway!

  • I’d love to give one of these to my roommate who is coincidentally my best friend 🙂 She works so hard all year and deserves something special!

  • Wow, never heard of Umba Box. How clever are they? My first thought on who I would give the box to was my mom. She is the backbone of our family and would do anything or us kids and all of our kiddos. So happy to see so many other people also put their moms.

  • My bff Ginny is leaving me very soon to chase her dreams in Chicago. I need a lovely little something to remind her to not forget about me:).

  • I’d give an umba box to my sister. we live on opposite sides of the country and try to stay connected through unique ways and i think a box of handmade goodies would be perfect!

  • I’d give it to my sister. She lives 2,000 miles away and every time she would get a box, she would know how much I miss her!

  • Wow! What a great company and what a great idea. It would make the best Christmas present for my friend Holly.

  • I’d give this box to my mother. It’s her birthday at beginning of November and this would be the perfect gift for her.

  • I love how everyone commenting would give a box to their mom. Me, too! Moms are awesome. :o)

  • Just signed up for their newsletter!

    This is so lovely… I would give this to my mom and sisters – they rarely ever buy anything for themselves 🙂

  • I am subscribed to Umba Box already and always get excited when the boxes appear on my doorstep! I’d love to give a subscription to my best friend who recently moved across the country and who’s style fits perfectly with this! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • I would love to gift my sister Beth or my friend Summer with some Umba goodies! So neat!

  • I love the Umba Box concept! I would give one to my best friend. Her birthday is right around the corner and I know that she’d LOVE it!

  • I would love to give one to my sister! We’re only a year apart and very close. We love the same things
    but have different styles so I know she would love to experiment with these handmade beauties! <3

  • Although I would love to hoard all these goodies for myself, I’d have to give the boxes to my mom. She loves handmade things, and plus maybe she’d even share with me! 😉

  • I think it would be my closest friend who are waiting her new baby in the end of October and I want to give her some pleasant moments:))

  • I’ve been thinking about giving my sister Umba box for a while, now. She is the mother of 4 and deserves to have some nice things that are hers, all hers.

  • What a neat company! I would give the box to my best friend who has the same love for unique and handmade as I do.

  • I’d give one to my sister in law – thought of her as soon as I saw it!

  • just signed up! what a cool giveaway. i’d give one to mom, she is the best and would love all the fun items 😀

  • This is such a great idea! I would love to give one to everyone on my list, but most definitely my Mom 🙂

  • My best friend just got a job in North Pole, Alaska. I’d love to bring a little joy to her mailbox and give her a reason to get up in the morning when it’s negative 50 degrees.

  • What a great website and clever idea! I would have to give a box to a friend of mine who is struggling to pay the bills and could use a pick me up.

  • I would love to give this to my sister! Not only is she my best friend, but recently has followed her dream of going to art school. I’m so proud of her & this would be a perfect gift.

  • I love this! Such an amazing idea , I would love to give my mum a subscription as a Christmas present !!

  • I would def. gift this to my younger sister, she is really artsy and would really appreciate the handmade works.

  • I just found you’re site a week ago and I love it. All the yummy recipies and the hairstyles everything there things here that I would of never thought of I check out you’re site daily it’s so much fun to try out new things. I just signed up for their newsletter I would love to sign up for it for a couple of months but I can’t afford it but I would love to give the box to my older sister she’s such an inspiration and a great role model she has always been there for me and my family she got married this past April after ten years of being with her high school crush who is just as wonderful as my sister and after being engaged for 4 years. They were saving up to buy a house and once they did they saved up once more and they got married and now their having their first baby. This would be such a great surprise gift for her

  • I think my sister would appreciate the Umba box! She hasn’t had a job for quite some time, so money is tight and I’m sure she would appreciate a subscription to the Umba box, and some lovely new goodies (that she would have to share with me ;)!!!)

  • I signed up for the newsletter and I would give this to my eldest sister. She does so much for me and is such a stylish unique person that she would appreciate these materials. She would use them to style up her home or wardrobe very successfully! I just love her!


  • My ma, for sure! She is always supportive and such a pillar of our family. She deserves it!

  • Just signed up! I would love to share a box with my mother, I know she would appreciate the handmade goodies!

  • i would love to give an umba box to one of my closest friends! she has such a great appreciation for artists and handmade goods!!!

  • I think I would give a subscription to my best friend who not only appreciates handmade things, but loves DIY. Would be the perfect gift for her!

  • If I got an Umba box I would give it to my younger cousin Jea who is 16. I love her like a sister and because I am a student in Baltimore I only get to see her a couple times a year when I come back home for breaks. I wish I could spoil her since her parent’s only really care about her younger sister who has her own everything and is only 10. If I got this gift I would give it to her, she works hard to get good grades and please her unpleaseable parents, she deserves more than anyone I know.

  • Id give it to my sister 🙂 She would LOVE it! Who doesnt love getting goodies in the mail?!

  • I’m already receiving the Umba box and I adore it, so I’d gift a subscription to my sister who is a fan of local and handmade goods. I love getting a surprise everyt month and I know she’ll love it just as much as me if not more.

  • I’m so glad that I happened upon this giveaway! My sister is moving back to the States after several years away, so she’d be on the top of my list for an Umba Box!

  • My best friend who has 3 boys under 5!!! She totally needs some girly items!!

  • one of my roommates and sweetest friends brittany would absolutely love an umba box. 🙂 she’s always coming home with little trinkets and artisan goods she raves about.

  • Great giveaway!! I’d give an Umba box to be best friend Courtney. She loves handmade things and would really appreciate the hard work that goes into each of the items.

  • To my mum definitely! She’s about to start another round of chemotherapy so would be perfect to cheer her up.

    Love the blog, as always 🙂 xo

  • Aw, this is such a lovely giveaway! I think I’d give an Umba box to my sister- she’s nineteen and she’s had a difficult year coming out as a lesbian and being bullied. She’s super creative and is studying art in college, all this stuff is so her. M xo

  • I’d give the Umba box to my best friend who is expecting her first child next year. She has been working very hard to provide for her husband who is trying to realize his goal as an artist. She’s supporting the two of them while he works at his art…
    She deserves a treat!

  • Easy peasy! An Umba Box would be most appreciated by my dear friend Margo.
    Despite battling Fibromyalgia, Margo’s a small business owner, newlywed, zookeeper, seamstress, and columnist amidst debilitating pain. I’ve had no luck (until now!) trying to find the perfect gift for her. You know? …the kind of gift that offers love, comfort, and inspiration ( and… Makes love. Not war!) The Umba Box effortlessly fits the bill. Wait til Xmas? How could I?… xo

  • I would give one to my best friend. She has been through so much in the past few years and I would love to know she was receiving something in the mail once a month to brighten her day!

  • I would give an Umba box to my mums. She is a fantastic artist, but gave up her career to homeschool us kids. In doing so, she passed on the love of art and crafts to another (super thankful) generation. This home-made beauty would thrill her artistic soul!

  • I would love this! Great surprises in the mail us the best and I could also use as gifts.

  • this is an amazing giveaway – umba box is the greatest monthly subscription box! i would give the subscription to my best friend because she would love all the handmade things, and the surprise each month is just so fun!

  • I like the element of surprise each month. I think my sister-in-law would love it.

  • My sister absolutely loves beautiful handmade goods (really, who doesn’t?), but as a recent graduate from art school she doesn’t usually have the funds to spend on such things. I would definitely give an Umba Box to her!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • I would give it to my sister who is away at college and I only get to see a couple times a year!

  • I love the idea of this box and would love to try it out! I’d probably split the findings between my mom and sister, they both love handmade goods.

  • I would definitely give it to my mom. I live far away and often fail at calling her regularly so she definitely deserves it!

  • I would give the box to my sister! She’d love all the unique things that come inside the Umba Box, and I imagine I’d be able to share a couple things :]

  • I would give the Umba box to my daughter. She is very crafty and creative and would love the items they include in their boxes.

  • I honestly have a little trouble choosing someone to give it to. It’s pretty much a tie between my grandmother or mother. I’d choose my mama because, heck, I just love her to death. Now, I love my grandmother to death as well, but I’d also choose her because she is the craftiest person in the family and it is thanks to her that I got into crafts, painting, drawing, and such in the first place. It’s a difficult choice for me, really, but if I really had to choose, I’d pick my grandmother.

  • I’d probably give one to my best friend and maid of honor, Nataley. She’s really the most appreciate person when it comes to handmade, probably because she’s absolutely fantastic at handmaking so many things herself!

  • So cool! I would give one to my Mom and to my Aunt who is an awesome DIY’er herself!

  • Very neat! I would share it with my best friend, with who I share a love of very neat things.

  • I was already a subscriber to their newsletter! 🙂 I would give a box to my little sister. She is amazing and creative and is helping me IMMENSELY in planning my wedding. Also, her love language is gifts, so presents mean a lot to her, especially if they are awesome! 🙂

  • I’d definitely give one to my mom, like many other people here, but I also would love to gift one to myself, as a reward for working hard at school this semester! I don’t have much money for fun things like that, so such a gift would be a real treat!

  • ohhhh what a cute idea!!!! just signed up for their newsletter.. this would be perfect for my lil sis who just got married!!!

  • Signed up! I would definitely get one of these for my friend. She loves anything handmade!

  • This seems so tempting! I’d give an Umba box to my sister who loves these kinds of things just as much as I do!

  • So cool! My little sister definitely. She’s all alone in another state while her fiance is in Afghanistan. Anything to cheer her up!

  • I would give one to a very special aunt! She loves every thing that is handmade and also she’s quite a crafty person, she is always transforming something or making handmade decorations for home and her shop. I’ts truely a beautiful giveaway! xoxo

  • I would gift on to my mother-in-law who digs all things crafty and handmade.

  • I’d love to give an Umba box to my dear sister in law who just moved down to Trinidad and is now far away from many of the little luxuries available to the ‘western’ world. Although Umba Box doesn’t ship down there yet this would be the perfect gift for her in her new adventure. Love the giveaway!!

  • I love Umba Box! Like everyone else, I would definitely give an Umba Box to my mom. She deserves something beautiful in the mail every month!

  • One of my best friends moved 12 hours away for her job this summer, I’d love to give her something stylish and handmade.

  • My sisters birthday is today! I can never afford to give gifts, and she is the best gift giver ever, this would be perfect!

  • I would like to give one to my best friend, Allison! She would love all these unique handpicked items and she’s been such a great helper and supporter for the wedding I just had. Love this!

  • Oh my goodness. I would love to share this subscription with my girlfriend. We just bought a house (!!!) and would adore the chance to have Umba’s homemade loveliness infuse it each month. I’d probably also send a good chunk of the stuff to my sis, my first and favorite crafting buddy.

    Thanks for the chance to enter, ladies!


  • ooh this is so exciting! and the umba box would definitely go to… of course my mamma! she’s recovering after a divorce and she’s craving with all handmade with love thingies. she’s been decoupaging everything, drawing postcards and other stuff ever since. i hope it would cheer her up as well 🙂

  • I’ve never heard of Umba Box before, but it sounds so cool! I’d give a box to my Mama because she absolutely loves crafts and homemade gifts. She’s where I got that love from 🙂

  • My sister would love one of these. She away at college and doesn’t have the time or space to make craft projects herself.

  • My grandma and I love handmade goodies! I would give my grandma a box because she appreciates handmade gifts like what umba provides!

  • I have signed up for the newsletter! I would send one of these boxes to my Mom. She has recently discovered Etsy and all things handmade, and this would just make her year!

  • My older sister would love this. But who wouldn’t love getting a suprise in the mail every month!

  • I’d give the Umba Box to my friend who just moved to Berlin! Shes in serious need of a care package…

  • My friends angel and Shannon who appreciate handcrafted things and who I love to send surprises to.

  • I’d send an Umba box to my best friend, who just had a baby and is feeling frazzled and a bit depleted. A gift box would certainly give her a nice perk!!!

  • I think I’d get an Umba box for my sisters. They’ve moved far away and a surprise would make them happy 🙂

  • I would love to give an umba box to my best friend! We recently moved back into the same area as one another, so we’ve been able to reconnect again. Plus, she’s so nice that I’m sure she would share some of the goodies with me! 😉

  • Like many people here, I’d give one of these to my Mom since she usually doesn’t have a way to buy herself nice things and I would like her to have nice things.

  • I would so give an Umba Box to my mother-in-law or even my sis-in-law…they would both be smitten! I think it would inspire their creativity!!!

  • I would gift an Umba Box to my best friend. She is an amazing mom who works full time!

  • I’m already on their newsletter! And I would get an Umbra Box for my best friend. (:

  • I would give my best friend an Umba box subscription! She loves eccentric and handmade goodies.

  • Since there are 3 boxes (I guess), I would give one to a friend, who’s birthday is in December. She’d like this so much. She’s also into hand-made things like myself. Her birthday is every year during the exams, so it would be really great to give her a present that she would love so much.
    I would give the other one to my mother. It’s really hard to choose a present for her, but I know she’ll certainly love this.
    I want to keep one box too. I can’t give everything away and not keep something for myself, when I’ve seen that everything in those boxes is so awesome.

  • Umba Box is such a neat business idea! I would (and probably will) get my sister and best friend subscriptions for the holidays!

  • LOVED getting my umba box…i miss it now!!! Seriously thinking of signing up again…or gifting one!

  • To my little ones adoptive mama 🙂 she’s amazing and always making handmade things for her family. she totally deserves her own!

  • I’d love to give this to my good friend, Justine, because she’s pretty crafty and just moved into a new home. This will give her a little fun during all those not-so-fun projects!

  • Beautiful giveaway! Such a gorgeous group of products. I would love to give this to my mother, someone who truly appreciates beautiful handmade gifts!


  • I would give it to my bestie Amy! She has the best taste for funky, vintage-y things, so she would LOOOVE Umba!

  • I’ve had my eye on Umba Box since discovering them on Pinterest. I’d give one to my wonderful friend who’s fashionable and creative and loves everything handmade. Who doesn’t?

  • I’ve been tempted to try out Umba box for a while. A very exciting and awesome giveaway. I’d give a box to my Grandmother. She raised me and has done so much for me my whole life – she definitely deserving of a little handcrafted goodness.

  • My best friend Staci! It’s actually her birthday today and I know she’d love this!

  • oh gosh, who wouldn’t want an umba box? i can’t decide between my sister, three girlfriends, or myself!! love, love, love it!

  • Love this idea!
    I would give one to my grandmother who has totally kicked breast cancers ass this year!

  • I would send one to my new business partner. We just opened a retail shop in the Pike Place Market in Seattle and she could use a care package to reward her for so much hard work.

  • Just signed up! I would definitely give it to my best friend 🙂 She would absolutely love it!

  • Pick me! Pick me!! I’d love to give a box to my Mamacita! She would love the creativity and uniqueness of each box.

  • I would give my Umba box to my best friend Courtney. She’s really crafty like I am and we have Pinterest parties all the time. I think that she would get the most out of one out of all of my friends. Plus, it would be one more thing to share with her that I know she would love. I’m going to tell her about this giveaway too! <3

  • What a lovely giveaway! It’d be perfect for my sister-in-law (she’s always on the hunt for beautiful things) or even myself (haha, going to be honest here, I love their products).

  • I would give a box to my sister! We’re biological sisters, heart sisters, and soul sisters.

  • I would definitely give a box to my mom! She deserves some special extra treats in her life and this would be such a fun way to treat her!

  • Yey<3 this is such a great giveaway! I recently contacted Umba Box if they ship worldwide (to Poland in this case) and they said yes! I would give the Umba Box to my mom 🙂 This giveaway is so exciting!

  • I love these giveaways! I know that I would love to give an Umba Box to my wonderful Grandmother. She is an incredibly talented seamstress, and she loves anything that is crafty and homemade. I’m so blessed to be her granddaughter! <3

  • I just signed up for Umba box. I would definitely gift one of these to my best friend! We both have babies and don’t have the time to scour craft fairs for fun handmade goods like we used to!

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my Grandma. Because of her my whole family is crafty. My Grandma has been making jewelry, paintings, clothings, etc… you name it. I would love to repay her for the years of teaching me how to make things by giving her an Umba Box.

    Happy holidays!

  • This would be perfect for my sweet sister who is expecting her first child in a couple months. Love this!

  • I think my SIL would LOVE to recieve these! Shes quite the crafter and appreciates ALL handmade.

  • I’d give a box to my dear friend, who I’ve kept in contact with despite the distance. Love her, and love these boxes!

  • My Mom!! Ever since she moved out of state, we like to send each other the occasional care package and this would be so pretty and perfect, I’m sure she would love it!

