At Home With Ashley Campbell

At Home With Ashley CampbellWe have been loving this "At Home With" series lately! Today, Ashley Campbell, is here to share her inspiring living room with us. 

Ashley Campbell's beautiful home via A Beautiful Mess"Our home is about 9 years old and built to look like an old farmhouse. It sits on a couple acres of wide open Oklahoma space and is filled with the constant motion of a family of seven. Our three boys share a bedroom, and our two girls share a bedroom. The house itself is around 1,600 square feet (plus a recent studio addition), but the abundance of natural light and the open land outside make it feel much bigger. The extra outside space is a huge perk with five young kids—we spend a lot of time outside all year long."

Lovely details

Lovely living space"The most unusual decor item in our living room is a large round chair that sits off in one corner. When I was in high school my mom was given the chair from a client that did not want it. It sat in our living room for years while my mom decided what to do with it. Eventually it ended up in my aunt's barn. A couple years ago I was driving to my grandpa's house for a Saturday night dinner and spotted the chair on the sidewalk outside an antique store. I quickly found out my sister had put in on consignment. A borrowed truck and a few phone calls later to cancel the sale, the chair in my living room. My kids tend to think it is an indoor trampoline!"

Love that photo display!"My favorite feature in this room is a large photo wall over our (fake) mantel. The bottom row starts with a picture of an ultrasound when I was pregnant with our firstborn. Each year I add about 30 pictures to the wall. I reached the top of the wall with the pictures from 2012, so I think I might start moving across the wall next. I love being able to see the last nine years of our family at one glance. In an instant I am reminded how quickly time passes, how babies grow into toddlers and how toddlers become kids. The constant reminders that wall provides helps me keep the perspective that my days are numbered, and I want to live in the fullness of my days. I also treasure being able to look up and see so many memories of my family. The photos are just everyday shots that may not stand out to others, but to me they recount the beauty of days past."

Love all of these sweet details in ashley campbell's homeSycamore4.13-15"When our oldest son was a baby, (he is now nine) we lived a couple blocks away. We would take him on evening walks to our current street to see the horses in a neighboring field. We would often stop and gaze at the little white farmhouse and dream about living outside of a traditional neighborhood with more land. One day we saw a 'for rent' sign in the yard, and a couple weeks later we had convinced the owners to sell the house to us. Since the day we moved in, I've been changing the rooms. I don't think we've had a single month since we moved in that I wasn't decorating or redecorating a room. The house is in a constant state of change, as my style evolves and my kids grow. The top priority when it comes to decorating my home is that it feels like a refuge for my family. Having five kids plays a heavy role in how the style of our home has evolved. I want my home to be a place that my family can rest and that guests feel welcomed."

At Home With Ashley Campbell via A Beautiful MessThank you so much for sharing your gorgeous space with us, Ashley! You can find Ashley and more bits of her life over at her blog Under the Sycamore. xo.

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