A Color Story Studio Room Tour

Since this is a blog, an all white room with a random assortment of “props” doesn’t seem out of place at all. Ha! But nevertheless, I’d love to tell you a bit more about this space and give you a little tour today! As many of you know, Elsie and I own another company that is all about apps called A Color Story. Hopefully you’ve checked out our namesake photo editing app (and maybe even the desktop actions), and recently our company launched a second app, A Design Kit. We are super proud of what this little company has accomplished in a short amount of time and with a very small team (just four full-time team members at the moment, but we’re about to add one more this coming month!).

All of our Springfield, Missouri-based team works from the headquarters. Or at least that’s what I like to call it. We have a dual office space for both A Beautiful Mess and A Color Story that is located just above The Golden Girl Rum Club in our city’s downtown. We’ve shared a little tour of the main office room and front break room before, but until recently we had a third room that we weren’t really using and was kind of a combination unused office/closet/conference room. We finally decided to take some time to put this room to use and we decided that what would be most helpful would be to turn it into a combination conference room and photo studio. Let me give you a tour …

A couch seemed essential. Sometimes team members will work from this couch if they need a change of pace (most everyone works on a laptop, so it’s easy to move around or take your computer home). And obviously we needed cute pillows and weavings. That was kind of a no-duh.


Usually conference calls or video chats happen around the tulip table, but there’s a coffee table near the couch too, if needed. We also added a small gallery wall featuring some of the photographers we’ve featured on the A Color Story Instagram in the past. In my mind, we’ll add to this wall over time until one day the whole wall is filled with photos, but we’ll see what happens.

And in case you are as obsessed with the colorful things in this room as much as me, don’t worry, I’ll link everything at the end.

We also have a corner area set up for colorful photos when we need them. We can also take the paper backdrop out and just use the white walls. It all just depends what kinds of images we’re needing to make for marketing on social media or newsletters. We’ve used the space for A Beautiful Mess a few times too.

Oh and yes, we are all obsessed with that giant white fuzzy chair! It’s like a fancy bean bag chair. Ha!

We also have a small props area that has items we can use for simple portraits or just fun little photo vignettes, like a bunch of silly sunglasses I bought off Amazon. I also had a few things at my home that I brought to this space, like my cactus marquee that Elsie gave me a couple years ago. I just had a few items that although I loved them they felt more at home in this space than my current home. So I feel like they’ve got a second life in this little studio.

I’m sure we’ll be adding more props and little things to this room over time, but I’m so glad we finally got a little more intentional with this space because it’s just way more FUN and useful now. Thanks for letting me give you a little tour! xo. Emma + The ACS and ABM team

Room Items: Pink Couch, Lips Pillow, Confetti Pillow, Small Weaving, Large Weaving, Coffee Table, Rainbow Chess Set, Tulip Table + Chairs, Rose Gold Floor Lamp, White Floor Lamp, White Fuzzy Bean Bag Chair, Color Wheel Poster, Photo Frames,Β Disco Ball, White and Pink Skates, Magic 8 Ball, Evil Eye Neon.

Credits // Author: Emma Chapman. Photography: Janae Hardy. Photos edited withΒ ACS for Desktop.
  • Emma,
    You don’t have to publish this comment. I just wanted to say, I wish you would be less apologetic when you write blog posts. It seems that most of the time your posts start off with some kind of apology or caveat. Seeing those apologies and caveats gives me pause, and instead of just reading the post and taking it all in, I start off doubting what you’re about to tell me. But I always enjoy your posts and love the recipes you share– I’ve made many of them. I just wish they were presented with more confidence. It’s your blog, you don’t need to apologize for it! Could you consider offering your posts without apologies, as the expert and authority you are, full stop? If people don’t want to read, then they won’t. Or they will hate-read, because those jerks exist too, but apologizing will not stop those terrible people! Humility it a beautiful virtue, but you don’t need to apologize for carving out a space on the vast wide internet and sharing your thoughtful opinions.
    Thanks for listening to my unsolicited advice,

    • Kelley,

      I think you just misunderstood me, or perhaps I just didn’t communicate well? The opening line of this post was meant as a joke. I then immediately go on to talk about the second, successful, company that I own. Not a very apologetic or humble thing to mention really, but I am exceptionally proud and not at all sorry (why would I be, to your point). Perhaps you don’t like my writing style, which is totally fine. But I’m not going to apologize for it. πŸ™‚

      In all seriousness, thank you for reading and for trying some of my recipes. Much appreciated friend!

  • I love the colours and the whole atmosphere of this space, I`d love to work here. πŸ™‚
    By the way I always wished asking you, Emma, what are you going to do with old/out of date-or style diys/decorations/objects? do you store them or giving them away? I`d love to read a post about.
    all the best to you,

  • Hi Emma,
    I just wanted to say your writing style is great and I totally get your sense of humor. It is like mine, and is one of the reasons I enjoy reading. I love the way both you and Elsie write in a conversational way like you would with a friend, which is what makes your blog so special. Both of you are so awesome! πŸ™‚

  • Hi Emma,

    I absolutely love your writing style because it feels so genuine and real, you have a unique and engaging writing ‘voice’. Posts written by you and Elsie with all the quirks, personal thoughts, and funny remarks are the reason I keep reading a beautiful mess xx

  • I love the colourful aspect of the room and it’s great that you gave it purpose instead of letting it be a catch all area (I used to have one of those spaces in my old home…….I ended up hating that space over time). I am super annoyed with the chess board though! Super gorgeous pieces…..completely out of place (my OCD is ticking!!!). All joking aside, good job with the room and congrats on the success of all your companies πŸ™‚

  • i would love to know where you get your backdrop and photo prop. maybe a little behind the scenes for those things. i’m an artist and i’m learning how to photograph my artwork better. can’t wait to take some of your courses. i’m delving into the “start small/dream big” course now.
    thank you for being so awesome! you are such an inspiration.

    chantel olson

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