  • I would give one to my Momma… 🙂 She loves handmade things and is my biggest supporter. She is awesome. <3

  • I’ve been eying Umba boxes for months!! I’d give it to my sister. We extremely close (not unlike you guys!), but live on complete opposite ends of the country, and she’s expecting her first baby! So exciting, but it’s gonna be hard missing all the fun of watching her grow, not to mention the nursery preparations and decorating. I’ll be lucky to afford flying out for the shower 🙁

  • I would give one to my Mom bc she would appreciate it so much! I love her so much!

  • I would give the box to my daughter. She’s the best and is always looking for unique and stylish things.

  • I would give an Umba box to my Mom! She used to craft all the time. That’s where I get my creativity from!!! She loves pretty, cute, homemade stuff.

  • I just purchased a 3-month subscription to start in Nov. as a birthday gift for my sister — but I’d love one for me too!

  • I would give this to my sister, who has recently faced complete upheaval in her life, followed by a break-in. They stole all of her jewelry and portable pretties, among other things. I now live an ocean away and can’t do much, but I know she would love this!

  • Love homemade anything! I’d definitely give my sister a subscription. Thanks Elsie & Emma!

  • I’d give a box to my sister-in-law. She’s a new mom and, like many, runs on little sleep and has no time to treat herself. Receiving an Umba Box once a month would be such a special gift just for her to pamper herself.

  • I would give an Umba Box to my best friend. We are both fashion designers with a passion for the handmade, so I know she’ll love it!

  • I’d give Umba box to my lovely sister, she’s having such a hard time right now, I’d love to cheer her up a bit.

  • I would give an Umba box to my new sister-in-law. She’s been going through a hard time (trying to go back to college after leaving a few years back), and I know this would make her smile!

  • My beautiful sister in law! She’s a busy woman,she is pregnant and already has twin toddlers! But still puts time and love into decorating for family holidays, sewing blankets and purses for everyone she knows and nurturing her adorable boys! She’s my favorite fellow crafter and I can’t think of anyone more deserving!

  • They’re so cute – I’m not sure I’d want to give one away! But depending on what came in the box, I’d probably share it with my mom and some friends.

  • I would give it to my mother or a friend of mine who recently made a kind gesture to me. I have been looking a nice gift to give her as a thank you.

  • I would definitely say my mother or my sister. We all love homemade goods. They both work so hard it would be awesome to send them a little gift to let them know how much I love them. I think the idea behind Umba Box is fantastic!

  • I took a look at the Umba box and signed up for their newsletter. The items are so cute! I would give the contents and presents to family and friends.

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my sister in law who just had a beautiful baby boy!

  • I do believe I count as someone special :). Then I could keep what I love and gift some of it.

  • I would split the contents of the Umba Box amongst two of my friends and my little sister who all adore handmade items and crafting! Thanks for the beautiful giveaway!

  • I’ve been wanting to sign up for Umba Box for months and months! It’s the most perfect idea. However, I’ve been in grad school for the past year-and-a-half and haven’t had the money to buy a subscription. I’ve always thought–no, fantasized!–that if I ever got an Umba Box subscription, I would give the beautiful gifts to my family-in-law. I have three sisters-in-law and a mother-in-law, all of whom are incredibly talented crafters and creators. Umba Box’s homemade gifts would be perfect for these lovely ladies in my life.

    This is such a wonderful giveaway! Thanks, Elsie & Emma!

  • My best friend Lolan is such a crafty little genius. I always joke that she’s the McGuyver of crafting. She could make something out of a whole lot of nothing. She’s amazing that way. I’m subscribed and can’t wait to see what cool stuff they have!

  • Hmmm this one would be a hard one but I would probably gift it to my sisters and mother. this is a really neat idea!

  • It would be awesome to win this for my sister-in-law. Her name is Brianna… she’s my best friend and the sister I never had 🙂 My brother sure picked a great one! But I would love to bless her with this… cause it’s been a bit rough for them lately and having little handmade pick me ups would bless her tons and would make her day, more then yah know!

    Thanks! Pick her!!

  • My great older sister. She always doing and giving things for others. She is amazing!

  • My mom for sure! She has always been the most supportive with all of my creations. She loves crafts and handmade items!

  • Love it, my sister is having a birthday!!! And she would truly appreciate this gift!!

  • This is such a great giveaway! I’m always looking for unique gifts to share with my mom and my sister!!

  • I would definitely give this amazing gift to my sister whom is raising three great kids and whose husband has just been laid off from his job. I’m sure she could use some cheering up this week!

  • I would give it to my mom! We love shopping for unique locally made goods together : )

  • Hi Elsie and Emma!
    I would probably give an Umba box to my friend Alexis, we recently had a falling out, but we are now best friends again and I would really love to say sorry with an ultra stylish Umba box!
    Thank you

  • I would give an Umba box to my mom. She loves getting mail and this would be such a sweet suprise since she would not expect all those handmade gifts.

  • Awesome holiday idea! I’d be set with gifts for my mom and sister, and maybe even for my best friends wedding in january!

  • I would love to share with my bonus mom!!! She is such a giving and kind- hearted person not only to her family, but the whole community. She deserves to be treated to something special!!

  • I would give the Umba Box to my mom. She is retired and keeps my five month old twin boys so I can continue doing a job I love and feel less guilt about leaving my babies. Since retiring she doesn’t treat herself a lot anymore and I try to do anything I can to make my mom feel special and appreciated!

  • I’d give it to my older sister for Christmas. It would make a cute stocking stuffer.

  • I think my Mum and I would love to share the goodies in these Umba Boxes. We both love hand-made things and D.I.Y. projects. We just reconnected after 4 years of living cross country from one another, and these would be a nice little treat for both of us to share on our “Girly Days” together.


  • I would definitely give a box to my roommates! We love this kind of stuff, but as students really can’t afford it 😛

  • My really good friend, Christina, is going through a bit of a hard time… A box of loveliness would bring a smile to her face!

  • I would give a box to my sister, I think she would love the unique and handmade items that Umba box offers!

  • I would spread the love between my stepmom, little sis, and big sis. Little sis would get the candle. Big sis would get the circle scarf and step mom would get the necklace.

  • I just signed up! I have been wanting to subscribe for a while now!…I would give it to my mom! She’d love it 🙂

  • Yes, please! I would love to gift these to my sister, a talented sewist who would appreciate these treats.

  • I would split the goodies between my mom and mother-in-law. They both are overly generous when it comes to giving me stuff and it would be so nice to spoil them.

  • I almost signed up for a subscription last week! I would share them with my lovely Mama

  • What a great idea! I think I would give a box to my mom, she’s would love handmade goods like that!

  • I’ve got a best friend that just moved to Seattle. Care packages like this might help make that move bearable ; )

  • This is an awesome giveaway!

    I would definitely give my mom a box. I just recently went through a bad breakup and she’s been so supportive. She totally re modeled her office so I could have an amazing bedroom to come home to.

  • My sister-in-law would love this! She got it for me for my birthday and they are fantastic!

  • I’d give a subscription to my sister-in-law who is a super cool art student and she would really dig this!


  • Luv this giveaway!!!!! I would luuuv to give an umba box subscription to my sister. She is a mom of 2 in a new town and works super hard as a social worker to boot! luv her ans am so proud of her.

    xoxo, breana

  • I would get an umba box subscription for my best friend so she could always have something to put a smile on her face. She is living in a new house and it still has that empty feeling, an umba box would brighten up that space every month.

  • Subscribed!

    I’d give it to my mom, of course! She deserves some nice things.

  • I love this giveaway! It would be hard to part with, but I have a BFF that would love to be spoiled with these goodies~

  • I totally just added a Umba box subscription to my Christmas list last week! I LOVE what they are doing!

  • I would send it to a dear friend who has been out from work for the last six weeks because of undiagnosed health issues. She needs the pampering!

  • I will give an Umba box to my sister, we love very much handmade stuff ♥ so, I know it will be a great present for her 🙂

  • I loooove this giveaway. I would definitely give a box to my mom. She does so much for us and I think it would be a great way to show her how much my family appreciates it.

  • oh, I’d give this handmade treasure for my “long time no see” auntie!!she’s is such a hardworking lady, always caring about everyone and everything, usually forgeting about herself, so Umba box would be the sweetest treat for her.

  • I was just looking at their site (via yours) the other day and thinking what a nice gift it would make! I think I would definitely gift my mum. She moved across the country last year to a bit of a remote northern part of Canada and doesn’t really have any cute places to shop unless she comes to see me. So a fun little box each month would be really lovely. <3

  • I would probably give this to my mother in law, this is our first year as family and I think this would be a really lovely gift to celebrate that.

  • Signed up! I would love to send an Umba box to my good friend in Denmark. She’s so far away, I love to send her little surprises and this would be perfect!

  • I’d give a box to my wonderful mum! I’m disabled and can’t do anything without her so it would be a lovely way to say thank you 🙂 x

  • I would share the box between three dear girlfriends who have been just great and supportive in the past few weeks.

    Cheers from Brazil!

  • Signed up! I would give an Umba box to my friend Lauren who is a DIY queen. She bought a house two years ago with her husband and I have never seen such a transformation in my life. You feel like you are walking through/looking at a pinterest board. They are amazing and I would love to give her an umba box to add a few more homemade touches

  • Hi How adorable is this stuff! I afraid I would have to first give the Umba box to me;) but then share with my friend Amanda who is a creative girl trying to find more time to make stuff with me! Thanx!

  • I would give this to my mom. She came to the States over thirty years ago and taught herself how to sew, quilt, make clothes, baskets, and the list goes on. She supported me growing up by selling her goods at craft shows every weekend. Not only is she a crafter and an artist but she works harder than anyone I know. She would so love and appreciate these handcrafted surprises each month. What a fantastic idea and concept!

  • I would love to give an Umba box to my best friend, Emily. Her baby is due only a few short weeks from now and what a better way to treat her than handmade goods?

  • Umba boxes are so awesome! I would give one to my bff Livi. We’ve dreamed together of the day we are able to subscribe for Umba boxes, instead of just drool over them.

  • Oh my gosh, how cute!!! I would give an Umba Box to my best bud Reagan, who just finished mat leave and is returning to work. She would LOVE this!

  • I would give a box to my boyfriend, because he’s always been supportive about me doing crafts all over his and my flat and he even started making cute things with me and helping me out when I work with wood and other materials I’ve not really gotten used to yet. He’s the sweetest little helper I could wish for and he’s starting to fall in love with handmade more and more each day, so I guess he’d like to be surprised with an Umba Box 🙂

  • What a fun giveaway! I’d give a box to a friend from Nashville who is a long ways from home.

  • I would send an Umba Box to my little sister. She’s away at college, and gets very homesick, and I LOVE sending her little care packages, especially if they’re super cute things for her dorm room!

  • My Aunt in Minnesota. We’re in Chicago, so I like to send little gifts to her for her birthday and the holidays.

  • My very best friend would love the Umba box! She’s super crafty and always picks the best presents for other people, and this is just her cup of tea.

  • I would give the Umba box to my sister, who has worked hard all her life to support herself, and received help from no one. She deserves a break.

  • I would subscribe to UMBA box for my best friend. She would love all these pretty handmade goodies. And so would I. 🙂

  • I would give my umba box to my beautiful Aunt Yvonne who just beat breast cancer, a double mastectomy and chemo! She rocks. Love you auntie.

  • My Mom probably – she absolutely loves this kind of stuff, almost as much as I do:)

  • maybe I’d give it to my besty friend Sonja but she have to promise to get me one!

  • love this company! i would definitely give one to my mom. she appreciates beautiful handmade things just as much as me!

  • I would love to do this for my Mom for her 60th b-day that is coming up! How great would it be to have a beautiful and unique gift delivered to her door once a month for an entire year. This way she will have small treasures to make her feel good and she will be reminded that her daughter loves her and is thinking of her. It sounds so perfect I think I may just do it!

  • Like most, I would definitely give this to my Mom – she is my biggest fan. Sometimes its nice to spoil her and give her gifts…just because 🙂

  • I saw the Umba Box ad on your blog and checked them out earlier this month! I am already planning on giving one to my grandma and mom for Christmas! Such a neat idea!! 😀


  • It would be nice to win, I would share the box with my less craft sister. She would love it.

  • I’d give an Umba box to my boyfriend’s sister. I don’t know her too well since she lives a few hours away from where he and I live, but I’m sure she would something in one of their boxes.

  • Oh…and I would love to do this for someone as a baby shower gift. A great idea for husbands to give their wives. It is always about the baby (which of course it should be) but it’s nice to do something nice for the mamma! This would be great- little surprises just for the mommy-to-be

  • What a fabulous giveaway! well honestly I would likely give it to myself… budget is a bit tight right now and I would love a little gift love for 3 months.

  • I would give one to my sister! She just moved out of state, and we can’t ever enjoy crafting or looking at each other’s cute things anymore!!

  • I’d get an Umba Box subscription for my sister and my sister-in-law. Both of them enjoy things that are unique and handmade, and of course what could be better than a gift that gets delivered every month instead of just once a year?

  • I’d send an Umba Box to my sister and new mom, Michelle. Her little family just moved to a new city and I think a box of handpicked & handmade goodies would be a perfect housewarming gift.

  • I live umba giveaways! I signed up for their newsletter! I’d give one to my friend, she is so crafty and wonderful!

  • I would give an Umba box to my little sister! She loves handmade items and I want to give her something special before I move out.

  • I’ve just heard of Umba Box, and I think it’s a fantastic idea. I would give this gift to my friend who just had a baby, Max. She has been given so many gifts for him, but none for her!

  • Subscribed with email.
    I would give the boxes to my grandma, she has raised three generations almost singled handedly and has produced 4 children,12 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren with one on the way! 🙂 It would be nice for her to have a little something in return x

  • Mom and sister (and myself, of course ;-))! We love handmade products and gifts specially in Holiday season. 🙂

  • I would absolutely give a box to my aunt! I would say my mom, because obviously I love her, but my aunt has been super down the dumps lately, and she’s the hardest person to shop for; at least this way she’d get a few things that strike her fancy! 🙂

  • Ohhh, this is so neat! I would divide the contents of the Umba box between my two sisters. One is away at college and I would love to treat her to something special from home, the other sister is a beginning crafter who would appreciate the awesome handmade goodies!


  • I would have to say that I’d probably give my Umba box to myself! I love handmade crafty things 🙂 I spend countless hours looking at blogs, etsy, and pinterest to find the coolest handmade things. I would LOVE to have an Umba box to share all my cool things with my friends and family.

  • I would love to give the gift to my mom. She is an amazing support in my life. I might also share some of it with my sisters. They are pretty great too.

  • I would give a box to my niece so she can see how special gifts are like this than mall items! And then she can spread the word to all her friends so they start to shop for items like these instead of items at malls, Walmarts and big brand stores.

  • I would give one to my best friend. She’s done a lot for me recently, and I would like to give her something back to show her how much I appreciate all she has done for me.

  • I find it awesome how many people have said they would give it to their mother. She was the first person I thought of, too!

  • I would give an Umba box to my best friend, I know she would absolutely adore getting cute little gifts every month! Plus, I owe that girl so much because she is always there for me, no matter what, and it would be a good way to thank her and show her how much I appreciate her friendship. 🙂
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  • I would split the contents of an Umba box between the five of us girls who share my apartment! We all have our own unique style and are into crafts and decorating! It would be such fun!

  • I would give an Umba box to my best friend (we’ve been friends since birth…we lived next door to each other when we were born). She just had her first baby a week ago, and I have no doubt that she’ll be in need of some spoiling. She also has the cutest style, and I’d love to see how she used what she received. 🙂

  • I live with a family from my church as I moved here from overseas to do volunteer work, would love to give one of these to my ‘host mother’ as she is so good to me!

  • So wonderful! I would gift one to my sister who just moved into her new place!

  • I would give it to my older sister, she’s the best! & she introduced to me this incredible site, which i have fallen in love with.

  • I’d give it to my mun because now i’m not living with her and it’d be an special way to “be” with her..

  • I’d give a box to my good friend Kelly, she’s been there for me through some really trying times & I know she would love, love, love it.

  • I would definitely give this box to my mom, she’s the craftiest lady I know.

  • Love this giveaway ! I would love to give this to my younger sister ! She is so effortlessly stylish and always has the cutest details in her home and on her person.

  • Subscribed. I’d give a box to my aunt Sanjee. She’s adorable and extremely unique, with the funniest sense of humor ever.

  • Honestly I’d split the contents of the featured Umba box! I’d give the scarf to my grandmother, who loves them, I’d give the candle to my fiance, I’d give the tea towel to my soon-to-be mother-in-law, and the necklace to my mom! I’d keep the key cards to give with each gift!

