Adventures In Infused Vodka

Adventures in Infused VodkaAdventures in Infused Vodka Infusing liquors is something I've wanted to try for a while now. With two holiday parties coming up (plus New Years Eve!) it seemed like a great time to try some recipes. This is my first try, so I have zero expectations… I see this whole process as a fun experiment! 

I read this article and then basically just bought a bunch of vodka, jars and ingredients that we thought sounded fun. I'll be sure to update you in a week or so with the results of our little experiment with which flavors we enjoyed most! 

Mint Infused VodkaWe tried eleven flavors in this first batch (don't laugh!) including raspberry, green apple, pomegranate, ginger, lavender, cucumber, basil, jalapeno (we want to try elise's recipe), pear, grapefruit and mint. Plus a few mixed batches. So fun! 

Infused Vodka Labels- just kraft paper and stamps!Oh yes, and I couldn't resist the urge to label everything. I just used kraft paper and letter stamps to keep things straight. Most of them would be easy enough to recognize without labels but a few (mint vs. basil and apple vs. pear) really needed these labels. 

Anyway… just wanted to share this fun weekend project. Most of these flavors will be ready within 72 hours, but we read that the ginger may take up to a week. In a couple days we will test them to decide which ones are ready and which need more time to infuse. If you have any tips or flavors you've loved, let us know! xo. elsie 

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