A Few Of My Favorite Things

Favorite things-bar decor and learning to sewElsie and I haven't shared a favorite things post in too long! I'm making up for it today. Here are some things I'm currently loving and some thoughts for you this Saturday. 

1. I've been looking up lots and lots of pretty bars and cafes lately (like this one, found here). I've been dreaming hard on owning a bar/restaurant for years, and we are finally taking steps to make it happen. So, I've been flooding our partners' email boxes with inspiration. Naturally. 🙂

2. Over the past three months I've been getting into sewing. I received a sewing machine from my uncle as a wedding gift, and it sat unused for over a year. The shame! What got me going? Well, currently Rachel and Katie are finishing up a sewing e-course we'll be launching soon, and I help edit all the ABM e-courses. So that's put a real bug in my ear about sewing. Secondly, I received a beautiful book by Tilly and the Buttons that is just great, and I've been making some of the projects in that as well. I also love her cutting table hack (pictured above).

Favorite things-cocnut drink and pottery3. I'm currently obsessed with tropical cocktails. Maybe it has to do with my bar dreams, maybe it doesn't. I'll never tell. 🙂

4. This past month Elsie, our mom, and I have been taking a pottery class through Creava Arts in Springfield, MO (where we live). I've never thrown pottery on a wheel before, and it has been both challenging and really fun! I've found myself appreciating other's pottery even more now that I better understand how much skill is involved in making beautiful pieces like these mugs

Other things I'm loving lately:

-Recently saw The Imitation Game. If you haven't, you should. It's SO good!

-Can I just have your hair for a week? It's so pretty (love your blog too).

-Guys, I don't need anymore shoes right now… but if I did: these

P.S. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Wishing you lots of love this year (getting and giving, it's a two way street)! We're having a low key day, making dinner at home for a few friends and then all getting in our hot tub. You better believe that creme brûlée is on the menu. 🙂 xo. Emma

Credits: Author/Emma Chapman. Photo sources linked throughout.

  • WHAT the abm cafe!!!!???
    no way!
    if so, congrats. you guys SERIOUSLY rock!
    (annnd ya know….im a payroll/billing/data entry (plus filing and all sorts of other stuff!) kinda gal so if ya hire! 😉 super willing to move! lol!!!)

    good luck on everything and happy valentines day! :*

  • I don’t know, Emma, I can see you rocking a pixie cut. And then you can more easily try out any color you want! I’m just saying. 😉

  • Man oh man I could only imagine how amazing your potential bar/restaurant would be!! Whatever it’s called it should start with a big ole’ E, best letter in the alphabet!! 😉

  • Happy valentines day!
    Ah, sewing! I use to sew, but ever since i started uni, i haven’t touched a sewing machine in ages. Sigh, the commitments with school work. I’m definitely missing it!
    Cant wait for the e-course to come out!

    X, Carina
    Running White Horses | Fashion + Travel

  • Sewing and cocktails have been in my mind too lately although I have to admit that I have been more proactive about the cocktails than the sewing… 😉
    Best of luck in your new venture!

  • Sewing is awesome and there are many patterns out there for beginners – frustration excluded 🙂
    I’m excited for your e-course… will you be covering home decor and that kind of things as well or just garment-sewing?

  • I really want to take pottery, too! My best friend has her own pottery studio and just started taking students, but we live 6 hours apart, so that won’t exactly work. haha.

    I hope things go well with you restaurant dreams! That’s awesome!

  • I MUST go to the ABM cafe!!! Those shoes rock and Victoria’s hair is so pretty– I am jealous too! 🙂
    XO, Isabella

  • I’m utterly in love with the Imitation Game! And I’d love to learn how to sew. My aunt is a.. what do you call it? Sewer? Seamstress? I don’t know. But she’s really good, and I’m planning on spending some time with her. She even made my mums wedding gown! How cool to be able to make wedding gowns!

  • omg i NEEDED that sewing table hack in my life but the kitchen island costs £200 to begin with so i’ll have to wait boo hoo lol.

    opening a cafe! what a great thing to hear! it’ll be so stylish with you guys in charge! good luck!