  • I would give this to my little cousin, she’s 12. Her mom is going to be gone out of her life for about 2 years and I try to take her shopping when I can and help her feel a little bit better about the temporary change. I can’t always find the perfect things for her, so this would be amazing.

  • I would totally give this to my best friend. She is such a ‘homey’ person and is always looking for little ways to add personal touches to her world around her. 🙂

  • All signed up! I would definitely send an Umba bow to my friends down the road. Four girls who love crafting a LOT would love handmade goodies!

  • i would have to give this to my mom! she loves homemade things and that blueberry cloth/napkin is too good. that necklace is pretty jazzy too 🙂

    thanks for the consideration!

  • I can’t believe what great products they have!! I would love to gift a box to one of my very good friends whose birthday is in November! She would die at the sight of a Umba box.

  • To be honest, I would treat myself with Umba Box 🙂 I am not selfish, I just work so hard studying far away from my family and think I deserve this small pleasure.

  • i’d love to give an umba box to one of my oldest pals. she’s a mom of two and super busy, so she doesn’t have a lot of time to shop, but she so appreciates handmade pretty things. i admire her so much and would love to send a special treat just for her!

  • I have heard about the Umba box, so I would love to win this giveaway and try it for myself 🙂 I would give a box to my best friend who lives across the country, so I like to send her care packages.

  • Beautiful giveaway! I love that moment when you see an item and it’s just the perfect gift for someone special. I would look forward to opening the Umba box and thinking, “Wow, my friend/sister/mom would love that necklace! It would make a lovely thank-you/birthday/just because gift!”

  • What a great website. I love this idea.
    Who doesnt love a surprise.
    I would girt these to my Mom so she can have a little surprise each month.

  • I’d have to say, probably to my bff Margaret who moved away a few months ago…we love sending each other random but awesome gifts, and this fits the bill perfectly!

  • I would give an Umba Box to my lovely sister who has been working so hard at school and working at the same time. She deserves something for herself because she is constantly giving to others!

  • I would give an Umba Box to my niece. She loves giving homemade gifts and she would love to receive one.

  • My sister is coming to visit for the holidays and this would be a wonderful gift for her!!

  • I would give the umba box to my mom, she constantly gives me creative inspiration, and I’d like to give that back to her. She’s an amazing independent artist and she adores things made by other artisans!

  • My little sister! She’s just starting out on her own… her own apartment, car payment etc. and doesn’t get to treat herself very often.

  • Totally signed up! I would give an Umba box to one of my dear, far-away friends who works and loves hard and always appreciates beauty.

  • I love the Umba Box and was super excited to sign up for their newsletter (jessica.sweatt@gmail.com)
    I would love to get a box for myself and for my sister!

  • What a fun giveaway! I would treat my lovely pregnant friend to this treat. She loves handmade and deserves a special treat!

  • Just signed up for the newsletter! I would give the box to my soul sister, she always inspires me and motivates me.

  • umba box for my dear friend shadia. she’s the only one of my friends that loves these type of things! love love!

  • I would give an umba box to my boyfriend’s Nana. She is the most giving and selfless person I know and makes everyone feel better for having just known her. She never does anything for herself and gives so much to others so I think this would be great for her.

  • Pretty sure I’d give it to my best friend. She is one of the most ingenious crafty people I know, and I think she’d find inspiration from it and really enjoy the items! 🙂

  • What a great giveaway! I would have a very hard time giving a box to someone else. They are so beautiful! But if you had a gun to my head, I would treat my sister. She is a hard working Canadian nursing student whose American boyfriend is getting deployed so she could use a little pick me up.

  • I’ve seen this and would love to try it. I would definitely give this to my mother – she would love it!

  • Awesome giveaway! 🙂 The very first person that came into my mind to get this Umba box is my dearest mummy <3 I swear she gonna love this so much!

  • Amazing giveaway, as always!
    The person I would give an Umba box subscription is most certainly my great aunt, probably the most incredibly creative, absent-minded and interesting person I know. She lives at her parents` house in the countryside. Her pension is incredibly low, she has loats of debts to all sort of people, but she`s too proud to accept any money from us. She is always crafting, recycling and renewing old stuff in order to make ends meet. However my great aunt is an unbelievably positive person, she writes poetry, she draws, she reads in French… I know for sure that she would appreciate the subscription to Umba box. Even when a pile of new clothes might seem a better gift.

    Oh, and I subscribed to their newsletter.Really =)

  • I’d totally give a box to my roomie. She fed me all week after I had surgery last week 🙂

  • How exciting! I would give a box to my sister. She and I have a love for all things handmade.

  • Mmmmhh, it would be very hard to win this wonderful gift and not keep it for myself!! But I definitively would give it to the best mami linda in the whole world, she totally deserves such a cute “monthly box surprise”!!! Thanks for the amazing giveaway!

  • I’d like to give an Umba Box to my boyfriend. I know, he is a boy, but he really needs to wake up his creative side before we start a new life in a new brand house. Beacause, sometimes, I will just need he to take care of me. And there’s nothing better than an Umba Box to do that! <3

  • I would give a subscription to my bestie that hates crafts AND my bestie that loves crafts. I think they’d both be happy 🙂

  • I love the idea of the Umba box! I would give a box to my lovely mother because she always loves all of the little handmade things that I have, find, and give to her! 🙂

  • Hmm tough choice. I have two sisters and an awesome mom… I think one sister in particular would get the biggest kick out of it, so I guess I would go with her (she is etsy-obsessed so I think this would really just thrill her).

  • I had a brief subscription but had to cancel it…saving my pennies where I can. It was such a great service! Loved all the things they picked out!

  • I love umba box!

    I would definitely give one to my mom. She is the hardest working woman i know and deserves it.

  • Is it terrible to say that if I won an Umbra box subscription, I would give it to MYSELF? I’ve been contemplating getting one for myself and this would give me the chance to try it out. If I had to give it someone besides ME….I would give it to my bestie ML.
    Thanks for the chance! C

  • my little sister would be so grateful to receive something like this every month 🙂

  • Love this giveaway! I’ve just signed up for the newsletter!! I would love to give one to my mum, her birthday is around the corner!!

  • my bestie would love an Umba Box! I wish you guys were in SF, I’d so wanna work scouting items for you!!

  • I’ve been eyeing a subscription for some time, and what a great gift idea! I’d love to send one to my best pal, because she loves handmade goods and is forever wishing she could “be craftier”. Maybe it would give her the inspiration she needs!

  • I would give the first Umba box to an elderly woman, June, who lives next door to me. She is always so vibrant, quirky, and kind. When my mother and I moved into the neighborhood, June brought us a plate of delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies that had caramel and cinnamon in the dough! She has always been so friendly and generous over the years, so I would definitely give the first box to her. The second box would be split between my mother and sister because, well, they’re my family and I love them! I’d let them pick which items out the second box they want. The third box I would gift to myself, because I have a tendency to give to everyone around me, and then accidentally neglect myself. I’ve learned that taking care of myself is just as important. So, yes, I would allow myself this little extravagance and keep the third box just for me. 🙂

  • What a beautiful idea! I would give an umba box to my best gal pal! She loves homemade stuff and has just moved into a new house! I think their handmade, beautiful decor would be perfect for her!

  • I would give one to my little sis – she’s a hardworking teacher and deserves a little extra love! That would be awesome!! Fingers crossed 😉

  • My Sister in Law. Actually I think I am going to be gifting subscription boxes for most of my christmas presents this year. I know I would love to get one!

  • Who I would give an umba box too? That’s actually a really hard question most of my friends and family are mainstream buy everything in big box stores…but my mom loves to go to craft fairs so she would be the one who would most appreciate it! <3

  • I would give this to myself. I’m a hardworking student in Sweden and I would really need a “pick me up” in the dark autumn days. (It gets really cold here.)

  • Oh, I always wanted to try these, but sadly can’t afford them (the woes of dropping out of uni without a clue as to what to do next). As for who I’d give them to if I won? My grandmother’s, of course. I’d give one to each and keep one for myself, most likely. The two of them basically raised me since my parents were too young and worked too much, and they deserve everything.

  • I would love to give a box to my best friend. We both love crafts and we would have a great time with an Umba box.

  • I’ve been checking out lots of subscriptions for my sister! I don’t get to see her much so I’d love to give her something that kept giving!

  • I would share with my sweet friend Kathy who has been volunteering her time to help me with the logistics of my craft market.

  • I would give this to my beautiful sister, she has just had a baby and it’s a glorious but challenging time – treats are needed and deserved! xx

  • Wow! What a lovely idea! I would probably give an Umba box to Sarah, my mum’s friend who is teaching me how to dressmake in return for me doing some babysitting. She’s a really nice person and definitely deservies it!

  • I have admired Umba Box for so long. I would love to treat my friend Lauren to a gift, she loves hand made and unique items.

  • I would give one to my sister. She is the person who introduced me to Etsy WAY back when, and we share our favorites all of the time. I know she would LOVE Umba Box as much as I do!

  • I would definitely give one to either my mom or my sister. Now that I’m living away from them I really would love to shower them in handmade love!

  • I would definitely send one or more to my mom as she’s going through some tough medical stuff right now and this would definitely cheer her up. I would also probably use another one as a Christmas gift if it fit for someone specific. (Also, signed up for the newsletter)

  • I’d give the box either to my mother or my grandmother! Both love doing crafty, beautiful things.

  • Yay! I’m so excited about this giveaway! I’d give this box to my friend Missy. She lives in LA and I live in Ireland. We don’t get to see each other enough! This would be a great way to tell her that I’m thinking of her and I miss her!

  • I have heard about Umba Box before and think it’s such a fun idea! I would love to win and share a few of the treasures with my friends for the holidays, handmade goodies are the best!

  • I’d love to send one to my best friend that is away at grad school! She loves mail!

  • I would love to give this box to my mom! She does so much for me and is always on the lookout for stuff that I’d love, that I’d love to return the favor. This is an awesome giveaway!

  • My twin and I share handmade links all the time, drooling over all the things we would love to own. She would be the perfect person to share Umba with!

  • I would give it to my best friend, who inspires me to be creative every day! She’s been designing jewelry, crocheting, painting, and finding all sorts of DIY projects for years and had recently rubbed off on me (resulting in me finding your blog!). I’d love to surprise her with these handmade goodies! 🙂

  • I have been wanting to subscribe to this for a while! I would give a subscription to my good friend Belinda. She would appreciate it and it takes the pressure off of what to buy for a friend who has good taste (and most everything they want).

  • I love the Umba Box and just started receiving them! I’d love to have a prepaid subscription 🙂 I’d definitely give one to my bestie Bri who is a constant inspiration for being creative!

  • Most of my friends are artists, so I know they’d appreciate the handmade — especially my friend Holly, a textiles artist.

  • I have been wanting to try this out for ages. I would give a box to my older sister. She’s always there for me (no matter how annoying I may be :p) and she’s the one who has gotten me into knitting, which, thanks to her, is my much needed solace.

  • I know so many people who would love this! My mom, my aunt, and one of my best friends from childhood would all love a subscription!

  • How exciting! I think this company is so cute!
    I would give a box to my best friend who lives in a different province these days. We both love handmade things, and since she lives so far away we mail stuff to each other all of the time. How great to mail her one of these too!

  • I would give it to my mom. I know everyone thinks their own mom is the best, but I really think mine is super special. She is an ER nurse, takes care of my Grandma who is ill, is always the first to offer help to anyone that needs it, and never loses her temper. She truly is an amazing person. I don’t make a lot of money so to be able to give her something like this as a thank you for all that she does would be wonderful.

  • This is the kind of thing I would send to my two best friends that both live out of state. The three of us are basically soul mates, but it can be hard to keep in touch while going to college full time. It’s Etsy and fun postcards that keep us in touch and loving each other!

  • I’d love to give an Umba box to my best friend, she has travelled around the world with me and in every country we visited we looked for some handmade things to bring with us to home, so i’m sure she will love this amazing box

  • I just subscribed to their newsletter. I think my sister would love an Umba box. She’s always finding the cutest stuff for her house.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    xo-Kimberly {allons-y kimberly}

  • I would share the Umba Box with my maid of honor Becky. She lives 1500 miles away and I miss her so much. She’s been a great support through wedding planning and she would love this.

  • Can I enter if I’m already signed up? I would give a box to my sister-in-law, who loves DIY and handmade items.

  • I would give an umba box to my best friend Veronica. She’s one of those girls who has everything ! This would be perfect for her because everything is unique and handmade 🙂 <3

  • I would give one to my mom for the holidays, as a thank you for helping to plan our wedding!

  • I’m going to college across the country next year, and will be hundreds of miles away from Caroline, my best friend. We haven’t been separated for longer than a few weeks in the last thirteen years. Having said that, I want to give her something special to remind her that I will always love her despite the new beginnings and changes our lives are about to face. I think an Umba box would be a sweet way to achieve this- the homemade gifts are so precious and I know that she would love them.

  • I was thinking about signing up for one of those boxes that everyone is getting, and I finally signed up for Umba Box!
    I’m signed up for their newsletter as well. I’m so excited 🙂

    I would definitely give an umba box to my mom. She deserves something special after the rough year she’s had.


  • I would totally give this Umba Box to my bestie, who deserves all the Umba Boxes in the world! 🙂

  • I would give an Umba Box to my best friend, who just got her first real job and moved into her first real apartment!

  • If I could I would gift to my three sisters who love unique things as much as I do.

  • I just got married and moved out of state a year ago, and I miss having time with my mom who is very artistic and crafty. I’d send one to her, she’d love getting a surprise in the mail from me once a month! I also have a friend who is a teacher at a school for autistic teenagers, and she is always doing crafts with her students to help them learn to express themselves, she’d also really enjoy this and creating new projects for her kids!

  • I would definitely give an umba box to my sister! She loves handmade things and inspires me to create everyday.

  • This sounds amazing. I would give an Umbra Box to my mother, because she appreciates everything handmade. She taught herself how to make jewellery and she is very talented. I am so proud of her and I’d love to treat her to one of these – she has done so much for me ! 🙂

  • I’d give an Umba box to my beautiful aunt who is having her first baby around Christmas!

  • I’ve been tempted to order a subscription myself, this would be like a preview! And I’d definitely send one my mom’s way!

  • i would gift this box to myself, maybe sharing some items with my sister or a friend. 🙂 it’s very beautiful.

  • just signed up! id give the box to my best friend, the craft lover and free spirit!

  • I would give a box to my best friend Maggie who would be super excited to receive a bunch if handmade goodies!

  • I’ve got a birthday in my family every month for the next three months. Mom, little sister, and step-mom are all getting Umba boxes!

  • Since my birthday is this month, I’m thinking I would give myself an Umba Box gift 🙂 My mom or sister would appreciate them, too, so I guess I could share 🙂

  • This is an amazing giveaway! I would give a box to my lovely sister. She is constantly handmaking me special girts while i am away at college. She always makes me things inspired by other artists unique creations. I am very skint(as i said i am in college) and also very busy, so it would be amazing to be able to give something handmade and special back to my sister. She doesn’t have to make me these gifts, because i know she loves me regardless, and i wouldnt have to give her a box, but i would because she deserves it.

  • I’d give the box to my best friend, Hannah. We’ve been friends since fifth grade, and this year she moved to Pheonix from Portland, where we grew up. I’m missing her a bunch, so this would be a nice way to keep us connected.

  • Oh my gosh! This is a great giveaway! I would give a box to my best friend in Cali. She was my roommate in college and she married my best friend from school. We went through a lot of ups and downs together. Including her dad and my mom going through serious health crisis. Through the years we each have grown both in our style and as young woman. I would love to give a box to her.

  • Loving this concept! I’d give this to my best friend – she likes quirky, handmade things! xx

  • I would definitely give my sister an Umba Box to my sister. She has great taste and loves both getting non-bill snail mail and supporting indie designers. Perfect! 🙂

  • I’d want to keep it for myself, I’ll just be honest. But if I gave it away I’d give it to my friend Kim who is awesome and loves unique handmade things.

  • I would give the Umba Box to my little sister. She is so cute and crafty and would absolutely love to have one!

  • I would love to win this and divide it between my cousin and I! we are both into artistic,homemade,unique,one of a kind items!

  • I would give an Umba box to my Mom–her birthday is in November, and she has done so much for me. I want to give her something special!

  • I’d love to give one to my older sister who has always been there to help and take care of me in any way that she can. I have been dying to give her a subscription to Umba Box! She is always taking care of others and barely has time to sleep and eat. She will certainly never pamper herself with lovely homemade gifts so I would love to be able to give her this adorable treat. We are each other’s rocks and I have no idea what I’d do without her.

