At Home With Jess Rasmussen

In love with this dining area!We are happy to welcome Jess Rasmussen to the blog today to share her lovely home with us! Lovely living areaLovely living room details"My husband Steve, our two daughters, Evie and Wren, and I recently moved into a cozy, contemporary ranch style home located in a suburb of Phoenix. After Steve and I were married, we renovated a 1950s ranch in Central Phoenix, close to downtown. The house was instantly charming with lots of vintage flair. Eight years later, we found ourselves in a newer ranch, with less history and charm, but are eagerly adding our own touches to create a space and aesthetic that inspires us and instills a youthful and loving spirit. This home is 1,300 square feet, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, an office/shop, kitchen/dining area and living room. It is over 200 sq ft less than what we are accustomed to, but the floor plan works with our lifestyle. I enjoy experimenting with different patterns, textures, creating a layered, thoughtful look that is meaningful and functional. This mindset inspires my DIYs and keeps me keen to repurposing throughout out home.  I have a penchant for bright colors and playful vignettes, mid century furniture, lighting and color schemes which are all sprinkled throughout." Love the print on these curtains"I have always maintained, when it comes to making my home my own, to never pass anything up I feel like I can't live without, even if it's considered 'trash'. My most unusual piece is the white, display bookcase in our dining area. I was working in a retail setting, unloading our trash for the day, when I saw the bookcase sitting, ready for trash pick up. I called my husband immediately and asked him to drop what he was doing and come down to the loading docks to pick the piece up. Steve is used to these type of phone calls and didn't hesitate to pick up this beauty. It always looks amazing, wherever we put it. Doesn't need much décor, as I consider it more a stand alone piece. I have only seen one other like it at a  vintage shop downtown that was being auctioned off since there were so many interested. It's a fun story and a sleek addition." Pretty pops of color"We have so many special pieces in our home that we love but our favorites were passed on from Steve's father. The first is an old, wooden mail sorter from a Wisconsin post office that Steve's father worked in during the 50s. He actually managed to take it out of the post office before they renovated and used it as an organizer of sorts for his garage tools. When we inherited this piece, we decided to hang it indoors and over time accumulate loving tokens and treasures to display in it. We just hung it a few weeks ago, and it's a bit minimal now, but I regularly switch décor around. And I am sure these cubbies will take their turn storing and displaying many honor worthy trinkets.

The second piece, a soulful cow painting hanging on our back porch, was painted by Steve's grandfather, a farmer from Wisconsin. The thick, dewy grass licking the cows' hooves and the humid, pink blush tones of the sunset, brushed across the light cornflower blue sky, make me yearn for dusk on the farm. The scape also reminds me of the un-comparable Phoenix skyline and orange/pink variegated Arizona sunsets." Love all the vintage details"We spend most of our day in the living room and kitchen since it's open and more or less a shotgun path from room to room.  We sing, dance, play board games, get gussied up for tea, dine, snack, watch Mulan and play piano together all within this area.  

We are looking forward to using our back patio more once we are in our 'winter season' here.  Right now we enjoy it in the mornings, eating breakfast, drinking coffee or since we are in 'monsoon season', watching an occasional thunderstorm." Lovely outdoor seating Love the cacti!Thanks so much for sharing your home with us, Jess! You can find more of Jess over at her shop Evelyn's Whim. xo.

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