Beaded Beanie DIY

Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial) I loooove a good hat in winter. They keep your head warm, look cute, and help hide any bad-hair-day issues. I have a collection of beanies in different colors and shapes (some with poms, some without), but I thought I could use a more “special” one since mine are basically just plain colored options. One easy way to kick up your beanie game is to add several beads to the hat in different shapes and colors since it adds a little bit of shimmer and texture as well!

Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial)Supplies:
-knit hat
-beads in various sizes, colors, and textures (I found mine in the JoAnns jewelry area.)
-thread in a color that matches the beads

Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial) I really like the tone-on-tone look with different shades of pink on the pink hat, so I chose mostly beads in the pink family with one white option that would stand out the most. I took my white beads first and placed several on the hat in the places I wanted to secure them. It’s a good idea to think of how many other colors and beads you are planning on using so you don’t fill up the hat on the first color. To remember the spacing, I took a photo with my phone and then used it as a reference for each bead I hand sewed onto the hat.

Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial) Once the first set of beads was attached, I spaced out the next color of beads on the hat, took another photo, and then sewed those beads on as well. Keep going until you have all your colors of beads attached. Once you’re done, it’s time to take your hat for a spin!

Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial) Cute Beaded Beanie DIY! (click through for tutorial) Cute, right?! Adding the beads and pearls was an easy addition, but it makes the hat feel a little more special and unique than it did before. It can also be your “dress hat” now if you need to dress fancy, but warmly, for some outdoor event. Hey man, I’ve been to an outdoor wedding in Missouri in December, sooo, it happens! Hope you make one of your own! xo. Laura

Credits // Author: Laura Gummerman, Photography: Laura Gummerman and Todd Gummerman. Photos edited with the NEW A Beautiful Mess actions

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