  • If not for myself, for my Moma of course!! She loves to craft, is an Etsy addict! And does AlphaStamp swaps all the time!! She’d love this!

  • Easy! My sister-in-law just became a mom and, frankly, I’m a little worried her style will fly out of the window if I don’t remind her that there are interesting and beautiful things (other than my darling niece) to look forward to.

  • I have been getting my Umba Box for three months now and I just love the surprise every month of what will be in it!?!?!?

    Here is the thing….I take what I get and secretly gift it to random people!!! Someone on my mind or a complete stranger in a store…it is SO much fun! Winning this would be another awesome way for me to give back! I love it!!

  • I would give an Umba box to my dear best friend, Emily, who loves anything handmade and crafty… and is a new mother who needs a fun break !:)

  • i’d probably divvy up the gifts and split the beautiful items up amongst my family for christmas!
    i had never heard of umba box before – what a neat idea.

  • I’d give one to my sister-in-law. She’s carrying my 2nd niece or nephew…she deserves a treat!

  • I would give it to my friend Erin, her and her family have fallen on hard times, she is a Crafter herself, but this service would really cheer her up!!!

  • I’ve been wanting to join for ages! I would give an umba box to my sister and my sister-in-law (and one for me?) It is a three month subscription after all 🙂

    This is a really lovely giveaway. Thank you, Umba Box and A Beautiful Mess!

  • I would give an umba box to my mom because she would really love and appreciate the homemade gifts, especially the candles.

  • I’d open it with my kiddos. They love this kind of stuff as much as I do. We could share the surprise and the goodies inside!

  • I would give an Umba box to my sister-in-law…she’s an artist and a college student, so she’d really appreciate it 🙂

  • I would give an Umba Box to my younger sister who is away at college. I remember being excited to receive mail when I first moved away from home, so this would be perfect for her. <3

  • I love umba box! Have wanted to try it if it were a little less expensive and less mysterious, but I would give a box to my mom, she would love it!

  • I’d love to give it to my younger sister, who is so crazy about everything handmade… Just like me 🙂

  • My sister Hayley just moved from our small, Northeast Tennessee city to Kansas City, MO and I know she is homesick. Unfortunately, she will not be able to make it home for Thanksgiving or Christmas. I would definitely send a box to her, because I know she would enjoy it oh-so much. I would hope it would help her feel connected to all of us, still. 🙂

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my twin sister. She loves this feel of crafts and gifts and I could see her loving these. 🙂 plus she could share it with me since I’m practically her other half! 😉
    Thanks for the giveaway! <3

  • I’d gift an Umba Box to my darling sister in NYC, who loves crafting, DIY and handmade items as much as I do!

  • oh my goodness! i love umba box, thanks to you guys! i would gift this to my sister for all her hard work through her first few years of college…but what a great idea! something to add to the list of things i should have thought of… 🙂

  • my sister deserves an Umba Box like nobody’s business. She had a baby 4 weeks ago, her first born, Jake. He is the love of everyone’s life. So sweet and cute but he does keep my sister up late (newborn babies do that…). She deserves a pick me up for being such a kick ass first time mom!

    She LOVES handmade items. You should have seen her wedding…Elsie would have loved it. Lots of handmade details.

  • I’d give an Umba Box to my beautiful sister who is in need of some cheering up. It may even give her the inspiration to start a little handmade project of her own 🙂 x

  • I would love to give my mom an Umba box as well!!! She’s totally into homemade items, and she would LOVE that single stone necklace in the picture!!

  • What a nice idea! I would for sure give one to my best friend Giulia, a real supporter -and creator!- of handmade art. 🙂

  • Ooooh an Umba Box giveaway! I’m so super excited! I have been wishing to sign up but haven’t been able to as of yet. I would definitely share with my sister, who also is a lover of all things handmade.

  • For my best friend. She has been there for me threw thick and thin and when we are literally thick and thin lol

  • I would give a box to my friend, whose birthday is coming up. She took me parasailing for my birthday, and i have to top that!

  • I’m a bit selfish in that I’d pick through and keep some items but give the rest to my friends and family for christmas presents.

    Umba box is on the top of my list of monthly goodie box type things. The items are just gorgeous!!

  • I’d give a box to my sister who’s away at college or my aunt! Thanks =^x^=

  • I subscribed to the list 🙂 I would definitely give one to my paternal grandmother. She’s a crafter by heart and she loves everything handmade. She’s really talented and I’ve asked her many times to maybe sell something but she doesn’t dare too. Her biggest dream was her own craft shop but it never happened and I’m so bummed out by that. She really appreciates everything beautiful, especially if it’s handmade and she’s also a total sweetheart, she’ll do everything for me.

  • Just signed up. I LOVE everything handmade and I have so many friends who LOVE stuff like that, it would be hard to pick just one. I think I would have to share with them all! 🙂

  • My name is Lorra and I comment all the way from the Philippines! Just in case this is open to international readers, I’d like to say that I’ve love to give an Umba Box (or 2, or 3, or 4…you get it) to my sister because she’s being the best maid of honor ever and she appreciates well-made handcrafted items, just like I do. 🙂

  • Ooooh!!! This is a lovely concept! I really appreciate the thought and efforts that go into making such beautiful homemade specialties.

    I would like to give a subscription to my wonderful friend who lives seven hours away from me. Her mother died on April 1 and I try to remember to send her “happies” every month to help keep her spirits up. It would be great to have a subscription of such special items so I wouldn’t keep forgetting!

  • oooh what a fun giveaway! i’m all signed up! i’d give my best girlfriend a box. she’s one crafty lady, and would definitely appreciate a box of awesome handmade treats!

  • I already gave one to my sister for her birthday in August! My best friends Rachel and Teal would love them as well.

  • I woud LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this. I would have to gift this to my friend Ashley who’s going through a pretty rough time right now with medical issues. I think a box of these beautiful things would really brighten her day and let her know we’re all here for her.

  • I would give this to my poetry slam mama. She has been a great mentor and would love a bit of beautiful in her life.

  • I would definitely give an umba box to my best friend. She would definitely appreciate the unique products.

  • I would give a Umba box to my best friend. We’ve been going through thick and thin together for 7 years now. I think she deserves some nice handmade goods for all the things she has done and went through.

  • My older sister would love an Umba Box…she’s always had a flair for the unique and handmade.

  • Who else but my sister?! She loves handmade things as much as I do and is way craftier than me. She’d love it!

  • Thanks for the offer. I am in direct support for people with disabilities. I have a client in mind named Carline. Her family does not have a lot of money and I think this box would make a really nice gift for her for Christmas. She is a such a sweetheart, always helping others and radiating positive energy. All the best. – Rachel

  • I’d give one to my mom, she just loves all the sorts of things that could be in an Umba box!

  • Hi,

    I would give this to my sister, who is finishing a PHD this autumn. She deserves a treat after all her hard work!


  • my stepmom would love this as a gift! she has a whole room dedicated to crafting–could not think of a person who would appreciate it more!

  • I would definitely give it to my best friends who loves crafts more than anyone I know (besides myself!) 🙂

  • I would give an Umba box to my daughter. She’s 12 and very artistic. I love to encourage her creative side :). She’s always there for me, even recently while I’ve been going through chemo and I know it’s scared her.

  • I signed up for the newsletter. Such pretty stuff. I know my artsy friend mere would love this surprise box.

  • Signed up for the newsletter! I’ve always thought Umba boxes were so cool! I would give a box to my older sister who loves hand made things!

  • I would givign to my mum, she never buys nice things for herself! ^_^

  • My sister,Caitlin, she crafts so much. This would give her awesome inspiration!

  • I’d give it to my best friend, who has just moved home after two years overseas and is struggling to fit back in at her job. She’d love this and hopefully it’d cheer her up.

  • I am receiving their newsletter! I would love to give this to my friend who opened up a fair trade and eco-friendly store in our small town.

  • I would give one to my sister, who happens to be my best friend! This is right up her alley!

  • I always come up with great gift ideas that people usually like a lot. But there is someone I never managed to truly satisfy with my presents (and here were a lot of presents). She’s my mother. As she has all she needs and she possesses very high taste for everything and she doesn’t like me to splurge in presents, I am very anxious when the time comes for me to decide on a present. I secretly think, wish and hope the Umbra Box will have at least something to satisfy her and make her happy 🙂

  • i’d give a box to my bestie carmalene. their style matches her style, and i know she would appreciate it any time of year!!

  • This sounds so bad… I’d totally gift ME!! I am a Mom and a single one too. Everyday I work soooo hard. I would so reward ME ME ME 🙂

    Although I am totally blessed to have amazing folks in my life who I will be making handmade gifts for this season. But that baby is coming with ME!

  • I would love to send one to my sister. She is in her senior year of college and an Umba Box would be the perfect way to say how proud I am of her 🙂

  • Oo…this is such a cool concept. I’d love to give one of these to my wonderfully artsy cousin who lives halfway across the country. She’d have so much fun with all this.

  • I’d give it to my favorite college student (She works as a Page at my library when she is home for breaks) because she’d love it.

  • I would give my sister on of these amazing boxes! Everything inside them reminds me of her and I! She recently moved to Nashville from New York and I have been looking for something sweet and original to give her!

  • I would definitely give an Umba box to my mom. My grandma passed away on my mom’s birthday a few months ago, and it’s been really rough since. Since I’m at school 6 hours away, it’s been hard because I just want to be there to give my mom a big hug everday. An Umba box would be a lovely surprise to show her that I’m thinking about her. Thanks, Elsie and Emma!

  • i would gift it for my mother, she has gone through so much this year and last year, handmade goodies, a little gift would put a smile on her face

  • I would give an Umba Box to my wonderful boyfriend’s mother! Love UMBA BOX!

  • I’d give an Umba box to my sister! We live very far apart (Texas-Indiana) and I love to send her little packages from home. 🙂

  • What a cute idea! I love that! My mom is crafty like me– she’d love to get one of those 🙂

  • I would give one to my aunt. She spends her days, nights & weekends helping the elderly in their final days so that they can stay at home instead of going to a hospice. She is a saint and deserves to have a little something special sent her way.

  • I would give it to my mother,she certainly deserves it and I know she loves those delicious smelling candles.

  • I would give it to my mom who deserves it. These little gifts would put a smile on her face 🙂

    Mickenzie Jade

  • These boxes are so sweet. I would give my Umba box to my best friend, Lana. We met in high school in Southern California but went separate ways for school, I leaving for the lovely Bay Area and she going to Texas to pursue her dream in culinary arts. We love to keep in contact through snail mail because I suck with phones and text (she is so great for putting up with me). And handwritten communication is so much more sentimental. I’m always gathering little homemade goodies and trinkets to send to her and surprise her. She would love this!

  • Umba Box looks amazing, and I’ve wanted to try it out for quite a while now! 🙂
    I’d give this to my friend who happens to love all things handmade and quite a crafter herself 🙂


  • So great, signed up for the newsletter. I would give a box to my mom! She loves creative unique items.

  • I would send an Umba box to my best friend, Emily, since I know she really loves all things handmade.

  • I would give it to my sister! Obviously. She might have to share the scarf with me a couple of times this season….

  • I found this website during a really hard time, and I am so thankful for this distraction that has provided me such a valuable outlet into being able to create rather than just consume.

    I love the umbla box and I would give it to my mother.

    I moved out of the house about a year ago, just during my parent’s divorce, to go to school and will soon be leaving for missions work that will take me even farther away with even less contact. I’ve always made things for my mom and with the umbla box it will be as though she still has a little part of me each month even if I am in the middle of a jungle on the other side of the globe.

    Thank you.
    2Sam 14:14

  • I’m loving this giveaway! 🙂
    I would give an Umba Box to my lovely lovely grandmother who has just returned from a beautiful trip to Paris ♥

  • I would give it to my mom! She works hard homeschooling 6 kids (including me) and deserves a little treat now and then:)

  • I would love to hand these gifts out to the ladies in my life! Mom, sis-in-law, and best girlfriend!

  • I would give the Umba Box to my Aunt who is living far from us right now and would love to get a surprise in the mail each month and be reminded that people far away care about her very much.

  • Myself.. I’ve never had one of these things before. I’d like to have one for myself and see just how great these for future references and gifts 😉

  • what a brilliant idea! i saw so many other sweet commenters who would gift their mom, and of course, so would i :).

    x allison

  • I would give the umba box to my hardworking mother who finally has free time for her hobbies 🙂

  • I would love to give my sister-in-law Katie an Umba Box subscription. She and my brother live very simply as they work to pay off his school loans on a small income, and I know she would love a box of beautiful, handmade things every month!

  • I’ve always wanted to try the Umbra Box Thing 🙂 I would have to give a box to my mom. She appreciates pretty handmade things.

  • I would give this box to my sister from another mother. She is my peapod mate and the crafiest person I know!

  • I would give an umbabox to my boyfriend’s mother; she’s very artsy and loves to discover new, inspiring things.

  • I would send and Umba Box to my best friend, Nicole, who is away at school in another state. We don’t get to see each other much, so it’s nice to send a little something that says I’m thinking of her.

  • I’d give an Umba box to my bff…she is an aspiring crafter with a newborn and has little time to make all of the pretty things her mind dreams up! She deserves to get a box of pretty, homemade things on her doorstep, I’d say!

  • I would send an Umba Box to my bff. She is just beginning to explore the world of handmade and artisan goods and I’m all about cultivating and educating!

  • The Umba box would be for my bff Lisa, who introduced me to this blog, last January. I have been hooked since.

  • I would gift Umba Box to my sister. She is a very health conscious, Eco-friendly, yoga instructor in training gal and this would be perfect gift for her for X-mas!

  • After having to narrow down my subscription boxes after I realized it was getting out of control, I’d love to have this box back! But in thinking of others, I have a great creative friend who would appreciate this subscription as well.

  • I think that my sister-in-law would be thrilled to get one of these, so that’s who I’d give one to as a gift 🙂

  • Signed up! Can’t believe I only just came across them. How cool! I’d give the box to one of my crafty friends!!! 🙂

  • Wow I absolutely love this concept! I would definitely give an Umba box to my little sister. She inspires me every day to be a better person and it’s wonderful seeing her grow into a fun and lovely young lady. It would be nice to bond over this sort of thing as I only get to see her once a week.
    Kelsey 🙂

  • I would love to get one for my mom! She has done so much for me and I miss her while I’m away in college. I love getting her care packages in the mail, so this would be perfect!!

  • i will give it to one of my closest friend that is now living 6369.94 miles away from me ):
    awesome giveaway guys!


  • My Mommy, cause she is the best, and we love spending time scouring for amazing handmade items, it’s “our thing” to do together.

  • I would give an UmbaBox to my wonderful mother who works so hard for so little. I owe her so much and this would put a smile on her face and remind her of her importance in my tiny world.

  • My gran. She loves handmade things and rarely gets presents like that. I’d love to give her an Umba box, she’d adore the concept, as do I! 🙂

  • Weee I’m so excited!
    I’d give an Umba box to my mother dearest.
    It was actually her birthday just yesterday and i think she would really enjoy another birthday surprise and then another one for thanksgiving and another one for christmas!

  • signed up… would LOVE to give this to my mom! it’s perfect for her and she’s done so many beautiful things for me and given me so many gifts, I would love to give an Umba Box back to her!


  • i would definitely give one of these to my mom. She is quite crafty and always searching for handmade treasures.

    thanks for the giveaway 🙂

  • anyone and everyone in know!!!! this sounds like so much fun and so many of my freinds would love it!

  • This would be such a special gift for my sister! It would make her day (or 3 months)!

  • I would give an Umba box to my best friend in Pennsylvania! She is super crafty and would love to get a little box of inspiration (:

  • Hi!

    i would love to give an umba box to my mother. She is an avid seamstress making quilts and aprons, and table runners constantly for friends and family members. I think she really deserves a special handmade gift for herself!

    Kristen 🙂

  • My good friend and wonderful roommate would love an Umba box. Of course I would too!

  • I’ve already been signed up for their newsletter, and I would totally send this to my mother-in-law. She is the sweetest lady in the whole world (besides my own mom)!

  • I would to send this box to my best friend… she is far away from me :/

  • I would give an Umba Box to my older sister. She’ll soon be out of college and will find herself in an empty apartment that will need handmade goods to fill the space 🙂

  • I immediately thought of my fiance’s mother when I saw the Umba Box; it’s definitely her style. Not only would it score me some points, but it would show my appreciation for her for all of her help planning the wedding.