  • Nice and inspiring post today, thanks ever so much for all the wonderful things and DIY, which always gives me a kick…..:-) Lovely Sunday

  • I LOVE tropical cocktails! We have them all the time at the Tonga Room in San Francisco, where there are also fake rainshowers and a boat on a pond…haha. This coconut one looks amazing! Happy Sunday!

    Interview with a Sommelier – Champagne Facts You Need to Know!

  • Pastel purple hair has taken OVER lately, and I don’t mind a bit! Congrats on the cafe, and I’ve been taking up sewing more too. Maybe its the weather??

    xo Ashley

  • One of my fave things happen used to be the ABM’s 2015 diary.
    I wanted to let you know that less than a month in Jan and it was falling apart! The book pages came apart from its spine.

    Today, Feb 15, the monthly tabs where there is a different quote? Yes, they are tearing off as well! Needless to say, the diary wasn’t built very sturdy. Mine has little wear but I use it daily and the pages can’t withstand the year I think.

    Jus to let you guys noe…..

  • I’m really intrigued that you’re starting up a bar/restaurant. What will make it different for you than the bakery you ran at Red Velvet?

  • Hello lovely ladies… I just wanted to say that your blog is looking particularly fine these days – so much less frantic than before you updated/rationalised it. I really like the fewer posts as I don’t feel as though I am missing out. And the new design is clear and very ‘you’. You and your wonderful team are such an inspiration. Thank you!
    Emma x

  • I did the whole bleach-blonde-pixie-cut in high school. I liked it, but it was surprisingly much more work to maintain than my current longish ombre hair… so I’ll probably stay lazy. But I’ve always dreamed of lavender hair, it’s just so pretty!


  • It’s hard to find free time to sew for me too (which might sound weird since it probably appears I do nothing but crafting all day, but that’s not actually how it works—which is fine, love my job!) but I’ve been trying to make at least 1-2 projects a month and just being OK with that. 🙂


  • Yes, it will feature both home decor and fashion based projects. They’re really doing an amazing job on the course—can’t wait to share!


  • That’s terrible! I carry one too and mine is not in the same condition that you described at all. I’m wondering if you somehow got a defective one? Would you please start a conversation with the customer service team (click “Contact” on the shop site)? I want to make sure they are aware of your issue and can assist you.

    Thank you for supporting our small business this year!


  • Emma!!!!

    I am sooooo excited for you! Opening your own restaurant! AGHHHHH! Lol, I may be a little too excited over here, but wow, that is awesome.

    Seems we have similar dreams me and you :). Enjoy the journey, your obviously a great cook and a super business lady, can’t wait to see where you take this dream.



  • I dream of having a restaurant, too! I love food so much and it’s always been such a large part of my life. My fondest memories are of cooking with my mom. Of course, I’m just a college student, so I’m pretty far away from figuring out what I want to do (if anything) with food later on. Maybe my advertising degree will be for food-related stuff! We’ll see!


  • I really love your website/blogs I love crafts photography and food and im starting my own blog, if you could have a look at it I really would appreciate it and any tips that you have for starting a blog wold be appreciated I did read the starting you blog with a bang post and it has helped!
    Thank you for reading this and please can you look at my blog.

  • Wow Emma, with this post and the last workwear one you wrote, it feels like we’ve all been given a sneaky peak into your mind and your plans! Loads of titbits of information just dropped nonchalently out. I can’t wait to hear what comes of it all. (And I meant to comment on the workwear post by the way to say that I loved it! It came across as such an authentic voice and, for someone who came to this blog years ago, it was so clear how much you’ve come into your own – sorry if that makes me sound ancient, though 35 probably is pretty old in the ABM world!)

  • Ahhhh – Emma – your own cafe!! That sounds like the most perfect and amazing thing ever! It would be definitely something worth making a trip for. 🙂

    x Kathryn
    Through the Thicket

  • so excited about the e course and to see what you will make! I got a sewing machine for xmas and I have BIG plans for it haha (mostly want to make all the Colette patterns!)
    The Imitiation game was so so amazing! Did you see The Theory of everything? just as <3 <3

  • Wow, big news! I am SERIOUSLY excited to watch your restaurant dreams unfold! My husband and I share the same dream and I can’t wait for your tips!

  • Isn’t Love at First Stitch amazing?! You should totally show us some of the things you’ve been stitching up. I recently made a Delphine skirt in a little woodland animal print and it is SO CUTE! 😀

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