Askinosie Chocolate Malt Milkshake

Chocolate malt shakeDid you know that there's a chocolate factory on our street? We may not live in a big city but one of the world's best chocolate makers works just down the road from our local shop. Askinosie Chocolate is sort of a big deal. I got to take a tour of their factory last year and I've been dying to share a few of my favorite chocolate inspired recipes ever since.Askinosie recipesAskinosie milkshakeThis one's quite simple: a glammed up chocolate malt milkshake. The addition of this El Rustico bar really took this dessert to a whole new level! This is a perfect dessert to impress dinner party guests with.Askinosie chocolate shakeAskinosie Chocolate Malt Milkshakes, makes 2 large servings

Needed: 3 oz dark chocolate (I used this bar), 1 cup milk, 6 scoops of vanilla ice cream (or frozen yogurt), 5 tablespoons chocolate malted milk, whipped cream and chocolate shavings for garnish.

In a small pot melt together the milk and dark chocolate until just melted. Remove from heat and allow to cool. In a blender combine the ice cream, malted milk and chocolate milk mixture. Blend until smooth. Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate shavings or mini chips. I also drizzled a little chocolate syrup around the edges of my glasses, just to be fancy.Chocolate malt milkshakeBe sure you have a few people to share these with as they are highly addictive. Enjoy! xo. Emma

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