  • I would love to give this to my mom, it’s something she would never buy herself!

  • The first one would probably be for my mama, but the other 2? They would be for me. Definatly.

  • I’ve always wanted to give my mom an Umba box, but I’ve never been able to afford it. I think Umba box is the coolest idea!

  • My adorable and sweet mother has the same taste for darling homemade towels, beautiful paper good and candles for me! I have been dying to share an Umba box with her!! :] Keeping my fingers crossed!

  • I have actually been wanting to purchase a subscription for my best friend who recently moved to Chicago. She has been working two jobs and extremely busy; leaving no time for herself. The last time I saw her she told me how she didn’t have any new things and how she is so broke. I think this would be the perfect little picker-upper for her new pad and new life in Chicago. Every girl enjoys surprises and a Umba Box would most certainly do the trick!

  • this is a fantastic giveaway! i’d prolly share between my mother and my sister who lives in gaum. my mom is recently divorced and experiencing empty nest syndrome so a package once a month might be just what she needs.

    shellasaurusrex at gmail

  • Just signed up! I would gift this to my sister 🙂
    Her name is Megan and while we live 16 hours from each other, she still manages to be everything a big sister should be.

  • I would get an Umba Box for my sister. She’s a mother of three little ones, all under 3 yrs old, and I know she would love a little monthly surprise!

  • I’d give a box to my little sister..she’s my inspiration and encourages me daily to live my life to the fullest!

  • I would definitely give an Umba Box to my incredible momma. She has been there for me through every single up and down in my life and she inspires me to be the best I can be. Plus, she is a major craft lover and I know she would greatly appreciate and adore all of the handmade products Umba Box has each month!

  • I have a friend who always buys me special treats that she knows I’d never splurge on for myself. She is going through a particularly rough patch at the moment and this sort of gift would be perfect for her! What a lovely concept!

  • I would give a box to my sister-in-law who is about to have her second son. It would be a nice way to bring a little creativity back into her male-dominated house!

  • How I would love to give an Umba box to my fellow crafty friend Loryn. We both appreciate the talents of others!

  • I think my cousin would be head over heels for an Umba Box, she means the world to me!

  • I’d give one to my sister. She’s really creative and so hard to find gifts for!

  • I would give one to my brother’s girlfriend (and friend) who appreciates and loves little handmade goodies as much as I do!

  • One of my friends that I work with works really hard at what she does and doesn’t get much in return. I think it would be really awesome to give her one of these boxes to show her that she is appreciated.

  • Is it bad to say that I would give it to myself? Well, I would love to win this giveaway because I love Umbra so much! (And I’ve never won anything in my life!)

  • Oh this is sooo great! I would give a box to my best friend, she would love everything in it!
    This looks like a box that would in the Anthology magazine. She loves Anthology and so do i!
    What a great giveaway.

    xo kate

  • Love Umba Box! Would love to gift this to my creative and thoughtful sister.

  • I would send it to my Mom, because she’s going through a hard time, and could use the reminder that there are still lots of lovely, admirable things in this world for her.

  • I would give an Umba Box to my sister who works her butt off as a high school teacher

  • I would give it to myself!! Does that count? If I HAD to give it to someone as a gift, I would probably give it to one of my girlfriends, she loves anything handmade and is quite crafty herself. This is a great giveaway! I was actually looking into subbing to Umba.. LOVE your blog it’s a daily read for me. xx

  • An Umba box for my dear friend who just moved across the world to New Zealand. If we can’t craft together anymore, at least we could both swoon!

  • I would give the umba box to my mom however I would give one to myself too because I’m such a crafts person and ever since I found A Beautiful Mess I have been keeping up with every single post and falling in love with the projects! I would love to win this to broaden my craft love.

  • This is LOVELY! There are so many amazing people with amazing ideas in this world!
    If I won I would definitely give it to my amazing sister-in-law, Sarah, because she’s the one who has inspired me to get creative and crafty and she has a wonderful eye for fashion and design!

  • my grandmum, she loves crafts although now her hands don´t work as the used to, she has taught me sewing & knitting (& cooking – not crafty but equally fun!)

  • I would LOVE to give a special handmade Umba-delivered creation to every single soul I love, so that even on day when my own hands fail me, the ones I love still feel it in every original stitch <3

  • I would give an Umba box to my amazing best girlfriend, Laura, who has a keen eye for style and creativity and a big heart that has been there for me time and time again; She is so selfless and kind, and deserves to have something beautiful that is unique and just for her 🙂

  • my friend who just moved to France. she and I used to do crafts together and I know she would love it.

  • I would give Umba Box to my mom because we both share a passion for creating handmade things! And I love her 🙂

  • I am all signed up! This is a perfect giveaway for the indoor weather fall can bring, especially in rainy Seattle 🙂

  • My best friend is all about hand-made! But sometimes it’s pricey to shop for her accordingly. I’d definitely gift one her way

  • What a fantastic giveaway! I would love to give an Umba Box to my lovely daughter, she received all her creativity from her Daddy so I could at least contribute the materials.

  • If I could, I would love to give an Umba Box to my little sister. We live more than 3 hours away from each other, and I miss her heaps!
    Thanks for such a awesome blog! xo

  • I would give an Umba Box to my mom and sister. They would be absolutely delighted!

  • I would give my sister a box! She just got married a few months ago and I think something like this would be a nice surprise, plus totally her style!

  • I would give an Umba Box to my mom. She adores anything one-of-a-kind! And she appreciates beautiful things as much as I do. :3

  • I would probably give this to my sister. I’m in police academy and currently unemployed, and with Christmas coming up, I’m majorly stressed about presents – and this is just the sort of stuff she loves.

  • I would give an Umba Box to my sister, who is stationed in Spain with her husband. Sending her a little taste of home.

  • I love the idea of UMBA BOX. If I were to give a box to someone it would be my mom she deserves so much for everything she does for me and my siblings and an Umba Box is a perfect way to show her that she is loved and always thought about. 🙂

  • I would give it to my mom, of course in the hopes that she would share with me 🙂

  • This is so exciting!! I would gift one to my mom as a early graduation present!! She’ll get her masters this spring and I know she would love having a surprise in the mail coming to her!!

  • My Mom! I am always looking for something “different” to give her each year and I think she will really like this!

  • Give the boxes components to all of my deserving friends and family memebers who would love something unique.

  • I’d love to give an Umba box subscription to my best friend — a stay-at-home mom who gives so much of herself to her kids and her family and doesn’t often get nice things for herself. 🙂

  • An umba box would be going to my best friend who lives 3 hours away. She loves beautifully crafted things & would love to get one.

  • I would give an Umba Box to my brand new mother-in-law! She just recently organized my wedding and made it magical.

  • My mum or my aunt for sure. Mum loves gifts but my aunt loves quality handmade stuff more than anything. Either way, one of them would certainly appreciate a little gift! 🙂

  • My Mama would love this. She is a gorgeous hippie nature child living on a lake in Vermont and loves discovering new handmade goodies.
    melarossa at gmail dot com

  • I would give the Umba box to my good friend Janelle. Her and her boyfriend just moved into the cutest little house. Almost everything is hand made in their house (whether it’s by their hands or someone elses). They deserve it for being such lovely people 🙂

  • I would definitely give one of theses super cute boxes to my best friend. She loves all things handmade and stationary products. Who wouldn’t love one of these (:

  • This is probably a cliché but I would love to give my mama an Umba box. She deserves a box of pretty.

  • I would send an Umba box to my adoptive grandma from college. She was always so giving and thoughtful to myself and my roommates! I just love nice people! 🙂

  • i’d share with my sister in law who crafts all time like I do and we love doing projects together, its so much more fun when you have someone to do things with and who gets just as excited over wool, fabric and any kind of craft matter possible. 🙂

  • I subscribed! I’d give one to my sweet friend Abi. she adores this type of thing and I’d love to do something special for her 🙂

  • Id love to give this to my roommate. I know she would enjoy receiving such lovely gifts each month (and since we live together Id get to share in the fun!)

  • I would give an Umba box to my sweet little boss lady. Thank you so much for offering such a lovely and generous giveaway.

  • I have a soon to be daughter in law who would love an umba box. Thank you for the giveaway. I signed up for their newsletter

  • I would give the Umba box to my former roommate from when I lived in Mumbai, India. She and I were strangers before living together for a year, and got through so much homesickness together. Now that we are no longer expats but back in the states, we aren’t as close, but she would love the concept of the Umba box, and it would be a nice gesture to reach out again.

  • What a great give away! I’ve had my eye on Umba Box as a gift for my big sister!

  • i would give umba box to my lovely aunt. she’s a card maker and would really appreciate the detail put into hand-made goodies. 🙂

  • Hi! I would give Umba box to my mother. She is someone who has always wanted to find her creative outlet, and tried her hand at a few homemade makings, but sadly never stayed with anything. She frequently mentions not having the ability to make things, when really she has great skill and great imagination, and I think an Umba box would give her some inspiration!

  • I would love to spread the love to one of my sweet sisters! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would love to get one for my sister! we have gotten so close this past year and i would love to get her something nice!

  • I would love to give an Umbra box to my grandma because she constantly spreads love to all who interact with her and continually inspires me to be a better, more compassionate person. I would not be the person I am today without her! Giving her an Umbra box would be a small gift to show my gratitude to her.

  • I would give an Umba Box subscription to my mom. She loves unique handmade items, so I know she would be thrilled to get this!

  • I’d give one of these to my bestie Minerva. She loves stuff like this and her birthday is coming up in November.

  • I would give the Umba Box full of goodies to my sister. She has been working and going to school at the same time this fall. Shes will always be my best friend and I believe she deserves a box full of cuties! P.S. Shes a nurse that LOVES Polka Dots 😉

  • Gosh, I love the look of everything in that picture! I’d give an Umbra Box to my best friend, Rebecca, because we’ve been crafting together since we were children and she loves decorating with handmade products ^_^

  • This is so fun and exciting! I would love to give this to my best friend who has a lot of stress going on in her life right now and really enjoys handmade goodies!

  • Oooh, such special boxes! I would love to gift this to…..myself;), but that’s not as nice as giving it to my best friend Ang. We looove getting crafty together and I know she would adore this.

  • I would give the box to my sister, it would suit her tastes. What a great giveaway!

  • Aaah so cute!!! 🙂 I think I will give it to my mom or my bestfriend, since they both love cute stuffs like UmbaBox! 🙂

  • I have several special ladies in my life that I would love to give an Umba box to (mom, aunt, and three sisters)!!! I might just have to split them up and make sure each of my ladies get something special that they will really love!

  • I would totally gift it to my best friend, Marcia… She is amazing! Plus she hasn’t been feeling well lately so I think it would cheer her up! So fun!!

  • Without a doubt, I’d give an Umba Box to my sister. She’s my favorite one to shop for during the holiday season 🙂
    Thanks for hosting!

  • I would definitely give this to my sister, she’s a fiend for homemade goodies.

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my older sister! I’m sure she’d love getting a unique gift as much as I’d love giving it to her 🙂

  • i’d give a box to my Mom. She works so hard to care for me and my sister. The only thing she ask for in return is for us to get good grades. She motivates me to reach for the stars ,and I don’t know what i’d do without her. She really deserves a box.

  • Just signed up for the newsletter! I have never heard of them before! those would make good christmas presents! My sister would LOVE these!

  • Such a fabulous concept – for the guy/gal who has everything…SURPRISE!! Love it, would divvy up the goodies among friends + family! Subscribed to newsletter – avid follower of your blog <3

  • My sister! She has the best taste; I know she’d appreciate all the goodies!

  • I’d give it to my sister, but which one (I have three) would depend on what’s inside…

  • I know this would be a great gift for my mom! She loves getting mail and packages, so the surprise of something special in the mail for her, especially something really cute and hand made would be perfect!

  • My friend who recently got married. I wanted to make her a gift for her wedding but there wasn’t enough time! A box of handmade gifts (even if I didn’t make them) would still be meaningful and appreciated I think!

  • I would love to give the Umba Box to my mom. Being as i am a teenager it is hard to get her really nice things that she would love without having to spend an arm and a leg (: Thanks for the giveaway!!
    <3 Ayeonna

  • I already receive birchbox and naturebox… This was one I wasn’t sure about, but it looks nice! My sista would love this! But then I would have to get my mom one too ;). But this whole box concept is awesome to give to anyone as a gift for birthdays or Christmas or hell even if you just want to make someone’s day! I know I get super excited when I receive mine!!!

  • First comment on a blog ever!! Yippee!!

    I would give one to my lovely best friend who loves all things handmade and all things genuine.

  • Besides myself (haha), I would love to give this box to my mom. She loves handmade crafty things almost as much as I do and would be tickled to get this Umba Box.

  • This stuff is gorgeous!! I would definitely give an Umba box to a really good friend of mine, who is ALWAYS there for me when I need her and never judges the weird stuff I do, haha. I’d love to show my appreciation and love with one of these.

  • Hi! I would give one to my mother. She is very crafty and taught me how to sew! Thanks!

  • I would give it to my friend neighbour. She is always on hand for a chat, and quite happily looks after our dog at a moment’s notice.

  • I would give it to my friendly neighbour. She is always on hand for a chat, and quite happily looks after our dog at a moment’s notice.

  • I would give my sister this box, for sure. She really values the little things in life, and that’s something that box store products don’t understand. I am really excited to check out this site! Thanks for posting this!

  • I would love to get this subscription for my mom. She’s into handmade things but never has the time to do things. She also likes gifts to make her feel special. Thank you for this opportunity!

  • My really good friend, she has just started making her own hair accessories and earrings, and want to make a business out of it, I am positive she would enjoy Umba box to help her get inspired and also get some pretty spiffy items along the way. =D

  • What a fun give away. I have been in love with this idea for a while and have wanted to try it out! My sister and I both love fashion and home made pieces so I would love to treat her to one of these <3

  • I love the concept of opening a box of handcrafted goodies and being surprised! I would definitely give an Umba Box to my mother, for she fancies one-of-a-kind treasures.

  • I’d love to gift an Umba box to my boyfriend’s mother, she’s the best!

  • Signed up for the newsletter – this is such a delightful concept with beautiful products! I’d love to say that I’d gift an Umba box to my mom or my sister or an inspiring friend, but I think then I’d have to get another subscription for me, because I’d be jealous!

  • Cool! I love Umba box! I would give it to my mommy. We are pretty much lower class and the love she has for her children (me being one of them)makes her sacrifice pretty things for herself. Whenever I insist she buys herself new clothes, she instead buys me a shirt or two. Whenever she goes out to the store, she tries to remember what I need to go to college.
    It’s very frustrating! With Umba box, I would be able to treat her to nice things even when we can’t afford them!

    Thank you!

  • I’d give the coveted Umba Box to my sweet friend Cailin who is busy planning a wedding! Her FH’s extended family is over 175 people so she’s planning a wedding for over 300, most of whom she has never met. Girl needs some pampering!

  • I’d love to give it to my sister – she’s always looking for new ways to decorate her home and her wardrobe 🙂

  • This is so exciting! I would love to give this as a gift to a local business owner of a cut-your-own-flower farm. She does so much in my community, it would be very exciting to give something back to her.

  • I would love to give one of these to my mom!! She is my hero and could use some crafty loveliness!!

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to my sister. She’s been gushing about how cute they are ever since she first heard of them a few months ago!

  • i’d love to give an umba box to my mom. she is the craftiest person i know and always appreciates the work that goes into handmade treasures.

  • I’ decide to give it to my husband – a little more artisan beauty may inspire him . (?)

  • My big sister! She moved to California a couple years ago, while I’m still home in Iowa. She would definitely appreciate her Umba surprise. We’re both crafty artists and always love a good handmade gift!

  • I would give a box to my mom because she is obsessed with beauty products like I am – I think I inherited it from her as we are Virgos born on the same day 😉

  • I would send an Umba Box to my best friend as a surprise college care package!

    I would also love to give one to my mom, which I can see is the most popular answer, but I just had a birthday and she lavished me with wonderful gifts and I would love to send back some of that love!

  • I would give one to my best friend. She really appreciates hand made gifts, and she recently found out she’s expecting! And being a crafty person, I would love to give her as many hand made gifts as possible!

  • My best friend in Australia! I’m travelling Canada at the moment and a little strapped for cash. This would definitely bolster the goodies package I’m sending home to her.

  • WIthout hesitation, I would give one to my mom and my sister. My mom because she has always worked hard and done the best for us. My sister because she has been sick for two years now and still in pain over some illness that won’t go away. She is fine for the most part, but can’t eat much and has terrible stomach pains. So whatever special treat I can send her way to brighten up those glum days makes me really happy. Great giveaway 🙂

  • I would give a box to my twin sister. She’s my best friend in the world and she’s always there for me. This would be a great way to thank her and show her how much she means to me. We both love unique creative items and she would get a kick out of the surprise each month!

  • I would give one to my little sister, who’s still in college for graphic design. I don’t get to see her very often and we’ve always given each other special home made gifts. I know she’d love getting a little surprise from me.

  • I would give a box to my mom. She’s a huge inspiration of mine and I know she would be thrilled at getting a some handmade goodies!

  • I would give a box to myself so I could divvy out the goodies to all my friends and family ; )

  • Well since it’s a 3 month subscription… I’d have to give one to my mom of course, and then the other two to my two best friends Nicole and Katie. I moved away recently and I would love to give them both gifts to know I’m thinking of them!

  • I would give the Umba box to my mum, she is a mother of three she is currently staying at home to look after my Dad who has terminal brain cancer. She has been so incredibly amazing through the whole thing and not only does she look after my father but she also looks after us (the kids) emotional needs too!! I think she could do with a bit of a ‘pick me up’.

  • i’d love to gift an umba box to my mom! ever since her diagnosis, she is so thankful for the little things and i think a box of homemade love would just be perfect!

  • I want to share Umba Box with so many people! I think I would definitely send one to my Est (aka mom)and another to my friend, Sarah.

  • I’d give an umba box gift to my sister who adores little hand-made knick knacks! 🙂

  • I would give a box each to my mum and my best friend because I have run out of ways to thank them for all the support they have given me over the years.

  • I signed up for the newsletter! Also, I would love to give one of these to my sister – she is such a fashionista, and she would love it!

  • I would give an umba box to my best friend. She moved away in August, and I miss her every day!!

  • My best friend who is super crafty and has two little ones at home – what a treat it would be for her!

  • such a great idea! I’d love to give one to my mom, she’s the best lady I know!

  • I would definately give an Umba box to my friend Kate. She loves all things crafty and could use the little “package in the mail” pick-me-up.

  • hello ladies! i would definitely give one of these boxes as a gift to my mother. as a college kid with limited funds, i find gift giving around christmas time kinda tough. i think she’d absolutely adore something like this.
    thanks for the opportunity!!

  • I subscribed to Umba Box’s newsletter and would really love to win so I can give a Umba box to my mom.

  • I’d give mine to my aunt. She has cancer and always does things for others, why not give her a little “treat” with an Umba-Box, right? :]

  • Hello!
    What a beautiful beautiful giveaway!
    I´d love to give to my sister, her name is Anna, she is very very crafty:)

  • I would LOVE to give this gift to my stylish,Spanish colleague Elena who is IN LOVE with your blog! She’s the one that introduced it to me 🙂

  • I know that my boyfriend’s grandma would love of box like this sent to her as a gift. She is one of the most selfless people I know, and would do anything for her family. She rarely gets anything in return though, so this box would be a wonderful way to show her she is appreciated.

  • I would love to give this to my dear friend Aida who is so very kind and generous of spirit. She shares her creativity and warm energy so freely. I feel blessed to have her in my life.



  • Oh, what a wonderful giveaway! Thanks a lot! I’ve already subscribed to their newsletter and thought it’s still only national but just found out, they started to ship international too! 😀 That’s so cool!

    Best wishes, Yoojin

  • My mom would love an Umba box, I’d give it to her (and I’d be hoping that she would share it with me, yes, I’m a bit selfish). So many pretty things!

  • If I received the Umba box subscription…I would send one to my sister who is attending college two hours from home. The second box would go to my friend who has been like a sister to me for 17 years. The third I would give to the sustainability student group I’m a part of on my college campus so they could use it as a raffle.
    In the end thank you Elsie and Emma for showing me a wonderful site through this contest!

  • just one person….my friend jen just had a baby and it would be grand for her to get a little extra loving in her life, but my mom’s birthday is just around the corner. but I also want it for me…

  • I would gift my mom. She lost her job this summer and has been feeling so stressed. I would love to bring a smile to her face!

  • What a beautiful giveaway! I really love the concept of Umba Box and I think I would give it to my older sister. She really loves handmade things (like me ^^).

  • Such an exciting giveaway! I would love to be able to give one to my sister- she’s going through a hard time at the moment, and I think such treasures would bring a smile to her face. x

  • Definitely to my mom. She´s been having health problems lately!

  • I have this very good friend of mine. We share our love for cooking, baking and self made stuff.
    Since I took a new job 2 month ago I don’t have much time to meet her. It should get better though, since a certain routine will finally take over.

    I would love to give her an Umba Box. Not only as a excuse but also as a promise that I will do my best to meet her at least once a week.

    That would be great.

  • I would love to give this special gift to my sister who has just returned from a too long stay in argentina. She def. needs some stylish, female good smelling stuff. Kisses, Juliane

  • Well, that’s a no-brainer: I would give it to my goddaughter – she is in the processing of defining her already fabulous style.

  • exciting giveaway ! It a great idea to do such a box, i love those kinf of homemade products !
    I thing i would keep one item for me because i’m sure i’m gonna love everything in the umba box, and then, ill split up the box between different people, jewelry for my dear friend Julia who loves jewelry, scarf to my mother , …

  • I’d give one to my mum. When I split up with my partner of ten years she took me in and made sure I was doing okay. It really helped to give me the fresh start I needed.

  • My birthday is just after Christmas and often I get combined presents for the two occasions.. it would be so so lovely to receive a box of handmade goodies all to myself for my birthday!

  • Umba box looks amazing!!! I would give it to my best friend she loves handmade stuff :))

  • Id send one to my old professor, Cat. She pushed me and encouraged me to be a better artist, professional, and individual and now Im achieving my dream in lovely Northern Ireland! She also just recently just had the cutest baby in the world- I think she needs some kudos!

  • perfect giveaway to start the holiday season! I’d give it to my aunt; she loves handmade designs and would enjoy the bright surprise each month!

  • I think I’d probably give an Umba box to my bff Julia, who’s recently moved to Belgium and has been showing signs of homesickness ever since, just to let her know I’m still there for her. Also, she’s a sucker for girly homemade stuff, so win-win!

  • My friend, Stacie, definitely. She and I are always talking about how much we love handmade items. I know she’d love it!

  • I would give a box to my sister, she is super crafty and would appreciate every handmade piece of it!

  • Signed up for their newsletter. What a great idea! My mother is an artist, and really appreciates gifts like these, so it would have to be her!

  • Hi I would give my box to my daughter who is setting up home after a long haul to be something in the legal profession. At 26 she’s till a trainee and whilst delighted to have a job it’s tough going. She would love the gorgeously quirky handmade items the Umba box. What a great idea.


  • I’d like to share them out with my little collection of crafty friends, to help inspire them and to treat them too of course!

  • i would gift the first box to myself, the second to my bff for her birthday, and the third to my wifey for christmas because she never lets anyone spoil her.

    <3 erica

  • I signed up, they are so pretty. I would give it to my boyfriends Mom. She has been truly wonderful and I would be excited if she was my mother-in-law.

  • I’d send the box to my sweet daughter who’s finding her way during her first semester of college. You can always use a little surprise treat in the dorms!

  • Hello beautiful me(i)ss

    I would give the suscription to my grandmother (88!). She is such an inspiration to me, she was a pioneer in Local producing, handmade, eco-conscious production, and she is still interested in helping young artists. My cousins and i always had the best and weirdest gifts from her! I would love to show her that the next generations are keeping her traditions alive.

  • I would give one to my sister…and maybe myself. Now that I think of it, I don’t know of a lady in my life that wouldn’t like one of these.

  • What a brilliant idea, I love this! Done and done! Both my sister and Mum would be over the moon about receiving a Umba box! Handmade gifts was part of growing up in our house, really! Every Christmas my Mum would ask my sister and I what we would like to make for all of our family and friends. We would spend hours creating our little gifts. And nothing has changed, haha. I still make almost all of my Christmas gifts! So this would be perfect for them 🙂

    Thanks for another great giveaway, Elsie & Emma!

    Also, I just posted an article about A Beautiful Mess on my blog! Check it out!


  • This is so cute! I would give a box to my sister or my sister-in-law. Or my best friends or my Aunt. I think everyone I know would love this. Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Just like everyone else, my mother! When I’m away at school I don’t see her too often and although we send each other care packages every now and then I know she would love this.


  • I’d give the Umba Box to my sister who lives in England. She lives so far away so I know she’d appreciate a gift like this!

  • I’d love to be able to treat my best friend. She’s had a pretty rough year having recovered from melanoma, her mom being diagnosed with skin cancer and having her home burgled. She’s about to have her first baby and has moved out of the big city, so it’d be nice to send her a little something each month to remind her though we’re apart that we’re all still thinking of her! Thank you xx

  • Oh my goodness! I’ve been wanting to subscribe to Umba Box. Not only do I love getting packages in the mail, but what amazing finds these are! If I could give an Umba box to someone, I would split it between my friends Andrea and Lisa. They are both moms of little boys and never think to treat themselves.

  • I think I would give one to my friend Marcia. I think she would appreciate something like this.

  • I would give this to my mum 🙂 She’s in the hospital, not feeling too well so I’m sure she would love this treat!

  • I would love to give an Umba box to my daughter who has been struggling to become pregnant and finally is but, is so sick and been in and out of the hospital. Gifts in the mail to cheer her would be delightful and she adores homemade well crafted items. Something wonderful to open unexpectedly would be a real treat for her!


  • I would give the Umba box to my sister! Being a college kid, I tend to lack even some spare cash for myself, and end up making all of my holiday gifts anyway (looking forward to trying out those beeswax candles!). This gift seems to capture her, and I’d love to see her open it on Christmas morning.

  • I would give the box to my best friend and new mommy to help pamper her 🙂 I subscribed too.

  • My grandmother! She loves lovely things, but has always been too poor to really enjoy a lot of personal things.

  • I would love to gift my friend that lives across the country. We rarely get to see each other, but when we do, we pick up right where we left off.

  • I’d share with my sister … we’d have so much fun opening up the box together and fighting for whats inside 🙂

  • I just signed up for the newsletter. I simply love these well curated product subscriptions. It’s so fun to get great surprises in the mail and sharing the goodies with my favorite girlfriends.

  • I would give an Umba Box to my best friend. We live in an area dominated by collegiate madness and Walmart, so she lights up with joy anytime something beautifully unique and handmade is gifted to her.

  • I would give my Umba box to my sister-in-law. She is expecting her second child in february and is so busy already with a 2 year old and being a farmers wife. She loves handmade things but never has time to make them. Your site is so fun! I enjoy all the pretties.

  • My Mum, sister and I would all adore this! We’re a very crafty, handmade-loving family. Due to a very troubled year we are all now living together. I think I’d love to offer this to them, as a thank-you and a gesture of getting back to the basics, as that’s where lovely things come from. Like these homemade gifts. Rambling! Sorry! XO

  • This is so cute! I would for sure give it to my best friend who is in another state right now for college.

  • I’d give an Umba box to my Great Aunt–she loves artistic, handmade things.

  • This is awesome! I would love to win – I would give it to my sister as a Christmas present 😉

  • This is such an amazing giveaway! I have been wanting an Umba box for a while, but never ordered it. I would give the box to one of my best friends who just joined the peace corp and is stationed in Tonga. I am sure it would make her feel like she is receiving a little taste of home, which means the world to her since she is so far away for so long. Also, she is an art teacher and has made many homemade treasures for me over the years, so I would love to return the favor.

  • I’d love to give this to my daughter, it is right up her alley. She would love this concept.

  • I would love to give an Umba box to my newly wedded sister. She is looking for the perfect homemade accessories to begin collecting for her future home!

  • Well, I’m not the first and I’m sure I won’t be the last: I would give one to my mom. And another to my aunt. She’s going through chemotherapy and I think that a box from them would really brighten up her day! 🙂 And the last one would go to my other aunt…because she has ten year old triplets…need I say more?! hahaha

  • it’s funny because that was my gift to my mom for her birthday in June. She LOVED it! She couldn’t help but call me for every box she got, telling me all about the great things she got… I swear she was so happy with it, I though of doing it again 🙂

    So, yeah, amazing gift for mom 🙂
    (I’d order one for myself to; everything she got, I wanted!!)

  • I think my mom would love something like this!! I just subscribed!

    xxoo, amanda

  • my sister would love an Umba box. She’s the crafty one in the family so to be gifted with handmade rather than gifting her work would be great!

  • I would give one to each of my grandmothers and my great-grandmother (she’s 90!) and definitely my mom if she were still here with us 🙂

  • This is such a great idea! I would give a box to my best friend, she would looooove all of the stuff in the photo above.

  • I would give the Umba box to my Mom! Her and I share a love for handmade items, so I know it would be such a treat each month to receive! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I just signed up and think the Umba Box looks awesome! I’d probably split up the box and give gifts to my handmade loving girlfriends.

  • I would love to give one of these little boxes of precious gems to my good friend who’s husband just passed away. She is very young, and has been coping by attending art classes and doing a lot of DIY classes. I’m sure she would just love one of these boxes, she needs some reasons to smile!

  • I would definitely give one of the boxes to my girlfriend. We are both fans of handmade items!

  • My baby sister!

    I am 24 – she is 11 and in the process of opening up her own Etsy account for her crafts. She would be absolutely crazy for something like this (as would I!) I admire her craftiness and only encourage she do what she loves!

  • All the roommies chipped in for my bestie’s bday! We have given her five months, all paid for. She looks forward to it every month!

  • My best friend Molly loves handmade gifts, and her birthday is a month away! It would be perfect!

  • I’d split the goodies with my bestie! Everything in the Umba boxes are so lovely.

  • I’d give an Umba box to my one of my best friends from childhood- she’s a kindred spirit when it comes to handmade goods and always enjoys inspiration!

  • My best Friend! She would love this and her birthday as well as christmas are right around the corner!! Umba box is a wonderful idea!

    xo, Lea

  • i would give an Umba box to my mom. because, what would we do without our mothers?

  • As a counselor I always find the holidays to be tough for clients so an umba box for our center would be great! We meet so many individuals who could use small and wonderful things to make their day!

  • Thanks so much for this fun giveaway! I’d gift this to my sister, these items seem as unique and special as she is!

  • This sounds like fun! I know my sister-in-law would love a box of treats every month. She’s got great style, and kind of hard to shop for. This would make Christmas a lot easier!

  • Umbra box has such a lovely concept, I love it! I would definitely give this box to a very lovely friend who appreciate hand crafted designs and workmanship of all the independent artists out there. Umbra puts those artists on a pedestal and treat it with such a delicacy. xxo

  • My mother-in-law. She gives so freely of herself. Without expecting anything in return. She is always there when I need her, even when her health prevents her from being onto of her game. I couldn’t survive without her. She deserves so much!

  • I would give a box to my best friend who, after having two babies, doesn’t have time or money to make herself feel special and beautiful anymore.

  • I would give an Umba box to my sis-in-law…she love making handmade goods. she would love this! thanks for the giveaway

  • I signed up! My best friend lives across the country and we enjoy sending each other thoughtful gifts. I know she would love this!

  • I am already signed up for the newsletter. I would gift these pretties to my best friend. We have a really similar taste, and I know she’d love Umba goodies as much as Me! Thanks for the giveaway.

  • I would love to give my sister a subscription! So far I have actually given her several of my gifts because they were just so cute and perfect for her! She is an awesome sister and even though we weren’t close growing up, I am 30 she is 23, she has become one of my favorite people! She even babysits my four! kids who are 5 and younger! Seriously, she is amazing. <3

  • I’d give an Umba Box to my special best Friend Asia. She loves beautiful handmade items and I want to make her happy 🙂

  • I would love to give a box to my mother. I feel like I don’t show her how much I appreciate her enough and an Umba box subscription would be a perfect little reminder that I care!

  • I would give this to my dearest friend. She loves and cherishes the little things that come in life, and just having these come handmade and from the heart of someone else would make her very happy. A little while ago she made me the shark purse on your website, I would like to return the favor for all of her generosity.

  • I would definitely give a box to my best friend Melissa,
    she loves to DIY and loves seeing what other things people have made. She’d especially like the jewelry!

  • Well this seems redundant as many people have already stated the same, but I would give it to my mom!

  • I’d love to give an Umba Box subscription to my mother who could really use the pick-me-ups at this time of year. She lives an hour away and I miss her so!

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  • I would most definitely give a box to my mom. She loves handmade just as much as I do. 🙂

  • My best friend, who’s probably the best and most generous person I know, would swoon over an Umba Box!

  • Just signed up – what an amazing idea. i hope shipping to Europe would be ok too!

  • OMG i just signed up for it, this is WONDERFUL 🙂 i love how you guys do giveaways and at the same time introduce these sites to us 🙂 & i think i’ll gift this to my mom 🙂 <3

  • sorry, i really forgot to add whom i would give a box to – i have a good friend that could certainly use some beauty in her life at the moment!

  • OH my gosh what a wonderful idea! I’m going to keep this one in my pocket for future gifts! I would love to use the box to gift as random acts of kindness to people I come across that day. It’d be fun to light up faces with smiles.

  • I’d give an Umba box to my sister in law, who loves hand made and DIY crafts!

  • I would give my best friend Kristine an Umba Box – because she loves handmade goodies and she is the best person I know. She’s the most kind, giving, loving and positive person and being with her always makes me happy. She inspires me to be a better person.

  • I have been in love with Umbabox ever since I found it on your blog. I don’t have the funds for it but I think its an amazing little joy. I would love to give this to a family friend. Her name is April and she is one beautifully strong woman. She has Lupus and has been fighting it for quit some time. There are days when she can’t even get out of bed but she is never without a smile. Yesterday she got news that her body was having even more complications and isn’t absorbing things as well as it should. But has that stopped her? Not at all. She has been such a blessing to have in our lives and she has taken care of us so much. I think this would be such a beautiful gift for her. Its just the things she likes, handmade and so cute! It would bring such a smile to her face.

  • My mom has been going through a rough time lately, so a nice gift full of treats for no particular occassion would bring a smile to her face for sure!

  • My sister would adore this! With her busy school schedule and having little time to shop, this would absolutely delight her!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I’m totally with the commenter who said she’d gift to herself. A close second would be my *mostly* sweet sister.

  • This is gorgeous! Just signed up for the newsletter and I would give a box to my best friend. Her birthday is coming up and this seems right up her alley. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  • My sister-in-law, there is nothing like handmade things to fill in the gap of newness.

  • This would make a great gift for my best friend! This is our last year together before we go our separate ways in college..

  • this is the most brilliant giveaway! my momma bear would live this! she’s always making special gifts for everyone but never keeps any of the treasures for herself. it would be lovely to bless her with her very own handmade treasure box!
    xoxo caroline

  • ooooh i read about other monthly boxes, mainly cosmetics, but as i am not into cosmetics that much, it never interested me. but THIS is LOVELY!

  • This is a fantastic giveaway! I would love to send one of these boxes to my mom. She is a lover of all things handmade.

  • I would share with friends and family, maybe at a clothing exchange party for favors.

  • I’m with Bri. I hate to sound selfish, but I’d totally gift this to myself. I honestly don’t know anyone close to me that would appreciate it as much as me. Plus I live in a third world country where there are beautiful handmade products, but not anything quite the same as back home!

  • I love this idea! I would totally give one to my mom and one to my boyfriend’s mom 😉

  • I would definitely send one to my mother-in-law. She would totally appreciate the beautiful, hand-made pieces!

  • I would give an Umba box to my mom 🙂 Her birthday is coming up so this would be perfect!

  • I would give an Umba box to my best friend. She is the absolute greatest friend anyone could ask for. Unfortunately, she doesn’t believe she is beautiful and that she can do so much in life. But she is by far the most beautiful and most tender-hearted girl I have ever encountered. I’m so incredibly blessed to have had her in my life for 19 years now.

  • I just subscribed!

    This is such a fantastic gift idea. I’d love to spoil my girlfriends this Christmas.

  • I would give it to my mom. She is such an inspiring and inventive person I would love to give her a gift chalk-full of such creative goodness.

  • I can’t believe I’ve never heard of Umbra before! It’s super cute and perfect for all those artsy crafty people to appreciate the happy handmade goodness. 🙂 I think if I had to choose someone to give an Umbra box to it would be my good friend Rachael. She is the cutest and always rocks unique styles and handmade things.

  • So glad I started following just in time for this sweet giveaway! Love to give one to my sister, one to my best friend (who lives too far away) and keep one for myself of course!

  • This company sounds awesome! I would love to gift my best girlfriend with an Umba Box. She always has little trinkets around her house that have special meaning to her. The items pictured look like things she would decorate with.

  • I just signed up! I’ve heard of Umba box but thought it was always alittle out of my prize range, but a trial would be awesome. Of course it would be a great gift for my mom but also my BFF that moved half way across the country recently!

  • My mother, Francine. There are few words that express the beauty and heroism that is my mother’s love. For the past few months she has had surgery after surgery. Her days consisting of nothing more than doctors, hospital beds, bruises, and slowly healing incisions. This gracious gift would surround her with light, as she has always done for me.

  • I would give it to my sister in law. She does great things with decorating and crafts and I think she would love it!

  • I think I would give it to my sister in law. We are not very close but I think she would love all the little goodies inside!

  • Ooh these are such darling combinations! What a lovely giveaway! I would give one box to my baby sister who loves crafty things, and another to my Momma who also does (especially if there was something lovely and polka-dotted like in the image here). Cheers to whomever gets it!

  • My best friend Lindsay! She suffers from Fibromyalgia and has been really stressed with work and financial issues. I bet a box of lovely homemade whatnots would perk her up.

  • I have always wanted to try Umba Box! I always thought it’d be such a nice surprise, especially in college, to get a package, not knowing what’s in it! If I could give it to anyone, I would give it to my mom. She more than deserves it.

  • I had already signed up for their newsletter.
    I would give the box to my mom. She works so hard and doesn’t have the time to find products like this, so this would be great for her.

  • My mom loves homemade goodness and happy mail so this would be perfect for her!

    I signed up for the newsletter

  • I would give an Umba Box to my best friend, Noel. She looooves cute handmade goods and surprises; it’s the best of both worlds.

  • I would give the box to my best friend. She loves lovely things and just got married!

  • I’d give a subscription to my friend and college roommate. She’d appreciate the handmade aspect the most! She just had a wedding where everything was from Etsy including her gown and our bridesmaid dresses!

  • i’d give one to my future sister in law who I think can really appreciate these types of goodies.

  • an UmbaBox for my best and oldest friend Antje. she is such a kind and cute girl and somehow life didn’t mean it too well with her in the last month. she could do with some inspiration and cheer.

  • I would have a hard time choosing someone, because who wouldn’t love a box of handmade surprises! So if I had 10 I could properly pass them out , ha ha

  • I would give it to my mom. She is the best thing. ever.

    Rachel Nicole


    ps- giveaway at my blog!

  • I subscribed to Umba! If I won 3 boxes I would give one to my mom and one to my sister!!! AWESOME giveaway and would LOVE to win!

  • Hi Elsie&Emma!
    I would give an umbra box to my boss. She’s an incredible lady and is always picking out the perfect gift for everyone else. She LOVES everything handmade. I’m sure she would love this!

  • My two older sisters would love these! But of course I would have to keep one for myself.

  • I’d give one to my partner’s sister. She’s in college and would def appreciate a monthly pick me up filled with handmade goodies.

  • i’d give it to my maid of honor whose been such a great help in my wedding planning process!

  • Oh how happy I would be to share this with my Mom. She loves to craft, I think this would inspire her to get out of her crafting rut and start creating.


  • What a sweet gift idea! My mom would love this. She lives across the country from me, so we are always penpal-ing each other snail mail & small gifts 🙂

  • It’s funny, I thought of my mom first too. My mom is super generous, and I love buying her gifts. Since this thought isn’t super original, I have to say I thought of my daughters as well. I’m guessing everyone would love an Umba box.

  • My mummy! We live far away from each but soooooon we will meet. And I know she would really like a surprise like that. 🙂 Wonderful giveaway!

  • I’d give it to my friend who is sick from school right now to make her feel better 🙂

  • I would give one to my mother! I love her dearly! She means the world to me, and I miss her oh so very much. She would absolutely love this! She is one of a kind, and so are the Umba boxes!

  • I would definitely give a box to my mum and my best friends back in NJ! Umba boxes are so precious <3

  • I would give it to my mom, she deserves it for everything she does 🙂

  • i’d give a box to my sister-in-law robyn, i think she’d love the handmade items!

  • Signed up for the newsletter!!

    But I would give one to my bestie – she just moved into her first home and as a new home owner I think it would be awesome to recieve something like this in your mail month after month 🙂

  • I think I would give one to my best friend, she always seems to be getting me little things throughout the year, so this would be the perfect way for me to return the favor!

  • I would give the Umba box to my best friend and big sister, Kelly. She recently went of to college 8 hours away so I never get to see her anymore. She’d love it!

  • I would give it to my best childhood friend who is due to have a baby in December. I’m sure she could use a little spoiling.

  • I love all of the things Umba Box gives away. They’re definitely things I wouldn’t find anywhere near me! I would give a box to my older sister, Ashlee, of course. She’s so good with crafts and got me into them. I’m away at college and sending her one would be an amazing birthday present for her, even if I’m not there to see her open it!

  • UmbaBox looks like a fantastic way to learn about other woman artists, support them and enjoy the fruits of their labor. I’d gift my boxes to my sister-in-law who knits amazing pieces for customers and teaches knitting for a living. Anyone who makes a living off of their own handmade gems should be able to enjoy the crafts of other artists.

    Thank you for sharing UmbaBox with us.

  • I’ve been drooling over Umba box for months now since I first heard of them on your blog. I am subscribed to their newsletter and have already asked for a subscription of my own for Christmas. My beautiful sister deserves a subscription. I know it would brighten her time away from home.

  • I’d love to give an Umba-Box to my mother, because she definitely deserves one!! xx

  • I’d give an umba box to one of my best friends because she’s the one who got me into DIY things and for being amazing! c:

  • I’d set my wonderfully supportive sister-in-law up with an Umba box. She’s done so much for me recently

  • i would for sure it it to my bestest buddy Karyn. she lives in London, so very far away, and this would be an awesome way to let her know i am thinking about her!

  • Thanks so much for the contests! I would give a Umba Box to my mom. She runs a home daycare and always puts others before herself. It would be nice to treat her to something special, because normally she never buys for herself. she is so strong and I am proud of her. 🙂

  • Thanks so much for the giveaway!! I would totally give an Umba Box subscription to my cousin Jay. She would completely appreciate the goodness of handmade!!

  • I would give this gift to my dear, Angie. Fellow X Files watcher and best friend. She is grand! 🙂

  • A Umba box to my best friend. She lives in NY. I live in WA. We still like snail mail.

  • My best friend and I have been living on opposite sides of the world (she is in Australia and I am in Canada) for about 5 years now so I would love love love to share this with her. Hopefully it would fill the void until I can go visit her sometime in the next 2 years.

  • My sweet sister would probably love this! She is a sucker for anything handmade (and she happens to LOVE gifts)!

  • I would love to give my dad’s new fiancé a box! I know she would love this, and I want her to feel like she’s part of my family now.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  • On the list! I have yet to splurge on a subscription, but it looks like a lot of fun!

  • i would get one for my sister because she deserves it – she has 2 wonderful little ones at home and still manages to work full time. i definitely look up to her for that.

  • I’d give one to one of my very best friends, since she’s an artist and enjoys interesting and handmade things too! Plus it’s almost her birthday 🙂

  • I would love to gift one to my little sister, who is very talented crafter! She would get loads of inspiration from something like this I’m sure!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  • I would give my Umba Box to my sister-in-law. We both appreciate handmade things. This would be such a special gift!

  • I would give a box to my sister in college! She is one crafty, adventurous girl and has wanted a subscription for a while now haha (:

  • I would give it to my mom! after all that she’s done for me, she deserves this and more!

  • i would love to give my sister something special this year and this seems perfect!

  • this is so sweet….i would DEFINITELY give this to my sister. she’s creative, loving and, more importantly, a poor graduate student. this would brighten up her fall!

  • I would give a box to my little sister. She loves hand made gifts and my house is filled with her crafts. Sadly I am sooo bad at creating things, but love to give some back to her. plus, she is having a baby in January and I think deserves some pampering beforehand.

  • I would give it to my friend who recently lost his mother and she loved to make things like that, he would appreciate it

  • I have so many people I’d love to share it with! My mom has been supporting me through a lot lately, though, so I would definitely share it with her.

  • I would definitely give this to my best friend. I’ve known her for 9 years now and she has been even more wonderful to me the past few weeks when I really needed her. I would love to have something like this to give her as a thank you because I know she would absolutely love it.

  • I would definitely send this one to my sister, lover of all fine keepsakes 🙂

  • Hi Elsie and Emma – I would give an Umba box to my longtime friend Naomi who lives in Kansas City. I live in Wisconsin so it’d be a nice way to tell her I’m thinking of her even though we live far away.

  • Ooooh, pick me, pick me! I love handmade things and I have lots of friends who do, too! I would probably give a box to my friend Kristina.

  • Love this idea!! I won’t give one, I’d give two, one for my mom, another for my best friend. And I’d give another one for me 😛

  • I love the idea of Umba Box, it’d be SO fun to get a sweet little package of goodies 🙂 I would gift an Umba Box to my sister-in-law, she just moved away from home for the first time and is having a rough time adjusting out on her own. She could use a little surprise 🙂

  • I’ve subscribed and this is the best giveaway ever!!! I have three sisters but just one that shares my love for the creative and handmade so I would definitely send one her way.

  • Lovely! I signed up and would love to gift this to my little sis, who is crafty, sassy, and beautiful!

  • I’d give one to my best friend–she’s an artsy sort of girl (aren’t we all in one way or another?) and would really like this!

  • That Umba box is adorable! I’ve never heard of them before but now seems like a good time to become familiar. This looks like something I’d split up between my roomates, my BFF, and of course save a little something special for myself!

  • I would give one to my mother or my boyfriend’s mother. I love them both and I know they would love the goodies as well!

  • I would give a box to my best friend – we both love doing crafts together. 🙂

  • best give away ever. my little sister would LOVE to receive one of these boxes!! such a treat. favorite give away yet!

  • Love Umba Box! I would give a box to my best friend – she’s so sweet, always thinking of how to encourage others! I’d love to encourage her back 🙂

  • I would definitely give one to my best friend Kristin. We’ve known eachother since we were babies and have stayed besties ever since, which is rare.

    I have never heard of Umba box. They are so legit! 🙂

  • I would love to subscribe my best friend, Brook , to Umba Box! She is a very selfless, wonderful person. She is a therapist that works with abused children and now she is about to be a first-time mom! She gives her time and energy to so many – I know she would be so twitterpated to receive a box of goodies – just for her – each month! She is a superwoman.

  • I would give it to my sister-in-law just because I love her. I was an only child growing up, so a sister has been such a blessing! 🙂

  • Just signed up! I would give a box to my mother-in-law. She lives so far away and is always appreciative when we are thinking of her!

  • I think the boxes is so adorable, I love them!
    If I won, I would give the boxes to my beautiful sister, because she means so much too me and is always fresh and bubbly and I hope that her sister-ness will never go away.


  • This is such an amazing giveaway! I’d absolutely love to be able to gift a box to my sister, who just moved far away from the rest of the family- it would sure help her get over some homesickness 🙂

  • I would give a box to my best friend, Tiffani, she would love getting one of these! Thanks for the exciting giveaway!

  • I would love to share the umba box with my mother. She was just diagnosed with lupus, and I would love to give her this. And isn’t it always so much more enjoyable to share with the person you love? Thanks for the giveaway!

  • I would gift myself! I’ve been interested in signing up for a couple of months but wanted to wait and put it on my xmas list!


  • I’ve always wanted to try these subscription boxes but always short on money ):

    Me and my mom always share stuff, so I would love to gift her one! (and sometimes use them too :~)

  • I’d love to give one of these to my crafty, homemade loving friend who lives in a different city. I miss our crafternoons and bakedays, and think she deserves something this great in the mail!!

  • Wow! This is such a neat concept!

    I would give an Umba Box to my sister. She loves crafting and handmade goodies just as much as me. I know she’d adore one of these!

  • My sister and I don’t see each other very often since I am at school now, so I would give the box to her. At home, every time one of us went out, the other would say, “Did you bring me back a surprise?!” We like to treat one another, and there is no one more deserving of a treat than my beautiful and inspiring sister.

  • I would give a box to my beautiful sister who I am going to spend Christmas with!

  • I would give an Umba box to my oldest and dearest friend Kaitlyn. She loves all things handmade just as much as I do 🙂

  • I love this! I would probably gift this to one of my best friends. She loves all things vintage and handmade, and has great style. This would fit right into her lifestyle and I know she’d love it!

  • I’d love to give the box to my sister who’s graduating from college in the winter and will immediatley start her credential program to become a teacher.
    She deserves some cute things to wear 🙂

  • I would give one to my mom. She’s the strongest lady I have known and the craftiest! She taught me everything I know and is an inspiration to me daily.

  • I was just looking into subscribing to this or giving it as a gift to a friend. I love the whole idea of the Umba Box. I would gift it to as many people as possibly. Use the little surprises as tokens of affection to my friends and family.

  • I would give one to my baffle (bffl in our inside joke language) 😉 She is the ginger to my ale, hahaha, and I love her so muchhh 🙂 would definitely treat her if I could to one of these boxes!! She is such a great friend, has such great style, and is sooo hilarious and amazing <333

  • I would give an umba box to my friend AnnaMaria because we both love handmade goodies 🙂

  • My awesome sister- Emily, she just moved to NYC and our family loves to send mini presents and care packages to each other. Umba Box would make it so easy to remind her of home!

  • I’d give one to my sister! She’s young and loves all things creative. She’s trying to find her own style and how fun to get a new box of fun inspiration to figure that out each month!

  • I follow their newsletter. I would give it to my sister in law whose 14 because she loves crafts. I’d also give it to the best grandma a girl could ever ask for. I love umba box.

  • ever sice i heard about it here i’ve wanted to get an umba box! i have quite a few peoople who would really love to give one to! one best friend in particular. 🙂

  • I would give an Umba box to a dear friend who could use a fun surprise in her life.

  • My closest friend, Anna Catherine. We always giggle and plan to make things like this. She actually makes them! I’d give it to you her to show her how much I love and am thankful for her. I wouldn’t have made it through the last two years without her.

  • Just signed up! I’d gift the box to my older sister as a congratulations gift for getting her first teaching job!

  • What a wonderful idea! I’ve never heard of this company before! I’d love to give this to my wonderful friend. She is going through a rough time in her life. I’d love to brighten her spirits. Everyone could use a little happy. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  • I’d give an Umba box to my best friend who lives in New York and I recently relocated to San Francisco. She’d love the handmade goodies and I love showing her how much I miss her!

  • subscribed – i’d love to share the boxes in person with my lovely grandmother, who taught me to appreciate handmade and hard work.

  • I would def give one to my momma bear! She’d have to share the good stuff of course

    xoxo missdottidee.blogspot.com

  • My mom would enjoy all the handmade goodies as much as I would, so I’d love to share the awesomeness with her!

  • My best friend would love Umba box! She’s such a crafty, thrifty, lovely girl. I’d love to treat her to some handmade goods.

  • This is a totally rad idea. I’d give one to my best friend. We’re both into this type of stuff. Wow, how FUN!

  • Another vote for mom! I’d love to not only treat her to such a unique gift…but maybe inspire her to sell more of her own work as well. Or maybe submit work to Umba Box? She crochets really cool choker necklaces and fingerless gloves and socks…and other things that wouldn’t fit so well in the box, like floor-length capes! 🙂

  • Wow – the Umba box is incredible. i would love to bless my future daughter-in-law as she is an inspiring young lady with natural beauty both inside and out.

  • I’d surely give it to my sister:) I haven’ t seen her for 2 months and I miss her so much… We’re from Italy so while she’s in Milan to study I’m in Venice:) we both love your blog and I love she’d appreciate an Umba box a lot! She’s the best person in the hole world to me and I’d like to tell her with a special gift:)

  • !!! I’d give a box to my best friend, who recently got engaged. She is truly an amazing, strong, wonderful person who really deserves everything good.

  • What a GREAT idea Umba Box was!! One day, I would like to do something wonderfully innovative too:) Considering there’s three months, I would love to give an Umba Box to my dear mom, my closest friend, and my grandmother!

  • I make my own bozes to send to friends, family an loved ones but now that I have a new baby my time is much more limited. I love that I can gift anyone special in my life with that same loving and handmade touch without taking up too much of my time.

  • What a great gift idea! Would love to give to my sweet sister, who is expecting next month! A new momma deserves lovely handmade gifts.

  • I would gift a box to my sister! She’s the one who got me hooked on handmade!

  • What an amazing idea! I am a lover of mail (sending at least one letter a week!) and so is my darling sister so I would for sure give it to her 🙂 Thanks!

  • I think I’d give it to my awesome friend who lives in a completely different country from me, but would love to have a gift like this for the holidays~

  • I would totally gift my BFF Brandy one of these! She loves this kind of stuff just like me & would truly appreciate it 🙂

  • I think I’d give it to my awesome friend who lives in a completely different country from me, but would love to have a gift like this for the holidays~

  • Everyone is saying for their mother! I personally would for sure gift many many things to my mother anytime. She is my only and best friend. We have a very strongly-knit mother-daughter relationship. I would definitely gift Umba Boxes to my mom. 🙂

  • Love it! I’m always pushing my parents to purchase more local and homemade goods, this would be the perfect introduction for them.

  • I signed up for their newsletter!
    I’d give this to my mom for Christmas!!

  • I’d give a subscription to my mom or to my sister! They both love handmade gifts and crafts 🙂

  • I signed up! I would give an Umba box to my best friend. She loves surprises and I’m sure she’d feel the same about everything inside. 😉

  • I’d give one to my sister in-law because she is as much a sister as one could ever have.

  • This is too cool! I would have to give this to one of my best friends. It would be a perfect birthday present for her!

  • Definitely I would gift an Umba Box to my mom! 🙂 Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  • I would give my Grandmother umba box, she taught me EVERYTHING i know about crafts. And she is helping me with projects i do to this day. (We want to set up a table at a craft show soon!) I really think she would love getting handmade gifts.

  • I don’t know why I hadn’t signed up for their newsletter before, but this giveaway was a great reminder because I love Umba Box and have always wanted a subscription! Other than treating myself, I would probably give a box to my sister because we have similar tastes. So I think she would enjoy it as much as I would. 🙂

  • All signed up 🙂 This would be a great gift for so many people, so its hard to choose. Definitely would give to my bestie or my sis in-law! I’m going to have to get a subscription for someone this year even if I don’t win, so fun to get surprises in the mail!

  • I’d love to give this to my a lady at my church who has nurtured me in so many ways! She would enjoy and love something like this! Thanks!

  • I would love to give this box to my friend Anniah, she loves handmade things! This would be the perfect gift for her!

  • I would give a box to my best friend because she really appreciates handmade gifts like I do and loves discovering new artists!

  • I would love to give a box to my mentor. She’s been such a strong influence on who I am today and she gives far more than she ever receives. She would love something like this.

  • I’d give one of the three Umba boxes to my sister. We live on opposite ends of the country and always send each other handmade things we come across in our travels, everyday life, and things we make ourselves, so an Umba box would be perfect. As for the other two boxes…I think I’ll keep them for myself!

  • I think I’d give individual things to the loved ones that suited them best especially my mum, godmother and some of my other sophisticated lovely friends who’d appreciate them. Thank you so much for the giveaway

  • Sounds so selfish, but one Umba box will be mine if I got it. I’m doing final project, living with my parents, without money,my boyfriend lives 4000 km away and I’ll spend Christmas away from home and won’t get presents. I know is not so bad situation… but the box looks soooo good 🙂 I’ll give another one to my grandmum and my mum, they really deserve it.

  • I would love this for myself and know my sister or mom would love it too!

  • I think my aunt or my cousin would love the idea of this box! It’s such a pretty giveaway, thanks 🙂

  • I’d give the box to my sister, who loves little unique surprises!
    Fabulous box, I’d never heard of it until this contest!

  • i’ve been seeing these spoken about so much lately. thank you for finally giving me the push to go and take a look for myself! i’d definitely give a box to my wonderfully amazing grandma!

  • I would love to give one to my bestie! She always gives the best gifts and it would be wonderful to give her something so amazing back!

  • My husband and I are currently on a road trip across America, which is such an amazing experience, but I do miss all my friends and family back home so much! It would be hard to choose exactly who to give the present to, but probably my mom, or my wonderful cousin Camilla, or to one of my favourite friends!

    What a perfect gift – I’m glad that I’ll be receiving their newsletter, I can hopefully keep up to date and purchase a few of them for other friends and family members.

    The whole story (and lots of pics) from our American road trip is on my blog:

  • I would gift umba box to my little sister. She is at college and would love getting the handmade mail!

  • I would send an Umba box to my best friend, Jenny! We are constantly sharing crafts and cute things with each other and this would brighten her day since we live so far from each other. She inspires me constantly with the DIY crafts she makes and I miss her so much!

  • I’d love to give on to my sister and my best friend. Both of them love handmade things!

  • All signed up! I would give a box to my sis-in-law because she totally deserves it.

  • I would give a box to my best friend’s mom, she’s not feeling too well and i think a pick me up would do her well:D

  • I would definitely gift this to my friend, who is the hardest to shop for because she already buys everything she wants!

  • I would totally get one for my mom, I’d love to see her getting back into her craftyness again!

  • I would give the Umba box to my lovely mama! She would love to get a special box in the mail each month, and she loves crafty things!

  • I would give a box to my little sister! She just graduated high school and is now trying to get herself an apartment. I remember how thankful I was when family or friends gave me items for my new place that made me feel more at home. 🙂

  • An Umba box would be a great surprise to send to my best friend. We were always crafting, but since we went to different colleges we don’t get to as much anymore!

  • I hate to be selfish but heck, sometimes it’s necessary. I’d like to give an Umba Box to ME! It has been a seriously rough couple of months and I could so use a pick-me-up. I’d of course share the treasures inside with various loved ones. 🙂

  • I would love to get a box for my sister! it seems like the perfect gift for my DIY sibling. she’s always been so fascinated by handmade original crafts!

  • its so cute!i will share it with my mam!we both are fond of these stuff!!! :)(fingers crossed)

  • oh! oh! I would give one to my best friend Lisa. Life would be incomplete without her! Also, totally her style!


  • My Mom Shirley would l♥ve this! I am the only girl of 3 brothers, so my mother lives in the country in a house full of boys! This would put a smile on her face each month and I would love to chat with her over the phone about what she’s making!

  • My sister, who is totally crafty! And maybe since she is so great, she would gift me back a thing or two from the box 😉

  • I would give this to my mom, she loves handmade goods but unfortunately handmade goods are expensive! I think she would really appreciate coming home and finding a box of goodies like these.

  • So lovely! I’d definitely share the love with my little sister.
    Excited for these newsletters!

  • OMG!! i LOVE umbabox ! i’ve wanted to subscribe ver since i heard of this! I would give an umba box to my mom, because she deserves it(: she’s always been there for me and i’ve never really thanked her with special gifts!

  • I would definitely give one to my best friend…she’s really arty and loves everything handmade so I think she would really appreciate this… 😉 <3

  • Would LOVE to give Umbra Box to my sister. It would be the perfect way to show I’m thinking about her and love her although I don’t manage to see her or my beautiful niece as often as I would like.

  • I have already subscribed to the newsletter. I have contemplated signing up, but haven’t yet. I would give a box to my mom, who loves handmade items!

  • My Great Aunt because she absolutely loves crafty homemade things. Every time a birthday comes around, she spends hours making intricate cards that reflect the birthday boy or girl perfectly. She’s truly amazing.

  • I’d definitely give one to my boss – she inspires me to be creative every day!!

  • I’d love to give this to my Grandmother. She is so hard to shop for because she has everything. This would be a nice surprise for her!

  • I’d give an Umba Box to my mum! She’s so hard to buy gifts for, but she loves handmade things so this would be perfect! xx

  • I adore umba box and have been dying to try it. This would be such a treat. I would give this to my adorable sister. She would really deserve this, she does so much for so many people she is my hero.

  • So cool! I’d definitely give one to my mother. Since she began knitting a few years back, she’s developed a greater appreciation for handmade things.

  • I’m thinking of giving my out-law sister (my brother in-law’s wife) a subscription for Christmas actually, I’d love to test run it before I commit!

  • So excited about this giveaway! I would definitely look through the boxes as they arrived before sharing but then share the wonderful items with my girlfriends, mom and nana!

  • I would give an Umba box to my mom! She’s had nine kids and never really has time to find pretty things for herself!!

  • What a beautiful box filled with beautiful goodies! I’d love to give it to my mother….she never treats herself to things like this so I would like to do it for her 🙂

  • I would share my Umba box with my sister Mary. She can alway use a little something special in her life!

  • I would definitely give a box to my little sister. She’s my best friend. 🙂

  • My Mom of course. She loves everything crafty and unique. An excellent way to tell her how much I appreciate her.

  • I would give it to my sister…a way for her to think about me each month since we are long distance. And I would have to get one for myself too!

  • My good friend from Grad school would love this. She is a single mom and isn’t able to pamper herself with fun stuff like this enough!

  • I would give an umba box to my best friend who lives in Ohio. I live in California and sending her an umba box would be perfect for brightening up her day!

  • I got Umba box for my birthday and my sister totally loved it, I’d probably give her a subscription if I had 75 dollars just laying around! Maybe I’ll share if I win this one 😉

  • I would give an Umba box to my sister-in-law who also happens to be one of my best friends! She would loooove everything in there!

  • I would love to give my mom an umba box! When I was little, we would always spend time together making cute little trinkets, and now we spend our time scouring all the shops we can find for adorable handmade goodies!

  • I know my great grandmother would love to get a gift like this! She has always preferred the handmade treasures! I’m sure she would appreciate having a piece of other artist work now that she is not able to do all the crafting that she used to!

  • My mom would very much appreciate something like this. She would absolutely love it and she rarely ever buys anything for herself. My aunt (her sister) would also love one. Umba boxes would be such a cool gift.

  • I love Umba Box, honestly I wish that I could afford a subscription for me and friends, but alas I cannot! But if I could I know exactly who the first person I would buy one for. My very best friend Danielle is getting married this December. We are so close but separated by miles and miles. I would love to shower her with sweet gifts that I know she would love, to show her how much I love and miss her!

  • I would give it to my grandma as she would love the surprise and the personalization! She has such good taste and I know she would appreciate the hand made assortment of things that would be just for her! xox

  • Umbra box have such a great concept and I’ve been hesitating to get it for months now! 🙂
    Just subscribed to their newsletter. So who knows… I might just get tempted in the near future! 🙂

  • I would give an Umba Box to my good friend, Sarah. She’s a 5th grade teacher & shares my love for crafty things. She inspires me!

  • I would give it to my mom. She deserves a little something now and them. She was a single mom with 5 kids and never had anything nice. She would really appreciate hand crafted items and items that some passion for the project went into.

  • I would give one to my best friend, Liz. We started out as college roommates and grew into best friends and now that we’re apart, each at our separate graduate school, I miss her like crazy! I would love to get her a gift to Umba box, so that even though we’re both crazy busy right now and have limited time to catch up, she would have a little reminder each month of how I’m constantly thinking of her and miss her so much! Also, I would love for her to have a little something to make her smile even when graduate school is super stressful.

  • I would love to give an Umba Box to one of my girlfriends this year for Christmas! We do a secret santa every year and this year we decided to exchange hand-made creations.

  • My grandma collects artisan/handcrafted goods so this is right up her alley. I’m sure she’d love a subscription!

  • To my mom; there”s no one that could deserve something nice for herself more.

  • I think my boyfriend’s mom would love an Umba Box for Christmas! She’s incredibly crafty and makes/paints the most adorable tables.

    xo, jenn

  • What a creative giveaway! I would share this with my mom- who has always been my creative inspiration and I know she’d love this too!

  • I would gift one to my friend Teresa, who got me so hooked on etsy that I need to return the favor 🙂 Newsletter subscribed to!

  • I’d probably give one to my friend Hillery since we share a love of handmade goodies, and she’s the one who showed me this giveaway.

  • i’d definitely give an umba box to my bestie in TX. we usually try to get each other christmas & birthday gifts from etsy each year and this would be an awesome alternative!

  • This is tough – I’d probably give a box to my momma…and then have to buy one for my sister and bestie as well. All creative people in my life!

  • I would gift an Umba box to my sister! I don’t see her very often, but I think of her always! This would be perfect. 🙂

  • Ooooh, those boxes look so fun! I would gift it to my Mom, because she is awesome. But I would really like it for myself!

  • I would love love love to win this and gift it to the most deserving person i know.. my sister in law. She helped me plan my entire wedding and was there for me every step of the way, She coordinated the entire day and it went without a hitch. She deserves so much and i know she would love this great great gift. So i hope i win for her!!

    ohhh and she also planned and threw for me the most beautiful bridal shower ever!

    Paola Pinto

  • This is awesome! I would give a box to my bff Holly. She deserves such an awesome gift!

  • What happened to Umba Box? Where did they go? Is there anything comparable that has home/jewelry/paper goods?

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